WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1924 Sunday Concert "J!Vill Close First Chamber Music Season · f h BECAUSE . . t ey f ee 1 certam 0 enthusta.sttc re~pc!lse to the very best m mus1c tf brought to the nor~ shore, . t~e North . Shore Chamber Mus1c assoc1atto~ tJ:l!! JUSt perfected a permanent orgamzat10n. 'fhe president, Mr. Howard. ~ells of Wtlmette, whose taste a~d brtlhant talent ~re. an earnest of ~e ideals of the assoctatton and the qualtty of the concerts, has the enthusiastic support of a board. o~ directors chosen from lovers of musac m vari· ous north shore towns froru Evanston to Glencoe. . On Sunday aft~rnoon, Apr1l 6, at 4 o'clock at the Kemlwor.th Assembly hall, the last ~hambe~ Mustc concert of the seasol'! w11l be gtven by a trio composd of Ric~ard Czerwonky, violin; Robert ~m~rostus, .cell~; and Ella Spravka, p1amst. Thts trto has been heard twice before this winter. At both previous concerts its work has been a joy to a ~aged :>f Mi s Kathryn 1 uis W. Crush of ~rg: of Chicago, o 1s completing at Northwestern member of the ro~ity. She 11u w1th dramatics, in the past with re players, and ~iversity she is IVOrk as a mem. ~ s players. Miss lead this winter performance of Heart," a play Gersten berg. ' is the son of Kirchberg who the village until rhen they left to in Crystal Lah. l1 take place in I The Junior auxiliary of the Witmette Infant Welfare board. will meet on Monday afternoon, April 7, at 3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. J. B. Scarborough, ?27 Ninth street . Since the Jast meeting several new members have been added. The afternoon will be spent in sewing for the New Trier Infant Welfare station which Wilmette aids in supporting. -o- Miss Dorothea Schmedtgen, daugh-1 fr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!li!!!!!!!!!!!!!le!!!!!'l~~!!!!lil!!.~!!li!lll!!--~~llillill'J ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Schmedt· gen of 710 Greenleaf avenue, has left Wellesley college to visit in Washington, D. C., during her spring recess. She will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. HE finest jewelry shop Malcolm McDowell for ten days. --oon the North Shore, M iss Marjorie Day will be hostess maintaining a repair departtoday to the members of her bridge club which is meeting at her home, ment for watches, clocks and 1233 Elmwood avenue. jewelry. --<>Members of another Tuesday club are meeting next week for luncheon with Mrs. Thomas M. Knox at the Orrington hotel. T Lawrence Bateman, son of Mrs. and Mrs. F. S. Bateman, 735 Michigaft avenue retured to Lake Forest academy a~ter being with his parents during h1s twelve day spring vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Bateman returned two weeks a~>'o from a trip in the south. They left Wilmette on January 1, and includerl in · their trip Miami, the east coast of Florida, and Pinehurst. ~ -()- Jlla!a Jrmrltr ·v.ANBTON Mrs. Howard S. Gemmil of 829 Greenleaf avenue. returned to Wilmette last Friday from a three months' stay in California. -()- LIBRARY PLAZA HOTJIL Mr. Frank King of 825 Greenleaf avenue is coming home today after four days spent in Des Moines, Iowa. at a business convention. Miss Elizaheth Kerr returned to Wilmette on Tuesday after a visit of '\ week with her RTandmother, Mrs. Replogle of La Porte, Indiana. -()- ~Of Patter- te Wedding ing affairs are given for Miss rson and Mr. ite whose wedrge function of gh Paterson of terson home on ly. Tomorrow dinner, at her 1, Mr. and Mrs. Skokie Country Miss· Mary Louise and Miss Joy Scheidenhelm of Wilmette are among ~hose attending Wellesley taking part 111 the college operetta "Exit the Villain," recently given at Wellesley. Miss Joy is returning the end of th.i s WPek to soend her sprin~ holiday sea~on with her parent.,, Mr. and Mrs. E . L. Scheidenhelm, 704 Lake avenue. --<>Winifred TownsPnd, violinist, an nounces a ouoil rPcital to he q-iven at her studio in the Assemblv halt. Brown Buildintt, Wilmette, on Tuesday evening-. April 1. Marian Roberts, the l>'ifted pianist who played :~t the Win ·1Ptka Woman's club on Thur. dav of thi s week, is associated with Miss Townsend in her teaching. -()- ---o- Mrs. Charles N. Rees<>. 727 Forest avenue, was hostess at luncheon this week when she entertained the mem· bers of her Thursday club. Members of one of the Friday cluhs witt meet torlav to h .. ve lunchPon with Mrs. R. E. Pattison Kline, 1311 Green · wood avenue. Clean line·· Immaculate houaekeepiq at -oMrs. E . P . Fatch , 611 Washington '\Venue. has invited the members of her club to have lunchPon and. play bridge· at her home today. -o-Mrs. Walter A. Knoop and children of KPnilworth are returning on Sunday from the south. THE ORRINGTON by competent and courteoua white _ . . . ia your auur~ce always of quarten that are perpetu~ ally neat, fresh and ele1ant. Ito·· - Boa~a Oumiroff Benefit large group of discriminating people who have liked to spend a quiet time tcgcther listening to great music, beautifully played. On the coming program, a week from next Sunday, there will be, besides the usual instrumental music, groups of Czecho-Slovakian songs by Boza Oumiroff, whose singing and interpretation the Association feels will give an after· noc,u which will long stand out in mem· ory. Mr. Oumiroff came to America at t~e time of the war, and has repeated h1 s European successes in this country. In Washington he sang at the White House Friday musicals and at many of the embassies. This last month he has given performances at Lake Forest university, at the Saddle and Cycle club and at the Cordon club. He has a beautiful voice which he uses with great distinction. The following program will be given in Kenilworth. I Sonata for Piano and Violin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cesar Franck a. Allegretto ben Moderato b. Allegro c. Recitativo . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fantasia d. Allegretto poco mosso Madame Spravka Mr. Czerwonky Songsa. Song My Mother Taught Me . ...................... Dvorak b. Strings Are Tuned . · . . . . Dvorak c. My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose . . . . . . .................. Fibich d. How Fair Thou Art . . . . . Chvala e. A Group of Slavonic popular SO DiS On Thursday afternoon, Mrs. George Slocum was hostess for her bridge club. Mrs. Slocum has heard recently from her sister. Mrs. Milton Barker. who is now living in California. that Bohhy has been showin~ rapid imORANGES ON CRACKERS provement, but her baby girl is ill Recent experiments in diets for the with the measles. underweight indicate that a medium -()sized orange and two graham crackers Mrs . H. W . Rice of 1~1.1 Forest ave- as a mid-morning lunch results in a nue gave a luncheon and theater gain of weight greater than that party last Wednesdav for h"r two which results from a lunch of half a house-guests, Mrs. R;o lnh S. KinqsJ .. y oint of milk and two graham crackers. and Mrs. Walter W<>Jis, of Keno ~ha, This information ought to appeal Wisconsin, who visited her for sev- especially to mothers of children who eral days . find it burdensome to drink a suffi-()ciency of milk. Mrs. Edwia P . Phelps of 260 Woo-l court ~ave a s11rprise shower at her residenre on Tuesday afternoon (or GURLI LAGERGREN Miss Beatrice St>gsworth of 1006 Medical Gymnast & Masseuse Graduated from Stockholm, Forest avenuf'. The Ruests were Sweden friends of Miss Segworth's, members Special treatment tor cold, of the Baptist Young Pt:ople\ headache, a n d constipation. Union. Treatments admlnl11tered at your -()- home. Phone Winnetka 1481) Mr. Harry]. Richter was host to the twelve members of the Stag tlub on Wednesday evening at his home, 707 Greenwood avenue. On the same evenin~ the members' wives met with Mrs. C. E. Rennecker, 935 Elmwood avenue. -oBetty Munroe of 1119 Elmwood avenue came home on Thursday from Miss Wheelock's school in Boston to he in Wilmc·tte during her spring vacation. -o-Mrs. Edward Lilienfield who has been journeying through Europe since early in January, is expected to return in three weeks to her home, 816 Mich igan avenue. -o-Mrs . Charles E . Hastings of 1133 Central was another bridge-luncheon hostess on Tuesday when she entertained the members of her Tuesday club. -()- II Mr. Oumiroff Suite for Violin and Piano . . . . . . Erich Wolfang Korniold a. Madchen im Brautegemach b. Holzapfel und Schlehwein c. Gartenszene d. Mummenschanz (Hornpipe) Madame Spravka Mr. Czerwonky -o-Mrs. James Kendall who was called to Anderson, Indiana, by the death of her mother, has been visiting in Wilmette as the guest of Mrs. E. G. Bentley, 804 Elmwood avenue, and Mrs. Edward H. Yonkers of 911 Sheridan road. She will depart shortly for her home in Los Angeles, California. - III Mrs. A. W . Atlen, 803 Chestnut avenue, who has been making an extended stay in Florida will not return to Wilmette until the latter part of April. -o-Mrs. A. H. Rohol. 1007 Forest ave· nue, returned to her home on Tuesday from the Evanston hospital where she remained for several days after un dergoing a tonsil operation. -o-Mrs. Charles T. Hosken will entertain the Thursday club at luncheon and bridge on April 3. at her home, 627 Washington avenue. -()- PowerHannonited! Mr. Alfred Ruby of 822 Greenle~f Mrs. George C. Murdock and Miss avenue, was hostess at a luncheon thts Sarah Murdock are coming to Wil- recent illness. -()mette on Saturday, March 29, to be Mrs. William E. Duff has heen ill the guests of Mrs. Kerry C. Meegher at her home, 530 Washington avenue. of Central avenue for ten days or with grippe and tonsilitis. longer. -o- -()- The effect of the compensated crankshaft, found only in the new Cadillac, is to eliminate all perceptible vibration and to harmonize and balance the V-63 engine to a degree of smoothness and quietness unequalled in European or American manufacture. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY,CmCAoo Ba.ANCR Dwllicm of Gr-oal M-. Cors-.W. 2301 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE Mr. and Mrs. Merritt H . Dement and family of Kenilworth are leaving early in April to make their home in Cali1 fornia. --o-M rs. Ralph E. Pettit of 1033 As h-I land avenue, is in the Evanston hospi· tal, where she has been for a week. Take the Worry Out of Life! Tele····e WU..ette liT .J. Ill. SWirl' 'I'JIIAL New York Life A··'"· tetT Ceat-1 AYe. Wll·ette INSURANCE CommwtU, Brandw: EVANSTON BRANCH 1810 l\ldl" Avenue WEST SIDE BRANCH 46& w. Wash lnltOD Blvd. I&OADWAYILUICII woa:JI.AWMu.AMCR S&».......,. JANE POLSON SPEARIN Teacher of Sial(iaa "Mrs. Spta.ri" has tra*ed . th~zt, si11gt~s to a rtmorlobly good st;vlt of mtgt,.g -Mustc News, Chicago. 1159 Wilmette Ave., Glover-Brown Bide. Wilmette For appoi~tments telephone Wilmette 2922 I I 611 ·1111 aa a..... o.- A.w. ... ... ... CADILLAC Sta1. ·rd of thl: ,,,,