Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Feb 1924, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, FEBRUAR Y 8, 1924 "not come to destroy, hut to . fulfill" der construction since July 1, 1923, is might " ta ste and see that the Lor? is the law of God and of Hi s Chnst, ~nd rapidly being completed, Father Lynck good ;" that He !s th e only healtn g, thm, to fulfill every r i~ ht ·. every JUSt told the banqueters. The wing, which saving, regeneratmg pow er. law The right apph cat1on of the is 50 by 160 feet, is to cost $400,000 The Way to God-Good law. of God leads to it s fulfillment. " H e t hat come th to God ," S ~Y.~ th e The la w of God is th at man, ~he re - when finished. apo stl e "mu st believe that he IS. All fh·ction of God, mu st he obedient ~o A review of the work in 1923 at r e li g io~ s ha ve taught ~h is. ft,- ll have God , to all that is good ; for .o nly 10 the hospital was given by Father al so taught that Go? 1s ommpres~ n t, thi s way can he show forth ~I S pure, Lynck. The roof of the new addition omnisc ient , and ommpotent,-meanmg perfec t , harmonious w~ll-be m g, and was finished by November 1, as the tha t God, good, is everywhere present, be ab le to fulfill all n ght de m an ~s contractors contract specified,. ~nd all- kn owin g, all -pow erful. B':'t hav e upo n him. God is Mind an d .God IS since that time most of the butldmg ; hey tau g ht th a t becau se of _th1.s g reat Love. Mind always expresses It s law operations have been in the interior and all -im po rtant truth ev1l IS non - a nd it s power through its ld~a , thro.ugh exi tent , and th erefore without power ? Trut h. Christian Science IS the Idea of the structure. Plans for an out-patient, charity ~e All w ill admit that . th ey h~ve not . of God, of Mind and of Love. F or For this reason the1r tea~htng . ha s this reason it is the law or e nforce- partment in the new annex are bemg bee n a house divided agamst tt se lf ment of the power of God ; and. the formulated by the sisters, Father that cannot stand , an d cannot do th.c ri ght application of it accomplt hes Lynck stated. The 100 beds that will Chr istian healing of which there IS th e work s of God,- heal s all dtsea ses be a vailable when this part of the hospital is fini shed make it possible to such urgent need. To come to God, and saves to the uttermo.st. open a charity ward. that is, to come to the one true . good, which , as God, would nece ss'!-rlly_ be Dr. I. H . Chilcott, chief of staff, reinfinit e an d incl ude all that IS n g ht sponded for members of the staff to and possib le in th e way of . peace. Father Lynck's addre ss of welcome. safety, health , · abilit y, prospent y, all HQ spoke words of tribute to .t~ose that is absolut ely tru e and consequentin charge, adding that the phystcJans ly absolutely int elligent . and , there of the staff had been more than fore , good ; to come to all of this, to pleased with the conduct of affairs arrive at our compl ete good , we must. during 1923. according to the Bible, "believe that An orchestra, composed of Northhe is." In oth er word s, we must have, western university stud ents, furnished a s Christian Science teaches us, a 1 St. Francis Staff, Sponsors mu sic throughout the dinner. Followtrustful constant, firm confidence that In Banquet ing the s peakin g, a ~usical . p_rogram all that r eally is, meaning all that wa s given . Mrs. B . E. F1IIJs, 1138 has presence with us , power over us, intelligence to enlighten and direct u~. . . is God, and thus good. Is !lot !~1 s Maternity win g of St. Franc1s hos thc "Acquaint no~ thyse_lf With litm, : pi tal , Evan ston. now under con s tr~tc and be at peace. and 1 there any i tion will be completed and occup1ed other way in which a trustful, con - ' by july 1 Rev. Fred erick M. Ly nck , stant, firm confidence in God . can be : chaplain ~f the hospital told members obtained, except thr<?ugh learnmg t~at of the staff at a banquet tendered in very truth God IS t~e .only ¥md, them by the sisters of the Order of the on ly c~nse, as Chnsttan Sc1ence St. Francis at t he nurses' h ome last declares H1m to be? week The Power of Chriatian Scienc e to Th ' f story and basement addiH-1 and to SaYe I e our Like Jes us, Christian Science has tion to the south of the hospital, un North avenue, Winnetka. had charge of this entertainment. More than 75 attended the banquet, including stan members and theuwives, internes and nurses . It is an annual event of the hospital calendar: North shore residents .contributed in the fund campaign for the Maternity .A LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE By Charles I. Ohrenstein , C.S.B. of Syracuse, X Y. . (M ember of the Board of Lcc tu r_eslup of Tile M other Ch11rcf· ,_ Tl!c F_rrst Church of Christ, Scrmtr sl, m Boston, 11-fass. No teachings except those of_ the Bible upon which Christian Sc1ence is fo~nded, can be said to be the .sa.m e a s or even parallel to Chn st1an S~i e nce . Nor can Christian Science be rightly learned from any other te ~t book than the Bible and the Chnstian Science textbook, "Scien.ce an?, H ealth with Key to the Sc!1pturcs by Mary Baker Ed~Y· . the ~1 s coverer and F ounder of Chn st1an Sc1ence, . her other writin gs, and the authonzed Chri stian Science lit erature. ~o one should be led to beli eve otherwise by the many psychological methods now being promul gated an~ . repre ~ ented as synonymous w ith hn st1an Sc1e~ce; nor should a ny one be led to l~ehe':e that suggestion or a'!tosu~ ge shon m any guise has anythmg m common with it. All these methods are selfavowedly products of the flesh~y or carnal mind and depend for the1r results upon this so-called mind, which is "enmity again.st G d" and cannot know God. . Mn. £ddy·a R elatioa to Cbriahan Scie·ce The right sense of Christian S.cience can be gained only as we gam the right sense of Mrs. Eddy and understand her relation to this Science and its movement. Mrs. Eddy is the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science. She never made any but this most modest claim for herself, giving God-who through the Christ , Truth , is the sole revelator, the sole author of all that is good-entire credit for its teachings. The Bihle teaches that "whom the Lord loveth he chastenet h ." In other words, it teache s that whom the Lord loveth He makes chaste or pure; and Jes us said that t ~e pure in heart shall see God. God ts all-encompassing intelligence or Mind. For this reason God is Love, as the beloved di sciple declared Him to be; and surely God- who made all that was made and mad e all good-loves all. Only those who love God, good , are admiss ive of, and submissive to Him. Mr s. Eddy loved God. For thi s reason she was so chastened. made so pure by Him, that through the r ' idea of Him wa able to 1ft H-. .w~-- ROOFING over the .Old Shingles ESTIMATES FREE OPEN HOSPITAL WING IN JULY SHORE NORTH ROOFCIWTERS I ncorporatecl 3211 S4Z Emerton St. Park AYe. £yanatOD GlancPhone 7021 Phona 1· Whatever th4 Circumstances We specialize in HIGH GRADE HOMES LOTS, ACRES and ESTATES From EVANSTON to LAKE FOREST List your property with us and receive the benefit of our 40 yea r s of North Shore Real Estate experience. A letter or telephone ca ll will bring our representative for a confidentia l discussion of your problem. the ·me courtesy-the ~&me helpful aemce ia managioc ·II perplexing detail.-.re accorded J"'U whether y o a desire aa anlimited expendi· tare or whether circumstance. 1uggeat that yo11 refrain from andue CGita. ..... OM _ ...,are ..-:.. ... Quinla~ & Tyson EVAN_~TON FOUNTAIN SQUARE, ,. &d that she to devote herself entirely Him known, so that all Chrilt, Tnth. More Telephone Evan ston 26(X) Telephone Winnetka 2199 1124 Central Ave. Phone Wilmette 654 Wilmette 890 .._....,._,., Linden - - -. Avenue Hubbard Woods .- HUBBARD WOODS GROCERY AND MARKET SATURDAY SPECIALS Tomatoes, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29c Bruuels Sprouts, qt. . .... . . ·, . . . . . . . 29c Acco in the were cl in Chi< the ye; tion del club ha The rei complej Anal) that ~ proper! deaths, steam be call mobile cars a11 acciden vehicle acciden1 S were l m onoxi known other cl Six hi 713 deal knowleCl vehicle cidents Cook Illi nois, died he actua11)1 Of t hi taxicabs passen gl cent age not cha the mot 89 per s(J across t of t r a ffi ping fro cr othe~ drunk, 1 3 from 1 persom of a dej between of the 1:l caught body of 1 was truck w occurred fire, 1 mobile poorly eaused the stre trucks. Of the ord a abel paren t c driven . the mot Phones Winnetka 1700-1701-1702 TAKE TIME TO NOTE THE MANY SPECIALS LISTED BELOW, NOT ONLY THE LOWEST PRICES, BUT THE BEST _ EATABLES OBTAINABLE. Rhubarb, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Sc Green Deana, qt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Chestnuts, 2 lbs. .................. 2Sc Cranberries, 2 lba . ................. 2Sc · GOLD RIBBON WEDNESDAY WITH EVERY ORDER OF $1.00 OR MORE WE WILL SELL 10 POUNDS OF GRANULATED SUGAR FOR ............... $1.00 Extra Fancy Lar·e·t Santa Claire California Prunes, re ·. price 4Sc lb., Gold Ribbon Wednesday, lb. .............................. 3Sc 5 lba. for .......................................................... . ............................ $1.95 and 1 pound free Small Size Santa Claire Prunea, re.. price 20c a lb., WedMedium Size Santa Claire Prunea, re.. price 30c lb., Wedneac:lay .............. 2Sc lb., 5 lbs. $1.19, and I lb. free nesday ................ 18c lb., 5 lba., 89c and 1 lb. free E"F Dry A · · SO lb Gold R.bb Extra Fancy New Dry Peaches, re·. price SOc lb., Gold 1 LAtta ancy pncota, re · . pnce c ., on Ribbon ·W ednesday .............. S lba. $1.'95, 1 lb. free The Finest Indian River Blue Goose Grapefruit,. repdar Wednesday · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 5 lbs. $1.95, 1 lb. free Estra Fancy Blue Goose Naval 0ran8ea, re·· price 2Sc doz., price 10c each. Gold Ribbon Wednesday, 12 for 71c and Gold Ribbon W eel., 2Sc doz., 5 doz. $1.00 and 1 doz. free .............. . . _. . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . 1 .....-fruit free PALM OLIVE SOAP, REGULAR PRICE 10c A BAR, GOLD RIBBON WEDNESDAY ................ 6 FOR 41c AND ONE FREE THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS JELLO, UIOited lavon, rq. price 12c, thia week ..... lie CAMP.B ELL'S SOUPS, re· · price 12c a can, this week I for ISc and 1 free. · I cans for ........... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISc aacl 1 free PLYMOUTH ROCK, &neat Lei Salmon, rea. price 45c, thia ROASTED COFFEE, North Wood. brand, rea. price 45c lb. .... c:aa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41c this weell, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41c 5 caaa or $1.15 and 1 can free. I lba for $2.30 uad 1 lb. free. BAKER PREMIUM CHOCOLATE, rea. price Sic lb., KITCHEN KLENZER, rq. price 8c a can, tbia week th· week, 3 b for . .. . .. . . . . . . . . $1.11 aad Ya lb. free II cans for . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . .. . &Sc and 1 can free SOAP CHIPS, American Pemily, "I· J11iee Zlc, this SWEET PIMENTO, SpaniM, reauiar price 25c a can, tbia . . - ................................... . ....... 17c weelt, can ...................................... Z3c II · and Z lba. free. S c:ana for S1.11 and 1 free. EARLY JUNE PEAS, SENTINEL BRAND, REGULAR PRICE 31c, THIS WEEK 22c, 5 FOR $1.H AND 1 CAN FREE MEATS Lea of Lamb . . . . . . . . ... . . 31c Pork Rout LoiD . . . . . . .. . . Z4c Saaall B ut Sauaaae .. . ZOe

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