12 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIIJ.\ Y, APRIL 18, 192~ ~-. Wll!LMIIEilillE IBSAJP>1fll§1' 1PAIFUSIHI IHIOliL[))§ Ir»JE:[))llCA illl(Q)N- <CEIRIEM(Q)N Inaugurate Program of Services Easter Sunday at 11 A.M. Editor's Note: Th. 1.veek bcgimtillg Easter Surulay 011d terminatiug on S1mda:y, April 27, will be ,-rplete ·with acti1-·ity i11 the parish of lhr Wilmette Baptist clmrch. In additio11 to the Easter observances, the members a11d frie11ds of the clll4rch 1··ill participate in a sea~ of festivity attc111luut 11pon the dedication of th<' cl111rcl1 and th,· ll<'W Austin organ, and cclcbrati!m of the formal r11try into the bcautij11l main auditorium of th,· crlijice. WILMETTE Lll'l=: has brcn f ortunate in suuriug ;,tacstiug information rclat iny to the church, its history and the t··orll of the 1·arious dcparlllll'llls, sketches of individuals who hat·e been and still are acti·;·c in 1'ts life, a dctailcd description of thl' ltCW Austill organ,one of the ji11cst on the 11orth shorcand other facts that should bc of intcrrst to e1·rry persmt directly or indirectly conncctcd with ·church affairs. This W<'alth of i11formatio11 is set forth here'll.·ith in a special SomJeltir D~·dicatioll St'Ct io11. ~tllilh nuu n at the Woman's club the \Vilmette llapti3: church was organized with 62 constituent members. The founders of the church were, P. R Finlay, John D . Greig, Cha rles L. Maj or, Edwin Phcl_Ps, Oscar Schmidt and Alphcus E. Whtte. On Kovember 24, 1913, a call was extended to Rev. B. Frank Taber of Bat-. tie Creek. ~[ i chigan, whose pastorate began January 18, 1914. During Mr. Taber's pastorate of more than three ye.1rs, the bcautiiul church site was purchased, the member ship doubled and plans for a cOJr,plete Church Plant adopted. :Mr. Taber resignl'd on February 27, 191 7 to accept the call of the First Baptist ly by local contractors, and in the a.utumn of that year the church moved !n, usmg the ground floor quancrs for tts entire program. During th~ year 1923, the project was permanently tinanced and last fall, work on the complet itltl of the building and the installation of the organ was begun. . The unit now being dedicated ts the first of two units which the church has had in mind to erect. The other unit, work on which will probahly begin within two years, will be erected to the north and east of the prc<ent unit ~nd will be designed for purpose-; of r~lt.gt ous. education, recreation, and ltvmg quarters for the caretaker. The Wil The Building A Building comm ittee ll'aS appointed in 191J, on which the following men have se rved: Ch arh-~ I.. ~[ajor, chairman, C. J. Blaylock. \\'. .\L Burns, T . A. Copelan d, P. R. Fm lay, H. C. Hcat c n, \\·. C' . .\l tttht' ll·~. Edwin Phelps, Benjamin Richards, \\'alter E. Shoe'm aker, and C. E. Thnmpson. Mr. Major, who is the manager of the Chicago House of the American Baptist Publication society, has been from the start, the chairman of the committee. One of the committee's fir~t actions was to choose as their archi tect, one of the charter members of the church, Howard Bowen, who ha> been \\'ell-known in \\.i lmette for rr.any years in his profession. Hr. Bowen has not on ly been the architect for the church, but has a lso servc:d as general contractor through all the building operations. The church is of English Gothic Chapel ~ tyle, built of Illinois Rubble Lime~tone, with brown and white trim "t . Historical Sketch I HowARD BoweN Architect During the winter of 1912 and 1913 a small group of Baptist leaders began to survey the Wilmette Community and discovered that there were a great many who desired the organization of a Bap- church of ·washington, Pennsylvania. On April 22, 1917 the present posterate began. The period of our country's participation in the Great War was one of little growth. For the ftrst two years oi the pa storatl', .\[r. Stifler was giving eitlll'r !tali or full-time service to the \'. M . C. A. ' at th e Great Lakes Naval Training statiLn and at the Cniversity llf Michigan. A new era in the history of the church began at the Annual meeting on June 17, 1911), at which the members raised in cash and pie~ $22,000 as a nucleus for their Buifding \fund. The church enjoyed a splendid growth durjng that ye!lr, and on March 26, 1920, at a compliment ary banquet, tendered by the Building cc~mittec, an additional ~80,000 was . ratsed, payable for the most part over a period of five years. Work on the excavation wa~ begun in June of that year, following a ceremony held on May 9, at 12 :30 o'clock at which Mr. Dav:d ~dson, one oi the charter memhers of th e church, turned the first spade d ground on the new site. On Sunday, D ecember 12, 1920, the cornerHARV"£Y A . BusH stone was laid by F. R.' Finlay, one of Cltairma" Board of D.·acons the f oundcrli of the church who had served as chairman of the Board of ti st church. Prayer meetings were held Deacons and treasurer of the Building for many weeks wtth th e result that on fund. The entire shell of the unit was April 6, 1913, at 3 o'clock in the after- constructed during 1921, almost entire- I c. E. THO).!PSON Church Trcas11rer and a red tile roof. The windows are of amber cathedral glass . The auditorium is fini shed in natural sand float plaster with Flemish oak beams and paneling, and with pews to match. The hangings and carpets carry out the colorscheme of taupe and mulberry and the light-fixturt:s of a semi-indirect construction are finished in rusty iron and equipped with amber cathedral glass. The ground floor features a large assembly room constructed without pillars and trimmed in stippled buff and ivory wood-work. This room has been used for two years and a half for Sunday ~c hool and church worship purposes, but was designed principally for social activities and as a dining room. . To the west of the assembly room ts Ot}e uf the most complete church kitchens to be found anywhere. Its equipment includes the very latest design of steam table, gas range, coffee urns, electric dish-washer and working and serving tables and benches. A stage equipment is also provided on the ground floor and the church office is located in the southwest corner. The office is completely equipped and has a direct outside entrance at the front of the church. The boiler room is located to the north of the present unit and is a part of the basement of the second unit which was constructed at this time to acC?mmodate th7 heating plant. In addi~ton to the botlers, a steam coil ventilat!ng s~stem has been installed for keepmg etthcr cool or warm fresh air in bot~ the Assembly room and the auditonum above. The pastor's study is located above the cast vestibule with a private stairway, and has been accounted by church cxpc:ts as one of the best located and appomted pastor's studies to be found anywhere. Primary Department-Children's Hall, 'orth Room. Junior Department-Assembly Room. Intermediate Department - Assembly Room. Senior Department-Assembly Room. Adult Department-Assembly Room. EASTER MORNING WORSHIP, 11 o'clock. The Organ Prelude, E'a ster Song .... .................... Candlyn Doxology antl Invocation Congregation standing. The Hymn of Easter · Praise, Number 126 Congregation seated. The Responsi,·e Scripture Reading, Selection 39 Congregation standing. The Gloria Anthem, .. King of Kings" The Scripture Lesson The Ministry of Prayer The Offertory, "Berceuse" take pr incipally nf the Ordination ,·ice oi 1tr. W. J . Kitchen to Christian Ministry. The program this 'en·icc is as follows: RcY. James Madison Stifter, Presiding. ........... , . . . . . . . . . 'I)i~k:insQll Pastor of the Parish Tenor Solo, "Hosanna" . . . . Granier A. C. Youngberg. The Sermon, "Loyalty to Christ" .................... Mr. Stifter The Baptismal Hymn, Number 242 Congregation seated The Prayer of Dedication of the Baptistry. The Ordinance Anthem "As It Began to Dawn." The B~~~d·i~ti~~- ........... . Bochan The Organ Postlude "Grand Chorus" . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guilmant w. J. KITCBJtlf The Officers Dedication Week f'uNcts C. Snn.a -r:he \Vilmette Baptist church will dedt~atc tts completed building beginning Apnl 20. On the morning of that day the ne~,. auditorium will be used for the fi_rst h_mc for the annual Easter serORDINATION StRVICE vtce ot the church. The program 011 On Th~rsday eveninlf, April 24, the Sunday morning, April 20 will be as church wall be dedicated to the World follows : ' Pr_ogram of the Kingdom. Rev. ]. M. THE BIBLt SCHOOL HOUR, 9 ·45 ~ttfler, D.O. pastor of the First Bap10:45. tist Church of Evanston and brother of Beginners Department - Children's the .pastor o~ the Wilmette church will Hall, South Room. presade at this meeting, which . will par· 0 - YouNG PtoPL~'s S~RvrcE O.n Sunday afternoon at 5 :30 the Senter. Young P<:Ople's society will' have as thetr guests m the new auditorium of the church the young people of the ot~er churches. At this service Mrs. Mtldred Fash Chritzman will sing and th7 addreiis will be given by J. Kttchen, a me~ber of the church, and a student at Umon Theological Seminary at New York, and under appointment to take up Foreign Mission work at Canton Christian college, Canton, China. At 8:15 o'clock after the close of the ?unda:y: E!ening club services, a service m dedtcatwn of the New Communion Set will be held and the Lord's Supper served. Rev. Benjamin Otto will give the Dedicatory Address. <?n Monday_ morning, April 21, the Chtcago Bapttst Ministers' conference will be entert.a ined for their regular · Monday mornmg meeting which will c~mmence _at 11 o'clock. The address wtll be giVen by Prof. William D. S~herme.rhorn of Garrett Biblical In-, statute. At 12 :30 o'clock the women of the church will tender to the membe_ rs of the conference a luncheon, which wdl be f~ll~wed by a tour of inspection of the bUtldmg. Tuesd~y evening has been chosen for the Netghborhood Night Meeting at which all the friends of the church from the community are invited to con:te. It wil_l be an informal social occasiOn at whtch there will be greetings from the pastors of the other churches and an opportunity to inspect the proper.ty will be given. Light refreshments wall be served. W.