Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Apr 1924, p. 20

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WILMETTE FRID.\ Y. .\PRIL 192-l WILMETTE LIFE I Formerly The Lak e Shore Ne~Ys) 8stablh·hcu 191~ with which Is combined 'l'HE WJLMETI'Jo ; LO CAL NEWS ment and others reasonable~ . If it is, then p.o ssibly our opl?os1t10n can be made legal. But hr st, let us be REASONABLE. Uphol~tering Repairing E. F. BRADY -I Will Do Your PROGRESSIVE REAL TORS Carpenter Repairs Realtors have a unique responCheaply nnd Promptly sibility. They can, to a great ex1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. tent, make or mar a town, for the Tt"lt'plooae . . . . . . . . . . . . . WUaette 1._ Estimates Furnished reason that they are the ones w_ ho SUBSCRIPTION ·z.oo A YEAR first meet visitors and talk wtth All communications must be accom- them and show them about the Phone Winnetka 381 panied by the name and address of the Doubtles s a real estate wr·lter. Articles for publication should town. reach the editor by Wednesday noon to agent here or there has mi s r~pInsure appearance In current 118ue. resented a city or village and givResolutions or condolence. cards ot en it an undeserved bad reputathanks, obituary, poetry, notices of ent ertainments . or other affairs tion. And not so much by what an admittance charge will be made he ha s said a bv what he has a collection taken. wtll be charged regular advertising rates. been. But our no~th shore towns Entered at the post omce at Wll · are served by excellent realtors. m ette, Illfnols, as mall matter of the Their quality is on the same second class, under the act of March high level as the quality of the s. 1879. towns. FRIDAY, APRTL 4, 1924 Our real estate representatives ESTIMATES appreciate the natural beauties in St>fJarate the Grades. FREE I and around our villages-the Et~fnrce the Traffic Laws. Lake, the splendid trees. the BmU -tlte Truck Road. NORTH SHORE matchless gardens, the Skokie, Vole at Every Election. the ravines, the highlands and little valleys. They very well ... 34Z MRS. NORTON know how attractive all these Da-ria St. Park A<re. The description of the virtu- f(·atures are to home-seekers, E<raaatoa Cleacoe ous woman in the closing chap- how ·the residents prize every one l"hoae 71Z1 Phooe 1.. 1 ter of the book of Proverbs is of them and would resent any ~~~~~~55555~~ -an accurate account of the deeds marring of them, however slight. and character of Mrs. Norton. Phoaea V/e are grateful to our realtors Wilmette 7-Z-7-WiDoetka 7-Z-7 Like the virtuous woman of Old for helping to maintain the atTestament times, Mrs. Norton tractiveness of the north shore as worked willingly with her hands. a residential area. She stretched out her hands to the poor. Strength and dignity POCKET BOOKS were her clothing. She opened M,o st pocket books contain a her mouth with wisdom, and the ExduaiYe a ...er and law of kindness was on her wealth of material. \Ve are not Repairer of referring to those pocket books tongue. She looked well to the Oriental aad Domeetic Rae· that carrY bank notes but to the ways of her household. and ate Expert Layia· Dot that carry the world's not the bread of idleness. Her other sor" .C Carlton BW.., Wiaaetka, Ill. We have in chi ldren rose up and ca ll ed her he t literature. mind those vo lumes that a man J,lessed and her hu sband a lso. She wa s a vital force. SHE IS -an easily slip into his pocket for a half hour's reading on the train .\ \ ·rT.\L FORCE. or while waiting for his wife to fix her hair. "GOT THEM!" What a boon these volumes are · Twice, at least. recently the "·ith their thin paper leaves and local police have gone out and their flexibl e covers! Think of "got them." One of these catches the joy of having to wait in a was the getting of Edwin Jancek railroad station for a friend a while he was stripping a car at whole hour-if in your p.ocket \\'oodbine and Oakwood in Wil- vou find nestling a copy of mette early one morning. The Thackeray's "Henry Esmond." police who did the catching were And did you ever experience the patrolmen Charles Lance and mild glow of benevolence that Earl Ebert of the Wilmette police comes to one when after a satisdepartment. fying lunch in the ·woods he pulls The other clean catch was out of his pocket a copy of Keats · that of Patrick Connollv and his and reads aloud to hi s gratified cousin, Frank Connolly· attempt- friends the Ode to Autumn? ing a h.old-up at the' home of By the aid of pocket books one Clifford Ewart in \Vinnetka. The can put into effect the excellent police were Sergeant Iverson and principle of reading a little every patrolman Johannesen. day. For no matter what day it Citizens are alwaYS gratified i~ or how busy the day there ~hen criminals are· caught . It us~ally co~nes a bl~t~k fifteen or ts a source of especial congratu- twenty mt~mte~ \\ htch on~ can lation to the officers of the law pr,o fitably hll wtth the readmg of whenever thieves and bandits are a good e say or poem .. caught in the very act. A sist When paper get~ ~hmner and the police ll\· letting them know tougher, s~11l rema~m~g opaqu_e, of the whereabouts of suspicious the_ Unadb;tdgedk D1cbttotk1ary w11l 1>e 1ssue m poe ·et oo s1ze. looking individuals. ~~~Li:D Established by 189!1 THE MAY FURNITURE & REPAI 6346 North Clark Street Chicago Phones : FRIDA\' OF EACH WEEK LLOYD HOLLISTER, INC. Park 1511-1517 ROOFING . over the Old Shingles We build upholstered furniture i~ all. per~ods, do uph~lst eri ng, . ing and refinishing. Our or~amzat!On !S well equtpped to IIYe it that extra thought and care 10 !Dakmg ~~ look better .. We offer you a sense of secuntr that 1s born of_ sot.d conficleuu; :ou can depend on careful attention and good serv1ce. ' May Furniture 8 Bepak Co. Repairing · Upholstering Refinishq ~~!o~ I I I I Announcement Patterson Brothers EVANSTON Will move from 828 Davia Street to their new home at 816-818 Church Street, about May ht. One block north of Davia Street RUGS John B. Nazarian· The Human Equation in Transportation A RAILROAD is known by the employes it keeps. Excellence of equipment is only fully realized when tlie men in charge of the equip.. ment are of the highest type. That is the reason why the North Shore Line has used the greatest care in picking its employes. They must be skilled in the operation of the equipment this much is sought by every railroad - but the North Shore Line has additionally seen to it that the men it employs have a real spirit of courtesy. and friendliness towards its patrons. That the · personal relation between operative and passenger on the North Shore Line has come to be a most pleasant one, is evidenced by the number of letters received every month commending train. . men and station representatives for various extra services they have shown to patrons. This spirit of helpful~ess extends, of course, to the kind of transportation fur... nished by the North Shore Line. Fast, frequent trains link Chicaf!o's south side, loop and north side to Milwaukee's business center, and to every town between. REASONABLENESS up~~~ey?~~ ~~~ ~~~~!~ . Mr. Cro l~y, attorney f?r the bodied young man, when out in a VIllage ?f Wtlmette, speakmg on row-b.oat, prefers to take his part the subject of apartment - in \Vii- in rowing the boat. He doesn't mette, says t~at "our legislation especially ·relish the idea of being mu t . b~ ~ons1stent and reason- pulled around by somebody el e. able, tf tt ts to be held valid.:' He There's something tonic in the goes <:>n ,.to ~y that the V1llage feeling that one is independent. boa~d ts c~nvm~ed that the appliA right-minded public high catton C?f mtelhgent thought by school student will see that what the citize~s of the ~illage. after i.s true of taking one's part in a an acquam.tance wtth all the row-boat als.o holds true in other ordinances in question, their pur- activities. What can he do to poses and their effect, will make help? Who pays for what he clear that the only way to safe- gets at New Trier? His father? guard t~e Village as a village of Yes, but also the man who owns homes, 1s to fol~"~ the policy of the property next door. Suppose .rea~onable res.tr1ctton, as provid- this high school student is one ed m the zomng legislation ." of six children, then more of his The zoning legislation then tuition fees are being paid by is ?U~ only protection agai~st th~ ,other taxpayers than by his butldmg of apartments. It is not father. .reasonable to make the building What is the most a conscienof apartments in .Wilmette a tious student can do under these ~itical issue for the simple tions? This: He can make r~son that it cannot be a politi- sure that he takes full advan·e&l issue. It is a legal i sue. It tage of his opportunities. He is il a question to be considered in not expected to assist iaancially, ,relation to the zoning legislation. but he may well be espected not Does the zoning legislation per- to fail in any of his studies. mit the building of this 58-apart- These failures cost the taxpayers structure? If it does then of the town $36,«m ahnuaUy. COOJider whether or not High boys aDd Jirls I . .9MIIJI&,...ICII'..... · · cao dielinf~'-1 eorotri..,._ 10 ,,.. . . . .lop- Nonlt Slto,. u - lor n. Cltarlea A. CoAl Medal awarded to tlta - .,... ....,'7. _.,.. __, ,,.. ..., .. ! of ·toetrieal f,_eporfeliott lor , . . ····oaio11ee of t· .. ClUcago North Shore and Milwaukee Rai1mad Company Wilmette Passenger Saation · Telephone WDmette 25M be ~ lUke . . . .._ ... to IMailcliac. up your ~-aiUJmtsir":: ·'-·ltillla ,ta·.tlli·- ~- ALL YOUit ' ~

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