Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Mar 1924, p. 1

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bile RDS ES a set FOR REVISE ENTIRE: ·POSTS BUILDING CODE Strong Bid foF V~e Votes Atty. John L. Vette Named Made by Comm~tty and to Investigate Code by Committee Home Partiea ~S APRIL LET'S GO SOME MORE I Baucl F-cl to D~ M~·.·acl ~ra. Fred Hac·· ... $ 5.10 i WaUaaaa Bro11 LloJ'cl ... , . . . . 5.10 Tot~ .............. ."..... $11... PreYioua Ac:kaowlecl1ecl .... $1103.11 Graacl total ........... $1113.11 TWO 1'ICUTS FAVOR 'OF ·V Citizens Learue and ~ GoveJ'IIIDellt Party Intensive Campaip for Support at the Polls on April 1 ·~~ For the first time in a decade the voters of the New Trier township will be called upon this spring to consider candidates on two tickets in the annual Town election set for Tuesday, April 1. Contests have been conspicuously absent for mnny seasons and the appearance this year of rivalry for all but two of the township offices to be voted upon is greeted with no small am.ount of interest hy the electorate. There has been no blaring of trumpets and few, if any harsh words in the campaign of the rival tickets, namely, the Ne..;, Trier Citizens League ticket and the Good Government ticket. Clean and for the most part, constructive campaign methods have been em: ployed and the mails and local press used as means of ~;;>romutgat\ng the issues, to.the absolute exclusion of stump oratory. The New Trier Citizens ticket, with two exceptions-the offices of collector and constable--comprises pers,<>ns who are candi1ates for reelection to the posts they have held for several terms. "These candidates," according to John R. Cochran, chairman of the campaign committee, "received the endorsement of the New 'l'rier Citizem league at a session of the league about a month ago whcu the records of the various incumbents were reviewed and the matter of their reappearance on the league ticket determined by a vote of representative citizens from every village in the township. (incumbent); for Township Assessor, George R. Harbaugh (incumbent); for Township Collector, Sanborn Hale; for Constable, Edward J. M.'au. For E J' ..... -wua~a....In the field against the Citizens The matter of the records of the league ticket is the more recentl7 various candidates on the Citizens organized Good Government party league ticket was apin reviewed which has 1eeured candidates for aU this week in literature sent out un- offices except township supervisor ancl der the auspices of the league, "warn- township clerk. ing all voters of Wilmette, Kenilworth, Its announced platform is expressed Winnetka and Glencoe and the re- in three terms, "efficiency, economy mainder of New Trier township that and courtesy." It takes a stand for on April 1 an attempt is to be made reduced township expenses and "rea to elect a set of candidates for im- ~able" taxes. portant township offices to clisplaee "Candidates on the Good Governthe present candidates who have serv- ment ticket," states Harry Fowler, ed so well." chairman of the campaign conamittee "It is imperative," states Chairman of the party, "were selected at an open Cochran, "that every voter get out to meeting in the township. The tiek~t the potls on April 1." is sponsored by citizens interested in "The Citizens league," he explains, efficiency arid economy in administra"is an organization of public-spirited tion who were instrumental in securcitizens which for eleven years has ing Ia t spring a horizontal cut of 15 safeguarded townsnip affairs, fou~ht percent in the taxes of the entire ~rraft and lnc:ompetence and won the town hip in the face of strong oppo i"ictory for honesty. thereby receiving tion in certain quarters." for its candidates the unqualified supWhile endor i11g the candidacies of port of the hest citizens of the town- Gertrude M . Thurston and Margaret ship." S. Pierson for supervisor and clerk, "The Citizens league is non-parti- respectively, the Good Government ~an and has a membership of several party recommends oppo itlon candihundred representative citizens of the dates in all other town hip offices to township," he continues, "and has suc- be voted uoon next Tuesday. ceeded thu~ far in keepin(l partisan Dialike Lea1ue Metlaocla politics out of township affair~ and The Good Government party i an sponsored the nomination an~ election outgrowth of a series of citizens meetof citizens of integrity, public spirit ings at which the alleged "cut and and efficiency to the township offices." dried" methods of the Citizens league in its endorsement of candidates were Compare Rec:orcla In its literature the Citizens teague the ubject of con iderable critici m. The Citizens league, it has been the ROes to considerable length in comparing the records of the rival candi- contention of the Good Government spon ors, is not truly repre entative of dates for the various township offices hased upon what it is explained as "an the rank and file of the voter of the impartial report by the directors of township since its meetings are held the league following the thorough in· in Chicago at times when it is imvestigation of all the candidates for possihle for many citizens to att nd and voice their opinions. office." andidates on the Good Government In addition to the township officers whom the Citizens league recommends ticket are : For Township Highway Com'11i ioner. Nathaniel F. Webb; for reelection. it supports, also, the candidacy of Sanborn Hale for town- for Township Asse)sor, John J. Peters; ship collector. The lt·ague has for the for Town hip Collector, George H. past ten years heartily endorsed the Miller; for Con table, l,ewis C. candidacy of Hoyt King for this im- Conrad. portant office. but this year endorsed Mr. Hale when Mr. King stated he A CORRECTICN would not be a candidate for reelection. Mr. Hale is cashier of the WinThrou1h inadvertence the name netka State Bank and is a well known of Gertrude ll. Thurston and Marresident of \Vinnetka where he has garet S. Pierson were li ted among served for several years as treasurer the candidates in the Good Governof the Park district and given much ment ticket in an articJe in last week's i11oe of WtLMU'I'& Llft. Th of his time to civic affairs. The Citizens league ticket i as above . .med candidates are on follows: For Townsh·p Supervisor,! the New Trier Citizen leaftue Gertrude M. Thurston (incumbent); ticket in annual Town hip election, for Township Highway Commissioner, beina, however, unoppo ed by the Herbert H. Sherer (incumbent); fGI" Good GOvernment party. Township Clerk. MarKaret S. Pierson They have proved faithful, conscientious and efficient officers Of the township, in the opinion of the league, and, in consequence, deserve the support of the voters at th~ polls on next Tuesday." IS COMMITTEE AT WORK. Candidates for Re-election Agree Ordinance Cannot Be Stand on Recorda · Prohibitive Wilmette's annual Village election on .April 15, will be largely a complimentary vote endorsing the records of persons now in office who have been recommended for reelection by a group of representative citizens. Headed by Earl E. Orner, veteran of nearly a score of years in the office of Village Clerk, the Good Government ticket finds favor with those citizens of the villa~~ who fe~l ~hat the present muntctpal admtntstration is rendering, and will continue to renJohn Lyle Vette, member of the law firm of Herrick Vette and Peregrine, 29 S. L~ Salle street, Chicago, has been retained as a. disinterested attorney to· inyesttgate the feasibility of draftmg a Wilmette Building code that will legally thwart the con?tructi.on of apartment buildings 111 Wtlmette. The services of Mr .. V~tt.e were secured by a specta~ JOmt. committee of represent~hve. cttizens and Village offictal.s 111 accordance with ·an agreement effected at a confer- der efficient and conscientious serv- ence. at the Village hall on Tuesday ice to the community at large. It is evemng, March 18. The Village board en~o.rsed by those who are of the has appropriated the sum of $1,000 to ~f)tn·~n that the present Vitlage board def~ay the expense of such an investiIS domg everything within its power gat10n and legal rights td give Wilmette a Mr. Vette, it is ~xplained. has been protective building ordinance that will ~ounsel for the V1tlage of Oak Park he reasonable and at the tame time ~n conne.ction with zoning and buildrestrict the construction of apartmPnt mg ordmances and is said to be bt!ildings in the comnntnlty, ud that thoroughly conversant with every ~Ill ser.ve to protect the ViiJage Zon- phase of the law pertaininK to buildmg ordmance. mg re,rulations and restrictions. H~rre St-.· Tl.:a..t Ne Prolail.itm OrcH ece On the ticket with Mr. Orner are Already, the joint workin~~r commitHarry . w . Miller, candidate for re- tee comprisin~ Frank A. Randall, A. election to the office of Village Treas- L. Myers. F. B. Crossley and Paul A. u~er ; Harry ~- Bachman, -Claude E. Hoff'!~~" announce t~at it will present F1tch and ~u1s T. Starkel, candidates a rev1s1on of the ent1re building code. Amon!{ other points already agreed for reelectton as members of the Board of Trustees; ]. R. Harper and upon th.e .committee is unanimously ~- G. Bentley, candidates for reelec- agreed, 1t ts stated, that a prohibitive hon as Trustees of the Wilmette Free ordinance relating to apartments and Public Library. building regulations in P'fneral is not Opposition to the Community ticiet advisable or feasible. The ordinance ~omes from. the Home party, organ- ran only be restrictive to insure its ·~e~ as, a d1r~ct result of a series of le!Z';\Iitv in the courts, it has been cthzens meetmgs held recently in the de<""ided. Byron C. Stolp school and by means The technical memhers of the joint of. which an endeavor was made to committee, Paul A. Hoffman. reprehrmg pressure to bear to have the senting the village board. and Frank construction of apartment buildings A. Randall, representing the Citizens' committee, is now preparing a draft absolutely prohibited in Wilmette Candidates of the Home party ~rc: of the substance of the ordinance John Clark Baker, Clarence E. Drav- which is to be presented to the come~ and John F. Wiedlin, who see k elec- plete committee a~ an early dat e, it t ton as membPr of the Village board was announced th1s week. ?f Trustees. There are no candidates The committee now at work with 111 opposition to the other offices to Attorney Vette in the preparation of he vote<i upon at the Villal{e election . a revised building code was effected T~~ fight, the.n, will center upon the ::~s the result of a citizens' meeting rr;~1 1 tons of Vsllall'e trustc>es. Tuesdav evenin~. March 18, at the Bachman, Starkel and Fitch" states Byron C. Stolt> auditorium where after a prominent citizen, "are recommended much discussion of the present buildby the Community party as having ing regulations bv village officials and e>:cc~lent records. and have given un- representative citizens, it was decided stm.tmgly. of their time and rich ex- to attack the problem in a practical rer!ence m serving the welfare of the manner. namely, by the aopointment Pnttre community. They have been of a commitff',. to mPet with the mem thoroughly efficient and, with the bers of the Village hoard in an effort othPr members of the board, have to devise ways and means of bringing ?Jade a scrutinizing study of the zon- about a solution that would be satisllll{ and building regulations, looking factory to all fair-minded members toward the best possible restrictive of the community. m~asures that will insure the perpetuThe ioint committee comprises ahon of the village as a community Prellidt"nt Zip{ and the members of of homes." the Village board on the one hand. and Laacl CommUDit,. CaaclWatea the fo11owinct vroup of citizens on the "Harry M. Bachman," backers of the other: S. T. Nordorf. c-hairman: Max Community ticket declare. "is a resi- W. Zah,.1. Francio; E. McCttllin . Frank dent of the West Side who has won A. Randall and Abr:-m L. Myers, who confidence and respect of a large werl' aopointed by E. A. Zimmerman. of the home owners in that <""hairman of the citizens' meeting of growin~ section of the village. March 18: T. Starkel and Claude E. Fitch -------residents of the South and North Mia~~ Harriet Vittum to ions, respectively, of the East Talk on "C-Pal~...." and merit the support of the _. a-.Miss Harriet Vittnm. well known voters on the basis of their hillhly satisfactory records as members of the Chicago civic leader, has consented to talk to the women of Wilmette on Village board." clean politics and their dut:v as voters. He.. Part,. CaadWai· ReviewinK candidates on the Home at 8 o'clock, Tuesday, April 1, in St. Party ticket, one learns that John F. Augustine's clubhouse, 1126 Wilmette ~iedlin, a resident of the west side, avenue. "This should be a matter of interest IS a salesman in the ChicaKo territory for the Jones and Laughlin Steel eor- to alt voters and a IarKe attendance is anticipated. (Continued on page It) This week wasin direct 'contra t to. last insofar as the New Trier H1gh School Band fund was conc~rned. Last week's tota contribution was $117. This week"'s" combined offering amounted to just $10. Proving-well, what does it prove? The boys will have to have those uniforms before the middle of May or not even have a place in the national band tourney. They can play as well as any school band, but uniforms count materially toward the coveted awards. The boys simply must have uniforms I If you haven't helped to date won't you just mail your check to~ day or at your very earliest conv~nience. It's for the boys at the h1gh school. The goal is $2,000. The band is to give another benefit concert for its fund on April 10. You can help the fund by purchasing a ticket to that concert. Contributions should be directed to: New Trier B-el Fu-..1 Lloyd Holliater, lac:,. IZZZ C.atral A··n-, Wilmette, llliaoia. Lloyd Named Delepte to Bic Convention of Rotary Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd this week was elected deleKate of Wilmette Rotary to the convention of Rotary International, which wiU convene at Toronto, · C.neda, in June. E. \V. Weber, was elected alternate. Dan G. Stiles, president of Wilmette Rotary, wa1 elected . delegate to the district conference of Rotary to be held at Rockford, Ill., on Thursday and Friday, April 3 and 4. Several members of Wilmette Rotary plan to attend this conference. Wilmette Rotary enjoyed a perfect attendance at its weekly luncheon on Wednesday, thus achieving a 100 per cent attendance record for the four luncheons held since its organization a month ago. Walter T. Nelson, manager of the flat linens branch of the Nelson Laundry company, wa elected a member of the Wilmette club at the meeting on Wednesday. The club, at that meet· ing, was addressed by Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, who is a charter member. AWARDED PAVING JOBS M. Foley and company, Evanston paving contractors, were the successful bidders in several street and alley projects to be undertaken in Wilmette thi s spri ng and summer. The Foley people were low among several bidders. I Gross Point Dear Elvira; How'!i everybody out in Austin? We're all fine here except Pa, and he's got German measles. How's everything your way? I've got a swell job in GIRL WANTED FOR CASHIER work Ia Wllmette atore. Experience not neceuary but muBt be quick and accurate. Addre11 123, care Wilmette Life. Wilmette. Here's a picture of me motorinK to work. An1wer this ad and leave Austin. llalvina very Vot r at t

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