Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Mar 1924, p. 1

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.. "-· .. .... ... , nas made hi. lmous orches. I at this store. CHURCH GIVES CIRCLE TO SPONSOR . HOME 0 TSUNDAY CLUB A :th~~~i~~ti·!~~~ PLAY CANTATA M"<ha~~~m~a~~ SOUND APPEAL ENSEMBLE -~ CALL THIRD SESSION . Louise Thurston Group to Give Annual Concert This S1inday ARTISTS ASSIST· Outlines Procnoams for o· Remaining Senicea An exclusively m~sical program is uled for the Wilmette Sunday ning club on March 9, represented the annual concert of the Harp semble composed of four harps unthe <,lirection . .of Clara Louist' In township ·11.ffairs and the _ possible endorsemenl of a slate in opposition to the candidates recently endorsed ,by ·the New Trier Citizens league are sc~eduled for this evening at the Wilmette Vnla8e -haU. . · . , . , , · 'rwo meetings have been held, the first on Monday evening ·Febtua'ty ·25, and the second on Monday 'evening, March 3. ·A tentative . tick~t was ~el~ted this week,' it 'was said, · bnr 'th't -gl'oup· of citizens decided to defer definite action until this evening in the hope that· a thoroughly representative group of citizens from every village in the township would be at hand to particiP<ite in the discussion of township affairs particularly with reference ·to the approaching election. As inferred at the two mass meetings, there is considerable dissatisfaction with the manner in which the Citizen teague endorsements were effected. The candidates, it was pointed out, were endorsed at a meeting held in Chicago which most interested residents of the township were unable to attend because of l)n numbers- · ris exhausted. I· Dram · · f "Qu atizabon 0 een Esther" to Be Offered by M hod" G . et tat roupa BORrHERS, ""' DIRECTOR Two Performances at Byron C. Stolp School The large chorus choir of Wilmette Parish Methodist church under ·the directorship of Mr. Orville Jennings Borchers, will give a dramatic ,presentation of the sacred cantata, "Queen Esther," in the Byron C. Stolp school harpists will be assisted by Anna Nyberg, violiHist, Nohle n, organist, and Burton Thatcher, .. ritone. Some of the ' numbers will bjusAMinessr)esEponsHibiiERiti" an ~semble of the organ, the harps and the violin. The Proaram The program will be as follows: Prelude · · · · and Prayer . .............. . ..... . .. Handel te g of the Volga Harp Quartet. iolin Solo · I Solo ce'ments ring I oN AT , NTCADINNER principal contributors to the second annual advertising exposition to be staged in the parlors of the First Congregational church Friday, March Villagen Uraed to Atteocl 14, under auspices of the Central aveCatherina at Stolp School nue circle of the parish. Tuesday Souvenirs, samples and literature will be distributed in abundance at the exposition and the scene of the exhibits will take on the appearance FEAR ENCROACHMENT of a miniature fair. Trained demonstrato.rs will show how to prepare various appetizing dishes. Almost every retail business rep- Foresee "Lowerm. of Ban" resented in the village will have its booth at the exposition, it is explained, Aaainat Flats and the business men are preparing to give the housewives of the community some genuine surprises. Sixty-five Wilmette home ownThe exposition will open at 10 A. M. ' representing scores of houseand tontinue until 5 P . M. Luncheon will be served at 12 o'clock. holds in the -yillage t"'is week PrQceeds from the a.ffair will be di- issued an urgen~ call to the reai· rected in to the fund of the Central avenue circle. dent!\ of Wilmette to atten4 a public meeting in the Byron C. ORGANIZE SEA- ~~;lpe:~:~no~,a~~~~~iul~, ~~ ~::~: HERE SCOUTS E d 11 sider means and methods of ef- · 1 fafectively resistt ing what is t rm d movement 0 bring apartment ~i.~l.i~: . ~~~:~·- .?.r.~~~·.. . Rula Author..ilumor.iat to Addreaa Busirteas Men r_ E A £ ~pt._ ·· ., · Y.~r_s graea Movement ildings into the village." "Do you wish Wilmette to cease to be a village of ho~e and to be overrun by ·flat buildings?" is the question put forcefully before the h.ouseholders· of the community in notices and ters circulated this week. Wear be money Benediction Postlude. Wiatnore to Speak Prog;r;~,ms of unusual merit and interest ar provided for the remaining Sunday ev'eflings in the club year, the <~ccompanying re.sume prepared by the Executlv COJilillittee of the club in'dicating 'cle~t'ly what . patrons may be expected in the coming weeks. "Sunday, March 16, Deailfonn H. Wig;n'qr o"f' · ' lfe · ·Northwest~rn Unistty S1:hool of Law, will speak on t Uq e ,_,f Nations, illustrated by llf> stereo ttton !ilides. Eugene Dressler~ tenor, sdloist. I'Sunda:Y,, March 23, Harry C. Ostrander of New York City will speak on "Mexico·· 1 the Etzypt of the New World." illus ted by 100 beautifully hand !Burton Thatcher. bar· attempt, at gtvmg the of Wilmette and of unusually of a different time. demonstrating are possible with under capable leadership. 6ne CJC;ception, all ~the 15 solo parts will be tak~n by members of the choir. In additidn to the adult chorus 9.( abou_L50 YQ.i~~s- M.r.. .· Borchers l}as trained a boys and girls chorus of 30 to take part in the cantata. The accompaniment will be pljy~ by an orchestra 1 ~~~ · .... ..... );.;·:H... ,1 :Cit30 " pieces: :rnc. U: !Pi ~ the pages, ; 114 1 «tJards and cour'. bfiilsi over 100 people will ·~e ,PI\· 'In t;h~ entertain' (Continu~d..oit pa~e , 5) . Heron played ny New York .· During tJ\e with the United and engaged to aking to speed up the past five years studying the problems of man and fostering com'evoeloopntent projects through ium of Chambers of Com- anabitio~s. Someone Inferr-ed Our Of&ciala · ere Asleep Village trustee Paul · A,.'. Hoffman, at the regular session of the hoard on Tuesday of this week, suggested that a large wall clock be added to the furnishings in the council chambers. It was stipulated (facetiously, of course) by a certain official that, in the event a dock is purchased, it be of the alarm variety. ' The board authorized the installation evening's dinner is to nature of a rally in cele- of a watt clock in the police headthe termination highly suc- ouarter (not an alarm clock this time). bershi-p drive. ting the speaking program a brief entertainment by Joe well known piano monologist. Fuad to Date ................ $ Matbiaon . . . . . . Dnar CompanJ . Ellia ........ . .. . t.o'l 5.00 s.· S.to An expert ENGLISH GARDENER can make your grounds beautiful and useful. of mittee." They need the your years of experience. The "Ship" is already to be launched. Captain Edw . .A Evers, Commander of the Illinois Naval Re$erve 'has endorsed. this Seascout Troop and has offered the use of a Naval "pulling boat." Other well-known Wilmette men behinll this Seascout Ship are LieuteQant Commander Von . Pflugh, Ensign C: Lisle Smith and ex-Commodore Howard I. Shaw ot the Columbia Yacht Club. PortmSaster 'TomhJ. Keane of the Chicago eascouts as also endorsed. ~his Ship and offered his aid in orgamztug. A "Skip~r" has already been secured. It is Scoutmaster Wm. E. Cook, well known in Wil~ette as SCC!lltmas.ter .of Troop 2. He ts an expenenced small boat sailor .and a proven leader ~f boys. The Chatrman of the new Shtp Committee is Scoutmaster H. Warren Shaw, Scoutmaster of Troop 5. He has atready' obtained the backing of the above men and the endorsement of Capt. Evers. Mr, Shaw and Mr. Cook have donated the services of their own small yacht. These two men have for several months conducted a class in Seamanship for Scouts. They have interested a number of · boys in this Ship. They are now ready to organize and they . need. _the whole;hearted s~pport of pubhc sptnted men mterested JD the ~elf;ue of such an organization. Also, there is still room for a few more Boy Sc~uts wh.o are fifteen years of age and who we11h ·115 poUnds or more. . . Get behtnd the first ~eascout Ship on the North Shore. W:~lmette ·has the only harbor .betwee~ Chtcai[O ~d Waukegan and !s .the 1deal JocatJon for a Seascout Sht,, . · . At~ who are ?nterested are lnVlted to get m touch wtth H. W. _Shaw, 1516 Elmwood avenue, phone Wtlmette 1893 or ~earborn 7134 or any . of the .above mcnttoned men. !hey wtl~ gladly explain fur.the,: deta1ls :e.~ardm~ ~he Sea· scout Sh~p Keewaydm ( Sptrtt of the West w~nd) . LANDSCAPING A"D SUCH F. A.·Cu hing Smith, noted landscape architect, beg in in thi issue of WrL tETT£ L1n: a eries of . pecial articles on landscaping, gardening, planting and gener.al beautification pf home urroundmg ·. These are articles from the pen of a recognized expert who live in Wilmette and know~ his north shore. Start the erie thi week and you arc certain to continue rig'ht throu&:(h to the end! There will be hundred of valuable hints on making your home more attractive l den avenue are cited by thoso who have called next Tuseday's meeting as the first steps· i~ a '~lowering of the bars" to possible Unrestricted apartment ouse construction. While Village authorities maintain 'that the revised Building code is e.ven more h effective and protective to t ~ home-owl}ers. than its imn~diate forerunner, and that th fiTO~j;ed 58-apartment bt,tilding is o · be d · · · d erect~ 111 terntory z~n~ cor_n.., merct~l, and t.herefore ts tn stract comphance wtth the term f the zoning law, it is felt by any serious-mind d citizens tha" the ermit for '\\1 ilmette' fir t a.pa"rtP 'ld' 1 · ment . bUJ mg may re U t m a lessenmg of the heretofore cautious attitude of the village in the matter of approving aparth · t ment ouse prOJeC s. Woulcl "Reaiet Mo····t" "To resist this movement and proteet our homes will require our best efforts " sponsors of the mass muting declar~. "[£ you feel with u on this," they plead, "come to the meeting to comider mean and methods of action." Tuesday's meeting, while not an out· JCrowth of a similar gathering held MiOnday evening under auspices. of Wilmette Chapter of the Amem;an Association of Engineer and at wh!ch resolutions were adopted requesttng the Village board to reconsider the amendments to the 1917 Bui!dinfl code, docs represent a crystalltzatton of sentiment that has b en apparent for se~ era! weeks and which reached a chmax at recent public hearings before the Zoning Board of Appeal. wh~n petition to have several restdenttal properties rezoned as commercial were considered and later denied. Board Waata Espreaaioa Sentiment reached the point where Village authorities felt it imp.erative to ubmit the general ouc t1on of apartment con truction to an un~f ficial expre sian from the votrr , whtch it is propo. cd. will h conducted through the mails in thr Yf'ry near future . Fear of a gradual tendenc:v to. l~k leniently upon apa.rtmcnt butlda~~~ construction in e vtllaJCe ha . at I~ prompted .c ertain ri.tize'.' rna s mee tm ~ at " "'.il!f;Jl; - .:::=::=::1. to effect a tro"" ' ization t~>~· h Village Paviac . Authorization has vtllage authorities '::entral avenue west and 17th street from to the south village It was also decided between Central and n~es and extendin!l Etghth street, and the a wT ood avenue between enth streets. · to give up my garden and wleh to lmmedla. pol!lltlon for my er. Can rec· an exceptional ln very way; vegetable. and all!lo help In the have own llvlng hlmeelf and wife . :& JJ e ·-

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