14 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1924 That's why North Shore taxpayers want to see Congress pass the bill embodying the Mellon Tax Reducti.on Plan. That's why a section of this paper will be de voted next week to a settingforth of the Plan and to an appeal that North Shore men and women actively foster the passage of this bill. Jus tin Smith, by the way a cttizcn of Wilmette, dropped us a line the other day to ~ay that our paper was a good example of ·ommunity journalism!" People come to the North Shore for health and happiness and not · to be talked aboutmuch. WILMETTE .LIFE CJ'ormerlv The Lake Shore Ne'll'l) Established 1!112 with which Ia combined TUB WJLMET'I'E LOCAL NEWS F.AtAhliRhed 189!1 ISIUBD J!RJDA Y · Ita lk· I by OJ! EACH WEICK UU Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill LLOYD HOLLISTER, INC. . topics ,of interest. _mer 11 kinds are taken Questtons of a ost attention up, but perhaps m · t of 0 is given to those growm;. u Bible accounts and teac lmes. · Men who have recent Y. cofimde into any of these., towns wtll n that one .of the best ways of getting into the life of the community is through attendanc.e upon these classes. Taking part in debates and discussions is remarkably effective in breaking b · f k" d. down arners o every m ~--·················································· ll18SCRIPTION PLAYING THE PIANO An 8 room Stucco Colonial situated on easterly end Discuss and learn. ~~::. b~it~~l~sa'roer ap~dbl~!:f.~S: :~o~~3 So much has been said in gen- Thoughtful discussion of prubof lot with suffice1;1t room to build another home. Grounds reach the editor by Wednesday noon to er;l about the value of being able luure appearance In current lsaue. beautifully landscaped. 120x200 East side. $33,(X:Xl00. · to play the pian? that we asked !em. i the surest means of achieving growth. This truth Reaolutlons or condolence, cards or tbanka, obituary, poetry, nutlces or en- a friend of ours JUSt what use he .vas discovered Terms. in prehistoric tert&lnmentt~ or other atralrs where had made of his ability to play an admittance charge will be made or times, doubtless, and has been at sight on the piano, ~usi~ of a colluctl?n taken, will be charged at recular advertising rates. moderate difficulty. 1 hts fnend J.cted upon ever since. Savages Brntered at the postotnce at Wilmette. is now in his middle fifties and sat around the council-fire and Dllnola, as mall matter or the second talked about their troubles. ela... under the act or March 3, 1879. since he was twenty has been able to play about as well as he Ancient peoples parleyed over FRIDAY, FEllRL'ARY 8. 1924 Individuals does now. We asked him to tell l.heir difficulties. RMI Estate in simple, honest, and fra~k la~ ~ verywhere and always have disSeparate the Grades.' live issues and been en_ussed guage what his piano playmg dtd 332 PARK AVE. E"force the Traffic Laws. GLENCO~, ILL ightened. for him. And here's his answer. 1 Build tire Truck Road. Phone Glencoe 410 :Men's Sunday classes in all "I can't play by ear. I play only by sight. I _have a ~oor our north shore towns formally technic, never havmg practiced and informally speak about and WOODROW WILSON He led his country through the scales and exercises systematicalmost destructive war the w.orld ly. But for twenty years I've has ever endured. With patri- played hymns at home and in otic enthusiasm and sharp vision Sunday School; and almost all the he worked out a plan {or uni- moderately difficult pieces in versal peace that will inspire the existence. Also I've played accounsels of the world for long companiments to songs of all · years to come. He devoted him- sorts. I never perform in public, self without reserve to the pro- modesty not being my reason, but rather inability. gress of universal dem.ocracy. "In the very first place I like Who will not say that WoodTow W\\son died not alone for to play. It pleases me to sit his country . but for suffering down before a little waltz by humanity everywhere? He spent Brahms and play it, avoiding difhimself in striving toward that ficulties by going around them. I ideal. like the sounds I make. I sup1re has helped us to carry on pose, also, that I like the physical better the great fight against the exercise. There are few things power that break down civili- that I like more than "reading" zation. Let us address ourselves pieces in an album of fairly classical selections. I play them at to that tremendous enterprise. all times of the day but usually after breakfast and dinner. SCIENCE AND RELIGION "I never, as said before, play The Glencoe L:nion church is olos; so I don't know that pleasplanning- to erl'gage an educational ure. I used to like to pound the expert to assist it in its work of piano in Sunday School on 'Onreligious instructi.on. We take it ward, Christian Soldiers' and for granted that this expert will others of similar spirit. But that be scientific, that is, that he will was before I g.ot a wtfe. She"s be well acquainted with the liter- toned me down considerably. ature and methods of science, and "Douhtless, my piano playing will practice scientific principles. accounts largely for my love of There is no real conflict be- the compositions of Brahms and tween science and religion. A Bach. Once in a long while I try scientific man can be religious, 'l little jazz, but I soon tire of it. and a religious man can be scien- just as I do of radio and phontific. Both men are engaged in ograph music. I don't care much the same busines -the living of for grand opera, but I don't bea good life. As a recent writer lieve my piano playing has had in the- Atlantic Monthly put it, anything to do with that pareach man is trying to discover, ticular dislike. n.ot explain, the facts of life. "So here we are. My piano It will be interesting, perhaps playing has enabled me to use exciting, to watch this partner- much time very pleasantly. It ship in actual operation. If the has been of some use to others. expert believes with Psychologist r t has developed in me an ap. Pillsbury · of Ann Arbor that all preciation of g.ood music. It has, knowledge comes originally from rmce in a while. helped me to . ensa1 ion, how will he, the expert, wipe out the effects of a few explain the reception of the Ten troubles. J haven't put these Commandments from God on Mt. 'lenefits into log-ical shape hut Sinai? Will the expert ag-ree Pve ans,Yered your questio~." with A. K. Rogers, author of The Theory of Ethics, that a good WHO'S NOT WHO aim is one that the individual apSo full are the North Shore proves of on Hthsequent reflec~o~ns of prominent people that -tion? tt ts a gteat deal easier to say The old hit-or-miss methods of the 19th century Sunday School Who's not Who on the North have passed on- mostly. The Shore than Who's Who. Almost helief that anybody over sixteen every other home contains a railcan teach a class is ohsoletc. The road president or a famous writer day of the expert in religious 'Jr a well-known cartoonist or a (!'reat singer or a captain of ineducation is here. dustry or a-but the list is end1ess. The man on the train heTHE MELLON PLAN The Mellon Tax Reduction sid~ whom you are sitting may Plan is popular. We were not casdy be a lawyer of national imfully convinced of this fact un- portance. The woman across the 1.isle is probably a noted comtil we witnessed the unanimous poser .. applause with which, at a large If we 's hould, each week, make movie theater, 5,000 people greeted a film explaining the Plan. 'l full report to our readers of all The applause was as spontaneous 'he honors that have come to and abundant as that which used their fellow-citizens during the to greet the picture of the Ameri- week we would have n.o room left for less exciting news like fires can soldier. Of course it is true that every- robberies, and parties. That'; one, except those who sell, de- why we make no attempt to keep li~ts in the lowering of expenses c;trictlv up to date on the.:e of any kind. And doubtless honorific doings. It would btthere are ~orne who would wel- like trying- to tell your wife all her channing qualities, omitting come the immediate reduction t0 none. zeto of all taxation . Our reticence is, therefore, not Secretary Mellon has no such a in mind. He has in mind m?desty. Not at all. If the FOUNTAIN aY~e en ible American edt~or of a ~etropolitan daily EVANSTON in~ un.-tuly heavy tax bur: wntes us a httle note praising · Hi. PJa·1 propo'"es ro giv- our ~aper we do not hesitate to mentton the fact in some such Phone Evanston &OZ3 rea~<onahle re'anguag_e as this : "The editor of Tbe...Chtcago Daily News, Henry All communications must be accom- .%.00 A YEAR MEN'S SUNDAY CLASSES WALTER P. SMITH & CO. Here is Sidney Sl tion. M Sidney il dominatit "Labor" of "Cap1 '-------------------------g··-----------------········ ATTENTIO Do Not Feel Embarrassed by the Need of Buying on Credit WE GIVE DIGNIFIED CREDIT AND CASH PRICES point wh is form fi'fty per But thin~ and it lo~ will finall saver wll stores. 1 tell you 1 fair. Ev the end, There in any c has been Mann h well kno1 a manner naturally the end c are nearlj rest up a Craig" a louder til ":Give medicine and if yo to laugh, Mr. He presenting interestini While the gram of Blanche Emma D regardless ·case th<' is intercsj isf:ring t< p<'riod. It d<'al! fairs of also find Prospective furn.iture .buyers who ·find it necessary to pay for their purchases out of current Incomes will find our deferred payment plan to be the ideal solution of their problem. . as to the ~oicc o reach th the subje prevail a£ error of cnts have mirer whq A highl full of c ations. Jl. individual vailing fr well rou m~>rc or ca-t. \Val espt·cially "WF.ST It provides dignified credit without · the e~pense of ¢lub plan, carrying charge or the attendant evil of credit · stores' high prices. Glenn the life o of Home how the would har The st cems the daughter marriage child is breaks lo wag and t does a bi fake mar thing. In riage and why the a he ·aw t There situations to life. Hunter a assistance or less fo much to Hunter in the Black watching carries his the camer make the Just come in and h·a ve our experienced salesmen explain our credit system. s. ROSENBAUM COMPANY SQUARE "TH, Gloria ~ Bird," an of French of Mon~ bery durint the Paris c paper, the lowinc the thrillinc w: The Hu