Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Apr 1924, p. 19

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1924 or by appointment. The church office, ln charge of Miss Badger, ls 0 pen dally e][cept Saturdays from 9-5 and trom 9-12 on Saturdays. The church telephone .J.s Wilmette 2285. ln~s 19 ., Kena"lwortb Happeot ' DII aster seaeol!. lnlst Will r.l'lllili ning Courn wtl Hall on )l(o!IGit at The Young Peoples Evening Bridge club met at the home of Miss Virginia Little, 516 Essex road, on Tuesday evening. -o-- Committee 'WII ening at 7:10. ratory Servlee 1r11 ~:d~a 1 r_ventn~r &t 1 Communion lente. at the Preeb;t:. ~J~; ~lli:ar:~t KEEWAYDIN DULY LAUNCHED Seascout Craft Ready to Sail Lake Micbiaan Ahoy I Seascout Ship Keewaydin was launched last Friday and is now ready to sail the deep 'b.lue waters ad jacent to Wilmette and rid these peaceful waters of pirates, bootleggers and enemy ships. Si.:\. teen handsome sails-tall and sh ort-thin and fat as the 'Pirates of " ore stood at attention and swore their allegiance to the ship and skipper and agreed to stand by through fair weather and foul. Their headquarters this summer will be the Wilmette harbor and from this lair they will sally forth to patrol the ern and rock-bound coast of Wile and the north shore. Next Friday will find them all replendent in their spanking white and 11 fitting (?) uniforms to which were outfitted last Monday at e Commodore. The first week in May will find their ten oar cutter and sailing sloop anin Wilmette and mid-summer find twelve lucky A.B's cruising bounding deep on the U. S. S. ilmette, pride of the Great Lakes. a ke sail and away I What is betthan a life on the rolling deep? on Voyage, good ship Keewaydin I g~el~h ~~c~:u:·"· ee!vi~fn:,eht&rta~ Qa Mr. :Roy C. Osgood, 423 Essex road, The value of church membership left home on Friday, April 4, for a will be the theme of the Rev. Leland week's business trip to Washington, H. Danforth's lecture on Sunday, D. C. April 13, and on Wednesday, April -o-16, will be given the last of the - lecMr. Richmond Kenyon, 304 Cumnor tures on the Episcopal church. The road, left on April 3 for Detroit where subj ect will be '"The Passion of he will be the guest of his mother for Christ." On Thursday morning, April a few day.§. · · · ......,o-17, and on Good Friday, there will be celebrations of the Holy Corbmunion Mrs. Charles ~lmes, 200 Warwick at 10 o'clock. On Good Friday night, road, entertained .the-members of her the full vested choir will give Strain- Sewing club for luncheon on Monday, er's "Crucifixion." April 7. . __.,_ nw~~tu~cf:~. at -o-- ptlst church 1e It. and Forest &YeD. . o Its servlcee. '1\e s C. Stifter, l!I&J h y during the lllora. ou'd Be Surprised at What Our Shop Can Do The linotype operator, or the makeup man, or the proof reader, or a combination of three contrived reaently to place Alfred ]. Ruby of 8Z2 Green leaf avenue in a serious predicament by making him at once a "hostess at a luncheon" and convalescent from a "recent illness." The triumvirate of the "back room" quite overlooked that fact that, likely as not, it was Mrs. Ruby who entertainecl and that Mr. Ruby has been feeling quite well, thank you. If you have ever worked in a printing office, no further explanation is necessary. At any rate, regrets over he results of ·a "pi" are in order. Note: Mr. Ruby was splendid about all and you, kind reader, will bear with us while we indulge in a humble apology. The Home and Garden club wlil Mrs. Howard Knight of Evanston, formerly Miss Clay Bennett of Ken- meet at the home of Mrs. Earl W. DeMoe, 414 Warwick road, on Monday ilworth, entertained at a linen shower on Friday afternoon, April 11, in honor aftemooD, April 14. of Miss Florence Newport, 520 Abbottsford road, whose marriage to Mr. Organ Recital Charles J. Rookcastle of Chicago wilt At St. Luke's Church take place on AprH 22, at the KenilThe seventh of the North Shore seworth ur:uu church. ries of organ recitals on the great organ -oSt Luke's church, Evanston, is anThe Kenilworth club will give a of nounced for Tuesday evening, April 15, vaudeville show of Kenilworth talent at 8 It will be a Lenten prosometime in May. The first rehears- gram o'clock. given by Herbert E. Hyde, memal was held on Saturday, April 5, at ber of the American Guild of Organists the Kenilworth Assembly hall. The and superintendent of the Chicago CivMisses Florence and Beatrice Pease ic M.usic Association; assisted by Walhead the vaudeville committee. ter L. Kraeckmann, basso. The program -oincludes two of Mr. Hyde's own com· M iss Patty Foresman, 515 Essex positions "Spring" and "Lullaby," the road, was hostess at a dinner and latter in manuscript; his transcription for dance at the Drake hotel on Saturday the organ of Simonetti's violin melody f'vening, April 5, in honor of Miss "Mardrigale ;" several other spring Virginia Jerrems of Chicago, whose songs; Thiele's briUiant technical piece marria~e to Mr. Frank Wolff will "Chromatic Fantasie ;" Foote's "Pater take place June 3. Noster" (in which the echo organ is -oused) ; and the "Funeral March on the Mrs. Harry Vissering, 257 Kenil- Death of a Hero" from Beethoven's worth avenue, was hostess for lunch- "Eroique Symphony." eon and bridge at her home on SatMr. Hyde is one of the leading orurday, April 5, in honor of her sister, ganists of the country, and as the great Mrs. Herbert Deys of Alta Dena, organ of St. Luke's church was built to California, who has been visiting Mrs. his specifications, peculiar interest atVissering for the past six weeks. taches to his interpretations upon it. ·r em gives to on the vital added T EMPERING qualities that tempering gives to finest tbts Oil is ., , . . ·. Len metal- to shears or razors, for example. Note what such oU means to your motor's life. After hours and hours of hottest running, Tempered oil holds from 10 to 369L higher viscosity than other good oils. Repeated tests prove this. And Tempered cives an extra safety margin against crankcase dilution. And Tempered holds down carbon troubles to an absolute minimum. , ~~ ~ ~ It · 110-AI m:w,.,adhants ~· Tempered - " Motor Oil is the only Tempered oil It should be yeur single choice. We recommend its use over all other oils. We urge that you give it a fair trial. and learn its advantages for yourselt l' MILLER BROTHERS NORTH SHORE GARAGE Wilmette, -o- M iss Jeanette Cherry, arrived home CAS CONSUMPTION on Tuesday from the University of According to the Firestone News Wisconsin to spend her spring vaca- Service, nearly 9,000,000,000 gallons of tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. gasoline were consumed in 1923 and Frank W . Cherry, 422 Abbottsford more than 50,000,000 tires. road. Miss Cherry is completing her senior year at Wisconsin. -o-- m. M iss Patty Foresman, 515 Essex road, who has been with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Foresman, during her ten day vacation, left on Monday for Pine Manor, WellesleY,, Massachusetts. The Evenin~~: Bridge club was entertained at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Allen at their home on Melrose :avenue, on Monday evening, ,Apri17. Mrs. Charles Baxter of Toledo, Ohio, who has been the guest of Mrs. Alfred R. Hulbert, 528 Abbottsford road for the past three weeks, left for her home on Tuesday, April 1. --o- -o- Your Store Deserves the Best in Lighting Sometimes a merchant sincerely believes that because his store fixtures are not the newest-his stock not the largest-his store not in th·e best location-his building not im. posing, he doesn't need the most improved lighting. Experience disagrees. More than other dealers he needs better lighting to offset disadvantages that he cannot easily controL No other single improvement has near such power to put a store on the city map as this single item of lighting. · Lighting attracts. Lighting makes trade. Lighting pays profits! Work to Start Soon on New McCormick Highway First steps toward the realization the new $8,000,000 McCormick way were taken recently when tract for removing the spoil ks of the drainage canal was to L. E. Myers of Chicago, by the district. Work will be startthe next few weeks. ers of the Sanitary district unable to say, however, when on the road itself would hegin. new highway will be built on bank of the drainage canal, Lawrence avenue, Chicago, to street. Evanston. Not only will vert traffic from the much traveled eridan road, but will tend to deop territory in the vicinity of the nal. -oThe Young People's Junior guild met at the home of Mrs. Alfred McDouqal on Saturday morning, April 5 Sewing for Infant Welfare is the ~ork of the guild at the present time. -oMrs. Elmer Jackson and daughter, Elizabeth, have gone to Europe for the summer months. Mr. Jackson will reside at the Kenilworth Inn during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. Willis J. Wells and son, Mr. Douglas Wells, have returned to their home at 430 Essex road, after an absence of three months in Chicago. -cr- --oM iss Dorothy Lyons of Pontiac, Michigan, who is attending Ann' Arbor, was the week-end guest of Mary Elizabeth Gaskell. -cr- Mr. Hugh A. Foresman, 515 Essex road who has been in Lexington, Kentucky on a business trip for the past ten days, arrived home on Friday. taken -oMrs. Charles F. Meyer, 423 Cumnor roop I will hike Tuesday, April 15, road who has been spending the at the church at 9 :00 A. M. II will hike Monday, April 14. wint~r at the Orrington hotel, is now living in her home in Kenilworth. at the church at 9 :00 A. M. -ofter Easter the meetings will be held Mrs. Frank G. Ely, 305 Kenilworth doors, as often as the weather peravenue, left her home on Saturday Let everyone get as much work done for a ten day visit in Boston and New possible before the Investiture, May York city. -o-- Only 4. $1~ Ask About Free Trial Let us make a free tria1 installation of thiR lighting equipment in your store. No obligation. It's at our expense. We do this because we know it's good. We want you to know it too. Mr. and Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart left Do not forget the Rally to be held at Armory, May 2. Plan to go if you on Tuesday for a ten day trip to Asheville, North Carolina. ibly can. -o- Mr. V. C. Spicer of Essex road: who iss Virginia Little, 516 Essex road, ined at bridge on Saturday eve- is in the Presbyterian hospital, 1s. recuperating from a serious operatton . t her home. $~~~. per unit First Church of Christ, SCientist, Wilmette, Ill.. Tenth St. aad c-tral A~·· Christian Science Reading Room Come in snd see display in our store. 1113 Wilmette An. Hours: Sunday at S e rvAic.esM:. Daily (except Wednesday and 11 Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. at 8 e~~M~ay Testimonial Meeting Wednesday: 9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M. Sunday School 9 ,45 A. M. Saturday: 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The Bible anti Works by Mary S ubject of the Lesson Sermon Baker Eddy and all other authorA '1 13 .. !sed Christian Science Literature pra ' Ant Sin, Sickness -d may be read, borrowed or purDeath Real?" chased. Tile Palllle Is eonllall7 a.vttN to tile Cllare' h~ee. - · '1'18lt w Pusuc SERVICE CoMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Jno. S. Reesman, District Manaaer Ill Clnarcla St...~, Phoae EYaaaton 3--E~aaatoa-P..... Wa...tt. Zl8 tile RMIII..Iq Rooa. ·tt···

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