Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Apr 1924, p. 22

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22 WILMETTE LiFE, FRIDAY, APRIL ll, 1924 sign this contract as one condition of the sale. This is offered as a sugges tion, ~ow ever, if it merits favor~h l e conslderd ation it should be put 111 proper an legal' form by our Vil lage Attorney. Yours very respec tfully, E. R. Shn ah le, 1005 Mirhiga n Ave., Wilmet te, Ill. BUILDS R.ES I DE~CE Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Fouts of A bu ilding perm 1t was 1ssued to A . leaf avenue, are leaving today to . I· t we ek to erect a two- Easter with their daughter, Mrs. W. Dldcksoll~ as at 350 Oak circle' val- Bibbins of Syracuse, New York. story we 1n g OHer College Course to High School Roads Contest Winner Fifth Good Roads Essay THE PUBLIC FORUM Contest Announced by . _ Highway Education ro the Editor of the WILMETTE Lit£ ; Wilmette, Illinois. I judge that there are some doul~ t~, in th e minds of some Wilmette Cl tlzen s, as to the permanencf of pr~tection guaranteed to stnctly r~s i dential prc;>perty by .the p~sent zonmg and buildmg perm 1t ordmances. A call has been made for a solution. I I ued at $8.000. The Kenilworth Garden clu~ IQit 011 M Ch 1 H Macklin is ill in a Tuesday afternoon at the res1denc:e of ~· I .ar t · Augu stine ' Florida. Mrs. Arthur w. Ruf, 236 Cumnor fOI4. h OSplta ll1 ses I COMM UN ITY MARKET PLACE Our Want Ad pages are the ComFour Years at Col lege with all exmunity Market Place. Th~se sellers go and spread their attract1ve wares. penses paid is the inducement held ou! to Thither go prospective buyers an.d high school students of the Umted select what they most want. It IS States for the best essay on the subject a well-known fact that our .readers "The Relation of Improved Highways have the good habit of perusmg the to Home Life " according to a statement just issued b~ the Highway. Education Want Ads. They expect to find there board. Kindly permit me. to offe~ the fo!- advertised something that they ~ant. . be lowing as a solutiOn, wh1ch ob vi- And they are seldom, if ever, dls~p Announcement of this proposal IS - ates the necessity of further legislapointed. Come to th e Commumty ing made to all state, city, and co~nty tion. Market Place. school officials as promptly as poss1ble. The offer is in the form of a cnntest, Let each block or square of strictly in which all students of higl1 school re sidential property organize a buildgrade are eligible to compete. The four ing district unit. Any desirable numyears at college constitute a scholarship ber of units can be thus organized . In the Village given annually by H. S. Firestone, Ak- It is assumed that the owners in each Theatre Building ron Ohio, for the best essay on a sub- block are unanimous as to the undeject pertaining to elementary highway sirability of flats and apartments. economics. The contest is the fifth cort- This being true, all the owners of ducted in as many successive years un- property in each block sign a con" der the auspices of the highway organi- tract with each other, severally and zation. collectively, said contract providing In the conduct of the contest the board for an established, or to be established, will have the active assistance of exten- building line ; providing for a minision divisions of the leading universities mum cost of building; and providing in each state, or of the state departments for the building of residences for a of education, as well as the almost unan- single family use only. imous endorsement and support of To avoid any legal objections, this city and county school authorities. contract to run for a term of say 15, The rules of the contest are simple. 20 or 30 years, as may be mutually Any student of high school grade is eli- agreed to. The contract also provides, that For gible to enter. Essays to be written must not exceed seven hundred words should conditions change during the in length, and the closing date on which term of contract, whereby it becomes Your Sandwiches, Ice essays must be presented to school prin- advisable to permit the building of cipals is April 21, 1924. Aside from the flats and apartments, any signatory to Pop Corn and Cream, usual statements that essays must be this contract will be permitted to do written on one side of the paper only, so by securing favorable frontage Candy. must be the original work of the writ- consents from at least two-thirds of ers, and that the decision of the judges the frontage on the four sides of the is final, there are no other conditions. A block. Where Quality statement reviewing the past history of It is further provided, should any Chocolate Rules the contests, said: owner in the block d esire to sell his WHITE ENAMELED WARE IS USEFUL AND BEAUTIFUL We have in stock a very full line of white enameled wares. They are of the celebrated Vollrath pattern and make. · The enamel is so thoroughly baked on that it will not chip off, . and it keeps the food free from contact with the metal. Ten Tlae Milk Pans Pudding Pans Butter Diabea Strainers Soap Diabea Tea-pots Ice-box Diabea Double Boilen Village Chocolate Shop John Millen 41 /f It'· Hardware, Millen Haa It" tion w Highwa such a be co less tha for th1 and th< fer ior types traffic structi01 Lincoln th e 17t route i and T ~ Increas1 Phones Wilmette 3060-3061 1219-21 Wdmette Ave. CLEANING REPAIRING - PRESSING It's surprising how much better a suit of clothes will look after we clean and press it I school the nation year are being "For students the fifthof consecutive high offered the opportunity to win what is perhaps the largest single educational award offered in the United States. The award is known as the H . S. Firestone F our Years ' University Scholarship, which will be given to the l1igh school s tudent writing the best essay on 'The Rela tion of Improved Highways to H ome Life.' Essays must not exceed seven hundred words in length and must be written in accordance with the simple rules of the contest. "Altogether it is estimated that more than eight hundred thousand pupils have submitted essays in the four previous contests, probably the most sustained educational competition, according to the records of the board, in the United States. "Four students are now in college as the res.1lt of their participation. The first successful pupil was Miss Katherine F. Butterfield, Weiser, Idaho. She will be graduated this year from Northwestern university, Evanston. The second to win this national honor was Miss Carland Johnson, Bridgeport, West Virginia, now attending the University of West Virginia at Morgantown. A young man was the winner of the third contest, Karl C. Pearson, of Kansas and the District of Columbia, being the successful contestant. His essay was written on the subject 'How Good Roads Are Developing My Community.' He is a student at George Washington university, Washington, D. C. "The last winner was Miss Dorothy Louise Roberts, Harlan, Kentucky, located in the heart of the Kentuclcy mountains. Miss Roberts, the daughter of a Methodist preacher, wrote the best essay of approximately one hundred and fifty thousand submitted in the 1923 competition on the subject 'The Influence of Highway Transport upon the Religious Life of My Community.' She is attending school at Marietta College, Marietta, Ohio, where her father has been transferred as pastor of a church. "Thus sixteen thousand dollars al· ready have been appropriated by the donor for the education of young people who have been successful in these competitions. The scholarship this year is precisely as offered in the past, which is Intended to defray all expenses incident to tuition, room, board, books and special fees of the successful student at any college or university in the United States he elects to attend. "The character of the judges who r~ view the essays is the highest type possible to obtain. Last year, for instance, the national judges were the Secretary of War, John W. Weeks; Dr. Albert Shaw, editor of the Review of Reviews, New York City; and Bishop William F. Anderson, Methodist Episcopal church Cincinnati, Ohio. The board offers as~ surance that judges of the same repute and high standing will be chosen to make tbe selection of the best essay this year. "Any information desired on the contest will be cladly supplied. Inquiries ahould be addressed to Highway Education Board, Willard Building, Washington, D. C." ~~ro~p~c~r~ty;·~h;e;w~il~l~r;eq~ui~r~e~t~h;e~b~u;y~e~r~t~o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HEMSTITCHING INDUSTRY 1s to the human body what oil is to a piece of machinery, it keeps it running smoothly and prolongs its life. Let us apply our industry to the sale of your property. Hemstitching is work that takes time and energy and lots of care and patience. Let us do yours for you. DeLuxe Cleaners 1105 CENTRAL AVENUE Phone Wilmette 610 Phone 1304 Wilmette A . J. WOODCOCK Truth About Street Lightin'g The administration, under the name "Community Party," has by advertisement misinformed the people of Wilmette concerning the stand of the Wilmette Chapter of the American Association of Engineers .on the proposed lighting system. The facts are: 1. The Chapter estimated that a modern system of best design, obtaining the current from the Sanitary District, could be built for less than $250,000. The administration has levied an assessment which will bring in some $80,<XX) more than this . 2. The system as proposed by the administration would cost to maintain three times as much as stated in the advertisement. The administration refuses to figure depreciation according to modern business practice. 3. The administration employed a consulting engineer at the request of the Chapter but has refused to make his report public although the taxpayers' money was spent for it. 4. Engineers of Wilmette have always been in favor of the best lighting system at reas.onable cost. 5. No poles were proposed by the Chapter except where poles are now in alleys. 6. The statement of the administration that the report recommended "wooden poles throughout the village" is fal se. 35 Years' Experience "All the Hot Water What do you want in the morning? Hot water. After each meal? Hot water! On wash days? Hot water! ! On bathing days? Hot water! ! ! Then ask Kempe to install in your home a RUUD STORAGE HEATER. 7. The insinuation that members of the Chapter are subsidized by utility interests is political bunk that marks its author. · · 8. Since the people were denied their right as citizens to vote on a referendum for lights, the only way the engineer could discharge his duty as a citizen was to go into court. 9. Whether Wilmette will have a lighting system under the present ordinance, regularly passed and now in effect, will be decided by the court and is not a question of this campaign. 10. Delay in court has been due wholly to negligence of the administration. WILMETTE CHAPTER SKJJ,I.ED SANITARY PLUMBING PRAIRIE FIRE The Fire department made a run to Linden avenue and Third street Monday afternoon to e.xtinauish a small prairie fire. There was no damage, but a hich wind made it advisable to take no chances, and the truck wu called out. ' PAUL KEMPE 619 Main St. Phone Wilmette 125 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERS \V. A. MELCHIOR, Secretary. This ad is published and paid for by the Wilmette Chapter A. A. E.

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