Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Mar 1924, p. 7

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MARCH 28. 1924 CAPI1JRE , ENFORCING uw DANc~c:...OIJP=nn KENIWORm ro POLICE DEBATE TOPIC wm EXTEND UMITS LOOI.OIJT FLFI.S IN CAR Chriatgau and Lancley to Give Famed Dramatic Debate in Wilmette A final ·P·dal pa<ty b< givon by the Tuesday Community Dance group on the evening of April 1, at the Wilmette Woman's club, begin ning at 8:30 o'clock. While this will be an informal party, the committee in charge announces that, to enliv~n and add gayety to the occasion, everyone is invited to wear to this dance any sp~cial costume to appropriately celebrate "All Foolish Day;" and anyone in overalls, topped with a silk hat, to a dress suit topped with a golf cap, will be weicome. The regular dances for the season just closed have been well attended and all report having had a good time at each of the twenty-odd dances which made up the season's schedule. The supervisory committee hu asked W:n,METTE LIFE to express its appreciation of the hearty support given by the dancers and particularly the active interest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Mitchell and their friends who, by their subscriptions, laid the foundation for the season's success. Plans are already underway to continue these dancco:s during the season 1924-25 as set forth in the April number of the Wilmette Woman's Club bulletin just going to press. M. E. CHURCH SUNDAY . Win Acclaim in All Sectiona f tb Co ..._ 0 e un ... ~ - The cause of good citizenship is to be given a big boost at the Wilmette Parish Methodist Episcopal church Sunday afternoon, M_ arch 30, at 3:30 o'clock, the time set for the opening of the Christgau-Langley debate. This most unusual affair is to be held under the auspices of the Wilmette Cherch council and is most timely in view of the primaries to be held on Tuesday, April 8. ·T his event is not a debate in the ordinary sense of the word, it is explained. It is really a drama in which two characters representing a citizen and an official discuss the law enforcement question. This drama is in many respects the most remarkable Plethod that has yet been used in the fight against the liquor traffic in America. As a matter of fact, it repr ese nts the first successful attempt in America to utilize the drama as a mean s to create sentiment and arouse action in conn~ction with the program of the churches. Dramatic 'Debate Succen LOCAL WOMEN IN CATHOUC ORDER I Degrees Given in Ceremony · at Chtcago Members of Ouilmette Court 84S Ca· holic Daughters of America spent last Sunday at the Sheridan Plaza hotel, Chicago. Fifteen \-_Vilmette . wo!nen were admitted into th1 orgamzatwn of 150,000 Catholic wom~n and '~ere il~ structcd in the lessons taught m thetr first and second degrees . The ·class of 66 candidates was made up from the following courts: Rosary, Our Lady of the Lake, Maywood, St. Margaret, ~t. Mary, Un :versity, Newman and Outlmette. The Rev. George F. McCarthy, state chaplain of the order. was the prit~ci pal speaker of the aftern<J?n. stressmg the splendid. work accompltshed by the organization by virt~~ · ?f adherence closely to its motto o£ Umty and Charity." Members of Ouilmette court were complimented by their state regent, Mrs. Helen Meagher, on the growth of t~e unit in the past three months. ~utl mette court, it develops, was orga~tzed in January and, under the leadershtp of Mrs. Christian Weeks, no"": boasts of a membership of 200 Catholtc women of this vicinity. , Much of the success of last Sundays program was due to the excelle~t arrangement of the program by Mtss A . Birong and Miss Irene Steiner. T~e afternoon's ceremonies concluded wtth a banquet. Tn Hlinois the Dramatic Debat (' ha < l'een presented over 400 times hy mPn especia lly tr:> ;ned fo·· this work h conncrtion w'th th!' t ~ w enforcemrnt r"mpai~n of th ,. Anti-Saloon lea,:nte . Sn <ncce s<ful ha s the Dramatic Dehate heen in Illinois in brinP"inP." art11c>l results that there has been a great rl!"" an~ for it in other states. At the recent national convention of the Anti-Saloon league at Washington, D. C., the d~bate presented by 0 . G. Chri stgau and John W . Lang-ley, the . a1ne men who will aooear in Wil mette , was one of the rhief fcat~res . 1t wa< given in th e First Cong-regat:on ;·1 ch urch, which. incidental'y. is thl' chu rch attt>nded hv the president. and nn the nhzht of the debate. the auditorium was filled to overflowing. Previously the debate had been called for in connection with law enforcement !latherings in Milwaukee, Oklahoma City. Denver. Boston and other nlaces. Recently Vr. Christvau _ and Mr. Langley were called to Burlmgton, Vermont, to present the dehat~ as the chief feature of a three-d.ay ronvention program. It was also gn:cn at Geor~retown , Delaware, where tt was presented before a larg<; _crowd. with people present from 17 ctttes and towns of the county. ln ' Wilmington, Delaware, on the following night , the Dramatic Dehatt' w:J.s presented to the largest crowd that had ever gathered on a week nil'"ht in the First Methodist church, with the excPotion of the meet in~ ad<lrf'<~ed hy William Tennings Bry<~n . The demand for the dehate at the prc~cnt time is so great that all reoucsts for its presentation cannot be !'"ranted. It Wil S secured for Wilmette f0r Sunday afternoon because that _ w as th e only1 time that it could be g1ven hf'rause of previous enrr:tgements. After .tht> :~ope::orancl! here. Mr. Chri tP"'~U and Mr. Lan!;!"ley will just have time to reach their evening appoint me nt at a law enforcement mass meet imr in We<t ChicaJ>To. Some official of the federal ~overn ment. known for his stand and recor.cl on thl't liouor law enforcement .. ts ::ol<0 scheduled to address the meet111~ . \Vho thi s will 1--P hacl not heen determined at the time of going to press. K~~P in mind that N~tional ~ Edwin J ancek, said to be a resident vention is to be h~ld m Ch·cago, Apral of Evanston, was caught ··red handed" 28--Way 2. The Annual Rally for Cb._ stripping an · automobile parked at cago and Cook County will be held Would Annex Part of May 2, at the Armory. We hope oar · Wcodbine and Oakwood avenues early girls T ernwill plan to JO so that we caa · last Thursday morning. He was tory on West a fine ahowmg. Mrs. Herbert Iseized after his companion, sta~ioned a make b.ock north, had escaped in an ~u~o. Hoover, the National President, and mobile amid a hail oi bullets gtVIf!lf Mn. Juliette Low, the founder of the the local police a chase along Mam Scouts in America will be there. A single ticket has been entered in street to West "Railroad avenue and the field for consideration at the an- Emerson street, Evanston. Major Sullivant is hdping us in our nual Village election in Kenilworth, drill work and this will enable us to Return ing from the chase, ,Lieut. do our part at the Rally and also ia on Tuesday, April 15. Borre ordered h is companions m the The ticket, which, it is expected, will Flivver squad- patrolmen Charles the Memorial Day parade. be uncontested, will be as follows: Lance and Earl Ebert-to make. a A hike is to be planned fqr both For Village Trustees : complete search of the west sade Troops sometime during the Easter R. R. Haw:<hurst, neighborhood in an effort to find pos- vacation. George R. Benson, ' ihle companions of the escaped culK. B. Korrady. prit. The next investiture is to be held For Village Clerk: Lance and Ebert came upon Jan~ek May 14. Let us finish as many oi the Clive Taylor. . A referendum will also be taken at just is he was in the ac~ of removmg tests as possible, as there will not be this time on the matter of the annex- the windshield from an 11l-fated Ford. another investiture until fall. ation to the village of Kenilworth of He had already possessed hi'!'self of e p in mind that it will not Also ke" that territory west of the present the battery and other accessones. Later on Thursday the automobiJe be long until our plans for the eamp limits of Kenilworth lying east of Ridge road, extending from the pres- of the escaped thief was found m this summer must be made. Only reRent south limits of Kenilworth, north, the North Evanston !Carage. Enough ular, full-fledged Scouts are elia'ible to a line· approximately 650 feet ~outh tires and accessories to start a luc- to go. CHG. of Winnetka avenue, containing ap- rative business were. found stored at the Jancek home. proximately 35 acres .. Additional accessories that had been Mitaion Leader in China A pamphlet embodying a circular letter and map indicating the terri- purchased by friends of the captured to Speak at Local Cbun:ll thief were also recovered and the tory which it is proposed to add to assessed heavy fines on the Rev. Lawrence Meyer of th~ Lt~~th Kenilworth, was addressed to the citi- purchasers zens of the village last week as charge of receiving stolen property. c:ran Mission at Hankow, Ch1na, on Jancek , l'ias been placed on parol~, furlough in the United States to lecfoUows: according to the pohce. ture and pursue further studies, is to "On Tuesday, April 15th, at the regThe escaped bandit, it develop~d, occupy the pulpit of St. John's Luthular Village election, between the i.; .£'t.win Jancek, a brother of Edwt!l· eran church, Sunday mor.n.inf. March hours of 7 and 5, a referendum will wh9 recentlY.. cq!"p!et~ a. sentence m 30, in an address on the m1sston work be taken on the matter of the annex- an· 11linois penal ~f\shtutton. in his chosen field . ation of that territory west of the present limits of Kenilworth lying east of Ridge road, extending from the present south limits of Kenilworth, north, to a line approximately 6:0 feet south of Winnetka avenue, contain. jog approximately 35 acres, as shown "Mary, Mary, quite contrary,.. on the accompanying map. How does your gardtm gro.w? 8 P. tt. In order to answer thts q.uest10n "The owners of the adjacent prop erty lying west of Ridge road and well, the girls who are workt~g for their first class b~dges are gomg to south of the Indian Hill Golf club (which property was formerly within devote the next few v. eeks and J!lOnths And Disinfected the Village of Gross Point), have in finding out what the es enttals of petitioned the Village of Wilmette to a good garden are; how to take care annex that territory to Wilmette. This o£ one, and t? actually carry out a ;mly ~re question will he voted upon on April project of thetr own . Not < they studying this from the vtewpomt tSth. in Wilmette. of usefulness, but also £ _ r om that of Phone Wilmette 735-J "You are urged to give th is mattl'r beauty and harmony w1th the sur-, Wilmette Catch Baaia your earnest consid,orat;nn and to roundings. ·o rne to the polls on April 15th. Cleaner Respectfully submitted, April 2, our tir~t . mee tin~ next\' Board of Trustees. month , is to he the ttme for our anVillage of Kenilworth ." nual registration and payment of dues 1335 CeDtral Ave to National Headquarters. Let every (Licenaed) girl who i a member of the Scouts t!'e I Wilmette Girl Sc:oub Have Your Catch Basins Cleaned Now! George Brittian, Prop. SLOCUM MOTOR SALES SECURES BUJCK AGENCY b~e~p~re~se~n~t~an~d~o~ri~ng~50~ce~n~ts~in~or~de~r~~;;;;~~~~~~~,;·. The Slocum Motor Sales Pf Win- ~ WJLL YS-KNJGH~---;(! V£RU1AS6.· ~D netka has secured the agency for the $1,115.00 F. 0. B. 601euo Buick motor car. the most highly prized and cov.eted ageucy in that Gcor~e W . Slocum, head of the firm. class of Jllca sure is being congratulated at every hand hy automobilt· dealers and laymen. upon his succe ss in securing the veh~l~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLEANING REPAIRING- PRESSING Our repairing and cleaning- will renew that good old suit of yours. SALES-ROOM AND SERVICE-STATION Phoae Wilmette liSt 1141 Greenl. .f A.,.. Wilmette agT~~Y·firm. HI-YUNITS TO MEET IN BIG CONFERENCE 30 will be big days in the lives of h~ndreds of north shore high sch_ool Saturday and Sunday. March 29 and boys who are to meet at .t he Ftr~t Congregational church of Wtlmette 111 the Older Boys' Conference of the Hi -Y clubs of the north shore. Several sessions of the Conference are scheduled for the two days and a feature of the gathering · will be a hig banquet. . Speakers who will appear prommently on the programs include D.r. Stephen A. Lloyd, pastor of th~ F1rst Congregational church of Wtlmette; J?r. James A. Richards, pastor of the Wm- Pneumonia Proves Fatal netka Congregational church; Charles Kenilworth Scouts Hold M. McConnell. a leader in rural _chu.rch To Halfton Emil Holmes Court of Honor Tonight work in the Methodist denommatton, Halft~n Emil Holmes, 915 Lake aveleaders in Y. M . C. A. and nue, nassed away suddenly We~n~s The Court of Honor of the Keni 1- and hoys'other work. day, March 26, at his home, a v1cttm, worth Boy Scouts of America i!' The banquet is scheduled for Satur- of pneumonia. . schedulcn to meet tonhrht, and all. of day meeting at 6:30 o'clock. Services will he held thts afternoon the boys have bet'n working ov~r ttme at 2 :30 o'clock at the home, Rev. in order to be able to pass thetr tests Own Tak Ch P. Mal{ill, officiating. Burial before the Council. This body revie~~ New er ea arge George will at Memorial Park. and passes on all merit badr;t~ exammat Dutch Oven Bakery Mr.beHolmes had heen a resident of ations and Scout Frank Watt experts R. F. Huber has recently bought the village for several years. He . was to ha~e all his renuirements off for out the former owners of the Dutch orominent in the wholesale furntture the Eagle Scout rating at this meet - Oven at 1129 Central avenue . He was field. He wa a tru. tee of the ~il ing. . 1 fo::-merly baker for Goodman and mette Presbytt>rian church at~d acttve If successful Frank will be KPnl - Peterson , 2800 West Central ~tret: t. in Guilmette Country club ctrcles. worth's first Eal!"le ~cout, and it Evanston, and says he will m~mta · n Surviving are the widow. daughter. might be well to say in passimr, for the same high quality of matenal and Eloise. ard a on. Richard . the benefit of those who may not haking that prevailed under ~he forknow. that the Eagle ~cout i< t~e mer management. As ocraston de"highest rank which a hoy may ohtatn mands he ·will also introduce pleas- Mrs. Norton, W. C. T. U; it\ the Orjlanization, and renre sent< ing novelties. Leader, Called by many months of hard work in m:tnv --------Evalyn S. Norton, president of the fields. Up until a few years ago hard - Mrs. Martha Skinner Dies. north shore branch of the Woman's ly over a dozen boys in the countrv Temperance Union for many helcl the ratin~r, but with the ~rrowth at Clearwater, f1onda Christian years and a leader in that work for of the solendid onzanization the numMrs. Martha Skinner, mother of_ ,l frs. half a century, pa sed away at her ber of Ea'tle sco11ts has increased. Fred Gardner White, 715 Wa hu ..,t~n home in Arlinsrton Heights, Wedne Scoutmaster "Bob" Townll'y h'\s avenue and Edward Skinner of Chi- day, Ma~ch 26, a victim of double also announc,.d th:~t a big Sprin11 hike cago died Monday night in Clearwater, pneumoma. is olanned for the Easter holida~c;. Florida, where she has ~een re iding for Mrs. Norton had been a resident of rro~t orohably from Aoril 17 to 22 the last two years. Deta1ls of the fu~eral Winnetka until a short time ago when The destination of the hike has not arrangements have not been recetved, the family occupied a newly completed yet heen settl~d. but the scout~aster but members of the family stat~ th~t home in Arlington Heights. promises that the hike itself. Will he . would probably be held m ChtServices are to be held this aftern-plete with surorises, espec1ally for servtces noon at Arlinat~ Heiahts. the new members. .. . car;o. established on the north shore last September. has enjoyed a phenomenal success. achieving in that short space of time. the sa le of 100 cars. Mr. Slocu11'1 is well known in every north shore village. He was for st:veral years resident of \Vilmet!e and has a wide circle of fnends m the community. . The new Buick sales and scrvtce station will be equipped to attend to the every need of the owner of that make of car, Mr. Slocum announces. Experts on Buick cars ha~e been. secured to handle the se rvtce s tatiOn, and a sales force of exceptionally well qualified men, under the personal supervision of Mr. Slocum, has been secureri to meet the automobile -buying public. Slocum Motor Sales is located at 724 Elm street. Winnetka. a HEMSTITCHING We do all kinds of hemstitching satisfactorily. DeLuxe Cleaners 1105 CENTRAL AVENUE Phone Wilmette 110 IT IS THAT SMOOTH STROKE in the hands of our skilled auto painters that gives you such a fine-fini hed article when we deliver your repainted body to you. Drive down the street and everybody will think it is a new seasons 111odt'l you are running. ROBERT W. MciNTYRE Rear of Wilmette State Bank Phone Wil. 114 A Family Reunion! \Vhen Father, l\lother, and Children take dinner together at the Sheridan then dining is a real occasion! Death Buaineu LUDCb 10:30 to Z:IO THE SHERIDAN CAFE Wilmette Ave. aad Maia SL Ope AD NiPt

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