l() WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1924 On Wednesda y, April 23. at 7:45 o'clock a. special Communion service will be held at St. John ' s. The ~peak era at this service ar·e the Pastors Ht·rbe rt I:u eke of Chicat:io and William Kower~ of Elgin, Ill. :'-lrs. Theodore Doeri ng Is th e S"lois t for the A cordial invitation goes The young JH'O J>le of the ch urc h will Tht.> cl"n.:T will be pl eased to take evening. hold th ei r Dt>dicatlon ct-lebratlon at th e H o i ~ t·ommunlon to any de siring out to eve ryone to attend this service. !i :30 on Eastt>r a f!t·rnoon at which to mak·· th.-ir r:aster Commu ni on and tim e th l'"~· will lw host~ to the ot h e r 1 unable t o attt>ml the Easter Chu rc h . II'he !\fen's Fellowship clu b will have ·egular monthly mPl'lin.a::- on ThursYoung P eo pl e"s socitties of the vii- Ce lebr·ations. X0tlce should be st' llt 1ts 1 day evening, April 22. at 8 o'clock, lage. · lls soon as JlO~Rih l e . a nd It is hoped that e ,·,· rT one of the On aceount of th e special program . There w t-r·· thr .. ·· showings yt'!'t··r·- men and yo ung m e n of St. John's wi11 C"hilolro·n'H :'-lovles in !'t. attend . A very fine entertai ning proof the w ee k, thE- m.- e tlng of th e ·lay at th T E-ac her Training elass will be omit- Augustine's Parish House, of th e de - gram h as been prepared, with a surY'>tional tllm. ··ThP Passion and prise or two among th <> numbers, and t ed on Monday night. l le:\lh or Chr ist." T h ere will be ad The r <>g ular· ::\fi<lw<'e k m ee ting o n dltlonal showings of the same pictu,-e \ Vednes<lay will h ~:> omitted on account today. flood Frida~·. at 3. 4 :15, 7 ·30 IHWA~MIM!MIMIM!MM!MIMIMM!M'lMIM!I$#1MIMIMIIM!MIMIMIMIMIMI MIMMMMMM!I!J.I!'m The picture for of th e programs arranged for Tues- a nd II :4:; o'c lock. thps c two <la~·s is givt·n hy l\Jr·. an·l day and Thursday evenings. :\lJ·s. Royal D. Smith, 706 Elmwoo·l aven ue. ca'fe~e a"'fW;?r!,t;tt Bafnt~stF~~eus~c~v~~~~~ The pictures t o lw s h own at the and welcomes all to Its services. Th t pastor, Rev. Francis C. SUtler. mav be Chlldren·s :\IO\' ies next Thu r·sday, will r eached at hi s st ud y during the morn- IH' the w··ll known :\lartirr Johnson Ings or by appointmen t . Th e c hurch ·'.J un g l e Adventures in Africa." This at the office, In chargp of Miss Badger, Is will conclude the ~ howings op<·n dally e xctpt Saturdays from 9-5 Children's :'-lovi es for th t' prese nt seaand from 9- 12 on Satu rd ays. The son. The picture is gln.-n by Mr. and ::\Irs. A . J. Cob urn of 015 Lind e n chu1 ·ch t e l epho n is v;ilm e tte 223:>. aven u e. 't·lt <'tinns from Stain t' r's " ruclftxlon.'" .tftt>r whi c h the congr('gation will be s h own in the Parish H oust>. th e movElsewh e re In this issuP art' giv~n ng nlctur~. '"Th e Passi on arHl Death th e d!'tails ot the program of tlae of Christ." This showing will be acBaptist church tor· th<' w !:ek beginning compani··<l by devotional musk. unda~·. April 20. During this p e riod On En.Rter Even, Satur<la~· afternoon, th e presPn t unit of th e c hurc h edi fice April 1!1, at 4 o'clock . th .- r f> will b,. a is to b e formally rl e rticated . s .. n·ic... 0)( Holy Baptism at l;t. AugThe Eve ning Se~·ice at which th e u stlnl··~. n e w Communion St>t will he dedicated Th .. r·.- "ill be a celt'IOJ·ation of th e has be E- n scht>dult'<l f or 8:15 to avoid interfer<>nce with th e Program of th e H oly C·nnrn uni o n at St. Augustine's Ea~t;-r· .\J.,nda~· anrl East 'r Tu··"lay ~i~~~~Yc:;uv:cn~n~ c lub at the Congrega- a t ~ A . :'-!. Baptist Church The day of our SaYi or-·" lll'surrectio n will be tlttingly celebrat··d by special 'er vices, in c hurch and ~untlay sc hool. The specia l Easter Oft'· · rin~ will b e taken up on the occa!<i"n and It is hoped that this will mat· · ~ia lly h e lp to r·educe the c hurch d l·bt. ThE' solo ist for th e Easter St>rYices is )Irs. Poebe Biederstad t . of cour·st> the refreshm e nts will be f orgotten. _ not anrl Mr . ()ash. received. I N e w members Th e Juni or \Valther League will Bible School at 9 :46. meet Fri<l a1· t·\"Pnlng, April 26 for Its ber will try, It will oosalble regular m..-l'ling. Everybody attend! make Easter Sunday anoth er ban~ day. Four new members w e re Wtl C l asses for tho> Christian ed ucatlpn corned last Sunday. We are es1,1eelatb ot chllclrE'n will be n·sumed on Friday grateful to our faithful and emcl..t aften;~oon . April 25, at 4 o'clock. Supt., Mr. Mueller, for th 2 g ift 01 twelve S. S. hymnals and also l\1 11 rea erous ort:erl ng of payIng for six ot tll· ~ee~t. c hairs for th e Primary deput~ Gr;·· ·n l<·af and Seventh Willi am Gu ise, Pastor Servlc<!s fnr Easter Day: The Easter program will b e rend C hrist I!< ri~ .. n! H alle l ujah! Worship e d by the school at tour o'cl ock er. and Holy rorl'rnunlon Service at eleve n m embers and friends are lnvlte<l o'clock. Tlw theme of the pastor's tend this delightful service. · message will be "The Open Tomb." Let us com.- aml worship with joyful A service of worship will be h eld 1 h ear ts. Pl eas·· bring yo ur L en ten of- 1the c hurc h Good Friday e v e nin g at~ fering as a to·st imony of love and grat-, P . M . The preparatory service t ltude to God ior· what He ha.s done Easter Communion will be hel d attor for yo u . :\[o·miJers who h av c hurch th e sermon on Friday evening er h ymna ls art> .-,·q u es t ed to bring th em · to this importa nt service. Special Th e a nnual co ngr ega tional meettn music will bt· furnished by th e c hoir at which tim e Inte resting reports WI~ English Lutheran Junlo at two to !r EAST Epwor t l st·rYice. give an will sa3 At 9: C hurch )[ondlj at the j :30 ro·g ular TUl·Sdl l'IIIL,.\'ll Congregational Church Th e Goo1l Fri<lR~· s ... rvlce will be held this aftt-rnoon at 3 o"clock. Mrs. McIO:Jr·ol· will sing and :\lr. Lloyd will speak on "Th~> :\leaning o f the Cr·o!'s to Us." \Vh ilu this is particularly n young peopll··s service, thE' pub I ic is cordiall y invited. ca ll ed for by notifying one of th e co mm ittee in char·ge, i\Irs. P . E. ~fad den, 607 Ninth stree t; :\lnl. J o hn R. C h oir rehearsal , under the ·llrectlon Cochran, 809 Lind n avt>nUt·: :'-Irs. Lest!'r G. \Vood, 707 \V as hin gton avenut>; of Mr. Cai n , at 7:30 this e v e ning. Mrs. \Villiam T e n Broeck. :i26 \V as h:\Trs. Harrison Junior C h o ir rt'hearsal, Mr. Burtner, lngton avenue, and director, Saturday eve ning at 7 o'clock. Storms, 251 Wood court. On Friday eve ni;;;... Apl"il 2:i, at 7:30 The Easter S<'rvice on Sundav morning wlll lwg ln at 10 : 45 with rt' ncll- o 'c loc k, the Knights of Sir· Ga lah ad tlon b y th .. choir f Gounod'A Ora- will h o ld th f'i r initiation Ct:rt'monies in torio "'Tht> lt··<ll·lllJJtion:· This ln·au- th e var-ious degr· ·s of t h t· onlt·r. 'fh·· tlful EastP t" th<·nw inclu<l !'s th" s t or~' ritualH will tak., plat'· ' in th l· I'nl"ish · liou !w. The meeting as f" r can·li1late~:~ ~~h~T~ero~~=:ti~~- .. R~·~~~ri:ptf~~-l:."' t ~~~! and nwmh<>rs only. follows the record" uf the sutl'Prina.; or J t'RUS with "Tho· ~l an·h t <· ('alvary," "The ('ru<'ifixion,·· "'Tho· Sonow of Mary and th·· llisdplo ·f<." "'Tiw ll:u·k A sp~;cia l quartet, assi!'ltt'd b~· :\fiss nl·ss and its . I lt· ·r11lant E:u·thquakt',"' J:,.r·th a Kribbt'n, violinist, and l\lis :~ all In tho · planatiff ton e fnr whic·h ()O ldi e Gro~<s, Ct'lll s t. will pr·e1w nt an Go un o<l i~ jusrl.l fttnwu.«. Tlw~ .. ~eo·n··>~ unusua ll y a~tracti\ · Eastt·r program of. son·ow ami lH·r·t·a \·l·mt' nt a t··· fol- next Sunday mornir ll: :-;,.., full proluwt ·d '" · "'fJn · 'l'riuu1phant Ht ·!-! ur- g ram JJUblished Pls e1 l t· r·l· In thi s issue J-t·t'tJ4'n and .. \ :-;<·,·n~ion." Tht· cantata. ot \Vilm e tte Life . has mllll.l lot·autiful so lo par·ts nnd the d10ru., " :o rk is maj .. Htic nnrl inspiring. Th e subject ann~nc,·d f or tht serTl!i' "olo1sts a!'c, ~Irs . Xohle C"ain, ~lr· s. mo)l is quite pcr·tint'nt In tht-st· da,·s .1. W. 1\fcEJr·oy, ::\Tl!!H :liar·~· W.-lch, ~II'. of discussion and debatt . Jf our faith ( , l'Orge C uth pr·ts t on. :\Jr. H . \V . Stol- Is worth anything to us. w e shou ld lo ·r, ami D . R. Howard Lagerqul· t. n ot a llow It to be s h aken or deTh ey will lw RU JIPOrtP!I by the follow- s tro yt> d . Th e sermon subject will be Ing chor·u11: ~op r·a n os . ~Ti ss ~Hltlrf>d "Is Th ere Any Substitute for Easter?" U mbach , ::\I rs. n. F . J o hnston. :'-lass Eleanor Got>lz, Mi~s Emily Ch t>'<t nut . Our· people a i)JW;clatt' the invitations Mrs. Hart R Baker, Miss Mildred rrom our Baptist fril-nds to participate Tldema.n , ~lls f! <lia<l.vs Host·VC1tr" an 1 in th eir dl·tlicator·y s<· r·vlces this next Miss Margnr·pt XPlson: altos, Mrs. J . week and many w i ll douutlt>ss attend. Van \Vt·!l t l'<·h·n""· :lllss Knth t> r·lrJe The Presbyterian C hristian End~;avor Koerp er, )!Iss HPien Newey, Miss society will Join with the Ba11tist Martha CJ·o>~s l Py, :\!iss norothl' Gtovt·l" .roung people in· a union mt' tlng in and MillS g _ A. Moulton. T t' rioa·s, Mr. tht> Uaptlst c hur c h Sun1lay eveni n g at H. E. Dakt·r and Mr. GeorgE> Hani s. f.:30 o'clock. \V e e xt end our slncer·est lla.sses, :llr. llarolrl \V e ils, Dr. D. J. ~?.~[;,~e\~.lations to our Baptist Davis, Mr. J ame11 Cross! y. Mr. Lowt·ll Holt, Dr. E. A. Moulton and ~11" . E . V. Wallerhorn. Th l' orga ni st and conA StH·cia l f..-atur·e-;, r our Easter Sunuuctor Is ~1r. :-loh\1.' Cain. Following day sc h ool cxercis s at !J :30 A . M., will ~.he cantata ::\lr. Lloycl will preach on h e a )lisslonaa·y playlet e nac t ed on The R<>~urrt·ctlo n o t J!'!!us." Th" !lt-r·vur:.tage of our· Sunday sc hool lce will clost· with "Th e Hal\('lujah ~l~~lt"oer'f ~ton~ro~hi :t~ ~r:~ef~~~~ ',:;.c~·~·ve<~ ~\~li · The ladles of the AssoclatNI Guilds will hold an all-day Rummag-e Rale in !:; t . Augus tin e's Parish House, 1140 \Vilm e tte avenue, on Tut·sday, April 0 I Easter 1924 CHRIST IS RISEN "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoso· ever believeth In Him a First Presbyterian Church should not perish, but have everlasting life." . Ht·C!'Jltion o.f nt';-memhers and bap!H:tm of t .. e babies n e xt Sunday mornTh e Eastt>r· Vt·s~r st>rvice for the ;;;.~g:~\11~. part of the bt'autiful Easter r ece ption ot m ~>m b e rs anfl the Eash·r· ~ommunlon will IJ<· h e ld at four o clock. Th t> Junior C hoir und e r the Midweek servic;:- Boy Scouts Girl direction of Mr. Burtner will b e In HPserves, etc., will obser·ve regular charge or th e mu sic anrl :'1-Tr. Llovd a 11 - RJ> Jlolntm ents next w ee k . slsted by. th e D··aC'ons of th e c hurc h '!he seve ral divWons of th <> Wom-:a~:n~;;~·~y~~- a largt· c laRs Into c hur c h e~ s society, now known as "Spokes," wrll meet as follows: Spoke No. 1 Sunday Art~>rnoo-;:;- c lub at 7 ·30 An Mrs. Charles Morgan, 1401 Hill street· ~~:.ter ser·mon by Dr. Herbert ·L . · Wil- l:>poke No. 2-.Mrs. Louis Condy 10oi Oakwood avenue; Spoke No. 3_:_postponed fo r on~ week; Spoke No. 4Th e Roosevpl t Tro·o p Xo. Rov Hrs. C .. F. Erltnger, 627 Garland ave~~outs will mt>et at Headquarters a·t n~ e, Wrnn e tk a; Spoke No. 6-Mrs. Wilr .16 Tu esday evening. liam Koeblln, 720 Prairi e avenue· ~pok e No. 6-Mrs. C. E . H ec kl e r llOS Th e Annual Th~k Of'rPrl n g of the lxreenwoorl avenue; Spoke No. 7...:._Mrs. Hom e Missionary Department of the ~t. R ,\larquart, 2tM Woodbin e avenue; Woman 's Guilcl will be h e ld \V ed n es- · poke No . 8-Mrs. J. \V. Malone, 9U day evening at Pi~ ht o'clock a nd will Forest aven u e: :--ipoke No. 9-post~1 in charg-(· o r Mr·s. L esli e L . Pt'r-ry. p oned: Spoke No. 10-Mrs. R. H. Ric e e spt·akpr or tht> !'Vt'nlng iR Miss 1007 13th s tre e t, an afte r·noon m ee ting Estelle Jordan of the National Edu- f_nl~~2 o'clock; Spokll No. 11- Mrs. L . cation committ eE' · 8 mmons, 237 Cumnor road K e nll Th r e will b<i' · a numb e r nr Hon~~;s horth ; ~poke No. 12-l\lrs. H. 6. W ei s: by a group o f singers from "The Linaar, 816 Oakwood avenue. coln M emorial ChurC'h," (colort>d) C hicago. Those who hav e h ea r·d th ese t T~~ Presbyterla;- church is located !lingers in th e past are anticipatinK a c cor·ner of Xinth street and treat In having th e m come to Wil- ~·r·eenlt>af avenue. A cordial invitation mette and Miss Jordan Is said to b e :~a~~;·~~~~ and a cordial w e lcome a IIPeak pr of unusual c harm and of ability. The Thank Oltt>rlng will be Sunt!ay School, 9:30 A. M devoted to the work of Education. 10 i\~c_n::r. and W omt n 's Blbie Classes, The postponer! ,.;;;etln~ of th e C'or;y C hu1·c h Service, 11 A. l\L Corner Circl e will be held Thunda y Midweek Service, W ednesday, 8 P.M. April 24 . Luncheo n will be served tO the chiMre n at 12 o'clock. Luncheon 1 and business m !'etlng for the membeTI! at 12 :45. Mrs. R . D. Ransburg Wilmette and Park Avenues, Wilmette Is chairman or the Luncheon. Herman W. Meyer, M. A . Pastor 406 Prairie Avt·n u ~. T e l e phone 1396 The WaehlngtonAvenue Circle Mrs 8ll:R\" I(' .~SI R. R. Hutl', chairman, will have' the!~ April 17, Maundy Thursday Comnext m tlng Friday, April 26, at the home of Mrs. J. G. Wray, 618 Wa.ab- munion at 7:46 P. M . Sermon: Christian Resolutions at tncton Avenue. Mrs. Chas. McCue and John Page will be the al!eletln!f 7 :~P~.ll.r.~· Good Friday Communion at a~·~~·:·!;clo~~-ncheon will be served th~ec~~s'!.~ hCrlstian Resolutions at ~~o~':;!·;h~~~';;. "The· :'-fount or Olive~," To this Fellowship the Churches of Wilmette Call You a, St. John s Lutheran DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES: St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmette and Park Aves. Rev. Herman W. M eye,. The Flrlt Presbyterian C.urch Ninth and' Greenleaf Rev. Geo,.ge P. Magill ::n. . St. Augustine's Parish cia:~!:. A. M. Sunday school and Bible EASTER SERVI CESr The Wilmette Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette Aves. Rev. Francis Stiller Wilmette Eqlish Lutheru Church 703 Greenleaf Ave. Rev. Willia· GMise The Easter s!'rvlces at St Augu tine'· will be Holy Commun.ion at s6 mo~:·s A. M . First service and serand 8 A. M. Holy Communion (Festival Service) with addr t>l!s at 11 A M m~~ -: 00 A. M. Second service and serChildren'· Easter Flower Service ai Sermon: ChrIst · a Resurrection 4 P. K. Truth 's VIctory. SPECIAL SER VICEt The · rvlces today, Good Friday will be the three hours 11ervlce from m~~~~e~:~~ice~prll 23, at 7 :45, Com11 to S o'clock, conelatlng of seven Preparatory service 11-t 7:15 P. M. abort a.ddr···e· from the series "Worde from the Cross:· tnt rap reed Lu~~<jfe~ratory sermon : Rev. Herbert with ·ultable hymns and d!'vouons R e v. William Kowert or ftey, F. J. Tromp will be the preacher· Et!~~~on: Wor·hlpera may come and go as they a time honored custom In 4 . .1re during the three houra, nter- t hFollowlng e Lutheran church Holy Communion t q or leavln.r clurinl' the hymna, Will b celebrated at St. John's in the wblell will be aunl' every twenty 1cee on Maundy Thuuday and 4 Jl'rldar 8Yf1Dintr. Each Of th mlaat... :t::=-~·J:r..: at 7:U o'clock . .f~: M tbe Marte !.leyer. F TluancJ&y Ia llrtaa on Good FJnt Congreptional O.urcb Lake and Wilmette Aves. Rev. Ste~he11 A. Lloyd The Flflt Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette Aves. .Rev. Gilbert Sta11Sell St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 1140 Wilmette Ave. Rev. Hubert Carleto 11 =