Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Sep 1928, p. 3

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September 28. 1928 WILME"TTE LIFE COMMUNITY c·HEST GETS THANKS FOR ITS WORK Contributions of Wilmette Organ- ization Help Florida Relief · When vVilmette Community Chest " subscribers hear the many appeals for Florida relief they will be glad to know thai among the very earliest contributions to reach Florida through the Red Cross was the Community Chest check sent September '14 for which the following letter of thanks was received: · The American Red Cross, Chicago, Sept. 18. 1928. Mr. Hector Dodds, President, Wilmette Community Chest. Wilmette, Ill. My Dear Mr. Dodds: Please accept my thanks for vour check of $396.18 from the Wilmette Community Chest. This sum is especially appreciated as we enter upon ·our 12th annual Roll Call. I believe you will be interested to know that 120,000 disaster refugees are receiving aid from the Red Cross, made possible by last year's membership roll call without an appeal for special funds. Even now food and medical supplies have been sent to the . victims ot tropical hurricanes in the far South from national headquarters because funds are available from membership fees. Again m)' thanks for \Vilmettc's part in the great humanitarian service ' of the Red Cross. Very truly yours. Maurice Reddy, Executive Secretary, Chicago Chapter, American Red Cross. Show Distribution The distribution of Community Chest funds to the beneficiaries o far has been as follows : $ 1,252.35 American Red Cross 5,607.53 Arden Shore Association 5,607.53 Infant Welfare AssodatiPn 868.56 Salvation Army 2,500.00 Local CharltleR 1,552. 75 X ear East ReliPf 1,107.77 Y. \V. C. A. 1,638.57 Boy Scouts Total to Bt.' netkial'ies $20,135.06 Golf Champion FALL OPENING WEEK TO Dr. John B. Morgan, of Northwestern BEGIN HERE TOMORROW Univerait)- Psychology Department, A. · WILL MEET to Be Speaker Tuesday P. T. Bobby Jones, look to your l<wrels ! \\'e reier, namely, to young Bob Steffens. 17 year old high school lad and 3011 of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Steffens of 1611 Washington avenue, Wilmette, who a few days ago captured the annual Stanolind Go1f championship at the Ridge Country club against a field of 2~5 golfers. Bob, by stick.ing .close to par, negotiated the out nme. m 37 and took a 39 on t·he home nme to finish with a 76, or four strokes under his nearest competitor. Par f~r the course- is 70. He rec~ived the Boar.d of Directors cup, whtch was cont~l buted by Col. R. W. Stewart, chatr: man of the Board of the · Standard Otl com}l.any of Indiana. Bob is. a student at New Trier and learned hts golf as a caddy on various north shor~ links. He has been employed by the Standard Oil company during the vacation months. A subject of interest to every parent will be presented at the first meeting of the Central-Laurel P. T. A. Tuesday evening, October 9, at 8 p.m. at ·the Bryo~1 Stolp gymnasium, by Dr. John B. Morzan, head of the child clinic of the department of psychology of Northwestern university. This is the time of year when the inevitable change of teachers in the child's program is a real problem to some parel}ts. This is an opportunity to obtain help in settling this and other problems in the relations of parent, child, and teacher. Prof. ]. R. Harper will also address the ·parents and Dr. W. W. Hawkins will dep10nstrate the proper usage of the Amc:rican flag, followed by a community sing. William Ralhatchet, tenor at St. Marks church, Evanston, will sing. Miss Jessie Pocock, who is directing ~n the dancing classes sponsored by the Central-Laurel P. T. A., will begin the fall term Monday, October 15. Miss Pocock has had wide experience in handling P-T dancing classes as weH as private classes. She was for eight yeal_'s assistant to Prof. Bournique at the Evanston Woman's club. The a~sthetic and primary ball-room classes will be held on Monday afternoons at th~ Masonic temple, 1010 Central a\·enue. The ballroom classes from the 4th grade up will be held on Friday afternoons beginning October 19 at the \Vilmette Woman's club, lOth and Greenleaf. Wilmette Drum and Bugle Corps Will Play in Business Sections F~ll Opening Week in Wilmette will There are outstanding ,ret $3,664 of subscriptions, according to an announcement this week by Hector Dodds, president of the \Vilmette Community Chest association. · Those who haye not as yet subscribed to the 1928 Community Chest and who would like to do something towards Red Cross relief work in · Florida and in assisting the other beneficiaries may still make their che<:ks payable to the ~-ilmette . Commumty Chest at its office, 1167 \Vtlmette avenue. Those who have not yet subscribed through · the Chest are being urged to donate through it a_ n d so let ~Vi.lmette get the credit ·f or their subscrtpttOn. Formal Opening of Terminal Hardware to Start Tomorrow Announcement of the formal opening of the new Terminal Hardware home a 411 Linden avenue which is ~o begin tomorrow and last one week IS made by Harry Dornbos, prop.rie~or of. the organization. Everythmg IS m readmess for the reception of visitors. Residents of Wilmette are invited to visit the new and spacious . store, which carries everything in the hardware line and not only that but something besides. There are in addition sporting goods of various kinds to say nothing of radio and accessories. The store which formerly was around the corner .on Fourth street has met the call for expansion with the new building and more spacious quarters which enibles Terminal Hardware to carry a complete line. The building was erected by Mr. Dornbos. Features of the week will be a number of demonstrations and a big sale which will interest visitors who are invited to call, look around, and enjoy themselves. All visitors will receive a souvenir. hegin tomorrow to run through the following Saturday, October 6. The affair is being sponsored by the- Chamber of Commerce and all bus~nec;c; men of the village have been invited to join in an especial display of seasonable goods. This will be the first Fall Opening week ever held in Wilmette. although a similar week devoted to the showing of new merchandise was held last spring. Decision to stage a vi1lage-wide fall opening was made at a meetin~ of thP retail committee of the Chamber of Commerce last week. Legion Corps Aasiata The Wilmette Legion Post Drum and Bugle corps has volunteered to assist in making Fall OpeHing week a surc-ess. Tomorrow night beginning at 1 o'clock they will appear in three concerts in the business districts of the village. Their schedule calls for a concert at Fourth street and Linden avenue at 7 o'clock, in the central business district at 7 :30, and in Ridge avenue business district at 8 o'clock. . Villagers are stilt shouting the praises of the Drum and Bugle corps, which recently won third place in the nri1" parade at the state convention of the American Legion in Waukegan. This was considered a remarkable showinrr in view of the· fact that the corps had been organized considerably less than · a year. Monday afternoon-3 :15 to 4 :15-PrlConduct Contest . mary ballroom clas~. Kg., lst, 2nd, 3rd As special feature of Fall Opening Grades. 4 ~15 to 5 :15-Aesthetlc class, Kg, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Grades. 5 :15 to 6 :15_:_ week the Chamher of Commerce win Aesthetic class, Sth, 6th, 7th, and 8th conduct a window decorating cont~st. Grades. Friday afternoon-3 :15 to 4 :15-Ball- Only members of the Chamber will be room class, 4th and 5th Gmdes. 4:15 to eligihle for the cash prizes which are to 5: 15-Ballroom class, 6th and 7th Grades. )e awarded, hut other bu<;ine~c; m~n of +he 5:15 to 6 :15-Ballroom cla!'ll'l, 8th Grade. Registration may be made at any time village havt~ been invited to decorate their with Mrs. Paul R. Leach, 1055 Linden rlisn];ty windows for the special week. avenue, Wilmette, telephone 2807. An The business houses have been divided early registration wlll greatly help the the fotlmving- groups, an first and into eommlttee in eharge. J;;>ancing committee: Mrs. Paul H. -.econd prizes wilt be awarded in each Leach, chairman; Mr~. Clifton L. Kt'ith, group for the best decorated windows : MrR. \Vm. L. Hart. Mrs. Glenn .-\. Ricks, 1. Stores that sell wearing apparel Mrs R. H. Palenske. :md dry goods. · Daniel M. Davis of 520 Park aye2. !VI eat markets, groceries, bakeries, nue is leaving Saturday evening for and other stores which sell foodstuffs. Atlantic Citv to attend the National Recreation congre3s. Dr. Davis is rcc3. Drug stores, hardware stores, paint reation and playground director. shops, and other stores selling similar merchandise. a St. Francia School to Have P. T. A. Meeting * it's easy to find dependable household help if you let the C1LASSIFIED COLUMNS Institute Bethel Local ·in Wilmette Next Sunday :Monday evening, October 1, will witness the formal institution of the Wilmette Bethel of Job's Daug~ters at the Wilmette Masonic temple, 1010 Central avenue. The order comprises girls ranging in age from 13 to 20 years who are of Masonic affiliation. .Monday's ceremonies will be fea~ured by the girls' degree team of . Chtcago Bethel. No. 4. whose services have been secured through the courtesy of Wilmette Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. The evening's program will" include the formal institution ceremonies and initiation of charter members of the Wilmette local. Master Masons ~nd their · families are invited to view the work Monday evening. Bpard Approves More West End Improvements The Wilmette board of local improvements last Tuesday adopted a resolution providing ; · the ip.stallation of water mains, sanitary atnd storm water sewers - in the tO-acre Laketon subdivision on west Lake avenue opposite the Indian Hill Estates area. be your guide The parent-teacher association of St. Francis school of Wilmette will open their year's activities September 28 at 3 p. m., in the school hall. The principal of the school, Sister Eustelle, will ~ive the welcoming address. There will be a vocal solo by Mrs. Charles Broad accompanied by Miss Viola Budinger. Refreshments will be served. All intrestcd are invited. The 0fficers this year are as fo1lows: Mrs. \Valter Miller, president; Mrs. \V illiam Fitzpatrick, 1st vice-president; Mrs. Harry L. Barker, 2nd. vice-president ; Mrs. James Tarleton, recording 1ecretary; Mrs. H. G. Dalton. corresponding secretary; Mrs. A. L. Meyers, tn·asurer; chairman program committee. Mn. Russell Slood: room mother. Mr~. E. Georger ; membership, llrs. Fitzpatrick; school beautiful, Mrs. Charles Norman; child welfare and child hyJl;iene, Mrs. John J. Tracy: press and publicity, Mrs. James Mcilrath; children's reading, Mrs. · H. G. Dalton: student nid, Mrs. Charles Broad; art, Mrs. Arthur Adams; recreation, Mrs. Harry Klin~; child safety, Mrs. E. L. Koenia.

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