:r ,April 25, at f children will o clock. resumed on Friday, ~e and sermon. ervJce and [ AT THE UBRARY eague witt riday, AprU I 'IMPROVE MANY . WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1924 Michigan avenue from 124th street to 127th street, 127th street from Mich· igan avenue to Indiana avenue, Indiana avenue from 127th street south to the bridge, and Leyden avenue from 138th street southeast to con· nect with the paved county highway, are pending in the City Council. I 19th street has been ordered opened across the Illinois Central tracks so as to be available when the new Cal· umet Harbor Terminal may develop, and temporary improvement s on 130th street from Cottage Grove avenue to Indiana aveque are promised this spring. The improvement of lllth street from Michigan avenue to Halsted street has been ordered, and that section between Vincennes avenue an6 Halsted street is now being sewered and will be improved later. ,21 SOUTH ROUltS r-=-=1 the Sunday icers takea , April 31, pers will be the Ladle· · Is giving a ns. 0 ay :~ '!.n~r~~ 1, begin. and Senior ThursdaJ 11 member· n educatloa "Young Felix," the latest of Frank Swinnerton's books to be published in thi s country, is concerned chiefly with th e life of Felix Hunter, from the t ime he is a mere babe, through to ma nhood. There seems always in his cha racter that something which courts disaster. Misfortune drops in to tea wi th Felix whenever she has -been hav ing- a thin time elsewhere, but Felix prides himsel.f on. his power to end~re . H is school life 1s much broken mto hy poverty and ill health, but by his indomitable will, or what almost seems to be his fate, you find the man , Felix, a successful artist. His matrimonial adn· 1 tures prove as stormy as his rocat ional career, but again the diffi cult ies are surmounted and you leave him with happiness in sight. The book i a well written character sketch " ·it h the added attraction of moderah' realism. ":\ew Hampshire" is a fourteen page poem and the title poems of a collection of Robert Frost's poems, which ce lebrate his favorite state. Through th e entire poem run foot notes, drawin g the reader's attention to other. shorter poems in the same book, and among these shorter poems you may fi nd the most pleasing ones, for they hav e been thought by some to be "the ri chest poems of our time, poems steeped in that extraordinary blend of intellect and emotion which is Frost's particular magic. t "We Explore the Great Lakes," is a book which gives us another opportunity to see ourselves as others see us and · also to see the country in which we live an!l the territory adjoining. The Bookman says of it "from the account of Duluth's climb to supremacy, right through to the la>t word on page 384, the book is filled with likable people, fascinating bits of history, and description of the country that will certainly create a desire to see the truly Great Lakes fir st. Mr. Waldron, the author, has tried to please everybody, for the readers who love statistics, he has injected occasional doses of figures, but not enough to spoil his work. The book )s delight-fully illustrated by Marion Waldron." I Pubo'!~ daily 8 a.m. to 5:30 P· m. Entrances to Chicago from South, Benefited "Traffic congestion on the south side of Chicago will be considerably relieved when a number of additional entrances to the city have been completed" says a bulletin issued by the highway department of the Chicago Motor club. In a communication received by the club, John ] . Sloan, president of the Board of Local Improvements, outlines the developments on the various improvements to date~ The widening of 22d street between Michigan avenue and Calumet ave nue is now on hearing in court a s is Indiana avenue from 16th street to 22nd street. The former takes 54 feet off the south side of the street and the latter 34 feet off the east side. Connection is made by a ramp with· the South Park viaduct over the Illinois Central tracks at 23rd street, and South Park avenue is then open all the way to !15th street. Widen South Park Proceedings are in court for ' widening South Park avenue between 63rd street and 67th street. Surveys are being made for the extension of Cottage Grove avenue from ll5th street to 130th street; 130th street from Cottage Grove avenue to Torrence avenue; Brainard avenue from I 30th street to 133rd street; 134th street from Brainard avenue west to the line of what is virtually South Park avenue; 103rd street from Cottage Grove avenue to Torrence avenue and a paving proceeding on Torrence avenue from 95th street to 103rd street. An estimate is being prepared for paving Torrence avenue from 112th street to 130th street. When the county bridge now under construction ~~ !38th street and Torrence avenue 1s completed, the city should provide for a small bridge at 134th street and Torrence avenue, which would be available for both Torrence and 134th, due to the angle the stream makes at that point, and that would make a through connection along Torrence avenue to connect with the paved county highways south of 138th. Indianapolis avenue from lOOth street to 106th street was up for public hearing March 28, as was 106th s~reet" from Ewing avenue west to the nver. $1,100,GOG Bond laaue Meantime a bond issue will be on the ballot at the April election for $1 100 000 for a new bridge at lOOth st;eet' and the proceedings have been compieted for the widening of l_()Oth "street between Avenue Land the nver , except for a few buildings still to be removed. . · It is proposed then to make a new highway, free from car tracks, on Avenue L south to 112th street a.nd from 112th street east to the c1ty limits where the Indiana authorities are pl'anning an imp~ovement to meet Chicago's at that pom.t. Ordinances for the Improvement of $ Balance Monthly :with Sen'ice Statement 00 DOWN Read the Want-Ada New READY FOR THE OVEN When desired, we trim, bone and prepare all joints ready for cook· ing. This s;~ves the cook or housewife both time and. labor, and generally is an aid to better cooking, and, consequently, assures satisfaction. But the quality of the meat alone gives that, being always tender, juicy and fine flavored. FEDERAL Washer All metal construction-built for service. Why worry about the family washing when tne new Federal can do the work easily and satisfactorily? Note thtse special featuTes: Aluminum Tumbler: weiKht -· -easy to hft. h~ht Alaminum Wrin.er: all met· al no wond. Power driven, s~inR!I and locks !n 3 positions. Release~; tnstantly. Extra wide dn.in board. Double Walled Tub: keeps water hot; outer wall of he;>vv gr.ug~ furniture s~eel, inner "'all of galvanazed rustprv0f iron orheavycop· per, tinned and polished. A·tomobile Enamel: :l hard coats of acid proof enamel, as used on high graM mo · tor cars. Faaltl··· Ball Caaten: wide faced. Machine rolls easily. Won·, mar,cutorstreak linoleum. Hantly Drain: for drawing off wash water-just bucket hf'ight. Cit rome Nicltel Slnl e-rr.: same as used in high arade automobiles. Bronze bear· ings throughout. Wa11e Lilce Motion: thoroughly cleanses any fabric with<,ut injury. Motor prartil·ally vibrationlessaDd nuiSt'lt'ss. Commandery Club Talks Over Future Prospects Feasibility of the establishment of a Commandery in Wilmette was dis·cussed at a meeting of the Wilmette Commandery club at the Village hall Wednesday evening, April 23. Other matters of discussion at the meeting pertained to the question of securing a regular meeting place and night for the club. as well as a dancing party w.hich it is planned witt be held early in May. White Cash ·Market 1189 Wilmette Ave. Plaoae Fdmette 2779 We deliver in Evanston, Wilmette, Kenilworth, Indian HiD, Winnetka Our Phone Orders Receive Carefui Attention W ~ will gladly demonstrate this ne»· Federal Washer PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY · OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS JNO. S. REESMAN, Diatrict MaDaPI' 1111 Claurcla Street .. MD PURCHASE WINNETKA HOME Col. H. G. Sperling of 1343 Chestnut avenue, Wilmette, has purchased the William C. Boyden residence at 555 Arbor Vitae roarl. Winnetka. Mrs. Sperling will sa11 in June to spend the summer in England, France and Switzerland. L __~hoae E:·:~~a S~Eva toa-~la~~~Uaette uummmllllllllliiiiii!IUII = - NOW IS HOUSE CLEANING TIME 1111111111111111 First Church of Christ, Scientist, Wilmette, Ill., Tenth St. and Centra) AYe. Services: Sunday at 11 A. M. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting at 8 P. M. Sunday School 9 :45 A. M." Subject of the -Lesson Sermon April 27, "Probation after Death" Christian Science Reading Room 1183 Wilmette An. Hours: Daily (except Wednes<iay and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday: 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M. Saturday: 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. ~ § == . I The Bible and Works by Ma.ry Baker Eddy a.nd a.ll other authorIzed Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or pur· chased. Tile Pablle ta eordlal17 Invited to att·nd tbe Claarela lerYleel ··· ..,...It tile Reaat.. Reo-. = = = === = = = === i!! Appropriate Apparel '--- -- WOMEN Sports Garments Hosiery Waists, Blouses House Dreues Collara, Cu&e CHILDREN Underwear Waists StockiDas Simple Dreasea · Rompers DRY GOODS = E SEE OUR NEW 1924 wALL PAPER STOCK === = We make Knit Sweaters to order in the new fancy y.............CO in and aee bow well we can Mne yoa. EXTERIOR PAINTING = == Let us figure your WORK and give suggestions INTERIOR DECORATING 1213 WILMETIE ; ~VE. . PHONE 2491 . . . . . . . . .;IIIII.HIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllli. . . . . . . . . .~. . before you decorate We carry E'Verything for interior decorating -and HANDY SHOPPE ~Ia LiDdell Anaue Wilmette 2768 WILMETTE Sterner's Paint store IJIII..,