18 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1924 WANT-ADS GET .YOU QUICK RESULTS 81TUATI01'1 WANTED-MALIC Glntt only Ottctl--to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GI~ENCOE NEWS. . 10 CE.'nts per line In one paper. 20 cents per line In all three R4ffS--papers. MI:VIMUM CHARGE 1$0e. Average of ftve words to the line. No black face type used .. Rates for Display type on application. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS CJasslfted advertlaements will be charged al N · ( ) Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers Formerly with Mandel Bros. D ""' o _.,,. fnf Of f I nSttfiOnB-cepted up to 'VednP.sflay 12 o'clock for . Clasalfted advertlsemPnts will be ac- 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 LTN4-tfc the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursdav 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for thl' GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. REAL E!l'rATE Tiff SPRING CAN=-<OT nt<; FAR AWAY. Here ar~ some choice Spring Buys WnJmfc<elf C<O>mmce~ EXP. MAN, HOUSE AND cleaning, floor waxing, polishing, and basement lng Also odd painting HAVE BUYER FOR 6-ROOM BUNGAc lass refE.'rences. Walsh. low. near Jake anti transportation, 816. will co-operate with other brokers. WA~TED WINDOW TO HU\'-REAL ESTATE kalsommjobs; ft1·st Tel. Winn. LT7-tfc furnltt;~l'e lEo[o§tCl!llllb~<e&ll\tyCCm>c 525 4th Strf t Tel;. '!llmette 500 SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE A GOOD about 2 Near end of L LTI9"1tc toni c. . Treatments at your home. acr s . Htul'. cons.; 12 rooms, 5 bath!!, B. w. Angle. Tel. Evanston 6:_4itp water h;,at ; c h aut. quarters over 1 garage. Flowe1· conservatory, bath WILL BUY FROM OWNER. WILL pay all cash for small houses or WANTED-LANDSCAPE GARDENING hse., pitH', etc. Sale price below vacant to owners wanting to r ealfor private estate; 8 yrs. exp. Best Ize on their property quickly. AdvaL~~·ge 7-room hom e, 3 baths, beau. of ref. Tel. Lincoln 2418. dress \Vilm ette Life, A-62. liv. and din. rooms. Heated gar., LTN19-ltp LTN19-ltc lge. grounds, E.'ast location; t o c lose estate will sell at bargain tJrlce. HEI.P WANTED-FEMALE 7-room slue. In tine east Joe., tOO WANTED TO BUY-HOUSES ft . wood rd Jot ; 4 h drooms, tol. and A PUBLISHING HOUSE DESIRES llv. on lHt tl . Only $25,000. WANTED TO BUY-BEST 6 OR 7 two junior girl clerks. 16 years. We also otrer tine hom esite of 116 room h o us e In Wilm ette; $13,000 to Christian. Steady ad van cement to tt. frontage on l<~orel!t avenue, nr. $lu,OOO; $2,000 cash ; good monthly high est positions. Ralary to start Indian Hill club groundB at only payments. T e l. Evans. 3615-J. $12.00. R eg ular employment. Hours Ll9-ltc 9 to 5. Address Wilm ett e Life. A-55. $l{2epe~a~10 · !'omplete listings of LT19-1tc homes and vacant-get In touch WANTED TO BUY-8-ROOM HOUSE with us bE.'fOI'E.' loohing elsewhere. in Kenilworth, $35,000. Address WANTED-A COMPETENT WHITE Call or phone I.I!E.', A -59. L19-ltc gil'i: gen . h s wk ; 4 in family. Good wages; no washings. Tel. \VinFOR RENT-HOUSES netka 6 o. LTN19.1tc UO Elm St., Winnetka T e l. Winn. 1~00 FOR RENT-BEAU. N. SHORE HOME WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL OF. LTN19-ltc with J>riv. beach, large hous e, spacift ce work . AIIPIY 1222 C ntntl avE.'ous grounds, from Jun e 15th to Denu t>. Wilm e tt e. T e l. Wil. 1920. L. VERY CHOI E 15-ACRE TRACT, 1320 i1~~eA-5~~t. No agents. LT1ftt~~~ Holllstel·, Inc. LTN19-1 tp feE.'t south fronlal{e on State road, 41!fi fet't W ~o"!l t frontage on 8ectlon \VANTED- GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK., I'Oild, w ooo:J (·(l . Id eal for country FOR RE:>:T-5 -ROOM Bl:NGALOW, no laundr y, must be good cook. Tel. hom es with one 01· two acre sites. large garage In rear, inqul!· t> 535 Winn E.' tka 1713. LTN19-ltc Bargain. · West K ·n ilwol'th Ave. T e l K<t'i 9 WAITRESS WANTED. ORRINGTON 2 6-acre trac ts, within 150 f E.'e l of State road, tt:rms, per acre $1,600. Hotel dining room, Evanston, Til. Several very attractive iJargains W .-\NTED 'I'O RENT-HOUSES LTN19-ttp in Gl nvi ew rel!ldences, all lmprovem nts, within two bloc ks of all WANT SMALL FURNISHED HOUSEl SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE l'allro:<tl and bu11 s.-rvict·. for th e season. High class referS ' HAKF'lo"JR & OOLDllA H ences furnished . Address, Life, A-50. 909 Ridg e AVt'llUe 1 3_tc AFTERNOON GOWNS AND DRESSES _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L_T_N_ _-_ _8 Phone Wilm ette 364 LTN19-ltc WILL HENT A 10-ROOl\1 HOUSE IN a specialty. Reasonable prices. . ~;~me~}e Y(~:~nee\~~erGii:rc~i~~e~r o~ Mf::lan~a1.~e .. a-Wtf~~t:r;,nt~el, ~Il~ unfurnish ed . Prefer east side loca9116-J. L16-tf,c ;~oun~d~~~sm~~: \~:~s~:~d:,es~J~r~~~: WANTED _ WASHINGS TO TAKE 'I'U LlS'I' YOL'H PROPER'l'Y FOR Sale o r· lh·nt. hav e clients r eady Lire, A-51. LTN18-3tc hollle, finished work and rough dry. to buy WANTED-TO RENT HOUSE. WILL 'f~~. ~\l a;,det.dWo~rl35tl8 PralrJ e JIOMI'~S . LOTS, ACRES Write Ol' t el e t>hun e anll I wlll be take a .one or . two year lease on a LT18-4tp glad to call and give your problems T~~1~oS 01~~at~~~ ,!~~~-~~~~'i. 1 le.r~~'r; WANTED-WA~HINO AND nwNING. my llei'!!Onal attention. 1 8 3 :::::-:--:-:-:----------L_T_N__ ____tc_ ~W ~4og ~leanlng by the d1r..r 19 :1~~ toF~~eyow;P~~fak~· tb~~~e, The Evey McLane Company MASSAGE TREATMENTS i FOil SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE-DINING ROOM AND LIVIng room furnttu1·e; also 2 large OriE.'ntal rugs. T e l. Wll. 1374. LTN19-ltc !<'O R SALE-FEDERAL WASHING machine, good for 2 yrs. mor e service; also misce llaneo us furniture and rugs. Tel. K nllwort~T~~~--lt c WANTED '1'0 BUY-HOUSEHOLD GOODS \\'lNNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, oianos, anything useful. 808 Oak St. LTNl-tfc !'\, FELL-DEALER IN NEW AND use d household goods. 1644 :Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Evt~i-Hl-~~c LOST AND FOUND LOST-ON WEDNESDAY, PAIR OF sklls, betwee n Motor Service, WIIward. LTN19-ltc REWARD FOR THE RETURN OF Range r bicycl e which disapp eared FOR INVESTMENTS An Exceptional Investment-Milk Co. Established 22 Years. Whol esale and r etail, 600 customers. All new machin ry and .,qulpm e nt, north side, made e nough to retIre, net proft t better than $50 p r day. Now can be · expanded if desired. WUl give you all the assistance necesMary to get you started right. Will take $32,000, half cash. Balance easy terms. No debts. Address Wilmette Life, A-61, or phone Wil. 948-R. LTN19 - ltp - !flc _I The Fashion Sewing Shop SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Thor ONLY, EDISON washing mach, :::.e~\eea~~dp~~~e ~'n~~ft~e~~~i . Fijt~: FOR SALE-WED. phonograph; ~:;ln~n ~;g~f:e?e~~llel:;;riJes~i;n~~~ ILo §IID<e~rmm&Jm All©l~rii(CIID LTN19-ltc Glencoe. Tel. Glen. 268. LTN19-ltc LOST_ BLACK PIGEON, BANDED BABY CHICKs-IN 100 LOTS, ASlef t leg, $2 reward. Tel. Wlnn. 1449 sorted, $12; Leg horne, $13: Barred Rocks, S. C. Reds, Anconal!, ·lo; ~~tdet:,.r0n d~~ U93 Scott A:L~·Nl~-~~~ 0 Wyandotte&, Butr Orplngtons, Ml1 norcas, $18; postpaid . Catalogue free Wt~~~~-r~.?m R~~~~;,;;Mh~~/~~ kO~ WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR HEMFOil SALE-AUTOMOBILES 105 W . 1\lonroe St. D. T. FARROW CHICKERIES, I I wor·th or· '.Y in n.-tka. Audress Wllstitching. Tel. \Vii. 516. Ll9-ltp Winn e tka 11 i3 Randolph 2281 PEORIA, ILLINOIS. LTN18-22tc LTN19. Hc m ~o" tte Lift.>, A-57. LT19-ltc 748. ~~~~ ee<;.o rr~~di~y 0 .~~~~~· 4!f· Jr~~: rector.'s table; typewriter desk; safe; ~~~'hho~~- f~~~i.ne~ 35 iL~ng~~~d ~~~~; 6 SEASON'S DEST BUYS 7-room stucco, wat ..,r h eat, 50-fool corner lot, $13,500. 7-room remodt·lt·d frame, 3 porches, water h eat , garage, east, $1 5,000. 7.room stucco. 2 sun plrs., sleep- WANTED TO Rt-;NT- SMALL HOUSE, Ing and b1·eakfaRt pchs., wat er ht., rooms. !or 1 or pnful'l118hl'd, 7 or 2.cat· KIU'., lge. lot, $26,500. .! years. Td . Sheld1·ake 4839. New i-room colonial, 3 baths, tot. Lt - 3tc and lav. 1st fir., water ht., Newport plant, $2 ,000. Almost New · FOR S.U.E-AUTOMOBILES DO YOl KNOW! Every car on the strE.'et Is a used car? TE.'ll us the mak e and type Tel. Wlnn. 11Z8 72-4 Elm St. of usl"d car you want and we will LTNU-ltc demonstrate wh e n we have one. No obligation to bu~·. WERHTED MOTOR CO. \Vlnnetka 165 LTN19-ltc CADILLAC MODEL 53, ENGINE REcently overhauled and put In good running condition, all l"ew glass FOH SAL&- VELIE 6-CYLINDER ; curtains, tour new tlr"s, spot light, n ew !1- R contlnE.'ntal motor : nPw otrered at $400. Robert I... Johnson, radiator cort!; n ew paint job and D ee rfield. LTN15-ttc new sldl' cu1·talns; brak es just l'ellned. This car Ia In shape to give real sE.'rvlce for several years. T el . FOR SALE-COLE ROADSTER, FINE Wll. 2220 or Main 0743. Ll9-ltp condition, run less than 15,000 miles. Looks like n e w . Price $750. Edward F~!;s ~~!;~-b',f.~S9:r~e~E~ t:;;fi~;, Zipf, 925 Lake avenue, WtTmette. 19 $3,200 cash. Also 5-passenger Chan<l- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N -_-_I_t_c ler sedan. 10 mos. old, se111ng for E. RAPHAEL NOURSE DoDGE ~~{.~~~e. c~~st b~a~~d !~a~~nc~ . .f~f. ~2~~·· 83'd!.F top, t lxcell~l~ cond., _w_t_I._2_6-:4::-7::-.=--=--:-=--=-----L_T_N_1_9_-_l_tc.:__ _ _ · ____ o_r_e_s_ _ v_e_ ··_...:r.=TN.:m.::..:~:.:'::...~.:.i=tc Ford Coupt>, wonderful condition, $300. Overland Tour., good condition, make otrer. GUARANTEED FRUIT TREES, BERry bushes, shrubs, hedge and peren nials, at IOWl'S l prices. Brown BrothPrs Nursery o., 2903 Central St., Evanston. Tel. Evanston 7543. LTN19-1tp FOR SALE- BEAU. TRICOTINE Spring suit, original cost $150, will sell for $35; also 2 georgette size 38 frocks, $10 each; styllsh jersey dress $5; model tatre ta dress $15. Tel. Wlnn. 1781. LT19-ltc £<'01-t SALE-DRESS SUIT AND OVER- W. G. STACEY & CO. A Buslntoss Built on St·rvict· 6 Linden Avt·. J'h. Wllm t>tl<' 30S LTN19 - ltc Slocum Motor Sales 1<'01-t R.ENT- 4- HOOM FLAT, ELECtri c light, and gas, hasement and Kal·age. TPI. Wll . 221. L19-ltp Ji'OR RENT-IlOOMS !<'OR RENT- WARM, LIGHT, FRONT room; vriva.te homl'; no other room·. TEN ACRES JURT SOUTHWEST 01'~ Prs; conv. to "L", Northwestern and Indian Hill Golf l'lub at $15,000, l t!ss gvanston surfact· lin es. Bn·akfasts than asking rlcross road . ::>ultable ~r dE.'e:!~,~gs.Tel. Wil. !r34-J m1:'t i_~~~ fur stlacious h oml'. 0 0 lMilf §]p)~1Ulli&fc<ID1f coat In good conditlo.n. coe 723. T e l. UlenLT19-ltc HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. li56 9 FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL YELLOW h ead ed Mexican pa!'l'ot, 6 mo. old, cage included. $25.00. Tel. Kenilworth 1540. LT19.ltc FOR SALE-SPRING CAPE OF FINE Scotch mole and dark squirrel col_ Jar, worn very little, reas. Tel. Wlnn . 178 1. ·LT19-ltc FOR SAL-BIG CHEST COINS. INeluding rare Lincoln medals. 133! Forest Ave., Wllm ette. LTN19-ltc FOR SALE -PEDIGREED COLLIE puppy, full white collar. 1627 Walnut AvE.'., Wilmette. LTN19-ltc PIANO TUNING Exclusl\'t' Agents 't·n t (·r Ht., ( formt>rly ,V, R. R. Ave.) T e l. Winnl'lka 2u4 LTN19 - 1tc CENTRAL HOTEL-HOOMS; LIGHT ou tside looms; s t eam; hot and cold running Wtlter. 629 Main St. T e l. Wll. 1080. LTl-ttc FOR RENT- ROOM. PLEAS. EAST side. centrally located, business man or woman pref. :-:lo other roomers. Tel. Wll. 4 :1. LT19-ltc 00 Art Love Pic R. H ' '750. 6 H . house, gl. pch., h. h E.'at, garage, $H,OOO. 9 H. fnlmc col .. 3 blocks to lake, FOR RENT - WARM BRIGHT, beat N. E. Section. 2 baths, 2-car clean, well-turn. front room, east carage, snav. $22,000. side home, con v. location, garage 6 R. turn . house to rent, lmm tllalso. Tel. Wll. 1940. LTN19- ltc ate poaaesalon Sept. let, U36 .00. R. Jo'OR RENT- NICELY n RN. ROOM, Tel. Wll. 640 T~Ll~t~c~~~~j~l. 1632 SpencL19~l~ 1157 Wilmette Ave. 9- 1 ~~-"'"""::_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L_l_ _t_ c Jo'OR RENT - NEWLY FURN. ROOM, LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US, light. main ftoor, nr. lake, atatlon. vacant or Improved, keep In touch Tel. Wlnn. 1543. LTN19-ltc with our oftlce. We give real servtce. t'OR RENT- FURN. ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 gentlemen, close to trans. Tel. Winnetka 1921. LTN19-ltc U6 fth Street Tel. Wilmette 500 FOR RENT-FURNISHED RMS., ALSO Near end of '<L" housek eping apt. Tel. Wll. 935-M; L19-ltc near all transportation. LT6-tfc JUST CUT TO . $16,500, EAST SIDE, ltrlck and stucco bungalow, vapor FOR RJ!:NT-PLEASANT FURNISHED room, near Winnetka station. Tel. · heat tile waH bath, 50 ft. lot. Wlnn . 415. LTNU-ltc WIJ . .VET1'E REALTY COMPANY A. J . Woodcock, Prop. Ul Hh Street Tel. Wilmette U&4 Bji:LP WANTED-MALIC · LTN19-ltc CHICAGO REAL ESTATE .OR IALB-IIOU &I long established on the North Shore' wants active, experienced local rep~ resentatlve to sell North Shore procerty. Permanent connection :~~re~~c~~r~e~~!UI~If~~r man. .. LTN19-Stt' W ANTIID-COMPETENT BOY, 8 P. M. to 10 :30 P. M. M\Jst be neat. Vlllallfe Chocolate Shop. 'LU-ltc w . li'OR SALID-AUTOS Ji'Oit SALE-AUTOS PRIZES A. EDDINGTON The Evey McLane Company I CA IDJ IT IL lL A CC § lUJ§!E:JD) CArR§ S> The Used Car Department of the Evanston Cadlllac Branch otrera an unusual assortment of good used ~ars In both Cadlllaca and miscellaneous makes. To the prospective purchaaer of a new automobile In the $2,000-U,oOO claas, wbo would not ordinarily conalder the purchase of a uaed car we wish particularly to call attenuo'n to our late model, Neondlt4oned Cadlllaca. Theae care will attract the buyer who demands dependability, superlor performance, and, above all, the "atlsfactlon that cornea from owning R car whoae quality and prestige are universally acknowledced. Our aeleetlona are ·c ontinually . chan.rlnc, and you will ftnd here at an attractive price a ear tbat sulta ~our needs. Salesroom open evenings. .,:;~~[.e~ent car acceptl'd In part EXPERT PIANO TUNING, REPAIRInc. L. W. Foster, plano maker. Call your home tuner. Tel. Wlnn. 509-J. LTN7-ttc Ml8f'ELLANICOU8 WANT A USED COPY OF "PATtout Causerres en France ;" also pocket slae French-English dictionary. Tel. Winnetka 198. LTNlt-ltc FRENCH LESSONS AND CONVERsation. Special claas~s for children. Tel. Winnetka tlliZ-W or write Wilmette Ll,fe, A-flO. . LTNU-ltc ' NOTICE Notice Ia hereby given by the underalgned tbat the copartnership l&tely subsisting between us. under the ftrm name and 'style of PEARSON 1: BORRS: engaged In the buslneas of re· tall meat market In the Vlllage of Gross Point. Ridge Avenue, New Trier Township, County Cook, and State of Illlnola, wu, on the let day of February, 19%4 dla110lved by mutual consent. The unftnlshed bu,alne· and atralra of the said copartnerahlp will be attended to by AUGUST C. PEARSON, one of the underalcned, and the u.ta Aquat C. Pearaon Ia hereby authorfeed to collect, receive and receipt for all .-aoneya, goode and property due or accruing to aa.ld copartnenrblp, and to dlacharge all oblltr.,tlona of ·td co::~!~~~:h:ron~~trrform au Ita unDATED AT Wilmette, C6unty of Cook, and .State of Dllnote t~ Ub clay of February, uu. AUOUIIT C. PB'ARBON AUOUBT C. PBARION JR. J0811PH W. BORa-.· I FIRM -~ I!fr 81T1/ATION WANTICD-MALE DON'T WAIT TO HAVE YOUR PAINTIng aDd decoratln&' done. The aprln· wages will advance. Let ua do It · today. Carl 8alo. Northbrook, Ill. Boa 40. Phone Hl·latand Park 891-Y4. LTN18-8tc WOOD SA WED ANY LJ:No'di t,reea tllken down. cleanlnllf up Iota or -..utldln.r. Tel. Wll. UTI. LTN1t-1tc EVIInlton 8600 Evanston. Branch 1810 Ric~p Avenue, Evanston Rocers Park tllO LU-lte