Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Apr 1924, p. 13

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\VlLMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1924 Alumnae Luncheon Guest To l:[ear N. K. E. C. Quartette for a charrngaret Pater. ls ~arried t~ Wh1te. Rev. train lined itt of the train [iss Paterso~ The brideslis~ Virginia Mtss Marian 11e little ring the pink and ~an, and the n, Mr. Allen William Me- on residence, Cl upon their e m. lpril ~ilmette ISS Martha Olson, supervisor of kindergartens and elementary schools of district 75, will be the principal speaker at thQ luncheon to be held at the North Shore hotel, at 12 o'clock on Saturd;ly, April 5, by the north shore alumnae of the National Kindergarten and Eldmen,tary. rolltge. Mjss Olson has chosen for her subject, "What the National Kindergarten and Elementary College Means to the North Shore." The four college students ::~ f Toy Carnival and Radio fame, Nellie Ball, Roena Mulford, Helen Huffman and Viola Morgenroth wili entertain the no.rth shore alumnae and their guests with their minstrel music. All will join in singing the college campaign songs. M T HE on finest jewelry shop the North Shore, maintaining a repair department for watches, docks and jewelry. 'laza Jrmrltr LIBltAl\T PLAZA BO'I'IIL .VANBTOif with brideswill orth, daughMr. Howard Chicago, on SERVANTS ·, assisted by e First Congsworth will immediately LOCAL REALTY FIRM MERGED Frint George and A. R. Eddington Combine <;:onsolidation of two progressive Wtlmette real estate firms was effected o!l Tuesday, Apr·l 1, when A. R. Eddmgton and company became associatrd with Frint George and company with offi_ces at 414 Linden avenue. Estahhshment of the new concern which will bear the name, Frint George and company, is considered the mos! imp.ortant event in many months m Wdmette real estate circl cs, signifying, as it does the merging of the interest of two' well establi_shed and highly reputable firms. By vt:tue of the change, A. R. Eddington wtll become actively associated with the real estate department of Frint George and company, bringing to that department his rich experience and !Jnqu_estioned reputation for fair dealtnR m north shore properties. Mr. Eddington has had about IS years experience in the reaJ estate field. Several years ago he was active in that line in Oklahoma and N~w Mexico _and for a short time, just onor to commg to Wilmette had offices at Racme, Wis. ' He purchased the D. E. Allen real es tate business here just five years a,l!o an~ has been established with offices. m the Brown building since that hme. It is somewhat of a coincidence that whi!e Eddington purchased the Allen busmess, and Frint George acquired the M . E. Barker Real Estate company (two years ago), they have now merged t~e interests of the two firms. Frmt George and company is one ?f the best known real estate concerns m the vicinity of Chicago. Unlik~ !!lost J?Cal concerns, it has confined 1ts busmess to Wilmette and contiguous territory, achieving a notable success in the local field. . Frint George, president of the firm. 1s . also a builder of note who has llatned a phenomenal success with his well known "custom built homes." . The new firm deals in real estate msurance and building, each depart~ ment being under the direction of peculiarly well qualified experts. The G. M. club will meet on Friday of next week with Mrs. Arthur Tay.lor, 835 Central avenue. Mrs. Arthur E. Southworth, formerly of Wilmette, is expected to arrive from California the last of this week to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. P ..Fatch, 611 Washington avenue. She wtll aJso be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Eastman, 1027 Elmwood avenue. Mrs. Warren Lusted, 714 Prairie avenue, accompanied by Mrs. Harry Donaldson, has returned from a six weeks' sojourn at Palm Beach, Florida. Mrs. Donaldson is now making her home in Evanston, at . the North Shore hotel. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bunte and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Krafthefer returned on Tueday from a ten day trip to French Lick Springs. Mrs. Knox, who makes her home at the Orrington hotel, is convales· cent after an attack of influenza. ~ ill be Miss mette, Miss einberger, of C. r. Duncan's ilmette, and White, Mr. of Winnetka · ment of her nica, to Mr. of Mr. and f Milwaukee. of the Mileering, and is eering {raterill take place k, of Omaha, ghter, Mrs. E. enue, while en· she spent the 'r. Mark Pol· ts to return · for her moth· llack's mother April 15. Mrs. Will B. Davis will entertain her Tuesday club next week at her residence, 433 Maple avenue. -o-oMrs. C. E. Lord will be hostess for On April 10, the North Shore Cath- the next meeting of the Fortnightly olic Woman's league will hold its an- club at her home in Chicago. nu;-o I business meeting at t :.e Winnetka Woman's club. -o-o. Mrs. John R. Cochran has been ill The Delta Gamma seniors entertained .with tonsilitis at her home, 809 Linden their freshmen on Thursday evening, a,_v_en_u_e._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...., March ?:1, at the home of Miss ElizaGURLI LAGERGREN beth Michelet, 1028 Sheridan road, WiiMedical Gymna·t a: Masseu·e mette. Graduated from Stockholm, Sweden -oMrs. Percival N. Cutler, of 1016 AshSpecial treatment for cold, headache, a nd conatlpatlon. land avenue, was hostess at luncheon on Tre·tmentll admlnl·tered at your Wednesday, April 2, when she enterhome. Phone Winnetka 14811 tained the members of her club. -oMrs. Thomas Gillespie returned to her Take tlte Worry Out of Life/ home in Pittsburgh after making a short wn-ette aT visit with Mrs. George F. Butler and Mrs. P. N. Cutler of Ashland avenue. -oGertrude and Mary Louise Walters, ~. Ill. 8WIII'T TIDAL daughters of Mr. and Mrs. William A. llll'ew Yel'lt Lite Aa'··t Walters of 1022 Eleventh street, have len· CeiiU.I A··· Wllaette both been ill with the measles, and Gertrude is still under quarantine. There ia no ....-t problem at THE ORR I NCTON. O.er one haadred courteoua, well traiaed white aernnta cater to your eYery Deed that yoa may dwell here m ~ free from bGme carea, yet with e"Y_,. h4MIM eem· fort. TeJ···-· INSURANCE sponsoring a the Orrington oon April -n ose 'or raising ursery in the hospital. Mrs. rs. C. F. Bunte ket sale. Mrs. Howard Andrews has returned to her home at Faribault, Minnesota, after an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford, of 835 Elmwood avenue. ~ · ~fr. and Mrs. Charles L. Johnson ?f Chtcago are recent new.-comers ~o Wtlmette. They are now occupytng the .home which they built at 1616 Highland avenue. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Cain of Hubbard Woods have sold their home at 1229 Scott avenue, and will move to Evanston on May 10 where they will stay at the Orrington hotel. -oMrs. Frank A. Simmons, 1040 Ashland avenue, returned to her home on Tuesday from the Evanston hospital where she has been for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ewer expect to move to Winnetka about April 15. Mr. Ewer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Ewer of 1111 Ashland avenue. -oMrs. J. B. Olwin was hostess at her home, 820 Lake avenue. on Tuesday when she entertained her bridge-luncheon club. ~ ~ ~ 1555 Sherman Ave. EVANSTON Tel. Ev. 7914 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 !'lg for the sec[illiam.s alumni e gold room of May 9. Leon~go heads the rrangements. hostess at a me, 900 Lake ng, on the ocbirthday. Her 1 of the Birth- ~ -o- invited twenriends to have Greenleaf aTe~venbag in hon[ fth birthday. Maynard Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood ette on Sunto California. A. = = · I 0 0 0 0 ~ A bakery sale will be given by the North End circle on Friday morning, April 11, at the Congregational church at 11 o'clock. ~ c c Mrs. Clark Hollister entertained her bridge club at luncheon on Tuesday, at her home, 1235 Elmwood avenue. ~ 0 0 of 824 Lake her daughter, t on Monday at Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Drake of 933 The ToWD elub is giving a dinoer to- Lake avenue, left Monday for a brief morrow eftlling at the Woman's club. stay in Aiken, North Carolina. --o- Mohair Living Room Suite IZli.OO Comfortable overthdfed furniture goes a long way toward standing for a comfortable and happy home. When you select yoar davenport at Brown-Umlandt's all you need consider is the style and covering best suited to your particular needs. Good wear and underlying quality you may take aa a matter of cour5!'. The suite sket ched above was designed with fine delicacy of line and ia suitable for rooms where larger piecu would laaTe aa undesirable bulkiness. Covered in ita entirety with fine mohair. Pair of wrourht iroa tordliera with cut peadaDtl. Silk thaclet decorated witb bea"7 aoW braid and French ·la·· Musical afterMrs. Sylon Tuesday Northern ' subject violinist, I I 0 0 0 · ' tlowert. HATTSTROM & SANDERS 'liZ a.-cia Street ciYm at th~ ash. 710 Laurel 9. md. e&t of the St. The date iday, April 4, Scieatific 6: llaaefacturi·· Opticlaaa EVAMSTON ()ppMite Owiqtoa Hoe.& ()pea Tbun. 6: SaL E·.. till I P. _ M. Ilia; · wt ...................... $151.11 Cllair ..·.·.··....... ············ ..... "Good PfW'ffilwl Makes tis. H,.;- · ~pril

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