WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1924 WANT ADS BRING QUICK RETURNS FOR SALE-HOUSES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Gfnfral N 0 t tCel--to · Classified advertisements wHl be charged only residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. $5000.00 cash buys choice or two new 6 rm. Winnetka houses on Cherry St., Nos. 1066 and 1070: nr. Skokie school and golf course; all Improvements In and paid !or. price $15,500. Call 877 Elm St. or Tel. Wlnn . 1689. LTN30-tfc OWNER OBLIGED TO MOVE TO :-;"ew York will dispose of 7-room \VInnetka home for less than market value. Ha.a large living rms. with 1h·eplace.- Two porches and 2 car garage. 50 ft . lot. Is convenient to schools and trans. Attractlv~ terms to responsible party. Phone \VInnetka 1226. Address Ll!e, A-167. LTN30-ltc BARTER AND EXCHANGE ates--10 cents per Jlne In one paper. 20 cents per line In all three R papers. MINJMUM CHARGE 50e, Ave rage of flve words to the line. No black face type used. Rates tor Di s pl a y type on application. ( Deadline fot /nsertion&-Claaslfted advertlsemtonts will be accepted up to \V ednesrlay 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursdav 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 1Z o'clock tor thP GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. REAL ESTATE Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES I RK\L ESTATE Formerly with Mandel Bros. TWO FINE GLENCOE HOMES--JUST completed ; 7-room brick veneer and BEAUTIFUL 8 R. HSE. WITH 30 FT. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette living room: 4 lrge. bedrooms e.nd stucco; 4 b edrooms; 2 baths. with ex. bath on 2nd floor; maids room and to be overhauled and painted In toilet an(! lavator y on the flrst floor. Phone Wilmette 2228 bath on 3rd flr .; 2 slpg. prches.: gaBeautiful corner lot ;' 108x132, with I.TN4-tfc AN ATTRACTIVE 7-ROO:'Il HOME your own color, $850. tine oaks . In heart of one of Glen-, raKe attached: \' a por h eat; best N. E. section \Vllm e tte; like to trade on extra large lot with plenty ot coe's best s ections. Easy terms. tor smallet hs . In Wilmette, East shade, fruit trees and shrubbery; $22.000. side, or \VInnetka. Address Wllgarage; excellent neighborhood. $13,6-room Dutch Colonial, with 2 m~>tte Life . A-16 11. LT30-ltc 000. baths; extra toilet and lavatory; FIX UP YOUR LAWN. LANDSCAPE A brand new bri c k, 6-rooms; sun large living room; lot 66x132. Very gardening, all branches, spraying, porch; hot water heat; tile bath; ~ood terms. $18,000. WA~TED TO BUY-HOUSES etc. l\Ien for general cleaning and extra toilet, lavatory first floor; fine whitewashing; bldg. repair work by south front lot; near schools and PRIVATE PARTY DESIRES TO BUY practical mechanic. Low rates. Tel. transportation. $17,500. ~ood 8-room house on North Shore. Goodrich Wlnn. 1774 . LTN30-1tp 7U Elm St. A 7-room Colonial : large sun and Wlnn. 1128 Prefe r Kenilworth or Winnetka. Tel. Wlnn. 1800-1226 sleeping porches; hot water heat; Wlnn. Branch. :\lust have 5 bedrooms and 2 baths NORTH SHORE HOUSE, LAWN AND 10 Carlton Annex toilet and lavatory, first floor; douLTN30-ltc and will pay up to $30,000. PleasG GARDEN SERVICE Oak Street at the R. R. ble garage; extra large lot; unique give full particulars. Address Life. House and window cleaning, ftoor Service You Wlll Like within and without. $18.50o-Easy A-166. L30-ltc waxing, lawn and garden work, tl.rst LTN30-1tc terms. class references. W .;.Ish. Tel. Wlnn MILBURK ELECTRIC; GOOD COND. ; A solid brick In Winnetka Heights. FOR RENT-HOUSES complete with charging board; very 1036 (after 6 P. M.) LT26-tfr Beautiful 8-room Colonial; 2 baths reasonabCe; terms. Tel. Evanston with tile waUs; Immense wooded lot; 29 5. LTN30-ltc TO RENT-FURNISHED WINNETKA $:f,g~ .heat; wonderful construction. modern 8-room brick adjac nt to 0 Park; 1 block to station and 4 blocks I have been offered $58 cash per to Wlnn. bathing beach. \VIll rent foot for my Winnetka 50 foot lot from June 15 to Sept 15 at $175 per on South side ot Ash St., just 150 month. Call Wlnn. 1800 tor appt. OPEN AIR SALES ft. west ot Birch St. Will sell to LTN8u-ltc party making best cash offer up to 666 Center (formerly W. R. R. Ave.) Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Winnetka. 254 May 30. Highland Park 690. FOR RENT-WILMETTE; ATTRACEvanston 140 LTN30-1tc tive 7-room stucco house tor 1 yr.; by a new electric sanding proWlllys-Knlght and Overland good location; ftne lot; 4 blocks to cess. Prices very reasonable. . Dealers REAL ESTATE REAL E!IITATE depot; $100 per month. Tel. Wil. Call for estimates. LTN29-tfc 218. L30-ltc D. J. CLARK Evanston 4517 LTN27-ttc W A~TED TO RENT-HOUSES - FOR SAL~HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO RENT FOR SUMMER!<'OR SALE-2 PIECE LIVING ROOM furnished house (3 or 4 bedrooms) CHAUFFEUR, A NO. 1; SEVEN YRS. set; 8 piece polished oak dining rm. exp. on high grade cars; mechanic; In 'V!Imette, by former resident. set; and buffet, 4 J)lece light oak married; white. Tel. Northbrook Address , Mrs. W. A. Durllln, 2935 bedroom set; brass beds; twin beds; "The word 'REALTOR' is a coined word belonging to the National 220-R. LTN30-t!c Macomb St., \Vashlngton, D. C. day bed; 6 Congoleum rugs, 9x12 and L29-2tc Association of Real Estate Boards. The North Shore Real Estate 6x \1: gas range: carpets; large Ice WINDOW WASHING-WHITEWASHbox, porch swing; floor lamp; chairs Board of Suburban Chicago, being members of the state and national Ing; floors waxed; walls cleaned and WANTED TO RENT-FROM JUNE and couches. Cheap for Immediate association~. is the custodian in this section of the legitimate use of calcimined . Lake Shore Home Ser1st, small house: yPar lease or longdisposal. 1109 Central Avenue. Tel. vice. Tel. Wll. 135. LT30-ltp the word; 1t means more than one who sells real estate-it means that er; 2 adults; In Wilmette or neighWilmette 3068. LT30-ltp boring suburbs; near transp. Adthos.e who use the word legitimately have subscribed to the Code of GARAGE FLOORMAN, OR COMBINA- FOR SALE-CHEAP, BECAUSE MOV. dress Life, A-152. LTN30-1 tc Eth1cs of the National Association, and that his business is transacted tion washer and floorman or truck lng, kitchen cabinet and table; driver. Best ret. Northbrook 220-R. along the lines of square dealing, intelligent service and fair play. It washing machine ; baby carriage; FOR RENT-APARTMENTS LTN30-t!c means that. the user of the word is accountable for his acts. The courts double bed; sled; rocker, etc. Tel. Wlnn. 1473. LT30-1tc FOR RENT-FURNISHED OR UNhave sustamed the u.se of the word in advertising to legitimate perfurnished; 91$ Oakwood· 3-rooms· sons or fir~s belongu~g to the national organization and have, thereFOR SALE-ORIENTAL RUG, GOOD In-a-door bed; hot water' heat. ' fore, recogmzed the h1gh standard which the real estate men have set condition, 10 t,ix16; valued at $ 00; 918 Oakwood-6-rooms; 2 In-adoor beds; 2 baths, one with showwlll sell for $250; pair of antique for themselves and for their dealings with the public. The legitimate er; hot watf:'r heat; renovated chairs, $15; refrlgertaor, $7. Tel. use of the word 'REAL TOR' is therefore a sign of public protection throughout; Immediate possession. W.lnn. 1158. LTN30-ltc and should be so recognized." LTN30-tfc Laid, scraped, cleaned, FOR SALE-BLUE VELVET RUN· Our own patent sanders ner 4 'h yards long, rug to match FOR RENT-5-RM. HEATED PLAT; Property owners for their own good .should list their property ONLY 2x11At yards; cost U.50 per yard; modern; $65 per month; hot water with REALTORS. heat; tel. Evanston 3979. 1229 Darwill sell runner tor $20. Tel. Wit. row Avenue. LTN30-ltc 889-W. LT30-ltc 1921 Peerless Sedan I A \V onderful Car lEoEo§tCu.nllb~<e/Bl.llityCC@c Slocum Motor Sales Co. v &~&ID1it §&~lfii~ii~<e IFll«»(Q)Ir~ Used Cars -All Makes Have Your Old Floors Made Like New HARDWOOD FLOORS Advance Floor Co. A. WASLEFF, Prop. 542 So. Dearborn St. Murray & Terry Lloyd C. Ayres Clark T. Northrop Heinsen & Clark A. D. Herrmann Frank A. Reid Hill & Stone Schaefer & Golbach Hill & Wheeler W. G. Stacey & Co. Gilbert D. Johnson & Br.o. Fred'k B. Thomas & Co. Mrs. D. E. Wink R. M. Johnston & Co. Wyatt & Coons E. P. Maynard & Co. The above firms are members ot the North Shore Real Estate Board ot Suburban Chicago, which Board Is a member of both the National and Illinois associations or Real Estate Boards. LTNSO-ltc REAL ESTATE REAL E8TATB - FOR RENT-4-ROOM FLAT IN WINnetka; May let. Address Winnetka Talk, A-159. LTN30-ltc FOR RENT-oFFICES LTN27-4tp FOR RENT-FRONT OFFICE. SECOND FOR SALE-ROLL TOP DESK AND floor; Glover-Brown Building, 1159 office chair, $50.00; full size bed springs, $3; folding tent bed $5· Wilmette Ave.; reasonable. Phone ~:::===============::! auto theft signal lock; for Ford car' 2399. LTN26-tfc STRONG YOUNG MAN WANTS JOB $5.00. Tel. WJnn. 1844\ LTNSO-ltc taking care of lawn. Tel. Evans. FOR RENT-GABAGE 2764-J. L30-1tc FOR SALE-ICE CHEST. COST $35; cigar case, cost $75; both In good TO RENT-8PACE IN DOUBLE EXPERT G D condition: best otter takes them. garage, just north ot Oakwood; $7 hour or :O~tr~~. WC~~KvJ?~:E19~i 599 Greenleaf Ave., Glencoe. ~:~ sTr~~t~· Tel. Wll. 919-taoJl~ LTN27-tfc LTN30-ltc FOR ture room era. I SALE-HOUSEHOLD FURNI· and rugs, living room, bedand wicker furniture: no deal· 640 Gregory Ave., Wilmette. LTNSO-ltc SEVEN ROOM STUCCO SEMI-BUNGAlow; 2 bedrooms and both on flrst ON WEST ftoor; 2 bedrooms on second; In most THE HIGHEST POINT 11hore Lake Michigan. Lot 100xUO convenient east location; 3 blocks facing on Sh t rldan Road, Highland to "L"; stores, school; lot 60xl50. Park . The same size lot across st. This Is a real bargain at $14,000. sold for $150 per ft. It you want a Make otter, unusually easy terms. bargain and an exceptional home site In very exclusive neighborhood act quickly. Price $126 per ft. Ad~ dress Owner, Wilmette Life, 166. Tel. Wll. 228 IU Linden Ave. LTN30-ltp ~T YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE ADD. TO WILMETTE ON or rent with Harold Bradley .1: Co., IN GAGE'S 10 YEARS TIM.E OR MORE 717 North Michigan Ave. Tel. SuLocation-Sheridan Road, Chestnut perior 9100 or call Mr. Penick, WI!. Ave., Ashland Ave., Elmwood Ave 1811. LTNJt-ftc 7th St., lOth St., Lots 2, 7 and 10, 11; L. 2, B. 2: with riparian rights L. 4, B. 5; L. S and 4, B. 9; L. 9, 10 and 12, B 10; L. 6, B. 13, L. 1 and 8, B. 17; L. 16, B. 18. John P. Gage, VIneland, N. J. LTN%9-tfc BARGAIN IN VACANT :B: $~~c$~~ }P)<!Jr fr~it lDJ«»II'il~it (Q)weirll~IlK WAJifTED TO BUY-VACANT FOR RENT-ROOMS HELP WANTED-FEMALE MUST SACRIFICE KERMA.NSHAH FOR RENT-3 CONNECTING ROO~"S AN1f~ am -llWOMAN; WHITE; rug;l painting; marble . · , W sma y; thoroughly exp'd IN tn esta oil with bronze green figure. Tel. pedWI I. gen. hswk. and plain cooking; ref. 1998. LTNSO-ttc 11 v I ng room, bed room and kitchen· furnished If desired; ~>ntlreh· private: req. ; tel. Wlnn. 1284 or apply 1161 tor 2 or 4 reflne!l adults; hot water Oakley Ave., Hubbard Woods. FOR SALE- STANDARD SEWING heat; fine shaded grounds; near all LTN30-1tc machine, excellent cond., $16. George transportation; no children. 1046 J. Eber, Wilmette State Bank Bldg. Linden Ave. L30-ltc WANTED-EXP. WOMAN AS HOUSELTN30-ltp keeper for a bachelor; ref. req.; must I~~::--"'::""'~~----------~.:....::.....:. CENTRAL HOTEL-UNDER NEW be capable of taking complete FOR SALE- EMERSON-ANGELUS ' management-room: light . outside charge. H. Keene, 829 Greenwood player plano with 50 rolls; good rooms; steam: hot and cold running Ave., Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 95. condition; $125 . Tel. Wlnn . 978. water. 629 Main St. Tel. Wil. 1080. LTN3-ltc LTN30-ltc LTl-ttc WANTED-YOUNG GIRL· WHITE· FOR SAJ,E- MORRIS CHAIR; 2 FOR RENT-LRGE. FURN. FRONT to assist wHh housework and cook~ rockers "tth removable spring seats; room In private family; central loing; own bedroom, sitting room and center table; all Mission, like new. cation; east side; no children. Tel. bathroom; easy hours; 2 In family; Tel. Wlnn. 1857. LTN30-ltc Wilmette 965-M. LTN30-ltc good wages. Tel. Glencoe 355. FOR RENT_ 3-ROOMS·, KITCHEN 1 :::-:-:==::--:~-::-----.:L:.:T:.:N..:.S:.:O:...-.:l.:.:tc FOR SALE-AMERICAN HOT : water heater, size No. IDEAL 2; suitable and bath; laundry. 969 Willow St 1 WANTED- GIRL, ABOUT 20, TO for garage; very cheap. Tel. Winn. Winnetka.. Home evenings after work In drug store; must be neat 400. LTN30-ltc LT30-ltp and well recommended. The HubFINE FRONT ROOMS; EAST SIDE bR.rd Woods Pharmacy, Hubbard WANTED TO BUY-HOUSEHOLD home; convenient location . Tel. Woods. LTN30-ltc GOODS SWITCHBOARD WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND Wll. 1940. LTN30-ltc WANTED - EXP'D operator for Skokie Country club furniture and other household goods. FOR RENT-WELL FURN. ROOM Highest price paid for same. Crost Tel. Glencoe 600, ask tor manager: for gentleman: nr. transp. Tel. Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., LTN30-2tc Winnetka 1921. LTN3-ltc Evanston. Ill. Phone 189. LTN24-ttc 6: Cll<OJ~<e' it<OJ lHIGmme BUILDER WILL BUY FOUR OR FIVE HELP WANTED-MALE OR FEMALE lots in good neighborhood. Wlll conalder frontage of 60 to 100 ft. tor each lot. Give size, location and best cash J)l'lce. Address Wilmette Life. A-66. LTN29-tfc FOR SAL~MISCELLANEOUS Many outsiders are making money on North Shore property. Right near your home there are many offerings that will show large profits in a few months. CLose to fastest express transportation on N. S., bordering Municipal. golf links, dues $15 year. For particulars Address Wilmette Life 164. I· IJI'llfiO-ltp lMI&~<e lMICO)Ir(! Ml<crJII'il<ey <Cimiinn<e~<e FOR 8AL&-BOUSE8 WILL SELL-6-ROOM STUCCO HOME on Oak Street, Winnetka.. Has large livings rooms with open stairway, also sun parlor. Breakfast nook ott kitchen; 3 large bed rooms and full tiled modern bath with pedestal bowl and set In tub. Large rear porch. Lot 60x2oo-,u,ooo. Addre·· Lite, A-118. LTNIO-ltc FOR SALE-IN WINNETKA. SIX room frame. Built In 1918. 60 ft. lot with treea Larce living rooms with ftre pla.oe. Attracttvel7 laid out. 1 car garage. Must aell. Price Five men or women thoroughly acquainted with the North Shore can earn $50 or more weekly in special congenial work. Chance to get in permanently with income of $10,000 and up yearly. For appointment write N. W. Caine, 1020 Otis Bldg., Chicago, LTNIO-ltp SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE llmmJP>(Q)Irit&itn(O)mll HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW shipment from my nephew, IncludIng Chinese children's allk em· broidered costumes; coral chains and earrings; large · I vory bracelets, beautifully hand carved; old silk embroideries, runners, etc. Tel. Wilmette 676. Mrs. J. W. Panushka WILMETTE, ILL. L30-ltc NINTH ST. a..-,..,.,~------"""--..-.---.;-..J F~~:;;.~;:~~~;;:;;, W~fi~~~~! :!::r~~~i::,~f.i.; large ~~ereen porch; shrubs and trees. tiO. low o4 It,ih·-..:rf 'J'eL WlL 110t. ·.,_ one~~ Pho ·...-.::., l'arace; Glencoe LIO-ltc P'()B, ... T - '"""'~ - ·n; 1o ~ rlor:.rr:; only THE SPORTS SHOP WOULD LIKE WORK BY THE HR ANNOUNCES THE ARRIVAL OF NEW 2 or 3 hrs. a day or take care of hats from Parle; also latest models chlldrf 1 evenings. Tel. Wll. 911-V. from the beat New York dPelgners, Including Tappe and Bendel. Irre· L30-ltc elstlble new aport hats at moderate ~~~==!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!==~L;;T~N~S~O~-~~~te WANTED-WASHlNGS TO TAKE prices. New Spring Coata, Suits, home, finished work and rough dry Blouses. Scarta and Dressea. HELP WANTED-MALE Will can and deliver. 418 Pralrl~ C h I 1 d r e n'e Imported Scotch Ave., WI!. Tel. Wll. 1361. LTJ'f-ftp ~~aet~~era as well as dresses and PER.MANI!INT, ALL YR. ROUND POSItlon for man who can ta.ke care of WHITE WOMAN WISHES IRONING 8 Market Square Telephone or cleaning or oookinl' &Del Mr'rlq Lake Forest, Ill. ~rn, drin ea.r and do hswk Tel Lake Jl'orelrt 86:1 nnetka 111. LnftO-ltc bY day. Tel. Wll. Jt87. LTIO·ltc LTNI0-1tp