Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Apr 1924, p. 26

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2(, WILMETTE' FRIDAY APRIL 1 192-l WANT ADS DO SUPPLY YOUR WAN f"!!~~~==~~~=============~~==========,l CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS · Classified advertisements w.Ul be charged only General N otrces-to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear In the telephone dWirei~~~±K'1 who are re~~:ular subscribers to either WI LMETTE LIFE, TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 10 cents per line In one paper. 20 cents per line In all three ateS-papers. ~JINUIUM CHARGE C>Oc. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. Rates tor Display type on applicati on. SJ'rt· .\ 'l'IO~ 'VANTED-MALE WANTED TO RE:'\'1'-HOUSES EXP MA:\ WILL CARE FOR LAWN, WANTED TO RENTII-R ~l ~OUSE ca 1·· ganlt-n. handy with all kinds for summer months; 3 ,ululte, lease rep~l r. Address Life, 1~l.LTN28·ltP to start May 1st, if i'"~~lllle. ~el. 28 Glencoe 664 . LTN ltc CllAUFF !<:l"H, A NO. 1; SEVEN YRS. F'OR RE~'I'-At'.\ltTliE:ol'I'S exp on high grade cars; mechanic; mar:rled : white. T el. N~~~~S-~~~ TWO-ROOM KITCHE:-JI::TT.E ;'-~r~~ 84-R. ment · imnHJll lat e po s~··ss ·on. - e s Bldg.: Centr·al Ave., \\'i lm e tte. _l'hone Wilmette 1800. LT!'\ 2 S-ltc FOR ROSEWOOD ANTI Chime Clock, Drop dies Chairs, Rockers, Box and bther antiQues; and English Mezzatlnts, Sporting and Godey fashion Phone Evanston 2509-M. 808 tngton St., Evanston, Ill. R · Classlfted · f 1 D eadl tne Or nsettrons--cepted up advertlsemP.nts will be acto Wednllsilay 12 o'clock tor the WIL)1ETTE LIFE or all three papers ; Thursdav 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o·clock !or thP GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : WILMETTE 1920-1921 or · WINNETKA 2000· 2001. WANTED TO RENT-S:\tALL 1:-.I~X penslve ap't over j!:arageLf[ 2A 1 ~~:· In private home . Add ress eL2S-ltc RM. FLAT FOR HI':X;;onti Central Ave. $75 per LTN28-ltc Wll. 1468. J<'OR RENT-OF ..' ICES fll(Q)(Q)lf~ Have Your Old Floors ¥!f. MaJe Like New b:V a n ew electric 'l!andlng process. P rice~; very reasonable. Call for ;;~uj.a~.;_ARK FOR St\LE-RF.AL ESTATE Wiirnumcettoc&)) CGll<errn~©<e OC<errnnll ~(Q)lfftlffi THIS IS A GOOD TIME TO BUY. LOOK THESE OFFERINGS OVER INDIAN HILL-The most complete 7 rm. hom e In our list. Colonial clapboard. Ver·y large llv. rm. with fir eplace. Bkrs. rm ., extra toilet and lav. on first. 60 ft. lot In Ideal location as to n eighbors, school and transp. Large garage and good basement, with den or playroom in both. Completely landscaped. Newly decorated. $25,000. SKOKIE-6 room stucco In good condition. 3 lledrms. and bath, sip. por., rotar~· burner. 1 block from Skokie golf course and school. Attractive n e ighborhood. Garage. Terms. $15 ,6 00. S. E. WJNNETKA-10 rms., 7 bed· rooms, 3 baths, billiard rm., sleep. por. and sun parlor. Attached heated garage. About 9 yrs. old. Lot 100x187. This hom e Is a genuine bargain for some one looking for a reasona\lly priced place with plently ot room. Beautifully landscaped; large trees. A truly good buy. Terms. $33.000. A dandy 6 rm . brick-v e neer on 62 foot corner lot. LarKe liv. rm . and fireplace. CaRemE>n t windows, weather stripped, high airy basement with steel suppor·ts an d beams. 3 blks to sta. ancl lake, I hlk. to school. A goolf home. $21,000. VACANT-i2 feet on \Vaiden r·oad. Under·urush all cl .. a r· ed o lf. Large trees. A honre site to be admir·ed. $100 per fl HI::.\'T- We have an exce ll ent list of furnlsh .. d horn"s for· Surnrntlr renta l. \Ve a l ~o ha,·e a f ew unfurnlshNl and turn !shed for long ter·m r ental. We wlll be glad to show you the nbove-ca ll us today. ;::================:; lEoiEo§ftl!llllbffi\<e~llityCC(Q), Winnetka branch 10 Carlton Annex Oak St. at the H. R. Service You Phone Winnetka 1800 1226 Evanston 451 tTN 27 _tfc FOR RENT-FRONT OFFICE. SECOND floor· Glover-Brown Uullding, 1159 Wll~ette Ave.; reasonable.. Phone IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO Bt:Y A 2399. LTN26-tfc HELP WANTED-FEMALE home or vacant lot, It will pay you to get in t o uch with us. We are In FOR RE~1'-llOOMS WANTED - WOMAN, WHITE; IN th e market to s erve you . small family: fairly exp. in gen. FOR SALE-NICE GRAY ENAJla. 5 rm. house, splendid surroundings, ROOM FOR RENT-FOR SUMMER hswk. and plain cooking; ref. req.; baby carriage, $12; walnut cbut If onl y $8,000. months or longer·. Sheridan Road drawers, $10; 17 ln. lawn mower, $5· salary $22. T el. Winn . 1284 or apply Modern 6 rm. house. central loc., n ear take and bathing beach. Four also Toledo computing scalea lib lge. bed chamber·s, price right at 1161 Oakley Ave .· Hubbar~T::;~~ftsc blocks to "L." Small, nicely furnew ; old rifles and deer hllrll $13,500. nished !or single person. P1·ivate Th e best vacant lot in Wilmette family. No other roomers. All con- WANTED-GIRL FOR GEN. OFFICE n1u~:~lrl:e7ve~,ea~l~~~l(te. Add!lll at $80.00 foot. veni ences . and beautiful environwork; must be able to take small LTNJI.ttc ment. $4 p er week or $15 per month amount dlctatlon; good chance for In advance. Phone Wilmette 152,4. advancement for right party. Ap- OAK DINING TABLE AND 81X L28-1tc plv 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette. Tel. chairs; refrigerator, 100 lb. cap.;"' CENTRAL HOTEL- UNDER NE'V W'llmette 1920. LTN28-ltp stove, Lorraln oven regulator· \lA Successors to t rooms · light outside tree; Simmons twin beds, ~~~~:.e~t~~~ hot ~nd cold running WANTED-GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK.; box springs; white kitchen A. R. EDDINGTON & CO. wate r. 629 Main St. Tel. Wit. 10~0. family or 3; no washing; good wages; 2 chairs. Tel. Wlnn. 1 Wll. 640 1157 Wilmette Ave. LTl-trc must be neat, exp . Tel. Wll. 1563. L28-ltc li'OH RENT-2 SECOND FLOOR Mrs. Mulford, 835 Elmwoo~TN28-ltc I·F-O_R_S_A_L_E_-G __ O_O_D_F_U_R_N_I_T_U_R_E_,D_l_;!C. light housek eeping rooms; also 7lng room. sun room, bedroom; room 1st floor apartment. Inquire LADIEB \YORK AT HOME, PLEASplano; large refrigerator; gas range; Wilmette 1614 . L2S-ltc ant easy sewing on yo ur mac hine. Tel. Evanston 6550 for appolntmelll Wh,ole or part time. Highest posslGlenn J . Barrett, 1936 Sheridan Rt OWNER FORCED TO SELL 10-ROOM RMS., FURN. OR UNFURN., SLPG. ble prices paid. For full lnformaEvan~ton. LTNZ8-l1J house In Wilm e tte at great sacrlftce prch., and private bath. 637 Abbottstlon address L. Jones, B ox 400 , Olney, for immediate action. Fine east loford Rd. Tel. Kenilworth 1865. Ill. L28-ltp FOR SALE - 1 MORRIS CHAIIl; cation; corner lot 75x180; conv. to L28-1tc rocking chair; brass b ed % sile, boJ all transp.; large living rm.; 2 sun GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK., WITH OR spring and mattress; all In goof porch.es; n maste r bedrooms and 3 without laundry work. Mrs. Helm, condition; must sell; sacrlftce. TeL FOR RENT-LARGE, LIGHT, FURN. baths on 2nd floor : servant's quarroom; l>riv. family ; near transp.; ters and bath on 3rd floor; all walls ~~~~ .&~~~~e{gofd., Hubbar~T:;~~f:c Rogers Park 9856. LZB-111 ·woman p1·eferred. Tel. "\VII. 832-R. and ceilings ca nvassed. This propLTN28-ltc FOR SALE-PIANO;. DINING ROOI erty combines a perfect home and a WOMAN CLERK W ANTED- PREFset; living room set; twin beda; bot genuine bargain. $38,500. e rably mature and with e x e cutive LAROE, FRONT R00!\1 ; PRIVATE springs; gas ··ange; go cart au ability to practically manage estabfamily; ref. req.; man · pre f. Tel. misc. furn. Tel. Evanston 398 ·· J. lished retail food store In Wilmette. L28-lte Wll. 716-J. LTN28-ltc Address Life, A-149. LTN28-ltc 348 Linden Ave. Tel. Wll. 228 FOR RENT-2 FURN. RMS. SUITFOR SALE-OAK DINING RM.. SET; LTN28-ltc able (or light hskpg. 01' othe1·wlse. WANTED-EXP'D GIRL FOR GEN. mahog. living room set; electric dome ; morris chair; all In exc. order. Tel. Wil. !l21-R. LTN2 -ltc h s wk. ; 3 in family; no washing; good wages. 900 Elmwood Ave. Tel. Wll. 2554. LTN%8-ltp OR 2 ROOMS; CHOICE LOCATION; Tel. Wll. 1678. L28-ltc reasonable. Tel . Wll. 2107. FOR SALE-CHEAP ; OLD FURNILTN28-ltc WANTED-GIRL FOR GEN. HBWK.; ture, curtains, stair carpets, por· ~==~~~=~~~==~~~~~~ daily except Sunday from 8-4; $15 tleres. Tel. Kenilworth 88. WAi'V'I'.ED '1'0 REN'I'-ROOMS per w ee k. Tel. Wll. 787-J . L28-ltc LTNZ8·1te Rllf. HSE., H .W. -HEAT WITH 8 W ANTED-FURN. ROOMS FOR 3 WANTED-GEN. HSWK. GIRL; SOME FOR SALE2 AN'l'IQUE SPINNING acr·es of beautiful high Janel adadults; light hskpg. ; April 15 or· May ex p .; small house; no washing; 2 wheels ; also antique walnut chair. joining GLEN OAK Acres sub1st. T el. Sat. A. M., Wll. 839- W. children school age. Tel. Wlnn. Tel. Evanston 9569. LTN28-ltc division. ______________ L_T_2_s_-_l_t_c 1604. L28-1tc WANTED TO BUYELDERLY GENTLEMAN WANTS A SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE HOUSEHOLD GOOD!! Also 8 acres beautiful wooded small quiet room not over $3.50 per \Vaukegan Road frontage. week. Address Ll!e, A-H4. FOR SALE-REAL ESTA'I'E SOLID MAHOG. DRESSING ivory cane bed and comfortable overstutred brass bed, coli spr odd chairs; 160 ft. reel; cretonne and ru curtains; 6 flower boxes ; Simplex Ironer; other goods. Tel. Wlnn. 2116. IPl!unnnnjp)~&IE Ulllflf(Q)t!.ll ~ l!u~ 1----------------.::. M~cGl!llnir<e & (Q)ww 'Vill Like LTN28-ltc T el. Dearborn 8740 or Kildare n24 !OJ' appointment. LTN28-2tp ANNEXATION TO WILMETTE OF THAT PROPERTY WEST OF RlDGE AVE.. WILL INCREASE ~ti_~U~~M~O~~I~~~~BLE, NOW IS ~-~t'l!tl"Ml';' 9 t'l! TQ)I'ZbCIQ~ 6 rra, 2! story brick, hot water ~~\WJ..Lll cSll .IQ)\Sf<Sllll. Wood' cSll heat, hardwood ftnlsh, on lot 50x124 baH block west the Ridge ' WILMETTE. CHOICE VACANT COR$16 000 00 ner, 2 blocks from Elevated, 60x150, 7 rm., 2 story frame, hot · wate; bargain, $8,200. heat, hardwood finish, garage, fruit Winnetka. Attractive stucco, llh and shade trees on corner lot 75x story, bungalow, 5 rooms, enc. sun 177, two blocks west o! Ridge . pch., garage, fruit trees, etc., $12,500. TQ)1l1l\\fCIQ ot 7 lot 6 lot rm.. 2 50x193, rm., 2 86x264, story frame, g!:!:~. ·~~ bargain $7,500.00. story stucco, garage, on halt mile west or Ridge 0 W GLENVIEW PROPERT\_o. 7 rm., brick bungalow, a.ll convenlences and Improvements, 2 car from state roads, bargain $16,000.00. 12 rm. frame, 2 story, hot water heat, hardwood finish, garage on corner lot 90x175, within two blocks ol steam roar\ and one block from state roads $13,000.00. 8 rm ., 2 story frame, garage, on lot 100x155 Waukegan Road, bargain $12,500.00. fr:~~se o~n sl~!m90rxo~J· an:~~~~ bl~~~ ~lhl~<ef<eir & <G(Q)llliD!l«:lhl Wnllmmeftitce-$1l~p@(Q)(Q) 909 Ridge Avenue Phone Wilmette 364 See Us for Acre Tracts in New Trier and Northfield LTN28-ltc JD)fi~ltniiD~itn we lDll.llit~IID C(Q)n (0) Il'llii !ill BUILT OF CLEAR CYPRESS, two .years old. First floor: large living room, sun parlor, dining room, kitchen, butler'e pantry and lavatory. Second floor: two lar~re bedrooms with communi· cating bath. Finest grade of hardware and fixtures throughout. All rooms papered except dlot.ng room which is canvassed · and panelled. Kitchen has tile w&ll· and ftoor and large builtin tee box. Entire house metal weather-·trlpped. One car garace. Hot water heat. lnstantaneou· water heater. Lot 50x 1115 beautifully wooded. Many ·hrub· and perennials. One of the ftnest small homes on the FOR RENT-FURN. 7 RM. HOUSE; available May 1st; 2 'blks. transp. north ·bore. $2%,500.00 Tel. Wlnn. 1966. LTNU-ltp L. F. LINES UU Asbury Avenue FOR RENT-8 RM.WINNETKA SUBWinnetka 410 stantlal brick: h . w. heat. Pavlik, LTNU-1te Jr. Tel. Kenilworth 2016. LTNZS·ltp The Fashion Sewing Shop AFTERNOON GOWNS AND DRESSES a specialty. Reasonable prices. Make early appointments. 1634 GARDENER WITH 12 YEARS OF Highland Ave., Wilmette. Tel. Wll. ~ ~~ 10>_ ~ profes&lonal exverlence seeks posi~66-J . L15-tfc o ~o ~lJ.,~~<f;J ~ ~@o tion as head gardener on private estate. Nationality Danish. Very WANTED- WASHINGS TO TAKE REAL TORS best of references s to character home, finished work and rough dry. and working ability. Address WilWill call ' and deliver. 418 Prairie 336 Linden Ave. Ph. mette Life, A-HO. LT28-ltp Ave., Wll. Tel. Wll. 1351. LT27-4tp CHINESE GOODS ARE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..:..._.:..::.::. and very acceptable as gl selections otrer a pleasing BACKWARD AND DEFECTIVE CHILFOR SALE dren tutored by exp'd teacher; will for your choice. 7-ROO:M STUCCO, CHAMBERS; Fine assortment or unique Challll. go to home; reasonable. Tel Evanslarge living rm.; fireplace; oil heatUpholstering, Draperies, ton 5837. LTN27-2tp Necklaces, and Pendants In real ~ er; very cheerful house In exc. cond. ber, Jade, Coral, Ivory, AmethY·· on lot 100x180; too large for owner. etc.: Rings, Earrings: Novelties WHITE WOMAN WISHES IRONING Slip Covers or cleaning by day. Tel. WI!. 2987. Silver and Brass hand work. Real CHENTU silk crepe, LT28-ltc mmeit~I'Zb I'Zb~ ~w ~0 ll.\Sf \Sf(Sj.j, lJ.,d' \W or blue; also CHINA ellk, white, SITUATION WANTEDln. at $3 per yd., beautiful for surn· 513 F h s ourt t. Tel. Wll. 1304 MALE OR FEMALE .....__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L:_2....:8:...-..:1.:.:tc m~m~~~T~:~~l 10 't~~~ns~llp~ltc· Silk Formerly with Mandel Bros. EVERYTHING IN RELIABLE COL· Embroideries (In rich colors suit· ored help. Either male or female able for trimmings) Mandarin SkirUd furnished by Square Deal Employ417 Fourth Street, Wilmette and Coats, Shawls, Girdles, Old an ment Agency, 3507 Grand Boulevard. New Tapestries, etc. Phone Wilmette 2228 Tel. Douglas 3709. LT28-ltp All genuine, selected and dlrect11 ROOM STUCCO HSE. AT 1325 I.TN4-tfc Imported by my nephew, a college Gregory Ave., now vacant; owner Is EXPERIENCED, REFINED, COLORgraduate and Y. M. C. A. worker re· non-resid ent; want quick action this ed couple as chautreur, and 2nd maid cently returned from China. P'rlce· week. This Is the best value in or cook; can !urn. best ref. Address very moderate for quality good· Wilm e tte; str ictly modern; upper Life. A - 147. · LTN28·1tp and range trom $1 to $125. Inspec· and lower prches.; 50x175 ft. lot; tton Invited. Phone Wilmette 676. tin e trees ; goo<l condition; see It and FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS then call H . H. Brown, Wil. 218 for NORTH SHORE HOUSE MRS. W. PANUSHKA further particul ars. L28-ltc FOR SALE-GENUINE QUARTER 719 NINTH STREET CLEANING SERVICE WILMF:TTI sawed oak dining set In Jacobean L28-ltc FOR SALE- EI GHT-ROOM HOUSE WE CLEAN WALL PAPER, CALCIfinish, beaut, period design, 60 1n. one block east of station, large yard; mine, grass cloth; we wash painted butret, serving table, tea wagon, 54 BABY CHICKS; IN 100 LOTS; .ASgarden, sleeping porch, beautiful woodwork, and windows as well as ln. table and 6 chrs., all match, In neighborhood; occupation after Aprll polish furniture and wax floors. sorted, $9; Leghorns, $12; Barr~ perf. cond., made by Tobey; porch first. Owner, Preston Boyden, 725 First class ret. Edward T. Handy. Rocks, S. C. Reds, Ancon&S, fh; hammock, good mattress, green Pine Stre "'t. Tel. Winnetka 356. Wyandotte&, Butr Orpingtons, )(I· Office Tel. Wll. 1647 after II P. M. prch. sun screen 6x7, 1 sanitary Res. Tel. Wll. 685. LT22-tfc L28-ltc couch, oak bookcase· kitchen table· ~~rca~. ' 1i-~Kn~'Wid. c~~ba/tlR~r;& kitchenette gas stove with oven and FOR SALE - SCOTT AVE.; NEW PEORIA. ILLINOIS. LTN18-22te boiler; gas range; 2 brass beds, home ready May 1st; 4 bedrooms, 2 springs and mattress, A-1 cond.; 2 FOR SALE-AT A baths, steam heat, sun parlor, $17,500. BARGAIN, Sll prs. pillows; blue velvet runner and Tel. Winnetka 690. LTN28-ltc tube radio frequency set, Magnavol HARDWOOD FLOORS rug; new 9x12 blue Kimbark rug· loud speaker, charger, battery com· wringer; wash boiler, etc. ; 60 ft: WANTED TO BUY-HOUSES plete working order. Call Sat. atterhose on rack; odd dishes; cookln~r Laid, scraped, utensils; Ice box. Tel. Wll. 839-W. ~~f.n ~rnn~urr,~~~· 1229 si~~2t;:~ WANTED TO BUY-FOR CASH, FROM LT28-ltc owner, brick bungalow or house near Our own patent sanders transpn. Address Lite, 125. SAFE FOR SALE-24x18xl2 IN. Il'TFOR SALE - HICKORY DINING slde measure. Call atter seven atL L27-3tp Ad vance Floor Co. porch set, 7 pieces, $10: Eden W&Sh· night or Sunday morning. 'l'e ing machine, $25; wringer, $2; 10· II'OR RENT-HOUSES ~\~'!:, 1560. 844 Spruce St.i:.:f-~~ A. WASLEFF, Prop. piece mahogany dining room set, SITUATION WANTED--MALE I:~~~~~~~~~~J Wllr,:~t:s-l~~ won n IR n cc J. 542 So. Dearborn St. LTN27-4tp FOR RENT- WILMETTE HOUSE, Central weet location, to steam 8 tation ~ mile; 6 rooms and ·un porch; 1 JU(. COL.; LG. BUN-SLP. PCHS.; south front; $100 per month; h. w. b. w. ht., toL-la..-. let n., dbl. trar.; heat; possession April aOth for 1 extra lc. lot; unlque within and year. Address Life, 1011. L21i-ttc without. 118,500. JC&·Y term.. NfJ'W Wiimumeftk~ lRu.ny NOR H TH SHORE HOUSE, LAWN AND GARDEN SERVICE OU 8e and window cleaning, ftoor waxing, lawn and garden work, fl.rst class reterences. Walsh. Tel. 10S5 (after 1 · P. M.) LT%5-tfc 2 70 ilt Ceeter (fortDerlJ RENT -li'URN. HOME, WIL- WANTED-BY YOUNG MAN 2 OR 8 7 rm·.; from Kay t·t to Oet. hours outside work each' morning Heinuetm&CllulktPllnnco TOmette: l·t. Tel. Sheldrake ean. L18-ltc I ;;-;T~e;;l; . ;W::;;-I-;lm~e;tt:;e~::--;II.;;;;:::::=-~~LJ~8;.·~1~t;c I ;~~-;:-:-;-::--::::-:-----.,.._L~T~N::;Z:_:B:,:-.:l::tc n~~;b~~~~letsttatue dand pedestal, IF YOU WILL PHONE EVA.NSTOI'I · s a ue an pedestal $26· Teakwood stand, hand carved, 'mar~ 9569 I shall be pleased to brlnl ble top, $25; cedar lined bed couch sample line of wash dresses to your U; books and ornaments, 10c to home. Prices $2.00 and upLTNas-ltc oriental rugs, $25 to f150; new 7piece mahog. bedroom suite U50. 833 Greenwood. Tel. Wll. 281. FOR SALE-AMERICAN IDEAL HO'l' L28-lte water heater, alze No. 2; suitable t6~ garage; very cheap. Tel. !J~is!ltc A.M SELLING MY HOUSE AND EN· tire furniture all in lump or by the piece. Wurlltller mahog. upright PEDIGREED COLLIE PUPPIES, PER· player Plano, bench and rolls like feet markings, long beads. Tel. W~~ new set, $350. Terms to resp. 1370. · LTN28- 1 ':" party ; 4 piece mahog. parlor set beautifully Upholstered, specially de- FOR SALE-REED BABY CARRIAGII. signed seats. Tel. Wil. 205. $7; talr condltlon. 604 Par~ .Av Wilmette. ,...8· 1 u: f,· llmCT-L.UtOJD I RK.' UNGA- EXPERT GARDEN WORK DONS BY FOR SALE-USED ORIENTAL RUGS· SAXOPHONJil C MELODY; C0)(· Tel. KeDilwortJa Jll. LZS-ltp hour or contract. Call Winn. ltOI. all ·lzes; prices ranarlng from flO plete, $85. t17 Emeraon St., Nlll T~~ LTJifl'l-tfc to $'00, Tel. Wll. 19U. LTNII·ltc ton, DL Tel. 4401-J'. LT 1 8 - 1

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