Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Feb 1924, p. 1

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N. T. c. A. MEMBERS TO l r l · $250,000 three-story apartment buildat Fifth street and Linden avenue was Life to HaYe ValuH. F. AtwoOd to S~L on expected to be fC?rthcoming- from ~he Citizens' Gathering Ia Called ~ Village offices th1s week. The bmld,able F ~ture b1, F. A. to Coaaider a Second uBack Jtf'the Republ'ac" ing, to be owned by Richar:d Davis of Chicago, will be under· cdhstruction C ·cSmitla Town Ticket within a few days, it wcu thought. Harry F. Atwood, lawyer, author, The new apartment structure is to and publicist, will be the speaker at be in th shape of a capital "E," and, h w·t of two large courts, ac~ 1 mette S unday Evening. club permitting t e cording to Roy . F. France, architect, 2 on March · will contain 58 apartments, in sizes of Aitidea to Mr. Atwood is author of the book, two, three and four rooms, and will "~t ck to the Republic," published in have an English style basement. Hold Great Meeq in WilNext Week 1 and accorded which has been very widely rach of the apartments wl'll have -tte N.a·t read' an<l fayorable cQmment. +-< ~, In 191!) he published another book it~ own t;omplete fire .w.all, in . c~m entitled, "God in American History," . phance. w1th local mumc1pal bu1ld1ng i ... , Readfrs of WrLKITTI Lir~. by and in 1921 a volume on, "Safeguard- regulat1.ons. . . fa r the majority of whom are homeng American l<leals." He has leePerm1t for constructiOn was appt,ied It is altogether possible that tured widely on problems of govern- for early this week, but could not be the voters of New Trier township ers interested in rendering increasment and industry and "Our Federal grante.d at ~mce because of the absence in g ly more attractive the . immediate Constitution." His subject on Sunday of des1gnat1on of some of the sub-con- will be invited to engage in the of their homes, will be liveliest Town election recorded in night will be, "Back to the Republic." tracts in the plans. many a year in this community. Much interest centered in the dis-------play of ole! manuscripts and Bibles Dissatisfaction concerning shown by Dr. Edgar J. Goodspeed at some of the selectwns of candithe Sunday Ev.,ling club last Sundates mad~ by the New Citizen's day night. Scores~ of people went to league was easlly apparent this the platform at th~ close of the serv. ices in order that thev might see tl'\em week when a group of forty O( at closer range. It was one '~ more interested citizens met at most interesting evenings in t ftJ"the Wilmette Village hall to distory of the club, according to ·U1c Widespread Interest in Mua- cuss township affairs in general leaders. . and the forthcoming Town elecMiss Dawn .Hulbert, dramatic sb ical Event t;,o n in particular. prano, will make htr first appt'arance before the Wilmette Sunday Evening RepreMDtative Gathering club this Sunday presenting an inIt appeared to be the consensus Widespread interest is t'Vident this teresting program. She recently gave Monoxicle Poisoning Fatal to an entire recital at Lyon and Healy week in the concert to be given at of opinion at the meeting that a hall, Chicago, and received favorable New Trier High school auditorium on second and still more representaB. B. Smith and enthusiastic comments from the Wednesday, March 5, by Guy Maier, as ~ive gathering of citizens should music critics of the Chicago Daily a benefit for the high school orchestra. be called for Monday evening, Promise of one of the most delightNews, Chicago Daily Tribune, Chicago Byron B. Smith, ·one of.· the best Evening Post, Chicago Evening Amer- ful musical events of the season is March 3, at the same meeting known residents of the village was ican and Chicago Evening Journal. given in Mr. Maier's initial appear- place, and the group forthwith found dead at the wheel of his autoance on the north shore. He is known decided up.on such a session. mobile early Tuesday morning several to music lovers of the communities for Consequently, Next Monday's meet~>ours after he had driven the machine his splendid work with the Chicago ing will have as its principal purposes into the garage at the rear of his home Symphony orchestra and in concerts a frank discussion of the various at 1130 Ashland avenue. Death was hefore young people in various cities candidates endorsed by the New Trier ..,..,.. 141.141U-tt t<t.l1P:1r.~caused by oJ the East and Middle West. His Citizen's league, a careful review of mon pmsoning, bttt- physicians fH ..... rrr ' \i\.'ednesday is · to ,j.: ownship affairs under the preseut ~l;!,-,.....,-"""1:......; also adanccd the the rv that Mr. Wilmette club of Rotary International adapted to the interest alike of young ministration, and consideration or Smith may have suflertd a fatal at- was formally organized with a charter and old. feasibility of selecting an opposition tack of heart disease. · A poste_oned membership of 22 business and profes- . "New Trier Township High school slate . coroner's inquest is to Pe held Tues· sional men Tuesday evening of this is becoming more and more not only As was brought out in last Monday's · ._. at a dinner in the banquet room a social center but a center as well session, there appears to be consider .. pleased tp learn that F. A. Cushing dav of next week. Mr. Smith was found by his son of the Ouilme.tte Country club. for the artistic activities of the north able dissatisfaction regarding the Smith, ' landscape architect and city At the organization meeting, in shore," says one of the sponsors of the manner in which the New Trier planner, who lives at 431 Central ave- Byron, Jr., at about 2:35 o'clock Tuesday morningas police, notified of hi charge of leaders of Evanston Rotary, nue, is to conduct a series of valuable Maier concert. "Its splendid audi- Citizen's league selected candidates for informative articles in Wu,KJt'l"l'Jt continued absence frQDI the home after Dan G. Stiles was elected president of torium with a seating capacity of 1,000, the . Town election in April. These on the general theme of land- an evening spent at the Ouilmette the Wilmette club, Frint George, vice- makes possible the best musical and candidates were endorsed at meetings architecture, planting and kin- CQ.untry club, were cond}Jcting a vii- president: D. E. Allen. Jr .. secretary literary programs at a modera e held in· Chicago, which many interand Lloyd Hollister, treasurer. A price." subjects. This series is to begin laflr...W~e search. ested citizens were unable to attend, He was last seen alive by L. C. hoard of directors, including the ofan early issue of WILY~~ LIPit "A feature of thP hil{h chool life it was pointed out. The meetings, it nd will continue through the planting Pelott, 1132 Ashland avenue, who had ficers and Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, Dr. of which all north shore residents was further explained, were held duraccompanied Mr. Smith home from Charles B. Blake and David Nelson, cason. should he very oroud is the hie-h ing the hours when many men and Country club hortly after 11 was also named at the session. women voters vitally interested in Mr. Cushing Smi h is a practicing Monday evening and after Under direction of temporary presi- school orchestra. These young music- township affairs were denied the privindscape architect and town plan- alightmg. observed the latter driving dent C. A. Corpening of Evanston ians have a seriousness of purpose. lege and opportunity of attending being engineer with offices in Chicago towar«t(the garage. It was upon Mr. Rotary, the meeting developed into an tone musicianship and have achieved nd \\'ilmette. He is a graduate of Pelott's· suggestion that an investiga- enthusiastic rally. Among the speak- a remarkably high standard of work. cause of business responsibilities. The meetings were held in the early afterCornell university, Ithaca, N. Y., with tion was made in the garage. ers who commented on the various Like all organizations of this char- noon on business days. the degree of Bachelor of Science, The theory that Mr. Smith had been phases of Rotary were George S. Dat- acter, the work is sometimes handiUnreet Apparent wh<'re he specialized in landscape a victim of monoxide poisoning was gety, Ernest Smith, Earl Iredale, capped by lack of funds. At present But aside from the slate endorsed by architecture and in architecture, and aoparently substantiated by the fact Frank WohiiPher and Henry B. Gates the need for new instruments IS most the New Trier Citizen's league, tho e he later received the degree of Master that the engine of the car was still of Evanston Rotary ,and Rev. Stephen imminent. This ~roup of youthful of Landscape Architecture from Har- runnin~ after the garage doors had A. Lloyd of the newly organized Wil- musicians is one of the va luahle assets who attended Monday's ~athering asvard university, where he specialized heen closed . . Mr. Smith, however, had mette Rotary. of the north shore. Let us boost it as serted there was considerable unrest in town and city planning. He has not been in the best of health, it was enthusiastically as we do our splen- in the township concerning the greatThe charter membership of Wit- did ly increased assessed valuation from athletes." (Continued on ·page 8) stated, and it is feared he may have mette Rotary comprises, Dan G. Stiles, the last biennial adjustment and which suffered a fatal eart attack. Stephen A. Lloyd, Frint George, Werlnesday's concert begins at 4 had brought an appreciable increase Logan P. T. A. to Discuu Funeral servi were held Thurs- Robert Johnston, J. R. Harper, C. E. o'clock. in taxes. February 28, at the First Congre- Renneckar, Dr. Lester E. Mee, Dr. Opinions will he sought at the Motion Picture Queation day. ~ational. church and burial was at ~- C. Hecht, Dr. Charles B. Blake, H 0 ld Man to Gran d Jury meeting next Monday evening, it i!l The motion picture question will be Mount Greenwood. David Nelson, Dr. C. E. Geisse, Joseph on Confidence Charge said. on the question of selecting discussed at the March meeting of the Mr. Smith was a Schildgen, Joseph Kutten, Frank Witcandidate in opposition to the slate Logan School Parent-Teacher associ- University o( Chicago, ~on, E. W. Weber, John Hoffman, Jr., Earl Pettit, contractor and builder, endor ed hy the New Trier Citizen's ation to be held in Library hall, Mon- in which year he w Lloyd Hollister, Arch B. Van Deusen, was held to the ~Zrand jury in MaJZi- league. Every citizen of New Trier day afternoon, March 3, at 3 o'clock. track team which ' the western William Levett, D. E. Allen, Jr., Emil strate Mickey's Wilmette court Toes- township is urged to attend this meetRev. Hubert Carleton, rector of St. championship. His m'tk of 4:33 in Nord. William Taylor. day of this week on the charge of ing and to participate in the di cu,. Augustine's Episcopal church, who for the mile run stood f~r years as a Wilmette Rotary is to meet on fraudulently obtaining money through sions, it is emphasized. the past few years has conducted the western collegiate record. Wednesday noon of each week. -a confidence game. Children's movies in the Parish House He was asspciated with the United _ _ _ _;;____________ He was sent to the County jail when of that church, andMr.Koppel,manager States Fidelitt · and Guarantee com- · Engineen' Chapter to unable to secure $1.000 bail. of the Village theatre, will discuss the pany, 105 W t Monroe street, ChiPetitt, according to the local police, Discuss Building Code suQject, the former on the selection of cago, and il Dived by his widow and . is charged by J. B. Gav, 1004 Michigan The Wilmette Chapter of the Amerfilms for children, and the latter on two sons, Byroa, Jr., and Paul avenue, and other Wilmette residents, ican Association of Engineers will meet the commercial viewpoint on the genwith failing to pay for materials used Saturday, March I, to discu s W11eral question of movies. in construction work although he re- mette's new Building code and the ZonMrs. William E. Beazley has con- You Can Pay Tuea Now ceived payment in full from the own- ing ordinance. sented to give some readings at the ers. In the instance of the Dav casl" at Fint Natioaal Those who desire to attend thi m~t meeting, which is to be followed by he is said to have received $495 in full ing are informed that it will be held at T 'bills ~~ 1923 JTre mailed to the usual social hour. payment for the construction of a the Wilmette Chapter headquarters, 719 taxpay~s in New Trier this week and private garage and with the under- Central avenue. All persons interested Townshi-p Colleetor King has opened standin~ that he was to as ume obli- in local civic affairs are invited to the Don't pine and moan, ces in the First National Bank· of gation for all materials used in the discussion, it is announced. te prepared to receive the anWILL YOU HELP? And lose your sleep; work. It was stated that he failed to Smokes and refreshments wilt follow nual "contributions" of the citizenry If you haven't contributed 0:4V for the materials, leaving responsi- the nwtma. Here's a saxophone of the township. · bility for such · obligation with the to the New Trier High There has been considerable delay in That's mighty cheap! owner. sending out tax bills due to a change School Band fund to secure Pettit was arrested in Hi hland Park Anne:a:ation Proposition in system whereby the bills :tre 'ent uniforms for the players, Mondar afternoon where he was OD Kenilworth Ballot from the county offices. FOR 8AL~NN C·MELODY you can do so by mailing found y patrolman Peter Schaefer of saxophone, aatln ellver ftnleh; At a meeting of the Kenilworth VilTaxpayers are urged to pay at the caee and reed-eaee with extra the W mette police after local author· your check in care. of the lage hoard on Ft'bruary 11, a petition local office in the First National Bank reeds: like new, ueed very litities were notified of hi arrival in that for annexation of tht" territory conband fund to · of Wilmette. Payments m\lst be made tle. Coet lltO. Sacrifice for city. tiguous to the village. wt'st of the pres~ $90. Phone Wilmette 778-K. here hefore March 15 when the books LLOYD OLLISTER, INC. ent western limit and cast of ruc~ce are closed. AT EDUCATIONAL MEETING road, was placNI on fit . In answer lZZZ tra1 A...Superintendent Ha~r of th_e Wil- to the petition hy residents an~ o~ew:· MAKE LIFE HAPPY ASSESSMENTS DUE Wibaette, llliaoia. mette public; sc~ls 1s attendmc tbe of property in the area "!h1Ch tt IS Wilmette Villa~re special assessments 1 council of Supermtendents of the Na- propo ed to annex. an ordmance wa. The fund of $2,(0) is more by reading are now due and pay ble, according tional Educational as ociation now iD-- adopted calling for a vott' by .the to collector Edmond If. Kerr. Paythan two-thirds subscribed. sion in Chicago. Repreuat..i._ of . _ citizens of Kenilworth at the nell:t re·ments should be made t the Vitlag<: cational in titutioo.s f rota aU Oftr the ular election, which wilt be held Tue · Wil~ ? offices not later than 1l rch 15, when t.:nited Statts are attendinl( the te~lions. day. April 15, 1924. the books will be .cloaed. ~ of Beam ment is the attractive combination proll)ised members of the New Trier Commercial as'sociation upon the occasion of a dinner tO' be held at Fred Miller's Lake Shore Ternce Monday evening, llarch 10 at 6.:30 o'clock. The dinner is to be in the nature of a rousing rally to celebrate the completion of a successful recent membership campaign in which more than fifty business :tnd professional mt!n were a{}ded to the ranks of the association. . "Jamie Herron," author and humor. 1s . announc ed as t h e speak er at t h e 1st, dinner. He has appeared frequently before the Rotary club of Chicago aitd the Chicago Association of Commerce. His subject will be, "Building Better Business by Building Better Men." He has been termed by no less a personacre than Harry Lauder, "The modern Bobby Burns." Joe Hahn, pianist extraordinary, will provide a musical program. . The committee in charge of the dinner includes Carl E. Sterner, Chairman, George Baldwin and Aram K.. Mestjian. A"f~~~~~.~~ AT SUNDAY cum HEAR PUBUCISl' .58-APARTIDI' FOR Pemit '~'~"~ OPPO LEAGUE SLATE Acr DISLIKE LEAGUE p· .a.N 8 M-..L.v MAIER CONCERT ON WEDNESDAY FINDS FATHER DEAD IN CAR WILMmE ROTARY CLUB ORGANIZED THIS WEEK Bank O, YOU LOVELY SAXOPHONE LUES! B THE WANT ADS

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