WILME'M'E LIFE, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1924 "the tragedy of the unstr~tched faculties." This is the smcere TBB ~:::==.J'~~:SL NEWS belief oi the great teacher whose 'IsSUED II'RWAY or EACH WEEK biography H. G. Wells has lately · by presented in the volume, "Sanderus:-Lc~~ar~~~~8~.f~elfe?·nL son of Oundle." Whether it . is . the greatest of ...., . . . _ ·.... . . · . . ... Wllaette llt20 . I all tragedtes 1t ts sure y a comauascRIP'I'ION f2.GO A YEAR mon one. In the world t,oday !§ A.Jl communications must be accom- there must be thousands, perhaps panted by the name and addreas of the writer. Articles for ~publication ahould millions, whose faculties--powers, reach the editor by Wedneaday noon to b'l't'es-are not being exercised· lnaure appearance In current laaue. a 11 1 b . ' =======I whose possibilities are not emg tb:::~:u;~~r:a..?y~ ;g~t~~~.e~~~ic::r:f· e:! brought out. Iii !~t:J~'ft~'!~ce o:ha~~~e~ 1 n«:!rama~~e~~ We believe that it is the su-~= a collection taken, will be cbarse4 at preme function of the school to resular advertising rates. develop these latent powers. Entered at the poet otftce at Wll- Under wise direction youth's !'!~~~ci ~f~~."una:erm~~~ ~:r~t "unstretched faculties" can be a t~Tll gradually drawn out, and the FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1924 great tragedy at least partially 5ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - a v e r t e d . We say "partially" be- iiiiii: cause the boy or girl may later II Se,aratl tit~ Grades. drift into some occupation that Ettfot'ct the Traffic Laws. provides little outlet for the Build the Truck Road. powers developed in the school. BOYS' SUMMER CAMPS But after all the most serious Boys' summer camps like Camp danf:er in this lack of opportunity for cultural development lies Custer, for older boys between 17 in the evil e,ffect it has upon racial and 24, Culver Summer school!! progress. The hope of the race on Lake Maxinkuckee, and Ad- is in the-individual. If his faculventure Island camp, conducted ties are unstretched the evolution by Charles Kinney, are ~:~f almost of the race is retarded. immeasurable value to growing Let us see to it that we do not youth. neglect to do all we can toward Camp Custer, Michigan, will be providing full opportunity for under the command of Brigadier well-rounded development of the General Moseley and is a Citizens' eowers not only ,of our own chit- 'Miljtary Training camp. The dren but of the growing youth work of such a camp is too well everywhere. known to need description. As the name indicates this camp will OBJECfiVE TESTS """"" develop both the civic and patri""'"" otic sides of the oun men atIt would. certainly be go?d for -== 1 tending it. Y g The Culver Summer schools, the most every normal human being lar~est and r_nost c?mpletely rates himself highly. And it's equtpped of ~hetr !YPe 1? Ather!- quite natural that he should, beca. atm to tram thetr puptls physt- cause self-confidence is essential cally, mentally, and morally. to efficiency and also because a Mr. Kinne>:'s camp: pitched on man's jud~ment of himself is inone of the tslands m. northern evitably a prejudice. Green Bay, always has m attendBut this misreading of one's ance boys somewhat younger own value leads to bad consethan t~ose in the other c:a,mps: quences. It may lead to selfThe Kmney boys do no mthtaty conceit than which there is no work ~ut ~u~~ of their time is failing 'more disastrous. Milton's SP.ent !n. acttv!ttes ~hat are much ~araJi se Lost is one long account ltke ctvtl engmeermg. of what pride did for Lucifer. When we were boys, way back And again conceit swells up . a in the middle ages, there were no man .until he either bursts or is boys' camps. Occasionally we punctured. . went to some summer resort It wpuld redound to a person's where we paddled around in the advantage if he would submit water, fished off the pier for himself at fairly regular intervals perch, swam and. dived a little, and not only to a physical examinaon Sat~rday mghts went to a tion but also to mental and spiritdance m the hall over the soft ual measurement. He has his drink parlor. teeth x-rayed. Why should he What grand opportunities the not ask the expert to analyze his boys of today are enjoying! As subtler part, his intelligence and they grow older and discharge emotional nature. A radiograph wit~ credit the responsibilities of this sort would be of considertheir fellow citizens give into able profit to any man. , their keeping, these summer A town or community of arty camps must al so come in for their size would derive much benefit share f the credit. from an objective test· of this sort. Any of our north shore villages could use very advantagCLEAN UP! From where we now are sit- eously the result s of such an examination as is now being given ting we can see back lots strewn to certain towns under the with all sorts of rubbish-tin au~pices of the Better City Camcans of various sizes, but most patgn movement. of them rusty, an old wooden pail, several dingy wooden crates THOSE BAND UNIFORMS piles of plaster, an assortment of We hope that all who conbent and -twisted/ rain troughs tri~uted to the N. T. H. S. band and down spouts, and a plenti- umf.orm fund (whether directly ful springling of pieces of paper. by personal cash or check or less It's not a pleasant prospect. d.irectly by the purchase of a It's untidy, shiftless, dirty, slov- ttcket to. some benefit entertainenly and everything else that ment) wtll have the satisfaction means recklessness, carelessness of seeing the boys and girls on and lack of civic pride. Every: May 10, at the Cook County high body that goes by takes one sc.hool bar.:i contest when they hopeless look and hurries past. w1ll appear fu11y arrayed in their Suppose those old cans and the new caps an~ capes. rest of that stuff were picked up Lloyd H.olltste~, Inc., and the and put where it belongs ho Band must agam thank those changed the view would be i T w who so generously made possible boys in a few hours could <'.011~ the purchase of these ~niforms. and accumulate the rubbish so If e':er ther.~ was a genume comthat it could easily be carted mumty proJec.t, planne~ and sueaway, cessfully earned out, tt was the The north shore would be . getting of these uniforms. Even ibly improved if the n~!; the unknown, the "anonymo~s," lots were cleaned up A 'l 0 f contn~utor appears fn the laud· · pt e able ltst good-for-nothang paper and tin A d · ·, ba cans thrown where retidents and n no~ It s up. to the nd. strangers can see it lowers a Those untforms will look extra QDalmaftTs rep.tat'- sarpris- fine when we see the.m after the :..-acontest worn by the VJcton. New .....,. TrieT expedl efti'Y IIMID· LET'S CLEAN UP f ber to blow his beat. with which ia combined . . . . . . . . . ..W'IIHIIIIIIIII--IIIIIIIUII· ·l.'- · WILMETTE LIFE "UNSTRETCHEDFACULTIES" The greatest of all tragedies(Formerl~.'f::u!::CS· fft~re Newa) DIRECT YOUR BOY'S AND GIRL'S INTEREST OUT-OF-DOORS- eimlllllliiiiiiMIII~IIIIIIII-IIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllftiiiiiiHWIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIUlllllllllllllllllftii ....IIIIIIIIMHIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHIHIIIHIIIIHIII. .IIIII"'UIIIIIIIIIIIIINUIIUIIIIIIIIIMIIIIU CHILDREN'S WHEEL VEHICLES lltlllllll-lllllllllfllinllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIII.-ullllWIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIJiniiiiUIIIIUHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIHIIII"'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIUIHIIQIIHIIUIIIIIIHIIIIIUIIUIIIIll . for -----====-=-.. . . New Models Now On Display WAGONS BICYCLES VELOCIPEDES IRISH MAILS SCOOTER BIKES, ETC. A large variety of last ·year's models - all perfect goods GREATLY REDUCED to make room for new stock. Look for the YeUow Special Sale Tag on which both regular and sale prices are listed. As good a selection as you will find in the "Loop" and as reasonably priced. No Need of Going to Chicago! . FREE! Toy gas ballons will be given to children accompanied by adults on Saturday only. Presente W innetka cl ub on A attracted 1 : unfortu those \ otne rat Taliaferro Ua::: I I i :1 I I human rn a patient brother to acttristics Their effo! ir~l situati la ullhter. Barring slight hes to lines w~nt alon work of mrntioned, lowing the ess as giv The quiet part was "o · B uchanan orado and Both were sidered he o f her pr The pla btit four c wbrk. It "THE WR .. ..RJuntain, E, V" .A. .N' · S T 0 · .N A oom ::c~th!r~ss~~ hhi~~u ~~edo~bts::: ~ORIID.IUDIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIUUHIIIIIUIIIIIIUIIIIIIII.IIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIftlmMDIIIIIIIIHIIIHIIHIHIIHIHIIIIIUmiiiiiiHUIIIUIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUII ORTH SHODt N LINE '\1.- fa~her-in-1 If your strong or laughter, s stand an e ment and here's vou This :is hv an exce Mitchell. new abou that in vie In order: affections, standing y to have a What Is Ahead? ~E North Shore Line has great faith in is · apparen ine the po in his fie the scene then fathe of his ow Jaucrhs . It and there sure to Ji l think be Ralph l !he future of the communities it serves. . The years ahead are going to bring them mcreased prosperity and solidarity. And as the North Shore Line believes in the North Shore, it believes in itself. The future will see the road develop step by step with towns of its territory. Yet the character of the North Shore Line service .will only be amplified in the .years ahead-not changed in character. For North Shore Line service is built today in a mold large enough to take care of every requir~ment of the future~ The friendly courtesy it manifests through its employees will never be superseded, because human relations are unchanging. ' to the pa deliver as surroundi all and m in simila hther, is There are away wit the mothe a somewh ner while pu~her" to "The thorough I The Cheri.· .A, CoJIIIn lledef ewerded to tloe Norilt Sllore Line for IHition to the develop··nt o£ e/eetricel fr..eporlaHon for the coa ..enience or tloe enil the benefit dietfnlaielted eontri- ,..lie Call the spirit of the North Shore Line oldfashioned in its kindly attention to the welfare of its patr~:>ns, or advanced in its conception of what a railroad should be to its customersthe fact remains that it is there a matter of pride to ourselves and of congra~lation from our passengers who have experienced it. Fast, frequent trains link Chicago's SoUth Side, Loop and North Side to Milwaukee's huaineu center, and to every town between. . - ' tltte lndrJet17. aU O,icago No~ Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Wilmette Passenger Station Telephone Wilmette 2514 Company