Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Feb 1924, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE .LIF.E , FRIDAY, FEBRUARY. 15, 1924 . ; OCIAL Country Club Juveniles To Present Plays · HINGS are going to be all turn~d about at the Co\lntry chlb next Friday afternoon, Washi~gton's birthday.. Instead of tilt older members planning an e~tert~mmen~ for the .cht}dren, the children under the direction of Mtss Rtta Smtth, have mvtted all of their frie~ds and families to an entertainment to be provided by themselves. Two short plays are to be presented. Tho~~ t'!-king part in the playlet "At the Court of the Queen of Hearts wtll be Je-.n Crossley, Kathryn Panushka, Martha F~rmer, Paul Smith, Douglas Winslow Helen Hall, Beth Brower, Juntor Turck, Dorothy Newton Marguerite Casey Ruth Drayer, Helen Lynch, Marie Hanley, Mary Gleason, Dor,o thy' Rohol, Kathleen Harvey, Olive 9elerich, Betty Spillane, Lorraine Briggs, Patsy ~r'!-fthefer, .Mtldred Farmer, F lorence Crain, Rosemary Rowan, Wtlmmg Oelench, Barbara New~o n , Clara Wray and Louise ~unstm.an. , . "Six Cups of Chocolate" ts the htle of the sktt to be presented. Included in its cast are Martha Tencher, Isabel Macalister, Marjorie Evers, Dorcas Tuttle, Mary Elizabeth Townsend and Helen Mahan. There will be informal dancing for all following the program. "( T T Fountain Square A ..Ie day that comes but twice a year, but each event ia of utm?at importance to.w-:.,j . who appreciate good thinga and wondel'fu1 valuea. A ..Ie that will aave you cona1der e money, and provide you with everything you require. DOLLAR DAY Women's Batiste Gowns Special $1.00 Brassieres, Special $1.00 Men's Shirts $1.00 A limited number of shirts that sold regularly up to $2.50. All are neckband styles with French cuffs and come in attractive stripes. While they last-$1.00. First Floor A limited number of fine Batiste gowns in flesh and orchid are reduced for this great event. Th ey are neatly hemstitched at sleeves and neck. Second Floor Odd lot made up of brassieres from regular groups priced up to $2.SO. Among them are satins, brocades and lace effects. Seco11d Floor Washington's Birthday Dance at Woman s Club HE Wilmette Woman's club hold the second of its inT formal dances on the evening of Washington's Birthday, in the clubhouse auditorium. With enthusiasm waxing high at the close ·will Women's Silk Hose $1.00 Fine hose Here chase thread silk, full fashiorfed in all shades and black. is an opportunity to pura supply at great saving. Pirst Floor E. and W. Semi-Soft Collars, 6 for $1.00 Desirable styles in broken sizes have sold regularly at 3Sc and SOc. Early selection is advised. First Floor of the affair given early in December the committee of which Mrs. N. P. Colwell is chairman has been spurred on to even greater efforts for the success of the party next Friday evening. The hosts and hostesses for the evening will be Messrs. and Mesdames Miles H. McMillen, Gordon Hannah, Frank J. Scheidenhelm, L. E. Ashley, Herbert B. Mulford, Karl D. King, L. A. Bower, Hayes McKinney and George L . Emrich. Men's Lightweight Wool Hose Special $1.00 Plain heathers, clocked effects and silk and wool combinations are priced low for Dollar Day only. First Floor Shelf Oil Cloth 6 yards for $1.00 Choice of plain and fancy shelf oil cloth in 12 and IS-inch widths. Second Floor Ethel Pattillo Betrothed to Edward Mayo and Mrs. Richard Starr Pattillo, 620 Forest avenue, announce D R.the engagement of their 9aughter, Ethel, to Edward Leonard Mayo of De Kalb, Illinois. Mr. Mayo is a senior at Northwestern university and a member .of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Miss Pattillo is a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. HEl toea who and par' the com\ Jonial Dr1 Thursday bers of t l many wh performaJ preparatt tonial De presentat1 rey Baul MacDona for tht-ir will hea~ gether wj show ren Mrs. R1 the playe known I marvellot has take have had mystic "' develops and brin each pe~ The pr comedy, group. 1 days are one bac and patcl The nu of the musical scream 1 parade o "Hearts also be The ni been set at PiiJlri avenues. At a lu bald FrPe of the C Foundati nounced l be given take pla 2:30 o'clo The opet by Brian T. Cart others o Levy M Mrs . Ro Cyrena Ammon. Curtain Materials 2Yz yards $1.00 Barred Marquise tte, also plain and dotted fabrics from higher priced lines are to be sold at 2)1 yards for $1.00. Second Floor Candy Special $1.00 This special includes 1 lb. of Peanut Clusters, 1 lb. Wrapped Butterscotch and Yz lb. Cocoanut Clusters. Women's S~teen Bloomers Special $1.00 Well made bloomers from our regular stock in navy, green or black, are to be sold Dollar Day only at $1.00. Second Floor Announce Marriage of Miss Mildred Fox and Mrs. Fred D. Fox of Richmond, Va., formerly of M R.Wilmette, announce the marriage of their daughter, Mildred, to Marcus Randolph King of Chicago, Saturday, January 25. Mr. and Mrs. King are at home at 3944 Jackson boulevard, Chicago. On the theory that we do not often til recovery is absolute, and often the know what is going on next door, or problem of living after discharge from that we get so used to a beautiful a hospital is serious. The home of the pictur~ . on our own walls that .. we patient is often crowded-;- no cmoe ka.s never really see it, one of the officers time to care for the convalescent. tells very briefly the story of Grove Perhaps the home is nothing but a House for Convalescents. dark room with no chance for fresh "To some who read this, Grove air or nourishing food. This is where House is a real place; they know it Grove House can do its best work, a11d is in Evanston, perhaps they have even it does do it. Two weeks at Grove been there. They know it because House, the usual time, though it can they have worked in the annual rum-~ be prolonged, usually sets the patient mage sale, and if they have worked ?~ _her feet and she goes away reonce, they have continued to work, · JOICing. Or a run down child, perhaps because the directors never let them one of many, to whom a tired mother escape. These workers learn at first cannot give the proper care, comes to hand what Grove House does. Others Grove House, grows fat, plays out of who have memberships know they doors and R'Oes hom(' to tell others all ~e nd a check annually and that Grove about it. In this manner Grove House House does some good work; they wins its friends among its patients. do,?'t know just what. "It is a small place, but it costs !he north shore towns have grown money to run it, so, although there rap1dly and .to many new-comers is a small endowment fund, the greatI Gro.ve House IS absolutely unknown. er part of the income comes from It 1s to them . that the direc:tors of memberships of the following kinds: 9rove House hke to tel~ thetr story Associate. Contributing, Sustaining and ~n the hope. that they w11l remember Life; from supported beds, $160 a year, 1t .~nd pas~ 1t on to others. and from voluntary subscriptions. Grove . House for Convalesc_eJ?ts was "In order to make both ends meet, started Ill 1902 at 1729 LIVIIlr<!Ston every year the dirertors organize a ~trePt, Evanston, one. block north of rummage sale in Ev:mston which the Central str~et station of the North usually nets about $2,000. Western road, m a roomy old red brick "Th t f k d b G house. Its oh.iect was to give care to "' e _sor o wor one Y rove women and children convalescing from H nse IS d~ne . by o_ nly one or two illness or operations. If a atient other ?rgamzattOns m Cook. county. could pay a small fee for such eire she There ~~ ~verv reason to beheve that was expected to do so, if not, the care the work ts done very .well. T~e rnawas given just the same. The ohjPct tron . Mrs. R. Parnell, 1s exceptiOnally of Grove House has remained the fitted for. her t~sk, an.d a corps of same to the present time. do.~tors gwe their services. "Another small house next door, Mrs,. Hat~away Watson of Wincalled the Children's House has been netka. t~ nr':s1dent, M.rs. Ralph Hobart. added. Here, under a competent nurse :tlso of ~mnetka, IS secretary, and who is supervised by the matron the Mrs. Leslie Wheeler of Lake Forest, is children stay and are fed and n~rsed treasurer." back to wholesome happy childhood. -<>"The house cannot accommodate Wizardry, Music, Hindu Magic and comfortably more than 10 children, so Craft of the Chinese and American ~-:.ch ll'ets real care and attention illusion combined, employing the ingenuThe hig house has beds for fro~ ity of both ancient and modern contwenty to thirty patients. These come jurors, will feature the program to be from hospitals in Chicago. Evanston. presented during and following the "n d the suburbs, from the United dinner at the Ouilmette Country club charities, .T ewish charities and Cath- tomorrow evening. The great Laurant olic charities, from the 'settlements and his assistants will give the first r0urts. dispensaries. public organiz~ half of the program. Chief Silverations, private organizations and from tongue, a native Hoopaw Indian Chief individuals . From this it may be un- from northern California, will sine derstood that the institution is non- numerous Indian songs, and Robert sectarian. Macdonald, brilliant American pianist, "Hospitals cannot keep nati .. nts un- who has traveled in concerts in both Canada and the United States with tremendous success, will perform. DancJUNIOR ing will follow. This is scheduled for one of the biggest evenings in the hisOf the Van Pelt Studioa wiD tory of the club. · P ....eat ......o-. Wilmette patrons and patronesses "A Colonial or thp v;~lt'ntine hrid~e and mah jon"' a ad .-.;.-tv ~"":ven by the active chapter of Dt'lt:o GamMa sororitv at the Evans"Hearts" ton Woman's club on Wednesday eveThmday, Fe~.., 21, s P· m. ninp- were G. Ros~ S·"w?rt, f'...ordon PILGRIM BALL W. Bull, Wallace B. Behnke, Barn·tt Scarborouvh and H. B. Gates. Miss Lllke ··· Wl ...ette AY-. Vera Clark of Winn,.tk"\ "'~~ on,. of A ...... Me the sub-chairman assisting Miss Henrietta Oliver with 'the· atrangements. LINEN GLASS TOWELS 2 for $1.00 Red bordered towels of pure \im:ri mca ure 24x29 inches. First Floor .FASHIONE1TE AND RED SEAJ. HAIR NETS Speeial, ...,. . Do... First Floor PEPSOJ>EJ"T TPoQTH PASTE Special, 3 for $1.01 First Floor DoDar Day Selling of Women's Footwear $1.00 lt.1cluded are two distinct groups. One includes women's high shoes Ia d b · bl ac k brown and patent leather. The other group is made · ce an · utton n~a d e tn · k'd t , .of Oxford bl k ktd, hrown and black calf. Choice $1.00 pair B s 111 ac · asement Bargain Basement Wearwell Reel Pillowa Special, $1.00 each 2lx27 inch pillows filled with new, san it a r y feathers and covered with attractive ticking. Real values. avenue, Petersbur1 an attrac in the s here he , Francis though he in May t dence in Mrs. S. upon thei this mon Greig are away fro Women'· Silk Hoae 2 paira $1.00 Pure silk "Onyx" hose, first qualities in cordovan and black, sold regularly at 89c pair. Housewares 14 qt. Granite Kettle $1.50 Valae, $1.00 Grey granite kettles in good size for general household use. Decorated Wute Paper Baaketa $1.45 Values, $1.00 Glaaaware Special, $1.00 Choice of 4 optic blown glass goblets or sherbets at $1.00. Miss D dent of t following Mickey,~ Electric Carliq Irona $1.50 Kind, $1.00 Complete outfit including curling iron, with full length cord and plug. I berg an informall honor o Filet 'Panel Curtaina 18-inc:h Linen Cruh $1.00 per Panel 36-inch panels of heavy mesh and wide filet design are edged with knotted fringe in ecru only. Handled Glaaa Sherbets I for $1.00 $2.00. Clear, blown glass sherbets priced regularly at 3 yarda $1.00 Red or blue bordered toweling of heavy linen thread construction sold regularly at 4Sc yard. Dollar day only, J yards for $1.00. $1.45 2-quart Aluminum Doable Boil·a v....., $1.00 10 qt. Aluminum Diah Pau Special, $1.00 Decorated Cupa and Saucera 4 Cupa and Saucera $1.00 Flowered and gold band decorations adorn these China dishes. Turkish Wuh Cotha I for $1.· Large size cloths of heavy construction have heavy stitched edges. These come in white only and are priced low at 6 for $1.00. aaildrea'a ,M unaiq. wear, Veat 8Dd Drawen 2 for $1.00 White wool mixed garments of unusually fine quality, selling regularly up to $1.50 eAch. 3-piece Aluminum Seta Special, $1.10 The set consists of three convenient sizes for household use. Self. w..m..a.. Mop $1.50 Valae, $1.00 White Enameled Roll-Top Bread Box $1M Good siz: box of heavy gauge hn, well constr~tcted, regular $1.65 article. Tampico Houae Brooma 2 for $1.08 Splint Cothea 'Hamper. Special, $1.00 Choice of 17 or 19-inch SQuare hampers with hfnged top. Childrea'a Stockia·· 4 pain for $1.· Wide ribbed black ho e of the we II · k n own "0 n y x D u b - 1 - wear" quality in sizes 6Y} to ll j,j. Regular 39c value,. WOIDeD'a Crepe Crepe Toilet Paper $1.51 Value, $1.00 doa Sacqaee Special, Z for $1 .· Blue, pink and lavender grounds in floral designs are attractively trimmed with satin ribbon. Dre.aU.. 25 lb. White Floar Bin $1.45 Valae, $1.ei Hinged top bin with handles, enameled and gold trimmed. 5 Pkp. Large Jyory Flakea, $1.18 Laanclry Special $1.00 Included in this group ~re: 5 American FamIly Soap, 4 large Ivory 1 pkg. Star Naptha, 2 Lux, 2 p and G. Soaps. PLAYERS Dream" Paila · . . . . . . U...,$1.08 GalftDiud Carlaqe C"·u·...· ..._

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