Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Apr 1924, p. 21

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1924 hand, and t he any villager inttr. orthwhi le work ~ ion for the co~ Heinzheimer ()f ' 7 ernoon at 3 n Shore. Mrs. superintendent, be guest s of 11 Arden Shore 1g the tea hour. Mi,s- Doroth y Kin~ of 611 Fore st ave nue r e turn ed o n Tu es day to ~f a di <on where he is a s tud ent a t th e \' ~iver s ity o_f Wi s con ~ in . Th o m as .Km g ha s ar n ved from Ann Ar bor t o spe nd th e spring vacation wi t h h is parents, Mr. and Mrs. William]. King-. He brought with him as his house Even after they have left its shelter guest, Jack Patterson of Georgia. -o~he ch;b ~eep.s a protecting arm about Mr. and Mrs. James A. Donovan of 11s chll~ ren, 1ts mother eye ever alert 1205 Gregory avenue, have bought a for t~e1r welfare. If in their new sur1 · ·undmgs the girts are not receiving house at. 429 Hawthorn lane, Winnet the necessary care and protection, they ka, where they will move on April OJ re brought back to St. Catherine's 24.· Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blum of , The club offers a refuge for the girls, Ch1cago have rented the D onovan m ~ase ~f n~ed; a place to return for home. -o-adv1ce, d1rechon and recreation. It has The monthly luncheon to be follow 'J)roved a . magnet which draws the girls ha ck to 1t at holiday time just as an e~ by pivot bridge in the afternoon , true home draws its daughters. Y Will beth~ event of Monday, April 21 , This benefit is being held that the at the Ou1lmette Country club . There clutJ rpay o~en its arm s to a greater will ~e a mtmbrr of luncheon hostesse s that day. There are no socia l fe snt,n;nl~er of girls .. Mrs . James McAlear, on tivitie s being held this week. .f-ttl :Surf street, IS general chairman GROUP of women and girls of the north shore are actively inte rested in a card party to be g iven for . the benefit of St. Catherine's club, 901 Addis on street, Ch:cago. This pa rty will be given in the gymnasium of Loyola university, Sheridan r oad at Loyo la avenue, on Saturday, April 26, at 2 o'clock. Welfare work- to be effici ent must "follow through." St. Catherine's club f or dependent girls strives to meet this r equirement. Th e ctub pr?vides a home fo r a large number of g1rls, who not fo r del inquency, but because o f dependency, b _ come wards of the Juvenile Court. ~fter restoring thein physically, cducatmg. them, and especially mpthering them 111 an atmosphere of )oye the girl are often placed in private ho~es. Many become self-supporting through the club's a id. North Shore Residents Show Active Interest In Benefit A ).f rs. William Holmes has returned to her home at 622 C entral av enu e a fter an abs ence of nearly three mon~hs. After spend:n~ a month in Flond a, she v isited in Washin~to n and t'n th e ea stern shore of Mary la nd, " here she was t~e.. gue st of her c~ a u gh cr. M r ~. _D. La1rd Todd of S altsh ury. ~frs. W1llta!n E. Dorman of Sa li ~bury. ret urn ed w1th Mrs. Holme s . to vi>it he r son and dau~ht c r-in - law, ~l r. a nd ~frs . Ge?rg-e H . D o r.m a n who a r e m a k ' ng thctr hom e w1th Mr. a nd ~f rs . Holmes. Mrs . Dorman will be in Wil 'llc tt e about two months . The 0 nin g at Borden . gues t of G club m e t on Sunday evethe home of Miss Dorothy Mr. P o rter Heaps was the honor. Ill Kenilworth Happenings I I "The Crucifixion," a meditation on the sacred passion of the "Holy Redeemer," by John Stainer, w ill be sung by the choir of the Church of the Holy Comforter at the ser vice on Good Friday evening, April 18, at 7:45 o'clock. -oOn the Easter Day se rv ice, Sunday, April 20, at 11 o'clock, the program will be: Pre lude . . .... .. . .. . Organ and Violin Proccs ional " Come Yc Faithful" ':·· ,; · · · ·: ··· .. .. . . . . . .. . ., . Sulliv an Intrmt, Chnst our Pa ssover, chant ........... ... .. . . . . . . Kyrie, Bamh y Glori a Tihi .. . . . ..... .. . . .. \Voodwa rd Hymn , " Je s us Christ Is Risen Tod a y" ... . ............ .. ... Lyra Dav idi ca Sermon by Rev. Le land H . Danforth , rector . Gloria ... ........ . . . .. . . ... ... .. Spohr Off ertory (a) Solo "Ho ~a nna" . .. ....... .. .. . . .. ... .... . . Grainier (b) Anthem, "Victory" ... . . . ... .. .. .... . . . . . ... .. .. Shelley Sanctus . .. ... .. . . ..... . ... . . . . Gounod Be nedict us . . . . . ..... ..... . .. . Gounod Agnu s Dei in E fl a t . . Battison Hay . nes Glo'ria in Excel is .......... old chant ' unc Dimitti s . . . .. ..... .... . .. chant Rece ssional hvmn "At the Lamb' Hig h Fea t ·w e Sing" .... ... . Eivey The E a ster V esper sen·ic c for thr childre n of the church school and the ir pa r ent s will be held at 4 :30 o'clock. -o- I -oMrs. H . Vincent Taylor, who, with h er little dau g hter, Peggy, has been >n cnding th e pa st tw u m onth s in P asa den a. is now with Mr. and Mrs. \Vatter B. Ge rould (Dorothv 'T'aylor) at Berkl cv, California. Mrs . Tavlor and dau JTIJt.e r are exnecterl home -the Pnd of this week. Mr. T aylor, who has l' " e'l ta1·in g- in K e nilworth durin !! their ahsrnce, will retur'n to Evanston on Saturday. · _~frs: Wm. D ever, wife of the M~yor -o- >I Chicago, who is a patroness will be 141 Sheridan road ir daughter, Mar; go. The wedding c north shore, board workers for Grore or conva lescents, ut s g athering togttlll! s ar t icl es to be soW hant sale to be hel Friday, ApriiU and n street, £,·anston. is t of those in charge ther w ith their 1\t- present on this occasion. ' --oThe annual rumm age sal e will .._ ~ h l'l d a t ..St. An~u s t :n ·~ Paris h hous, 1140_ \'\tlim ct t c a n·n un, o n Ttws d a ,-~ .\nnl _ 22. fr o m 7 :30 o'cloc k in tile l ll~r n t n) q- unt il 5 in th e aft e rnoon . ~f ! 1 ·. E. Madd e n !wads th e cn rn nlltt <:e Ill charRe. ass i ~ t c d hv Mr s J.e, t er <?.· ~Voor! . Mrs. Tohn R. Coe hra~ · ~rr ,. \\ tlh a m E. T en B rocc k and ~f rs' H . A_ St or ms . Any o ne wishin~ t~ ~·ontnhute article_s for this sal e is ,t, k cd to communi c ate w ith any m em hl' r of the committee. . ~fi s s l\fild r:d l'mma r h o f 12.36 For ~· ,t av enu~ w_ ill c nt<'rt :-~i n a t a con r ert .tt thr I~hn o1s Athleti r cluh o n Sun da v, Aonl 20, a nd at a t e a at h r r hnme 1 foll0win~ the musical, for :\fiss Ewl,~-n 'Munet S e ~s w0rth whn~e m a rria c-c to. Mr. H o ward Duncan o f Chic a l!o, will t a ke place n e xt Frida I ' evcninu. Mrs. To hn S c~s worth will e ntr rta in the bridal party at sup pe r a t h e r ho··n e o n fnre ~ t A\·e nu r. o n Thur sd ay April U ' · Thr Au x iliary of t h e \\Tom a n' ~ : nth olir clnh of V\'ihnet t r is c-h ·in g an mfo rmal da nce at th e \Vom a n 's rl1tb 'T'h e n n Mond a \' eve ning, Anr it 21. na trone s, cs for th is affair are 1frs P . S e n e-. Mn . C'. F . Bnntr, :Mr ~ : A. Barton. Mrs. G . ]. Biehl , Mrs . J_ Krafthefcr, Mrs . T. T. Mills . Mrs. I By_rnes . Mr s. F. T. O c lcrich, Mrs. H . D ~ nr~. Mrs . A . E . t a mkcy and \f rs. F. H . Jones . · -o- Mis s E lizabeth Thompson is spend inl! her spring holidays with hrr father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. R o v A. H. Thompson of 811 Ashl and avl"·nue . S he attenrls the University of :\l 'r h ira n. -o'"·· rlt·1o n V'lrn ev. who attends the T ·.,;y e nit y of \V io;con o; in . will he in \\'ilm ett e ove r t h io; WI" CI{·· end ~i , iting-oh is p a r ent s. :\fr. ~ ncl Mrs. W . P . \fr . and :Mrs . Eddy Grall(b·illf' V a rn ey of 1026 Gre< ' nwood avenue. \\'heeler announce the marriage of -o-·l;n ir ,.r andd :11t g-hter, Helen Virrzinia Phvlli s Carl eton, d a ug ht er of Dr. \\' hr ele r . to Mr. Charle s Henry Fera nd Mrs. H11hert Carl r t o n of 1003 For- g us on. son of Mrs. Larned Ferguson, es t avenue, is quarantined at he r home rorm rlv of K enilworth, on Thurs day, w ith meas le s. April 10, in Evanston. CORDIALITY The friendly amilet, tbe cheery good mominga, tbe ever-preaent enclea"Yor t o pleaae - these are reaponaible f o r t h a t wonderful feeling of corcliality t h a t makea THE ORRINGTON such a happy place to live. T HE - o- finest jewelry shop on t he North S hore, maintaining a repair depart ment fo r watches, clocks and jewelry. iY· LIBR ARY PLAZA HOTBL E VA NSTON \!- -o_D r. George W. Haskins of Hubbard \\ oorl s, former! ,. of Wilmette. has announrrd the en,l!'ag-emrnt of his rlau(J'htcr.· Marjlarrt Adams. to Mr . Ch a rle s T~ hn V:>'n Vleet of Ea st Aurora. N ew ~ or k . The wedding will take place 1n June. Mr. Van Vleet and his hride nla n to make their home in San t:t Rar ha ra, Californ·ia. Mis s Haskin s is a '-!raduatc of Syracu ~ e university. ~vfr. Willard C. Thay<'r of 522 Cen avenue left on Tuesdav for a t h.r <' e week s' vacation in Florida. He wt ll return through New Orleans and Chattanooga. t ~a t I I § · ·IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIII III IIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIII IIIII II II,!; North Shore's Exclusive Opticians I Don't E -o- ~ -oMr. and Mrs. Milton H . Friend of RIO Linden avenue . announce the birth nf ~farch a son. 18. Mi lton Henry, Jr., on ~- = Chuu~~~~~:~7~~;;.~;~;~:.~. Ho~ ~=712 Phone E·nnaton 1848 Open Th.ura . .1: Sat. En. till 8 P. M . ¥.IIIHIIIIIII IIIIII II Iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiHIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"IIIII MWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ~IIIIII·. "Cool Your Heels" -oMrs. Frank Pavey of \ Vinnetka anPOunres the marriaP"e of hrr dau£Thter . Kathlee n , to Mr. Jos e ph Choippie of Glencoe, o n April 9. ~1r. a nd M r s. Jud~on Stone have ~ ailed for E u rooe where they witl spend two months . Mr. Stone h as gone abroad on husiness. ~f rs . Taml's T . \Vray of Cr,.~c,.nt n l ;~cc. a'n d M r~ . Tames Glenn Wrav. :>re at Lak e Kegonsa for a week's vacation . GURLI LAGERGREN --o-- PCDL & PIPER ·INC· . CHrLOOEN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS Tel~phene -o- £tNJndon 17J Medical Gy m nast & Mas11eu se Graduated from Stoc kholm, Swed en Special t r ea tment for colrl. and consti pation. h eadache, Treatment. administ e r ed at yo.J r home. Phone Winnetka H 85 PATENT COLTSKIN ONE-STRAP PUMPS BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF IMPORTED SOCKS TO MATCH OUR SHOE~ I~ to 11 · ·· ····· · · .$4.51 n~ z~ to z.. ...... .... ts.M UCH time is wasted by salesn1en and others who call upon business men without appointment and are kept waiting in ante-rooms. This can be avoided by making definite appointments by long distance telephone before you start on your out-of-town trip; M Take the Worry Out of Life/ Telelllleae Wllaette I f to I ... .. ....... M.II ILLI N OI S B ELL T E LEPHONE COMPAN Y INSURANCE teu J. B. .-wtrT TEAL !lew Yerk LUe ,A.aeat ~bal ....... wnaett· 1608 Cbicaao Avenue, at Daoi· Street BELL SYSTEM Orw Pollt:J - EVAMSTON, .ILLINOIS I 0.. .,.,...._ ~ U niwnol s.nrlU

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