Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Apr 1924, p. 23

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= WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1924 The Rector's Aid society · of the Kenilworth Episcopal church is planning .a bridge party for Wednesday, May 7, at the Kenilworth Assembly hall. Mr.s. Henry Taylor is in charge of the tables and any one making up a table will please notify her, tetephone 761-R. :The proceeds of this affair will go to the Rectory fund. -oMr. and Mrs. Charles T. Chandler have returned from St. Petersburg where they have been spending the winter. Mrs. Clarence Malcolm Fuller (Lucy Chandler) and son, Tom, are the guests of Miss Hatti Chandler in Rogers Park. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller will be in McHenry, Illinois for the next couple of months. -oThe Junior League, a ~oup of Kenilworth girls·of high school age organized a little over a month ago for the purpose of doing philanthropic work, has already made quite a contributioa.. of articles for Arden Shore. A little later on the gjrls plan to sew on nightgowns for the children at t11e ca~p. NS ' 23 Mrs. Fred L. Workmann, 222 Leicester road, entertained her afternoon bridge club for luncheon on Tuesday · afternoon, April 22. -oMr. and Mrs. Charles Howe, 240 Kenilworth avenue, and Miss Virginia Howe, rdurned from a three weeks" visit in St. Petersburg, Florida. ~D DRESSES llble prtce8 , mente. HU :e. Tel. Wtl. Ll5-ttc C D - EXP'D panlon to ln. . Tel. Shel!!e Tel. GlenLTN30-lte BY FIRST [O away for hlcago, 3424. [ LTNSO-lte ing Shop -:.o- liTh ey Tell Me At The Bank" How many times have you heard that remark from successful men? Ever notice how everybody listens for lliWat- follows? And-in riearly every case " the bank" is the First National Bank. Of course you've noticed that! ~ BILES led an alnted In Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart returned from a fortnight's holiday at . Asheville, North Carolina. Mr. Eckhart will re,..main in Asheville a while longer. -oMrs. Ford Little, 516 Essex road ·. who has been spendinq the winter in P asadena, is PXpected home at the end of the week. -o· Mrs. John Rathbone, 523 Abbottsford road, returned home on Sunday from a ten davs' stay' at French Lick Springs, Indiana. -oMr. and Mrs. C. G. Littelt, 322 Oxford ro:td, who have heen in AsheviUe. North Carolina, for the past fortnight, returned home o~turday, April 19. 'The Kenilworth Camp Fire ~rirls vRve an exhibition danc,. at the Kenilworth gymnasium on Thursday evening, April 17. · -oMrs. Walter Gilette1 624 Abbottsford road. was hostess to her bridge club on Wedn.~sday when she entertained them at luncheon. -oMrs. I. C. Cooe of 239 Essex road, r,.turned Tuesday from California where she spent the winter months. -o- . Mrs. Robert 0. Law returned last week from a five weeks' visit in Biloxi, Mississippi. -oMrs. Mark W . Cresap is reported convalescing satisfactorily at ·her home ! on· E ssex road. --oMrs. Carl Keith was hostess for luncheon and Mah Jongg on We41nesday, April 23. Car les Co. Elm St. Mr. and Mr;-\Villiam Winfield Winship returned to their Kenilworth home April 21, after a sojourn of several weeks in Cuba, stopping at Key West, Miami, Palm Beach, St. Aullustine and Jacksonville,_, Florida, Balt imore, Md., and Philadelphia, en route to Kenilworth. --o-- I T N30-ltc OD COND.; board ; very Evanston LTN30-ltc ,.. Is Makes St. ~ rove Mr. Arthur T . Mcintosh was elected president of the Kenilworth School board on Saturday, April 12, to sucMen and women who are accomplishing things Mrs. ceed Mr. Alexander Hannah. Charles M. Holmes was another new know how necessary it is to have a strong banking . member and Mrs. William J. Taylor connection-and they appreciate this Institution's . who has held the office of secretary for several years, was reelected. membership in the Federal Reserve System, its of-oDr. and Mrs. Henry H. Everett who ficers of wide experience, its widely scattered and have been in New Mexico fo11 th~ past month, are now in Valuera, but are reliable sources of information, and thoroughness , expected home the end of this week. Dr. Everett is much benefitted by the of its broad service. change and rest, and will resume his practice on his return. -a-oAnother of th" ?fternoon bridge The Music department o! New Trier r1ubs was entf'rtained· :~t luncheon by High school will prPsent "Robin her home. Hood" bv Rellina ld De Koven , on Fri- Mrs. Charles Howe a.t _ -oday and Saturday evening, May 2 Mrs. B. C. Hawkes is planning to and 3, at the High School auditorium. under the direction of Mrs. Marion V. lea~e about May 15, for an extensive European trip. Colton. All seats wilt be reserved. -oMr. Frank Avery Gerould who was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor, Jr., returned to his home in Philadelphia on Monday, April 21. Mrs. Gerould and daughter, Patty, will remain with her parents for Wilmette merchants are respondins Member of tla~ Federal R···rv· Bank a month or six weeks. . --()splendidly to the solicitations of the Mr. James Prentiss and Mr. Grant Wilmette Baseball club for contribuRidgeway returned home on Monday, tions to the fund which is to defray April 21 , from a sojourn of several the expenses of the club during the weeks at Asheville, North Carolina. 1924 season of play, according to Mrs. Prentiss and Mrs. Ridgeway will George Baldwin, of the Baldwin Hardware company, who is helping the not rt!rurn until sometime in May. boys get away to a good start. -oIn the canvass of the business houses Mr. and Mrs. Robert Danly, 336 E ssex road ,and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph this week, members of the club were Toyce, 531 Essex road, left on Easter successful beyond expectation and the Sunday for Excelsior Springs, Mis- generosity of the merchants bids well souri, where they will be for the next for a big season on the diamond at the 17th street playgrounds, it is said. ten days. Members of the club desire to thank -o-FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS During her recent visit to New York; Mrs. C. F . Ames and son, Lewis, of the merchants who are displaying such . Miss Clarabelle Russ had the honor Roch est er. Ne w York, are the guests a keen interest in their efforts to give Y.All'L CHIX : AFTER MAY 2nd, IN of having the well known sculptor for a wee k of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin the village a high grade brand of the lQQ lots. Leghorns, $8.50; Barred Rocks Single Reds, $9.50 ; Rose and arti st, R. Hinton Perry, invite her Hedrick of Melro e avenue. Mrs. diamond sport. Reds.' White Rocks, $11.50 ; WyanManager J. B. Koppel of the Village red chalk portrait, for his to sit for a Mrs. Hedrick's sister. Ames is dottes, Burr Orp., Mlnorca.s, $12.50. theatre is al o helping out by exhibitex hibiti on a t Rheinhardt's Fifth Ave--()D T FARROW CHICKERIES, The annual luncheon, business meet- nue Gall eri es. PEOHIA ,ILL. LTN18-22tc Th e Kenilworth club announces the ing a slide on the screen at every pering, and election of officers of the The exhibition which has just closed, last formal dance of the season on formanc e, directing the attention of FOR SALE-FIRST MORTGAGE LOAN Neighbors was held on Thursday, inc lud ed oil portra its of man y socially F riday e vening, May 2. A May pole business people and other residents to of $10,000 on choice Wilm ette propfeatures are the baseball solicitation campaign. t>rly worth twice this amount, due April 17, at the club rooms. Owing pr omin ent people among whom were : a nd other special Any young fellow who likes to play Dece mb er, 1926, 6* % Inter est. Tele- to tbe ab sence of the presid ent, Mrs. La Princesse Marie de Bourbon, Mrs. promised. ball is as ked to get out for practice phone E. B. Knudtson, 79 West Mark Cresap, Mrs. Edwin Hedrick Cordelia Biddle Duke, La Vicomtesse --()!llon roe St., Chicago tor part~uJ~:t':; presided. Following the luncheon, de Frise, Mrs. Harry Owsley and the Mr. Douglas Croo ks came from and try for a place on th e Wilmette Mrs. Hedrick introduced the guest of Prince and Princess Yousoupoff. Knox college, G a l es bur~. Illinois, to team. The club is an open proposition ~pend the week -end of April 19. with and every fellow has a ch a nce to get FOR SALE-ONE MEXICAN PARROT honor and speaker, Miss Anna Belle -oa nd cage, $25. R. B. Stolp, Kenil- Ferrier, superintendent of Arden Shore his pa re nts, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. a regular berth if he can "deliver the M iss Dorothy Bennett, 185 Sheridan worth. L30-ltc camp, who gave a most delightful and goods." Practice nig hts are Tuesday road. road, return ed home on Sunday morn - Crooks, 615 Cumnor and Thursday on the 17th street --()PEDIGREED COLLIE PUPPIES, PER- enlightening talk on the worthwhile i n~ from a trip in the east . Miss diamond. Mrs. Fred Breit and small daughter, fec t markings, long heads. Tel. Wll. work which is being done in the camp. Ain slee Bennett. a student at Ogoritz Geor)le Baldwin, who has taken ·a Th e Neighbors Glee club sang two school in Philadelphia, spent two Geraldine. accom panied hy Mrs. Breit's 1370. · LTN30-ltc numb ers , "Fly, Singing Bird" by Ed- weeks in New York with Miss mother, Mrs. Keebler of Chicago, have particular interest in the effort to get STRICTLY FRESH DAY OLD EGGS ward Elgar, and "Sweet Little Woman a good team for Wilmette, is giving Dorothy. Miss Benn ett on her re- r eturned from an extended sojourn in the boys the benefit of his many years for sale. Tel. Wll. 708-M. LTN30-2tc of Min e" by Floy Little 'Bartlett. turn journey spent a few days as the California. experience as a Chicago semi-pro. -o-M >. Hedrick read a letter from Mrs. guest of a former room mate at FO lt SALE-BABY BUGGY IN GOOD Mis s Alice Shipman, Mr. George He's donating his time and the boys cond. Tel. Wlnn. 1907. LTN30-ltc Cresap expressing her regret at be- 0R"ontz, Miss Caroline Hunter of are learning a lot about baseball they Shipman and John Keith were among ing unahl e to be present, and her ap- Pittsburgh. "A~ TED TO BUY-MISCELLANEOUS preciation those who came up from Illinois to perhaps didn't know could be taught. to the members of the -ospend !;:aster with their respective board for their cooperation through '\\' 1XNETKA FURNITURE STORE out Dr. Frank Cheeseman left on Sat - parents. Tobl and · Trle Trac Wafen .-o very the year. Reports were read by hu ~· s and sells rugs, stoves, autos, ll.'ood with IcE" cream. Try them at urday for a motor trip to Culver, --()pianos, anything usetul. 808 Oak the head s of departments. Mn. John Indiana, where he will vi sit his son, Wilm ette Grocf' ry and Market. LTNl-ttc Lind p-ave a t~ll( on "Wild F lower St. -Adv. LIO-Sto Mr. Carl Keith , Carl, Jr., and Harold Preservation ." The followin~or offi cer s Eu(lene Cheeseman , who is a student K eith, left on Thursday, April 17. for TO PATRONS OF THE CHICAGO at Culver academy. Mrs. Cheeseman a ten· davs' stav at their Island Home PIANO TUNING were elected for the vear 1924-25 : NORTH SHORE AND MILWAUKEE :o nd Mi s~ Virginia Hedrick left on They are EXPERT PIANO TUNING; REPAIRMrs. John Howard Jones , pres ident; Sunday for Cul ver where Mi ss Hed- at Big- Lake, Wisconsin. RAILROAD COM:PANY expected borne 'On Saturday evening. lng; old pianos made new ; refer- Mr ~ . Edg <>r Stevens, corrc<; ppndin g r enees. L. w. Foster. Tel. Wlnn. sec retary; Mrs. Charles Howard Bent, ic k. as the guest of Eugene, attended --oThe Chicago North Shore and Mll509·J. LTN 29 ch airman of education department : t he annual prom which took place on M iss Miriam Shattuck who has wnukE'e Railroad Company hereby Tu esday evening. Flat Rock, N0r·h Carolina, heen in Mrs . E. H. Fleishman, chairman of gi ves notice to the Public that lt hu LOST AND FOUND -ofor the past two months. a ttended th e f\J e<l with th e Illlnole Commerce Commu sic committee. lll\·itations have been issued for the LOST- ABOUT APRIL 13th; AIREwedding of Miss Cornelia Vanderbilt mlselon or the State or Illlnola, an ap-odale dog, about 7 mo. old; more black marri age of Miss Alice Smart, daugh- and the Honorable John F. A. Cecil. plication ror a certificate of conTent· Mrs. E. F. Snydacker and Mrs. John ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson than tan· scar on front leg; reward. -oence and necessity to operate a motor Tel. Glen'coe 1077. LTN30-ltc T ind havf' p-one as delegates from th e Helm of Kansa s City, Missouri, to Mr. and Mr ~. Walter B. Gerould of vPhlcle for the transportation of p&a· Kenilworth Garden club to attend th e LOST FROM AUTO IN WILMETTE mcetimr of the Garden clubs of Ameri- ~fr . Belknap Carleton Hawkes, on Berkley, California. are heinR' con- sengers, over the following route. Tu esdav evenin.r. M:ov 6. at lndeoend- gratulated upon the birth of their which is supplemental to the route now Tuesday .April 16, black h,and bag; nickel trimming; amaH am t change ca . held in Richmond. Vinrinia, Wed - r nce Boulev:v-d Christian church, and North Shore ticket; reward. Tel. ne sday, Thursday and Friday of th io; Kansas Citv. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkes second son , Frank Taylor Gerould being operated by the aforeaald r&llhorn on W ednesday morning, April 23. road, to wit : On Ridge Avenue trom _wn. 729-M. L30-ltc we ek. Mrs. Lind will go from the re will spend their honeymoon in Europe. -oWtlmette Avenue to Lake Avenue and to attend the National Farm and _ FOR SA LE-A UTOM OBILES --oMr. and \frs. Foresman and dau~h thence on LS:ke Avenue from Rid~re r.:t rden association convention a t Mr~ . Herbert Deyo and daughter, tcr. Doroth v, returnf'd home on Sat- Avenue to Waukegan Road, all In the Wa~ hin~rton. D. C.. returning by way Dependable Used Cars :\fi ss Bernice DPyo, who have been urday fro m. a week's motor trip to State of Illlnolt. of Philadelphia and New York. While the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry French Lick Springs. DODG~ CARB: All part1e1 Interested In this proRoad11ter. SU5: tourlna-. 1460 : in Wao;hin'!ton she will ~tten<l the re- Visserin'!, 257 Kenilworth av,.nue, for -oceedlna- may obtain Information aa to lledan. U60; bus. coupe. 1676. ception which Mrs. Coolidge will give the past two months, left Tuesday, HUPMOBILE. 'Mrs. Val Smith, 531 Abhottsford time and place of hearing upon lAid at the White House to the members April 14, for their home in Pasa4ena. road. wa ~ hostess to a number of application by addressing the Seer·· FRAN~~fN: uo. of the convention. Mrs. Deyo is Mr<~ . Vissering's sister. friend~ at a dinner at hf'r home on tary of the Illinois Commel'<le Com1 --()--oSatur<lay e,·ening, April 19. n:3;!nBr'o t~eu and Will· St. mlaalon at Spl'ln~rtleld, IJllnola. Mrs. P. D. Rathbone, who is enM iss Cornelia Keith, 310 Woodstock -oClaire Dealers CHICAGO NORTH SHORE AND IIILjoving an extended stay in Pasadena , road. spent the week-end of Aoril 19, Mr5 , Tohn ~hrshalt Roberts and W ersted Motor Co. WAUKEE RAILROAD COKPANY, will not return home until some time as the guest of lli.. Muriel Badger .t ~ 'l"'ht,.r. Carotin-. have gone to Winnetka 1:15 By Britton I. Budd, Preald~O-lto of Detroit. LTNSO-ltc in the summer. \Va shington, for Easter vacation. Fint National Ba~ ------===== OP.·WILMETTE ====:==:-___,. BASEBALL FUND WINS MERCHANTS' SUPPORT [ ·Kenilworth Happening· I ·t;

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