Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Apr 1924, p. 18

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WIT IL JMI 1E 1r1f 1E CCIHIUJ~CCIHI NEW§ ANIL» JF>A~ll§!HI ANN<OHUNCIE.MJEW ,.;pt·vit"es in the chut·ch on "'ednesday and Friday e venings at ('lght o'clock. The women of thP ~orth Encl Cir- Th e pt'eJHU'atory servtce "ill be helrl cl e will hold a nakery Sale Friday after th e sermon on Good Friday evt,'morning at 11 o'clock, In connection nlng. with th(· Guild Juncht-on . Choir rehearsal tonight, under the The Hoi~· Communion SPrvic ·· will '· " direction of Mr. Cain. h ell! Easter morning. Nl'w JoleluiJ·'·s Junior Choir rehearsal Saturday will lw received. Let every member night, ~1r. Burtner, director. be present. On Sunday morning all departments ot the Church School will meet at 9:30 . Tllf' :!\fisslonary -society will meet The Junior Congregation will mt>Pt next Thursday, April 17, at the home at 10:30, and the Junior Choir will of :\Irs. ("har les Brandt. sing numbers appropriate to Palm Sunday. The Junior Sermon will be no 11 ot ovel"loo k the wPekl·,r s· sst.,;ns glvl'n by Mr. Altred Watt, Superinten- of out· r::i bl · school. \V!ly not lll.ao{e dent of th e Junior Department. Palm Sunday and Easter bann er Sundays? It can eas ily be done I! every At the morning service at 11 o'clock, memlJI'r will make an et'Cort. Th e speMr Lloyd will preach th e Palm Sun- "...rat Easlt>t" progt·am will be rendered day Sermon on th e th emt> "The King- at fou·· o' ·lock on Easter Day. ship of Jesus." Special musical numbers will be rendered b)" the Senior · and Junior Choirs. und e r the direction of Mr. Cain and Mr. Burtner. This proWllmt'tte anrl Lake Avenues gram of antiphonally singing is always delightful and will be especially sunday at 9:30 ~ the morning the so as we commt>mot·ate the tdumphal e ntry of Jesus Into J e rusalem . A f a- Church School In all Its departments ture of the Service will be the devotions conducted by the children of the wlft "!f:~en o'clock Sunday, Morning Primary Department under the direc- Service and sermon by the Pastor. 5 P. M. on Sunday, the Interm('dlate tion of Miss Wheelock. League m eets. Miss Cora H . Gault, The Covenant Class will meet at 4 ·30 t.n the church office and at 5 Su~~~~f:~~· 12:30 p. m. Lunch Club at o;clock Mr, Lloyd will conduct a pll- the Central Y . 1\{, C. A. Monday 7;30 p. m . Boy Scouts meet- 18 WILMETTE FRIDAY APRIL ll, 1924 Congregational Church appropriate to the Easter sea110' thnen~u~~~~erg, violinist will ,...._ The Teacners Tainlng Course meet In Children's Hall on Ko.:: evening at 7:.45. The Camp Fire Girls will lllett the Church on Tuesday at 3:30. It The Membership Committee WI! mE-et \V't·dnesday evening at 7:30. ThE' Easter Preparatory Service WI! be held next Wednesday eveninr &t 1 o'clock In Children's Hall. The Holy Week Communion llfl~ In which the VIllage churchea Uftl.. each year will be held on Thur141r evening at 8 o'clock at the Preabrtet~. tan church. at T~~4 s c~~lrT~ ~!d~ee!vi~fn:ebe&raa~ 1 Methodist Church The Wilmette Baptist church 1a Jt. cated at Wilmette and Forest ave111111 and welcomes all to Its services. 1\e uastor, Rev. Francis C. Stifter, ma7 .. ~ .. ached at his study during the lllors. ~I Ch~~~h 'rr~~ i~5bsonw~~tu~J:;. at ~ symbolism, as displayed In the architecture and windows of the church. The Sunday Evening Club at 7:30. The Neighborhood Circle, Mr·. A. H. Howard Chait·man, will m eet at the home of Mrs. Frank Watt, 338 Me lrose Avenue, Kenilworth, for an all-day m ee ting. Lunch eon will b e Sl'rved at 12:30. Mrs. Fred Newey and Mrs. Carl Everson are the assisting hostesses. The Roos eve lt Troop No.2 Boy Scouts wlll meet at Headquarters at 7:15. The members of the Cozy Corner Circle will entertain their children Tuesday aftet·noon at 2:30 In the Church Parlor. The program for .t he afternoon will consist of readings and recitations by some ot the children. The regular meeting o.f the Circle Thursday, April lOth, Is postponed until Thursday, April 17th. At the Devotional Service on Wednesday evening Mr. Lloyd will speak briefly on "Preparation for Easter." Mr. Glover will have charge or the devotions. The Central Avenue Circle wtll have charge of the Lenten Devotional SE-rvice Thursday afternoon at 2 P . M. The subject tor discussion will be the last chapter of "The Debt EtE'mal." The Union Communion Service participated In by the Baptist, Congregational, 1\lt-thodist and Prebyterlan Church«-~< will be held in the Presbyt e rian Chut·c h, 'l'hur·Hiay evening, at 8 messages and Communion will be serve·! I.Jy the Deacons or the partlcipatlllg Churches. The Good Friday Service will be held In the Auditorium of this church Friday afternoon beginning at 3:30 and lasting one hour-Special musical numbers will be given by Mrs. McElroy and members of the Junior Choir. Mr. Lloyd will conduct the devotionals and speak on "Our Crosses." The Washington Avenue Circle, Mrs. Ralph Hut'C, chairman, will have an Easter Food Salt' at Van Duesen's Grocery Store, Saturday, April 19, at 9 a. m .. Mrs. C. W. Gregory, Is the chairman In charg(' of tht> sale. The Church Choir, under the direction of Mr. Cain are making elaborate preparations for the presentation of "The Redemption" by Gounod, on Easter morning, The Easter Service will begin at 10:45 . f~!m~~~b~~s t~~ t1heu~~~ss eftf;a~~~lltr:~ in!f'uesday, 8 p . m. Meeting of the Phllathea Class. Monday Tuesday and Wednesday evenings ~t eight o'clock. evangelistic services, and on Thursday evening at eight, a union communion service. Thursday the Women's Home Missionary society will meet at the home of Mrs. W . Mason, 1111 Sheridan Road; Mrs. A. G. Franklin will assist the hostess. Thursday, 7 p. m. Junior Scouts will meet. Tuesday, 8 p. m. Senior Choir rehearsal. Friday at eight o'clock the choir will present the "Seven Last Words" I AM CALLING YOU! I am the best Friend of mankind. "DyFf:~~~.ls. 8:15 p. m.. the Standard Bearers will meet at the home ot Miss Mary Jackson, 932 15th Street. Program leader Miss Ethelmae Sturgeon. Easter Sunday morning at seven o'clock the Epworth League will conduct the Morning Watch Service. At the morning service, 11 a. m ., there will be an Easter sermon, Easter music, reception of new members and baptism of infants. The High School Department of the Church school will present a pageant "The Rock" at 6 p. m . Easter day. To the man who prizes sanity, peacefulness, pure-minded, social standing and longevity, I am ·a necessity. In the minds of the greatest men on earth, I find a constant dwelling-place. I live in the lives of the young and in the dreams of the old. I safeguard man through all his paths-from the first hour life's sun §lants upon his foot-prints, until purple gathers in the west and the darknes.s falls. I lift up the fallen: I strengthen the weak: I help the distressed: I show mercy, bestow kindness and offer a friendly hand to the man in fine linen and the man in home-spun. I am essence of good fellowship, friendliness and love. I give gifts that gold cannot buy, nor kings take away: they are given freely to all that ask. I bring back the freshness of life, the eagerness, the spirit of youth which feels that it has something to live for ahead. I meet you with outstretched arms and with songs of gladness. Some time-some day-some hour-in the near or far future you will yearn for the touch of my friendly hand. St. A ugustine's Parish The large window In memory of Mr. Frank Baker, given by Mrs. Baker, is b('ing placed in position this week Jn the church In the end towards W-ilmette Avenue. It Is an unusuall:t' large window and d('plcts i'n stained glass three Incidents In the Parable ..of the Good Samaritan. It Is the work of the Gorham studios of New York, .,_nd Is being placed In position by Spaulding & Co. of Chicago. The Palm Sunday services at St. Augustine's will be Holt Communion at 8 a. m . and Holy Communion with sermon at 11 a. m . The distribution of the Palms will take place at both services. tr . j,r:~~~~nn~~stUr. Dsiufe~~r~ir. Pst~;;= sell ant! Lloyd will deliver brief g·~ ~11-. The Holy Week services at St. Augustine's will be as follows: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday-Holy Communion at 10 a. m. There will be no Wednesday evening service. Thursday, Holy Communion at 7 p. m. Litany with address at 8 p. m. Good Friday, Three Hour Memorial service, 12 to 3 p. m. Preacher, Rev. F. J. Tromp." Evening service at 8 p, m., followed by moving picture In the Sermon Subject: "Palm Sunday- Parish House, "The Passion and Death Its Real Significance." 11:00 a. m . of Christ," with devotional music. Senior Christian Endeavor Sunday Satut·day, Holy Baptism at 4 p. m. evening at 6:30. Tom Gibson Is the leader. TOJ>Ic : "My D clslons and The moving pictures shown to the What They Have Meant to Me." children yesterday In St. Augustine's At the regular Sunday school hour, Parish House were The Plagues of 9:30, Easter morning, the Sunday Egypt, The Passover, The Exodus and school will present a playlet, "The Red Sea Miracle, and The Israelites In Risen Christ." There wlll be sneclal the Wilderness. They were given by music by the orchestra and Easter Mt·s. Ella Thoms, a former parishioner, songs by all. now residing In Sarasota, Florida. The next luncheon meetings of the "spokes" of the Woman's Society will Moving pictures will be shown to the be held a week from Tuesday, April boys and girls ot the village and their 22. Complete announcement will ap- friends Thursday and Friday of ne:Kt pear In the paper next week. week, Holy Week. The picture to be The Westminster Guild will meet shown Is entitled "The Passion and In the church for dinner and evenlnc Death of Christ." This picture will be program next Tuesday, April 15. at given by Mr. and Mrs. Royal D. Smith, 6:30 o'clock. Hostesses: Mrs. G. C. of 706 Elmwood Avenue. There will Lowell, Mrs. Lois Mick and Miss be showings on both days at 3, 4:15 Phyllis Swain. The girls are plan- and 7 :30. There will be an extra showning the study of "The Debt Eternal," ing each day at 8:45 If the attendance having asked five program chairmen warrants. trom the Woman's Society to prepare lectures on this book. At a meeting held at St. Augustine's Girl Reserves ot Triangle I will clubhouse on Monday evening, to commeet at the church at 11:00 o'clock plete the erection of thE' Local Court today-Frlohy-preparatory to a hike. of the Order of Sir Galahad, the fol.Junior Gl1. Reserves will mt!et In the lowing officers were elected: King of church Tuesday afternoon at . 4:00 the Court, Mr. Daniel Brower; Knight o'clock. ot the Treasury, Philip Brown; Knight The orchestra will meet tor special of the Records, Lawrence Davis; MasEaster practice Thursday afternoon at ter or the Wardrobe, Stanley Smith. 5:00 o'clock. Let all members be pres- Rt>v. F. J. Tromp will act as Director. ent. Initiations In th(' various degrees will Troop G ot the Boy Scouts will meet take place on Friday evening, April In the church gymnasium next Tues- 25, at 7:30. Messrs. C. R. Hope, David day evening at 7:45. Junior Scouts L('ach, Royal D. Smith, and Lester will meet Friday afternoon at 3:80. Wood, Sr., were unanimously elected This ia good hiking weather. Better bt> as AssoclatP Counselors to assist the In attendance at the meetlnga and get King and Directors . In on the Spring plans. The Men's Club ot the Presbyterian At the last meeting the local church are pleased to announce that Court ot Honor ot the ot Wilmette Boy their bowling alleys are now ready Scouts, Linus Smith of St. Augustine's tor use. Friday at 7:30 Is the cho·en Troop No. 4 passed his final tests for, night. An Invitation Is extended to and was made. an Eagle Scout, the all men interested In bowling. which a Boy Scout can Midweek Service-Continuing our highest honor Linus Is the first Boy Scout ·tudy course In the book of Exodus, attaJn. to attain this and St. Augusthe subjects for next Wednesday com- tine's Troop .Js honor, proud to have tn Ing are: The Appeal to Pharoah, The Its membership very the only Eagle Scout Exodus and Crossing the Red Sea. 8:00 in Wilmette. o'clock Ia the hour. Wilmette Presbyterian Church Ninth and Greenleaf Ave. Pastor; Rev. George P. M:aglll, D.D. Wilmette and Park Avenues, Wilmette Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Herman W. Meyer, M. A., Pastor Church Service 11:00 a. m. 406 Pralrlj Avenue Telephone 1396 Hid week Service Wed. 8:00 p. m. SERVICES: We extend a cordial welcome to all 9:30 A. M. Sunday school and Bible to attend our services. A place for class. ·very one. 9:45 A. M. First service and sermon. 11 :00 A. M:. Second ·ervlce and sermon. sermon: Greenleaf and S~>venth Hosannas that Ring True. William Guise, Pastor Holy Thursday at 7:f5 P. M. Com8er~cea tor Palm Sunday: munlon service. Worablp with sermon at 11 o'clock. Good Friday at 7:45 P. M:. Commun'"Nebo, the Mount ot Vl·lon," will be ion service. the trUbject ot the paator's mea...ce. MEETINGS: Palm Sunday f· one ot the out·tandWednesday, April 16, at 2, Ladles' ln.- day· ot the church year. . There Aid and Mlulon. will be the u·ual Con1lrmatlon service Holy Communion wlll be celebrated !'~~ ~,~,., Kra. Lechler will elnc :~lt Jo~g:~ bF~~d:yn !!:!r.n~.hur:r.!h First Presbyterian Church I am your Comforter and Beat Friend! This Lent I am calling you! I AM THE CHURCH DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES: The Wdmette Baptist O.urch Forest and Wilmette Aves. Rev. Francis Stiflw wu.tte EqiUia Lutheru O.arch 703 Greenleaf Ave. Rev. Willi4m Gt~ise Fnt Coqreptioa.I C.arch Lake and Wilmette Aves. R ev. Stt~lsna A. Lloyd St. John's L utheran The Fnt Methodist C.arch Lake and Wilmette Aves. Rev. Gilbtrl SttJII.Stll 1\e Fnt Presh,teriu O.arch Ninth and Greenleaf Rev. G,twg, P. Magill St. Aapatiae's Episcop.I O.arch 1140 Wilmette Ave. Rev. Hubert Ctwleton Eagliah Lutheran SL John's Latl.eru O.urch W.ilmette and Park Aves. Rro. H tnMn W. M tytr Durl .- Bot,. W-;.k tbere will .,. ~~cl'o';:. 00 w.il ~~ l'!ml~fre a~o 7;:!

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