18 WILME;TT£ president of the Union g.i~es another position to · a 1 mportant ,Chicago north shore man. He has, .for several years, been correspondmg s~c rctary of the Chicago Church Feden:tion. He is vice-president of the Chicago Boy's club, a mem~er. of the Better Government assoc1at1on a!ld secretary of the Chicago Home MAr ~ionary society. He is also on the o ; ficial board of the Covenant Met1t· odi't Episcopal church, Evanston. , ~tr Brown was also select.e~ to o r ~a,;ize the quota of Illinois <;'ltlzens ior thl' enforcement ?f law m c_~n nectinn with the national orgamzation oi one thousand. FRIDAY 'APRIL. 1924 LOWEU BEYRER ROBBED BY EVANSTON BANDITS Lowell Beyrer of the Beyrer Electric shop on Central avenue, was held up and robbed of money, jewelry and his car by two bandits Thursday night of last week at Sheridan road and Hamilton street, Evanston. Beyrer had been visiting friends at the home of Mrs. Frances Arnold, 1022 Hinman avenue, Evanston, on Thursday night, leaving the residence at about 11 :30 o'clock to drive to his home in Rogers Park. As he. entered his car parked at the curbtng, two men wi10m he had noticed strolling lcisu'rely nearby, ortk rc d him at , the point of guns to drivl· to Shendan road and Hamilton street where he was relieved of his bill fold, a valuable watch. chain and scarf pin, and was ordered to "walk." The bandit pair drove south toward Lhicago in Beyrer's car, which was later recovered by the Summerdale . police, at Western avenue and Jngledale street, Rogers Park. Fathen and Motben to Take Up School S~die, Plans are in course of formatiOn for the second Parent 's .\ight of _the c~r rent school year at .\ ew Tner H1gh school which is schcd uled to be held on Friday evening, M«Y 9. . , . On that evening 0 cla -s sessions Wtll begin at 7:30 o'clocJ,: and each class period will be of 20 rather than the customary 45 minute le.ngth. Only· the parents will be permitted . to att.end "school" that night each bemg assigned to the class cu~tomarily taken ~y the pupils representing the family m the school. . ]n each room the parent will meet with the teachers and become acquainted with the c~aracter" of work being done by the ch1ldren. : ,............ ~--~-.,- 'to . · - . :'~ ~: · Fresh ·ROlls fOr Breakfast These Fresh Breakfast Rolls are made of the very purest and best ingredients. You will be delighted with their freshness and delicious flavor. Issue Numerous Permits for Garages in Village The following build!ng permits we~e issued in th e village th1s week: : Garages- Earl F. Ruther, 1625 Highland avenue; Henry A. Pope, 910 Lake avenue; M. ]. O'Connell, 907 Central avenue; W. P. Varney, 1026 Greenwood avenue· and Carl A. Anderson, 1501 Lake 'avenue; residences- Peter . J. Balmes, two-story dwelling at 110 S1xth street, value $10,000, F . ]. Hacks! _ 221 Fifteenth st reet, alterations and additwns on residence. SPERLING HOME SOLD . W G Stacey and company, realtors. repo~t the sale of the H. G. Sperling residence at 1343 Chestnut avenue, Wilmette to H. He inemann of Chicago. The new owner will take possession in th e next few days. Delicious Dainties North Shore Churchman Heads Methodist Union R. Clarence Brown of Evanston is the new president of the Chicago Methodist Social Union. Mr. Brown will preside at the annual banquet .~f · the Union at the Drake Hotel of Cfucago when the former Governor Hen;y ]. Allen of Kansas will be the principal speaker. . Mr. Brown's recent selectiOn as INSTALL OFFICIALS MAY 6 The Village board Tuesday evening made an official canvass of the vote in the annual Village election held Tuesday, April 15. Install~tion ?f newly elected Village offic1als w11l take place on Tuesday evening, May 6, it was announced. The DutCh Oven · 1129 Central Avenue Phone 291& EASTER DINNERS need planning ahead if they are to be a success. But whatever you select in the meat line, buy it here to make sure of getting the ~quality. Be it beef, veal, mutton, lamb, pork or poultry. we guarantee the choicest grade, all ready for the oven, and at most reasonable prices. For Your Df.ug Store Needs Call Snider-Cazel Drug Co. Phones Wilmette 400-401 Whatever the Circumstances the same courtuy-the same helpful Mrrice ia maaaliaa all perplexing detail.__..... aeeorded J'O'I' whether y o · deaire aa ·11limited expenditure or whedaer drcumatancea auggeat that you refraia from udue CMta. 1·-----------------r / Appropriate Apparel WOMEN Sports Garments Hoaiery Waists, Blouaea Houae Dreuea Collara, Cuffa Wilmette and Central Aves. 1 CHILDREN Underwear Waiata Stockinc· Simple Dreaaea Rompers DRY GOODS White Cash Market 1189 Wilmette Ave. Phoae w-dmette 2779 We deli\"~r in Evanaton, Wilmette, Kenilworth, Indian Hill, Winnetka We make Knit Sweaters to order in the new fancy yarn......Come in and aee how well we can serve you. Our Phone Orders Receive Carefal Attention 1124 Central A HANDY SHOPPE 4051/t Linden Avenue Wilmette 2768 Wilmette WILMETTE ~~-c- -r---- -u ·+ Cosma.g Chats ~~~~~Pineapple Delight~~===a One cup chopped pineapple, y,i cup sugar, 1 cup whipping cream, 1 tablespoon gelatine, 2 tablespo,on rice, 2 cups boiling water or pineapple juice, a pinch of salt, cherries. Boil rice until very soft, then drain it, dissolve gelatine in the boiling water, cool slightly and add salt, pineapple and whipped cream. Cool and serve in d~inty glasses with cherry on top. Help ua to cive you a better delivery aervice Saturdays, by phonina ua your order Friday aftel'lloon or evening. We are open Friday evenin1a until 9 :30. I MOTORS SERVICE, Inc. Phone Wilmette 2600 ~ 721 Main Street WD.MmE, ILL. · Everything for the Automobile DUNN SPRING OILER Beautiful Hyacintha, Pink and White ......... 25c SPECIALS· FOR EASTER We know they oil the springs, allowing the leaves to slide over each other, with resulting easy riding. The best spring oilers we have ever seen. Cost 75c each, about $6.00 per car, depending on t~e spring arrangement. Installed free. Replaced tf lost.:. Money refunded if not satisfied in 30 days. Oranaea, doaea .............................. lSc Pin·pplea, lar1e ............................ 3Sc Grapefruit, larce ruueta, 6 for .............. 85c Fancy Jonathan Apples, 3 lba. ................ 3Sc Aaparapa, fancy and tender, bunch .......... lSc Aaparapa, lar1e aiae, bunch ................. SOc Fancy Spinach, peck ......................... 3tc Larae Artichokes, each ...................... lie: Cauliftower .......................... lSc and ap MUSHROOMS AND STRAWBERRIES AT LOW PRICES. V Coamu and Fresh Fruit and Veaetablea are Synonymous COSMAS BROTHERS Oppoaite the Villqe 'llaea~WILMETrE J. c. Slowa