28 WILMETTE LIFE, FRiDAY, MARCH 28, 1924 LEGION BULLETIN (Continued from page 27) they can be sold just as readily on the latter mentioned theme as the questionable one on which they are wasting their time and energy, and incidentally incurring for themselves so much ill will and unsavory notoriety. As for the hissing and the disrespect shown the flag and members of the American Legion who came to its defense. The audience was without doubt composed principally of the "38" and their cohorts, all students at the university. together with a smattering of the "common herd." No atWe welcome and slip the glad hand tempt is being made by myself at to comrade D. Everett Allen of \Viljudging their ages, but it is only mette. Ev(·rctt comes to us from .reasonable to assume that during the Border Post No. 107 at Dona, Texas. trying days of the world war father wht:re he served his post as adjutant. and mother told them what it was all V/e onlv hope, Everett. that you will atlout and brother Bill is away do for Wilmette Post what vou did so soldiering. And among the girls pres· ahly and well for Border .Post. ent I'll venture to say that, without exception, and more than once they ons ;derill-lc oppos·t1on has heen had the pleasure of seeing "him" in his uniform and saying "ain't he stirred up in several localities with respect to the appointment of Comgrand." So let's not judge too quickly but rather charge it all to impuls- rade Raloh F . Moore as Keep er to h· late Caot. ive youth. As for the older persons ~ III'Ce Pd h' r. fatl H r · ' · Our present, char.:z-e their action to lack of Moore, at tne Gr, " T'oil commander has at";··. something else to do. Sundays are sen.,tors and representatl\ quiet down in Evanston and the solemn quiet makes a person do funny a little more in · detail. things. Ask! any polar explorer. Now back again to Brent Dow We also welcome to the post an Allinson: As a man's man I do not addit;onal hrand new member, Ralph know how he would measure up. R. Moore. That of course is a personality, but one thing is certain, he wishes to let This cr.,ck wa~ handed one of the the world know that peace lies only "You in the ability of the individual citi1.en mi·<ion ~ ries last Sit11rdav. to ahsorb and carry out his program hird · must he oretty hard uo to have of "passive resistance" or "non-co- to shag around to get my dues." Yes operation." Any insult that can be we are b11ddy. About seventy-odd so handed the country or flag is hailed far see th:~t it is more sensible to by his kind as getting by with free start operations in Januar.) than the speech and a rumblinq of the "un- middle of June. And it takes beaure~t of the m~sses ." In spite of all coup francs to run a legion post at tht~ ~hey. are ~t1ll here, content to p;ain a ·l.tvmp; m th1s terrible country and to en)oy the rijl'hts and privileges which o~her red-blooded Americans have, smce the time of the Mayflower fou~ht for an~ bled to preserve: 1 The1r pro!!'ram 1s one of misinforma- 1 tio!l and .t~eir absolute lack of reasonmg ab1l1.ty and initi.ative in going beyond the1r source of mformation for real f~cts stamps at once their mental eapac1ty. The attention which thi~ man and his crowd is able to command and o;tir nn is nroh:~bly a reflection on!' our inrlil'idu;d ability t~ distin~Z"ttish hetwel'n real constructive thinking and the muddle of a confused mind The popular notion of a "red" or ~ "bolshevik" is a man who doesn't kn.ow where his shirt tails belong, but th1s c~se should forever call to your atte~.t~~~ tha~ the "parlor pink" and the 38. arc JUSt as dangerous as the man With the homeless shirt tails and abhorence of a "Gillette" This is a good count~y to live in. You can. buy a loaf of bread or a smoke Without calling on R. R. DonMlly to run off a few million paper dollars to do it with. We still have ~ur co~lrts of justice and not the cheka. Our women are not dependent on the defense of such men as 'Brent Dow. Alli!'son and our worthy Charles Ringer, a resident of representatives. m the high tribunals of the ~and belteve that lead ahead of Chicago for the past forty years, exp~ndlllg gun powder is far more ef- i-; now serving his eighth year as fective than "sweet notes in the b ·n a member of the Board of Asof doves of peace." You can stilf ~a; sessors, of which he is now chairall you~ taxes like a gentleman and lady .. wl.thout being subject to the man. His administration .of that kumthatton of "confiscation." You office has given him a reputation and your family can't he put out of as an extremely fair, reas.onable, your home. to make room for some puhlic official, always ready and new c~mmlt!,ee of . the "Commune Interna~JOnale. You are paid in goo(l willing to give his personal servA~encan money and free to spend it ice and attention to any call. Wtthout consulting yonr allowance As a candidate for re-election table as to the amount of flour sugar he offers qualifications that can etc., .you can purchase for your~clf and family, and you are not subject to only be gained by experience, a arrest for ordering stra wherries out pleasing personality and sound of e.a~on to top off your meal. Such business judgment. conditions are the background of all He has been successfully enth~ '?,vertures .~hat Allinson and his glth com.rades make and it is onlv gag-ed in the real estate and ina short ttme o.ff that out of a clear c;urance business for the past 25 s~y he and his propaganda will be Years, building up one of the best ~lrec.tly connected with the dreaded known institutions .of its kind in Sov1et." Burldie-;, let's stand shoulder to the city. Althoug-h his time was shoulder l We did it once for God \\'ell taken by this business, he ~nd Co~ntry. Let's do it again l This has always been a leader in activcancer seems to be taking hold and the command is "to the guns." Re- itiec; in the public behalf. He led a successful effort on meml?er . the preamble to our legion constttut1on which in part says "to the part of business men to estabpromote peace and good will on earth· lic:h a municioal bathinJ! beach at to saf~gu~rd and transmit to posterit~ the pranctple of justice, freedom and Windsor Park on a half mile of !ake front. Manv other public democracy. It's an ill win~ t.bat blows nobody I'OOd. Hope th1 Allinson incident has gotten sufficiently under the skin of some of you Buddies so that the finance officer will begin to see some real renewals coming in. As wa~ only prooer the Legion resented and protested the action of the Evanston ~hurch !n allowing him to speak from its pulptt. And now Tom Hall is all swelled eiP· Babv girl, eight and three quarCome on over next meetItt~ Tom and tetl us all about it I stttl am smoking "humps." · This meeting is go;ng to be a "lulu." Several buddies are going to be sold at· this meeting, that is to say, ~he meeting will determine their act1o.n with respect to the five bucks an~ the1r membership for 1924. Mark th1s date up right now. Be on deck to shake the hand of a visitor or stranger and make a reality of our slogan "Only once a stranger at Wilmette Post." This very thin!-! was rubbed into me several times last . Saturday when I was endcaYoring to rathtr a few of the "h:' ck-o;lidin' brethern ," into the fold . \\'e are too cold. Not enough of the old spirit and too much barrier. h check the best. So please get t at in. Doozerdoo. Allinson has a suggestion. That we open our meetings by · inging, "I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier." That goes in the "suggestion box." All these things help. You know the command r1 , ays, "make the meet~ngs original.. Thry are to some. btrds. Original meeting and last meetmg for some time to come. The commander wishes to say that 0f he was unable to reach as ~any you fellows on the phone Sunday as he should have liked. Th:! notice o( ~ he protest mee~ing at Ev,anston Post was given to htm about 2 p. m. and the meeting was scheduled for 3 p. m. This post, however, through the commander, endorsed the formal protest drawn up by Evanston Post. · Ralph W esse! = ==== VOL. THE UNIVERSAL CAR FO Make Delivery Certain! I I VII Hom ties ' ~ "'\'l7ITii the entire factory output of Ford Cars W being absorbed as rapidly as the cars can be produced, it is certain that plant capacity will ~ gready over-sold when spring buyiq rpaches it highest point. ELE We adv ·se that you place ·your order at once, taking advflntage of your dealer's first opportunity to make delivery·. U you do not wish to pay cash for your car, con· venient inetallmeJat terms can be arranpd. Or.,.ou can enroll under the Ford Weekly Purchue Plan Wit lage e offing ets in their fight-t secure popula Lite its ap b~th C"omm many consid 1 'Fta· See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer a dmmts of the reelecticl board o their T· · Skokie Motor Company "THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE BUlLT" The been . present to hav such a likelih in the action gatheri be con code, ents in unrestr The fight i but thr tees hip. E. Dr LINCOLN "Buy at home and get service at home" 712-14-16 ELM STREET Phone Winn. r· · The that t tion h tious s teday viUage ment ter pounds. . N~·t revular meetinJl'. St. Augu _ hne .· dubhouse, Monday evening Apnl 1<4, 192·. ' Barbecue (you know, Quincy Vaudeville. Speaker o1 note. Real Music. No. 9.) '"!nrovements, hoth local and city wtde. have been the result of his untirintr efforts. Mr. Rinvf'r was horn in Nova Scotia in 1874. and came to this citv while a hov. He is married and livE's at 7251 Crandon avenue. His fraternal and business aslllociations are many, including the Mac:onic, ChicaJ?o Lodee No. 4. B. P. 0. E .. Odd Fellows, Loval Order of Moose. Knig-hts nf Pythias. Phi Kappa Tau, Press Club and Hamilton Club of Chi<'a&?o. the Windsor Park and Cheltenham Buc;iness Men's As~odation. of which he is presirlrnt, Chamher of Commerce. ChicaJ!"o Real Estate Board. and other. b'!siness and improTement assoctattons. -Adv. ta:ught, safep1 n·nces rtasom 288-281 t; r··.. i . WINNETKA SALES SERVICE