Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Feb 1924, p. 13

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1924 Cuba f.ES n Farley s Bryant e son of 1 i;;::,, .laonUt\·..Y e honor r Fores- mmg at ~t~er of i Tuttle Frances e Allen bride's t man. need oward er aveainments musical by Vera at the the OOD news reached us this week The Woman's Club Players will preconcerning the new sorority sent three plays at the meeting of the homes to be erected on North- Wilmette Woman's club on Wedneswestern universi_ty campus. It is al'!l?St day, February 27. There will be no certain now that at least ten soronttes luncheon preceding the meeting as are to win their long campaign for new has been the custom,· but an informal homes. For many years the girls at reception will follow the production. --oNorthwestern have been laboring in various ways to gather small sums here Alpha Omicron Pi sorority gave a: and there for the sorority building fund. "Topsy and Eva" rushing party at' the The aim was to collect at least $15,000 home of Miss Margaret Tawse, 730 as a nest-egg. With this amount in Greenwood avenue last evening. cash the girls were i_nfor~~ that the --ouniversity would help m ratsmg the balM iss Virginia Stephens of Oklaance of the building fund. This may homa is the guest of her grandfather, be done by the issuance of notes, protect- George W. Stephens, 828 Sixteenth ed by a trust ~eed and !he na~ of the street. university, whtch the _gtrls wtll sell to --ofriends, including vanous bankers and M iss Marie Phillips, of Ashcomb, Ill., brokers. Many of the dads of the :young was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. women arc soon to be asked to mvest George L. Martin, 1046 Elmwood avein certain notes which will bear a good nue, early this week. rate of interesl --oPresident Walter Dill Scott announces Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, of Milthat the following ten sororities either waukee, will spend the week-end as the are ready with the conditional fund of guests of Mr. and Mrs. Munroe Cole, $15 ()()() or will be by July 1: Kappa 911 Greenwood avenue. Alpha Theta, Delta Ga!ID"a! Alpha Phi! --()Alpha Xi Delta, Alpha Cht Omega, Pt Sherwood Roberts, son of Mr. and Beta Phi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alp~a Mrs. S . H. Roberts, 613 Central avenue, Omicron Pi and Delta Delt!l Delta. Stx is in the Evanston Hospital convalescsorority houses . prob~bly wtll be star~ed ing from an operation for appendicitis. by the . universtty, wtth the cooperatton --oof the members of the same . the sumThe Young Woman's Missionary somer of this year and the rest · as seems ciety of the Methodist church will meet wisest. The block just south of Emer- Tuesday with Mrs. Roy Hopkins, 1322 son street and bounded on the east ,by Greenwood avenue. Sheridan road, south by University --oPlace and west by Orrington avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wentz, of the will be the site of the proposed Wom- Nelson apartments, entertained at a dinan's Quadrangle. The probable cost of ner party at their home last evening. each of the ten sorority houses will be --oin the neighborhood of $60,000. George R. Widger, 128 Fifth street, The university is anxious that the ar- has entered the law department at chitect, James Gamble Rogers of New Notre Dame university. York, plari an entire .block ~f women's --obuildings of a harmontous destgn Sf' that M'r. and Mrs. William Holmes, 622 while each building will have distinction, Central avenue, have gone to Orlando, none will be more attractive than any of Florida, for the remainder of the winter. the others. Buildil)gs to accommodate -oMr. and Mrs. · C. C. Henderson, 1405 eighteen to thirty sorority girls will be erected, depending on ~he needs of the Forest avenue, announce the birth of sorority and the financtal plans of each a daughter, Nancy, on January 26. organization. Sorority Girls' Dream of · Home Soon To Be Realized G !3 The Current Events class conducted by Mrs. Ethel Coulson Brazelton will hold its last meeting of the season at the residence of Mrs. J. K. Farley, Jr., 300 Abbottsford road on Tuesday afternoon, next. .The books reviewed will be: "The Middle of the Road" by Philip Gibbs and "Midland" by Booth Tarkington. ---<>Illness prevented l\Iiss Florence Martin from speaking before the Home and Garden club which met with Mrs. Jenks this week. Mrs. Rufus K. Porter and Miss Barbara Erwin supplied the program. Mrs. Holmes was chairman. -()- Miss Ethel Reardon is giving a Mr. and Mrs. Burt A. Crowe bad a series of delightful small luncheons, llmall co 1pany dining informally with entertaininy her Kenilworth fri!:nds at them on Saturday at their home on her home in Edgewater. Raleigh road. ---()---o-Mrs.Edwin Hedrick was hostess at Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coyne of llela small tea in honor of Miss Eyerdam 1 rose avenue, returned from · short of Cleveland on Thursday of last week. trip to New York on Monday. Informal Mrs. Edward D. Parmelee who has been in Pasadena, Cal, for the past three months, returned East on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Parmelee will oc~u~y the W . F. Hypes home, 1126 Mtchtgan avenue, Evanston, while the Hypes are touring California for a couple of months. Valentine DINNER DANCE -o-Mrs. Arthur J. Smith of Chicago will speak before the Woman's Guild of the Church of the Holy Comforter on February 25 at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Smith is a most able speaker and her subject, "Church Work Among the Southern Mountaineers" is considered most interesting as well as educational. GJM ORRINGTON EVANSTON··~ILLINOIS ~ -o-Among those entertained at a housewarming by Mrs. Louise H. Walker in Pasadena, Cal., recently were Mrs. Frarik Hicks, Mrs. Charles K. Blackwood, Mrs. Char.les \V are, Mrs. James A. Culbertson, Mrs. Charles Armstrong, Mrs. Leon M. Allen and Mrs. Edward Parmelee, all of Kenilworth. ,- Q - - Saturday Evening, Febuary 16th A apecial party for reaidenta of Wilmette, Ken'lworth, Winnetka and Glencoe. Your opportunity to entertain your friende and enjoy both the wonderful food and eletant ballroom of the Orrin1ton. Table ·· Hote . _ _ 7 to t P . M. $1.75 per peraon. A 1a Carie _..,_ ice at all timea. CoYer cbar1e 7Sc per peraon. Good 'muaic and a realaood time. Phone r H e r / · vationa to Maitre d' Hotel, EYanaton 17M. For dinner partiea, banqueta, weclcliqa or the occaaional dinner out, there ia no place of k-n·r enjoyment than the Orrintton. The Kenilworth Club announces a military euchre on Wednesday evening, February 13, and a circus masquerade on Tuesday evening, February 26. Everyone must come masked and in costume representing any character connected with the circus. Mrs . Robert H. Gardner (Dorothy Flood) leaves today for New York where she will be matron of honor in the wedding of Miss Eleanor Palmedo and Lawrence Bloedel of Seattle, Washington. After the wedding Mrs. Gardner will visit in Washington. -o-- -oMr. and Mrs. Bert Arms of 720 Lake avenue, who a·re spending the winter at the North Shore hotel, Evanston, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cullen of 1231 Ashland avenue, left SunMrs. Geor&'e A. Mason of Highland day for a month's sojourn at Ormond Park gave a most delightful luncheon Beach, Fla. on January 29, for representatives of -ohe different branches of the Woman's M iss E loise Arms, 720 Lake avenue, Auxiliary in the North Shore District. who graduated from National Park Mrs. Edwin J. Randall, president of Seminary last ] une and who has been the Womjin's Auxiliafy of the Diotaking special work at the University ot cese of Chicago, was present as were Illinois during the last semester left also representatives from Wilmette, Sunday for a month's visit with friends Kenilworth, Glencoe, Highland Park in Winter Park, Fla. and Lake .forest. auspices t1-- "Good Furnlt'l!re Makes the Home" a! repuin Eurnd with e won iversity, e Royal study. ith the nd has ' ty and to bealso a -oMr. and Mrs. Jotin W. McPhPrrin who are· moving to Madison, Wis., very shortly to make their fut~re home were guests of honor at a dmner party given last Frida~ evening by Mr. and Mrs. Frank· Watt at their home in Kenilworth. -o-Ouilmette Country club will entertain at a Hearts Party tomorrow evening. On Monday, there will be luncheon and bridge and mah jongg for the ladies and a buffet dinner and bridge is announced for Tuesday' evening of next week. -o~frs. P. H. Fieberg, 1000 Michipan a\·enue, will give a card party for the benefit of St. francis Xavier school fund on the afternoon of Friday. February 15. at 2 o'clock. In addit:on to the cards there will be an inter est ing program. -o-Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clark of Evanston were ho<>ts at a dinner-rlance at the Ed~Jewater Beach hotel on Tuesday eveninl! honoring Miss Perene Prince of Evanston and her fiance, Spencer Phillips of Montclair, N. J. -o-The first division of the Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist church will entertain the other divisions at a Valentine's party next Thursday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Charles A. Lundberg, 1538 Walnut avenue. -oMrs. H. H . Jarvis, 623 Lake avenue, was hostess this past week at one of a series of bridge parties being given by the members of the Delta Gamma Mother's association to benefit the ,chapter's house fund. -o-Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Strong, 1115 Chestnut avenue, accompanied by Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford, 835 Elmwood avenue, returned Sunday from a three weeks' tour. of Florida. -oM iss Madeleine Beem, 707 Linden avenue. left Sunday for Mount Carroll, Ill., where she is attending Frances Shimer school. ---()-. Mrs. ] .. B. Greiner, 6J1 Lake avenue, returns t<lday ftom Detroit, Michigan, ..where she spent the week with Mr. Greiner. ~r. and Mrs. Alfred K. Nelson, 1322 W_tlmette avenue, are in Rochester, }{tnnesota. Mr. and Mrs. j. Edward Maas, 822 Forest avenue, retur"ed Sunday from a month's sojourn at St. Petersburw, · Fktri«ta. ·· '· = · -oThe De.partt)'lent of Philanthropy, Mrs. Sidney .Y. Ball, chairman, wa's in charge of the Neighbors' program this week. Miss Harriet Vittum spoke on "Interpreting the Better Heart of America." The Misses Florence and Beatrice Pease furnished the music. Why Brown-Umlandt Furniture Co. Never Holds a ·Sale In reality a sale is the name given to the store's mistake . The retailer who stocks up carelessly with doubtful lines in the belief that he can always unload by means of a reduction sale gives his hand away. By sacrificing merchandise at the end of the season he admits his inefficient! buying at the beginning. He either goes out of business or. "loads" pric~s on what merchandise he does sell-and the publrc pays the btll. If a retailer is to follow a hit or miss policy and c.ome out ahead at the end of the year, customers who pay the "regular prices" must also pay the losses involved in sales. We contend that if a store does not need to take a loss on s,ome of its goods it can maintain lower prices on all of its goods. · But the public has been educated to buy at sales. Therefore, merchants think they must mark their merchandise at a higher price during the regular season, to PROVE the reduction during the sale months. Furniture becomes a part of your lives as no other commodity does. When you think of home, the picture of the furnishings within those walls immediately comes to your mind. Environment created by furnishings within the home exercises more i.nfluence on your mentality than any material thing. We buy merchandise that we believe people .o f ~aste and cultivated habits should have. But because our stock ts chosen with care it does not follow that our prices are not in line with the general market. Our stock is ...-.Jarly mar.ked at alleged sale prices in many stores. You may shop here all the year round and he aare you are buying at the right price. Do Your Eyes "Bum"? Do your Eyes Bum after Exposure to the intense Sun and the Dusty Winds? Murine brings Quick Relief. Soothes tired Eyelids and Keeps the Eyes Clear and Healthy. Murine is the Standard, Safe Eye Remedy used in Medical Practice for over 30 years; now compounded for home use by Dr. McFatrich. Keep a bottle w!thin reach. Sold by all &ood chemists. A Safe E,. Remedy for Daily Penonal UN in the · Home. Easy to apply. A bottle 1uta · time. Ne'Yel' be without it. leer ~ -o- 1555 Sherman Ave. L..;....._ _ _ - - - - - - - EVANSTON Tel. E·. 71N · ·

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