10 \\"JL:\IETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MAR~H 7, 1924 Sunday Evening club at 7:30 the word s of th·· prophets will be eveni ng. cussed by 11 ~t·tuho·rs of the congregaTlw Roosevelt -Troop No. 2 Boy tlon. Lake and '\Vilrv tte Avt>n ues The> llt·a('o ns will mt·!'t in thl' Pas - SC'outs will meet at Headquarters at 1 Rev. Gcoq;~t> Gi ll> er t Stansell, pastor tor's stud_,.. '\Vedn sday l'VI'ning at i:lio Tuesday eve ning. The wom an·~ nuilcl \ue holding on All departments or th e Sunday st·ven-thirty. School will conY.-nf' at 9:30 a. m . f~c~hcTh~r;:~~~::;'" p::~~.\~~n~o~e~ie~ ~:~l~i~~ "Sharing In th p Divlnt> NaturP" will Th·· Cr·es<'!'nt Circle. Mr·s. S. M. Tho · Quarter!}: l::lul"in!'SS m<·l'ti ng of be thf' suhje<'t on Dt·. StanHPll's s!'r- th e (·hur<'h tor pra~·e r study. Aftt>r th e devotionIs S('hedUI('rl for· n t· Xt Sing·il'ton, <'hairman, will meet at th mon at th·· Sunda~· morning service. "\'(·rltw~clay, :\tar<'h 12, at 8 o·dock tn home of l\Irs. J . S. Doig, 820 Oakwood als, which an· h·ad by Mr. Lloyd, sewHis tt>xt will he 2 Pl'ter l :4. You th (' ARs .. mh ly Room. fl\'l·nuP, TUPS(lay, March ·11. The as- ing for ROntl' of our Mission schools Memhers ami ar1· lnt'itprl to hE'Ilr tbi s s!'rmon. sigting- host('sses are Mrs. n. E. Gage, will be dotH'. The Junior Chol r will rehE-ars e wlth ft·i,.rHls an· asl<ed to set a!lilll' this The met>ting n!'xt Thursday will be F. C. Hosk e n, Mrs. E. J. Lundin th e Sl'niorR at 3 :4!'i p. m. Sunday for nig-ht for the Business of th<: church. MrH. In charge or tlw Crescent Circle. and Mrs. H. B. Pruden. "QuPen Esther." Th !' \\'ilmette Baptist Choral society At 5 p . m. on Sunday the Interm('diatf> LPague meets, and at 6 o'clock will nwl't for rehearsal on Thursday Th e annual ArlvertiRing e xhibit of Th<' flrRt of a s ries of m eeti ngs Is the mt>eting or th f' Epworth LeagUP. t' \' t·ning- at 7 :15. whir·h will be con<lucted every '\Ved- Wllmettt> ntl't'C'hnnts sponsored by the On Monday, at 12 :31), th e Lunch club rwsrlar night at 8 o'clock during Central Av enu<' circle will be held Friwill met>t at th e Ct>ntral Y. l\1. C. A., Tud:w iR th IntC'rdenominnti o nal Lt·nt, will ht- in charge of Mr. H. W. llay, March H. 1n Pilgrim hall. and Room "A." T>av or' f'rrl\·er. Our wompn will IIH't.'t Cal<lwl'll. The subj ect for· all meet- the entire hrrHt·ment of thP church. It On Monrlay, 7 p. m .. hoth troops o! this ttH>t'nin'g for 'i'Vhlte Cross Rl·wing ings will hl' "The Minor Phrophets." will be Iarg .. r. better and h ave more the Boy Scouts will m eet. and will go in a bod~· after lun <'heon :'llt·. Lloyd will speak on "The Times gouvenlrs antl lftf'ra tur e than ever beOn Tuesrlay, at R p . m .. th !' Young to tlw :\J .. thodlst church for the af- or tlw Proph t· ts" as an introductiQn to for . Come ··nrly, parta)<e of a good Women's Mii!Mionat·y SociPtY will con- ll·r·noon program. An Inthe entire series this 'V ednesday eve- lunch eon and stay all day. iluct it!l month!~· m··f' tfng nt the homP teresting fashi on show staged In P11ning. of ~fiss Huth fl ... nnis. 702 Elmwood ()n tht> following '\\'ed nesday eve- grlm hall will b e one of the outThe· \\-ol( CubR will r·epor·t at 3 av en ut>. Th P h·a<lPt' will he Miss on Satul'llay aft(·ruoon at hcad- ning during Lent the personality and standing featur es of this year's atralr. Lucy Tolhurst. At 4 o't'lock on '\V dnes(ln.y, the Girl quar·tt·r~. Scouts will meet. Tlw \VIImt'tte naptlst church Is Th p 'Vor·ld H· ·r·,·l<'"e Fltudy Group now hwat l·cl at " 'i ltnl'lh· and For.:st an· numb ~rs mol'(· than on·' hunrlt·('(l families. Dr. Stamwll will presPnt the nu··H atHl wckonws n il to its scrvict·s. second RYlllJlOsium in 'Vorld Sprvlce at Tht· )lastor·, HE'v. l~ra n cis C. Stifter. eight o'c!o(·k. A numbl'r of people may ill' n·ach d at his fltudy during thE' mornings or· by appointment. The will assist him in this servke. Follo·wing thf' " 'nrl<l Service Study Chur<'h olfl<'<·, In chargt> of Miss hour, th e SutHlrLy School Board will Badger, is open dally t>xcept Saturmeet for a short, but important, ses- dn.ys from 9-5 and 9-12 on Saturdays. The Church tel e!>hone Is Wilmette sion. The regular monthly meeting of the 2235. Woman's For1· iKn Missionary Society wlll be h el d on Thursday at the home of Mrs. R. C. KirkJiatri!'k, 1328 Gr·eenwood avl'nU<· . ~lt·s. Stok"r will h · L l'n tt·n s!'rvices at Rt. Augustine's th e program lf'rtd!'t'. An offerJng will be marll· for tlw Japan P~E' enr thquak e <L t't' as follows : Sunday, ll.fl usNal; fund. F:vt>n if you h rwt· filled th e \Verlrwsdays at 8 P. 1\f., Litany In boxes alr·Nuly distl'ibuterl. come to the chut·ch followed by an Illustrated leemeeting JH'e11ared to give once again tun· on tht> life of St. Paul, In the Par·ish House; Thut·Rrht~·s at 7 A. l\1. to thfH wor·thy cause. .At 7 p. m. on Thut·Rclay, thP Junior liOl )· Communion; Fr·lclllys at 10 A . Troop o! the Boy Scouts will hold 1\f. Holy Communion; Friday at 7:30 their r eg ular mePtfng. ; P. M . In the Clubhouse, Class on "How At S p . m . on Thursday, the Senior to Teach "Re ligion:" Thursdays at 3. Choir will have their final rehearsal 4 :15 and 7:30 P. M. Moving pictures tor "Queen Esther." for thP boys and girls, picturing the Oh Frlrlay anrl Saturday evenings, Bible from the Creation onwards. "QUEEN 'ESTH I!:R" will bf' presented by our S nlor and Junior Choirs, The L e nten showings at the Chila.ugmented by the orchestra, atter dren's Movies In St. Augustine's Parw eeks and months of study and pra.c- Ish House began yesterd:~.:v- with lwautloe. This will be held at the Byron tlful plctu'res o! , ':'I'h" Creation," "Cain Stolp school, starting promptly at and Abel ," ~~ "Noah and the Df'lUgP." 8:15 each night. For lovers or music The JW;:; ·es ar·e givt>n 1Jy RolH'r·ta and th;, drama, this will Indeed be a. at;UIJr .. :tack Hope of 1G26 "Vashlngton rar treat. The admission Is but ):i~ and tlcke>tf! may be secured from an_; avenue. membct of th;, choir or at. (~ Church 'Nf'xt wepk's showl11gs at th ChilOffice. Last Monday evl'n.lng th(· Official dn·n's i\loviPs will illu:;trnte th(· Bibll' Tower of Bab 1," Board !Lpprove rl · l'.rr. R. X Cox ns storil'S of '"rh Scout MaKtt>r of J,3oy Scout Troop No. "Abr:aham anrl Sat·nh," "Sodom and 3, succetodlng ]l[r. C. N. Stokes, and fiomorrah." and Abraham and Isaac." Mr. W . ,V. Oshor·np and Mr. L . E. Mat- tht·~· . will bt· given by th e \Vornan's eon, as A!islstltnt Scout llfast<>rs. The ~lub of Wilmette. Board also 1\!JIIr·ovt'<l the appointment The Associated Gu llds meet ot Mr. W . C. FoliP\', as Lecturer for 'l'roor>s 3 &nd 6. 'l:he 13oard nlso ap- Thursday In the Clubhouse at pr·ovt>d :\It·. K M. lknnlt and Mr. Jos- with luncheon at 12:30. thrn \.t gh eph Mlll ~· r as Asslsta.nts to Mr. Bonte~~~~0~~ the Junior Boy's Scout organ!- Methodist Church will nw t· t nt the Chur<'h TuP~·la~· aft· ·nwon at 3:30. ~utHlay Tht> I dis-~ Educators View J · U~Or Presl rOI~ . Unique Red C W Congre s hotel, emphasized the in~. tiona! correspondence work between oL. . . h . ~ ctty and the country sc ools tn fifteen European countries. . There were letters wntten by Sooth African boys; portfolios of letters ant art work from French boarding school girls and letters from Ro~ Czeci1oslovakia and Poland. These COtttained not only descriptions of their life and games, but also e~pressi~s of friendliness to the Amencan chtldren. Teachers have found this correspond. ence work an aid in hnguage and geography classes. The Juntor Red Cross exhtbtt at tbt' recent National Education aSSOciatiOII, 01 '~Music Real tio The pt rie.d to t' the count C. M. T tiona! M President chairmans tee of Na first syn1 May 4-10 dent's let ing his a now are "Your vitation Honorary the forth al Music President to thank pleasure tion. I Music ' ' St. Augustine's P arish A Lenten Message: Wilmette Churches Call You to Christian Service music is the natio inAuencc In· our s aih-. T hri"ngs a rnents in by all r oi m·ces alnng th t1ul'l1ce The I Church work 1s Chri tian service. It is anything that is done in the name of Christ to make the power.of God's love felt in the lives of n1en., . M,.Qst of it needs to be done t.ftganization, which can best deal with those or ganizations that ombat God's law of love. on spect the pcwc along en; The thus end the COUll! the Pres~ The act' the prcsi tiona! o rney to the aeries, the subject r next will be: "Nearing IL Great City." '£ message will prt>pare our hearts for the sacred season of Lent which began this week. This Is a time when every Christian should meditate reverently on the sutrerin@; of the Saviour. Bib! School a.t 9:45. Last Sund~y was one or our record sessions. New members are always welcome. From the standpoint o! attendance and offering the primary class had the best record. Let every member attend regularly and also try to Interest a friend. In this way we shall reach our goal by Easter. The young people's class holds the banner for March. The St John's class for boys came within two points of capturing the prize. The midweek Lenten service f or next Wednesday, March 12, will be h eld at the home of Mr. Louis Mueller, U9 Gregory avenue. We anticipate a. good attendance. The dinner held last week was a ft ne succe#js. The attendance was all we could care for considering the limited space In our social room. Each speaker gave us many good things to think about. The committee and all who helped 1n any way are extended our sincere thanks. All members should keep In mind the sacrifice Lenten otrerlng to be returned Easter morning. The Lord gave Hlmsel! for us. What will we do for Hlm? "The greatest of these ls Love." tak e up our discussion next '\Vl·clnesday evening at the midweek service the course of lessons to be stucllcd in the Intermediate Department of the Sunday school-beginning with the ministry of John the Baptist and th;, early career of Peter. \Vhat nrp the dangers of trifling wf th Life, God, and the Soul? Think this OVt>r and then bring your answer to Christian Endeavor Sunday evenlnK. Edward Quayle Is to be the h·adH of the discussion. 6:30 Is the hour·. Junior Christian Endeavor will meet Sunday afternoon at 3:30. Lesson on "Justice" from Better Americans. Troop G of the Boy Scouts will meet In th e church gymnasium Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The Junior Scouts wlll meet Friday afternoon at 3:45. 'V" pr\'ssmg of a uat hnpc fo \\'l'ek m October, l1<td he! those in ly city-, take part -1-10, an n1hcrs h first tim Committ of the with the which t are chic Organiz to be ob National some 400 Triangle I of the Girl Reserves will attcncl the Men's Dinner tonight. This gr·oup will meet In the church gymnasium Friday afternoon at 3:30. Junior Girl Reserves will meet Tues1\fr. Stifter will preach th<' eecond day afternoon at 3:45. ot th<' March Prt>-Derllcatlon Day ser- Come to Church · DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES: Fmt Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette Aves. Fortieth Baptist Church New N Dean \'Crsity as follows: th~~:.~~h 9, :.g{~~k.ne~1e S~~~~ ~~~~-~~~gserfis a~~ "Churchmen and Th<' Orchestra will meet to play for Sunday school at 9:30 Sunday mornChris- i~~~ 00~e!~l:~ ~ehearsal Thursday af- 00 Nnv T 1\farch 16. "The Church-Member's Ther will be a regular meeting of Three-fold Duty." March 23, "Naturalizing Rt>llglon." the Wt·stmlnster Guild Tuesday eveMarch 30, Expanding Without ning, March 11, at 6:30 o'clock. Dlnnl'r will be served In the Men's Club Cracking," room b~· Mrs. A. L. Miller, Etta Lee The Bible School with graded ln- Goudy and Ethel Graves. ·tructlon for all ages meets at 9:45, 'l'he Men's Sunday Morning Club the adult classes convening at ten. m;,..ts for Bible study In the Men's Clubroom at 9:45 Sunday Th Junlora will meet In the A1111 m- 'orne next Sunday and join morning. this disb ly Room on Sunda.y afternoon at 3 cussion You will find lt Jno'clock and the Interm dlates will terestlnggroup. aml profttable. meet at 3:SO. Wilmette Presbyterian Church 9th Street and Greenleaf The B nlor B. Y. P. U. under the Pastor: Rev. Oeo. P . .Magill, D. D. l eaderahlp of Mlu Beatrlc Segsworth Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. la atudylng Jay S. Stowell'a book "The Church Service, 11 :00 a. m. C h ild and A.mertca.'e Future."' The Junior Endeavor, 3:30 p. m. ~~~'::: :til~ :ao.eet In the .Assembly Senior Endeavor, 5:30 p. m. Midweek S rvlce, 8:00 p. m. Wed. '\Ve extend a h arty welcome to all Th Procram for the Sunday Eve- to attend our services. Dine club meeting at the Congregat ional church at 7:30 will be n sacred concert by a. quartet of h:1.T{>s, under tb e dlr ctlon of llaa Cl r ·a Louise Choir r hearsal Friday night at 7:30. Thurston. ht· will be iSist d by lOu Anna Nyber , viollnl·t, tr. Noble .tr. Cain director. C.in, orcantat, and Mr. Burton choir Saturday Tlaateber, baritone. ae vocal soloist. under the direction Tb Annual Me .. tl.ng of the Worn aa'· Baptist Uaalon nlon will b; Mr. Lloyd will give the seventh llelcl at the Normal Park Church nea:t 'l'.aelldar. March 11th. Dr w H' Main chapter on "Th;, Young People's Life ef tb~f\lbltcathm Socl ty · will be the ~un~~~-~s~o:~~~~e a~u~~~so.Congregatlon , At the morning services at 11 Ca111p Fires tfr!t~~~tl~~~ ~~o~~~~~~.~~ preach on "The The Fust Methodist Church Lake and Wilm ette Aves. March 1 ing- a V There followin The f unit of of the 1 the loca Repeal Rev. Stephen. A. Lloyd Rev. Gilbert Stan-sell The Fll'st Presbyterian Church Ninth and Greenleaf St. Augustine's Episcopal O.urch 1140 Wilmette Ave. A gr< \\'e dncs1 Players ' cluh. ar Rev. George P. Magill Rev. Hubert Carleton. Wilmette English Lutheran Church 730 Greenleaf Ave. Rev. William Guise St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmette and Park Aves. Congregational Church Rev. Herman W. Meyer The WUmette Baptist t\urch Forest and Wilmette Aves. this eve1 of rlub iormanc will he Proce1 ance~ w in..,. fun< The "-\shes 1 l'ly~es." Rev. Francis Stifler