lO WILMETTE LIFE,_FRID_AY, APRIL_l8,_1924 AWNINGSNow ia th e time to eire.. up the home with attractive awnin gs. Avoid the usual aprinr ruah by ordcrinr youra now. Have our repreaentati·e call and furniah sugre·· tions and e stimates. H. N. Blasius Co. Formcrlv Korthwestern Shad e ,;nd Awning Co. 14 Prouty Annex, Winnetka Phone 1125 Phones Wilmette 7· 2-7-Winnetka 7-Z-7 RUGS Only by driving the new Cadillac can you know the vig.. orous, effortless performance, the incomparable smoothness and quietness of its harmonized V-Type eight cylinder engine. Communit:Y BTanches: HE sp rin~ drive for Ar?en ~h~re ~s .n.~ar .at hand, ~nd the. mette hoard is extendmg a~ inv1tatton t9 any v1llager cstcd in the furtherance o( the cahtp's most worthwhile work, attend the tea which will be given in preparatio~ for .the co~ Repairer of campaign on Thursday, May . L Mrs. · E. · R. Hemzhetmer of t1 Oriental and Domestic Rues Expert Layinr Done ;\lichi!;an avenue, will ,o pen \ler home on that afternoon at 3 o' 4 Carlton Bldr., Winnetka, Ill. to tl1t.: drive \\'Orkcrs, and to the friends of Arden Shore. Mrs. Siddall, Jr., pre idcnt; Mi.ss .i\nna. Belle Ferrier, superintendent, SLIP COVERS COMPLETE ~I iss Stewart, the trained nurse a,t th e camp, will be guest of honor " -lw \\'ill al so give talks. Some of the boys from Arden Shore wiD Ab soDavenport j he present , as they were last year, to sing during the tea hour. lute Satis$11.00 faction Chair GuarA !so John B. Nazarian T Exclusive Cleaner and Tea In Preparation For !Arden Shore Drive come 1 Afte eating them i· are oft become club's Even the cl its chi for the r··undi~ tire ne\ nre br The in case advice, ·proved hack t true ho This club $6.50 ;mteed a won<l Prful selection of Coverin~s CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY CHICAGO BUNCH DWI.rlon of (iem-ral Moton Cort"""'"on Ull SOUTH MICHIGAN A VENUE I!V ANSTON BRANCH l810 Rldae A' e. WEST SIDE BRANCH 4660 W Wuhmgton Blvd. BROADWAY PRANCH 5139 Broadway WOODLAWN BRANCd li052 Cottaae Grow A ... ,... tlu C' ti on <lu ' qu;olit~·. port e d I Miss Mary Hopkinson :will Marry In The Fall number ..J-1/'l su. ).frs. >i Chi present The lr l'l d <1 to at a o ur wid e expeCov~rs, Imtrt>mendous ('11- ahl tng- r·it'IH' t' i n thl' 1naking· of us t<> 1-:'lve you superior M R. 1·plwh·t··r·ing r·t>aso nabl e. For \Vilh lllandel Bros. ('all or 'Vrl te 71 3 :llAI:-1 ST., EVA!';STON Phone J.~N anston 6121 nwrl~· GOLLIN BROS. and ~Irs. \\ illiam Morton Hopkinson of 1141 Sheridan road, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Mary J<>.;cphine , to 1\fr. William Croyer Dooley of Chicago. The wedding ,,·ill take place in the faiL 1140 \ .\nril morn in P mit tee Lt·-ter .\lr·, , \ · ~1 r 41111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIII I11111111111111111111111 1111111111111JII/IIIIIIIUIIIIIUIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIflllllllll1 1 lllltl!.: IIIUIIIJllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllfllllllllllll 1 §: 'I EASTER APPAREL at RIDGWAY ' s The distinctive styl~ of our wearing- apparel for Children will instantly appeal to every n1other as each article carries with it a n1ark of individuality seldom seen in Children's Clothes. \\~ hat a sense of profound satisfaction to you to know, that on Easter n1orn your Children have been properly outfitted at RIDGWAY'S "The Store For Children" Dresses of the most exclusive style made to your children's individual measurements HATS SHOES 'Inc. COATS SUITS CARROLL RIDGWAY 1180 Wilmette Ave. Wdmette TeL 311 I A thoroug-hly entertaining evening \Vomen of th e north shore, board i.-; promised to tho~e attending "The mcmhl'r s and workers for G101t Four Darling," a farcial co medy in House, a home for com·alescents,ur three act s to he ~h· en at the Byron active the,c days gathering toget'all Stolp school on the evenings of May from many homes articles to be soil 2 and 3. at the white elephant sale to be hel The play is to he presented hy the on Thursday and Friday, Apri/24 and \Vilmettc Dramatic ~ociety under the 25, at 509 Main street, Evanston. direction of Mrs. \Villiam T. Beazley. Following is a li st of tho e in charge The proceeds will go to the fund he- of the sale, together with their ~ ing roised by the Junior Auxiliary of partmcnts: th,.. · In {ant Welfare association. Mr s. Frc(l cr icJ.. fl. Scott. Mrs. F.rnt \ The plot hinges on the dashing way Ro.'ck ctt and Mr s. John Stuar t womrn'1 in which Jack Van Loon comes to tht' clothes; ~[rs. J<~mes L. Houghtelin&. rescue' of four maiden~ in distress, and lr., ~[rs . Edward f.. Rverson and M. by ~hc<'r <~udacity performs the mir- H. A. Dc\\"in<lt, men's clothe': adc of getting them all happilv LC'·li<' Whedt'r. 1\fr-;. Morris K. united to their somewhat ha ·kwartl 'on and Mrs . Arthu r Tuthill. chi\ admirers. The lines are all funny, c\otlws; Mrs. John :.L Rutlrr. the humor spontaneous, and all the I Hathaway \\'a t ·on, \f n,. A characters true to life. H. Smith and Mrs. Gl'orgc B. All who enjoy an evening with lin~>nce committee: Mrs. Frrder laughter, should attend. Colburn and Mrs. Francis Butler -o-Mrs. Ralph H. Hob::trt, hric-a 'fhe parlon of the First Congrega- Mrs . A. B . Tone., Mrs . Rohrrt tiona! church will b,e the setti ng on Gault. Mrs . Grf'tla P . Fuller and ~aturday. April 19, for the wedding of Mis es Jones , remnants and Miss Katherine Nelson and Mr. Ray..<\rticles will he received at the mond Kieft. Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd on April 21. 2Z and 23. will read the service at 5 o'clock in -othc afternoon in the presence of the A rercnt familv rC'tmion wa s immediate familie . There will be no at the home of Mrs. Culbertson bridal attendants at the ceremony her claughter, Mrs. Gaoen, of 919 which will be followed by a supper wood avenue. when Mrs . Cul for members of the two families at son and his wife came to Wi the re . idence of the bride's parents, from Stanlt'y, Wi~consin, to meet Mr. and Mrs. Nels Nelson, 1706 Forest ~ons, Charles D. of Rochester, avenue. Mr. Kieft is the son of Mr. York. and James. who is a st ude and Mrs. Tohn A. Kieft of 1221 For- the University of Wisconsin . Ch es t avenue. He and his bride will will sail on April 26, for' Shan leave immediately for Milwaukee ·where he goes to take charge of where they will reside. · Eastman Kodak company's business -oChina. · A mu sical will he given at the home -oof Mr~ . Ernest \Vhite. 391 Hawthorn Mr. and Mrs. L. E. 1Bush of 1200 lane. Winnetka. Monday, April 21, at Elmwood avenue had as their guests . 1 o'clock, for the benefit of the doth- last week, their niece and nephew, inrr fund of the United Charities of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Crockett who Chicago. passed throul_lh Chicago on their way Mrs. June Wilson Thrall, soprano, to England. Mr. Crockett is th e son Mrs. Adele Crenshaw Karstrom, con-I of Sir James and Lady Crorkctt of tr::~lto. Mr. George Symonds, tenor, Northhampton, England. Mrs. Everett Harris ~>nd Mrs. Clifford! -oEwart , pianists, will give the program. Miss Peggie MacLean of 924 Green· -owood aYenue. is a I.!U~'St for two \\·,. ck~. 'fhe alumnae and friends of the at a houseparty in Ft. Thomas, Ken· National Kindergarten and Elemen- tucky. From there she expects to attary cotlelte announce a sa le to be held tend the commencemi'.:Jt exerci st" at May 1, 2. and 3. at the Courtesy National Park semin.ary, \Vashi n·'ton, Shoppe, 508 Davis street, Evanston. D. C. Miss MacLean is a gra rluate Baby wearing apparel, candy, and of National Park. many useful articles appropriate to ttle -oseason will he on sale for the benefit Miss Gr:~.re BurrouPhs, dawhter of of the collejze building fund. . Mr. and Mr~. F. Coleman, wh o has -oheen at her home, 1204 Forest avenue, Mrs. Lillie Emmon~ has returnecl durinu her weelt: of soring vac ·: tion, from Towa, ~ncl i~ with her rlau~hter. returned to the University of VJ i,conMrs. Wilford n,.Ber~rd of 802 Elm- 1 sin on Tuesday. wood avenue. Her sister. Mrs. T. W . -oLauder of Afton. Iowa. returned with Mr. and Mrs. G. Ross Stuart. Ira! her, to be the guest of Mrs. DeBerard. Greenle~f avenue, have rented the -ohome of Mrs. Henry Griswold for t....O Miss Marl?aret Fitrh has arrived in years. They are planning to move '~ 'ilmPtt,. from Pasarlena. en route to about May 1. Now York. ~he is the """St of Miss -o('l~mentine Eastman. 1027 Elmwood Miss Dorothv GlovPr of 1240 Forest avf'nue. avenue is expected home thi~ week -o.. fter a .1-"isit with Mi~~ Dorothv a'!4 Mrs. <:;. T.. Williams f'ntertained the Mics PrisCilla Lloyd at Oberhll Mother'~ Lunci,Pon rlub on T11Psdav. college. .,t th,. home of h,.r d:~ul{hter, Mrs. J. -o-r. Wrav. 618 Washinll'ton avenue. Mis~ Eliz~h,.t-h Simmons has been at There were twelve lfUCSts. hPr 11ome. 1 Ashland :tvenue. dttr· -o:",. thP ~nrir rec,.~s. She i~ a st.u· fis lfelen Whitf' return,.tl to tl,e rlent at the iversity of Wisconsm. Universitv nf Wisconsin on Thursda" -a-after spendinl{ the sorincr hotidav~ Rush Cl:.rlc Bntler of with her parents. Mr. and Mr~. C'.eortre ve returned from 1 D. White of 1101 Gr Jenwood avenue. H. 1\ eo ntrih ;l, ked t bt· r of ~fi ss c,t ave a t thr dav. Ao followi1 lm Mu to Mr. will la }.frs. T the brid on fo April 2 The r;-.th oli r in forma o n 1\.Iot Dr. G \\"oods 110Uili"C trr.- M Tnhn V York. in Jun nl<Jn t Barhar a g-rad