Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Apr 1924, p. 24

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WILMETTE FRID.\ y APRIL 11 192-l the audience will be welcome the adjoining lunch hall and paintings. No admission will be charged, sole purpose of the .exhibit give north shore restdents an tunity to see the Pictures and how their striking colors the lunch room walls. School picture committee, headed Miss Murphy, is responsible fOr curing the exhibit and managinr affair. Every resident of the township cordially invited to be present. TOWNS PLAN TO P . S.CONSTRUCTS HUGE SUB-STATION At E\·anston, construction of a SubStation of the Public Service company of Northern Illinois, a partieularly interestibg Plant, is under way. Referred to more frequently U the Church Street Sub-Station it is intere sting because energy sent down over the steel tower line from the new \Vaukegan Generating Station at 132.000 volts wilt hf" hroul{ht to it for trar~>formation to distributive voltages. The building when complet~ will measure 50 by 80 feet. It wtll be about 36 feet high, a fireprc;>of structure with walls of pressed bnck trimmed in cut stone. Tranaformera Outdoors A Sub-Station ordinarily implies EXHIBIT WARES Exposition to Find Town in State Beat Which is the best city in Illinois. therefore in the United States, and consequently in the world? Newspaper reporters who ventured into the Union League club the other day in quest of the answer were dumquizzled by conflicting testimony. They came away dizzy from efforts to catch, absorb and digest a mas! of facts, figures, claims and boasts hurled meeting of the Board of atof Governors fint full the Illinois Products Exposition. Dignified gentlemen all, these staid, efficient captains of industry--except when called upon to defend the prestige of the old home town. Then how these men of big affairs can light l ' "Rockford, as the first city in the ~t:lfl·." ~:\id John H. Caml,in, president of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce (which is sponsoring the Illinois Products Exposition), "naturally wi11 be represented in a manner befitting her premiership." "As all the world admit s, Decatur stands at the top of Illinois cities," averred L. P. Halladay. And with disdainful disrellard of Decatur's claim and Rockford's, Clarence Griggs asserted he was there to tell the world , that North Amt"rica knew no such ,iewel as La Salle eounty, especially Ottawa. Wavne Hummer offered federal statistics to back up Mr. Grigfls-except that he put La Salle ahead of Ottawa. . That Chicago is merely a suburb of Chicago Hei~ht s was revealed in ~n1Pmn rnnfidt"ncp hy Geor'!'e I. McEldowney; and W. S. Harwood of Bloominpton oainted such a !!'lowinopicturf' of McLean co11ntv that it seemed no otl,cr champions would dare to t:~ke the Aoor. Thev ,J id. howcl'cr: H. H. Cleaveland of Rn<'k r,Janrl . SOI"king- also for Molin e. o,uhmittcd that his co·11m11nitv had '""'II horn with a hlut" rihbon in its hand. " \\'!' " ·i ll hrin l! the Mis~i~ sinpi riq·r up to Chic:u·n :~ncf )pt vou 11ll have " look ;~t one of our minor possessio ns." he said. "Lflwrencevill<', hPst oil town in the world. is capital of a territorv worth a doz"n TP:tpot Dnme~ ." W'ls th" modest admission of Harold B. Pullar. C. R. Trimble of Auror'\, Ralph 'Willi~ of Ga feshurp, C. L. Dodrrc of 'Waukeg-an, S. E. Bradt of DeK,.Ib. Ger:\ld Fr,.nks of Peoria. L. S. Kinnard of Danville and several others serv('d notice that when their communities lined uo with the others in the. American Expo~ition Palace in Chu:ago, October 9-18, the question of supremacy would hP settled once ancl for all-in favor of the speaker's town . That a comhination of forces in south.ern counties may upset the calculations of other sections was indicat~d by scout reoorts from Egynt. Juhus P. Schuh of Cario and Ferdinand Kohl of Centr<1lia are known to be planning an exhibit, the backho11e of which will be cotton, that will be one of the surprises of the Exposition. George Woodruff, chairman of the Board of Governors. ca lied attention to the warning by Spearman Lewis. managing director of the Illinois Products Exposition, that choice sp~ce was being snapped up fast and that local Chambers of Commerce considering cooperative exhibits would do well to J?ick their booths as quickly as pos~tbiP , Rooth ~a)P~ ar,. in f'harg-P nf A. R. Shaffer, 1401 Otis Building, Chicago, headouarters of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce. ruth~ss~ aroun~ ~e 1 ~h~a~t~i~t~s~p~u~rp~o~s~e~i~s~to~~h~6~u~se~~tr~a~n~~~ · ~v~o~U~a~g~e~o~v~e~rt~h~e~s~t~u~l~t~o~w~e~r~h~n~e~ffl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ formers. But there arc none in the being dT<'ctcd chiefly in a temporary . Church Street Sub-Station. They are Sub-Station at Church .street. The outdoor aut?mahc Sub-St'!t.ton embodied in a complete Ol_ttd.oor Transformer station. The ln11ldmg covets at North Chicago 1s. near CO!Jlpletton. switching apparatus and regulator~ to It is expcctl'd to be m operation. early handle the 132,000-volt line . and hke- this month. 'l'hi~ Plant 1s n~cessttated wise the 33,000 volts. Thts _ou,tdoor by the increase 111 demand m the terlocation for the tran sformns tsn t ex- ritory. f .. h Its effect will be to . act 1ttate t e actly a novelty. for of th e ~1any SubStations in the Compan)· s _system operating problem matenally. there are a number from wl11ch the transformers have been removed and High School Invites to re-erected outdoors hard hy. _The ~rExhibition of Paintings rangement is modern and in ltne wtth the tested out making for increased On Monday, Apri.t 21, there will .be efficiency ideas that are at the b!f-Se an exhibit of paintn~gs at Ne~ Trter of the construction and operattng High school. The ptctur~s. wht«:h are policy of the Public Service Company. by certain Chicago arttsts, wdl be To be Completed by Summer displayed in the June~ roo~. Tht's Sub-Station, it is expected, will This exhibition is gtven m connecAt tion with the Little Sym. phony COf!be completed by early summer. · cert wliich takes place ~ the ~udtpresent the nec~ssary transformat!on torium on that same evenmg. Etther of energy reachmg Evanston at. hlg.h before or after the musical program betac POLICE AFTER SPEEDERs Wilmette motorcycle police are this week seeking out violatora speed and other traffic taws, and local court has been kept busy an accumulation of cases. If YOU WANT your printing done PROPERLY and · I ;:;..,; ~rJ:., PROMPTLY ask Hollister to do .it. New Optical Firm Hu Store on North Shore H. A. Hattstrom and A. L. Sanders. for several years associated with the Chicago and Evanston stores of Almer Coe and company, have recently established the Hattstrom and Sanders optometric and manufacturing optical business at 702 Church street, Evanston. Both of the firm members are registere~ opto~etrists and have had long ~xper1ence m every department of the ~ptical business. They have establtshed a thoroughly modern shop in the Church Street. building, which will be devoted exclustvely to the attention of the eyes a nd the proper fitting of glasses. Lloyd Hollister, .Inc. Publishers and Printers Wilmette i 920 Winnetka 2000 WILMETI'E

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