Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Sep 1928, p. 62

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. WILMffTTE . LIFE FOa BENT-HOUSES FOB SALE-HOUSES September 28, 1928 lH FOB SALE-HSEBLD. GDS· 77 FOB SALE-HOUSES FOR RENT-NEW 7 ROOM HOUSE, 4 bedrma., 2 baths, sun parlor ; lar~P Jot 903 Willow Rd., Winnetka. Ph. Kenilworth 1955. 69LTN48-tfc 1730 .WALNUT AVE., 'VIL., NR. ELMwood Sta. 6 rms. $65. Furn. bt. ; nr. schools and transp. Ph. Edf.!'ewater 4!'19. 69LTN1-ltp 8 RMS. 730 CENTER ST. SUIT. FOR comb. bus. & res. Tel. Wlnn, 1530. 69Ll-1tp REFRIG. BOHN SANITOR; 100 LB. capacity : perf. cond. ; very reas. Tel. Wlnn. 2205. 100LTN1-ltc OPEN FOR INSPECTION- NEW 7 room res., artistic . French design ; Insulated : 4 bedrms., ·a baths, 2 colored FOR SALE-SELF FEEDER STOVE, EXCEP. ATTRAC. VINE-CLAD ENGtlle; tllt>d solarium; brkfst nook; ol' beat 3 rooms. Ph. Wilmette 3510. lish stucco residence of 9 rms., 3 baths heat, automatic heater : wooded lot · 100L1-ltp on wooded 100 ft. East side corner 75x140, located 470 Jackson Ave. Best very convenient to stores and station. buy on North Shore. Might trade 8 PIECE DIN. SET; SPLENDID COND. ; Lg. solarium and heated sleeping porch. Owner on premises. Niles Ce'1ter 461-J price reas. Tel. Wlnn. 1204. 100Ll-1tp Owner has built anoth,er home aud 77LTN1-ltp wishes to sell at once. $32,500. BOHN REFRIG. COST $125 ; for $45. Phone Wlnn. 2192. 109T..TN1-ltc GLENCOE 1----------------- 7t FOB BENT-FUBN. HOUSES 746 Elm Street WINNETKA Wlnn. 1617 77LTN1-ltc 9 FURN. HSE., WINN. 6 RMS., H. W. heat : gar. : 2 blks. fr. school & transp. PolS. now until June 15th or longer. Rent $110. Tel. Lake View 5971. 70L1-1tp BEAUTIFUL NEW BRICK COLONIAL 8 rm. residence. 460 Berkley Ave., Winnetka. · $200 per mo. ; a vallable Oct. 1st to May 1st. Ph. Winnetka 775. 70L1-1tp IN WILMETTE NEAR TRANSPORTAtion we offer a large 7 room stucco home having 4 bedrooms on 2nd ftoor, billiard room on 3rd floor: sleeping _7_s___F_o_B_s_A_L_E __ v_A_c_A_N_T _ _ __ porch and sun porch. Lot 75x184 with abundance of shrubs. Lot worth $12,000. This property must be sold, asking $22,000. Want otrer. Terms to ATTRAC. FURN. 6 RM. BUNG. WITH suit. gar.: ftne loc. nr. transp. Tel. Glencoe 1181. 70LTN1-ltc ROOM HOME IN CONVENIENT tOt WTD TO BUT-HOUSEHOLD GDS east side location. There are 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, extra lav., 2 porches, WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND furniture and other hou~ehold goods. hot water heat ; beaut. wooded lot Highest prices for same. Crost Furni75x187. Price $25,000. ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanl'ton, Ill. Ph. Unlv. 189. 101LTN48-tfc 424 Linden Ave. Wilm~tte 460 77L1-1tc lOS FOR SALE-MISC. Reduced in Price Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. FOR SALE CHEAP NO-KOL OIL BURNER WITH 50 AND 100 GALLON TANKS. IF INTER· ESTED, PHONE WILMETTE 3745. 102L1-2tc OCeimnll~(O)Jrttlln 71 FOB BBNT-8TOBES & OFFICES STORE OR OFFICE IN LINDEN CREST BuUdlnc. Suitable for small shop or profeulonal man. Low rental. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 4!4 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 73LTN52-4tc CHOICE OFFICE SPACE The best locatlon In Winnetka Is available for professional or business oftlces, the southwest corner of Elm and Center Sts. About 600 sq. ft. over Adams Pharmacy. Will divide. FRDK. B. THOMAS & CO. 743 Elm St., Winnetka Phone 2850 73LTN1-ltp LAROE SECOND FLOOR CORNER oftlce, suitable for real estate, doctor or dentist Will divide. Franklin Bldg. Elm & Center Stl., Winnetka. Tel. Wlnn. 381. 73LTN51-tfc FOR RENT---STORE IN HUMPHREY Building, Possession October 1, 1928. Call Winnetka 98~ 73L'l'N50-tfc .77 FOR SALE-HOUSES AT KENILWORTH An atmosphere of quiet, comfort and dignity and beauty pervades this delightful home surrounded by beautiful trees and broad Ia wns. Two-ftfths acre of ground afford ample seclusion, but no Isolation, as this property Is In the central northeast section of Kenilworth's most beautiful homes. This home provides seven bedrooms, 3 baths, spacious living room, music room, reception hall, d.i~ing room, and kitchen. There Is a garage for two motors with chauffeur's room and bath above. Just reduced In price from $65,000.00 to $50,000.00 sound value, terms if de- 1-------------------------------- LYON AND HEALY CORNET, BABY stroller, 3 wheel bicycle, all In good cond. ; also black rabbit. Ph. WilPRICED FAR BELOW CONSERVmette 3561. 102LTN1-ltp 1108 Davis St. University 8080 ative valuation. One of the best 77Ll-1tc vacant buys on the Noi:th Shore, 5 TUBE AIRWAY RADIO, SPEAKER, Prompt action necessary. battery & charger. Pines winter front, Buick sedan, model 25 ; Weed chains. Black velvet dress, modern, size 36. Tel. Glencoe 1356. l02LTN1-1tc 2013 HIGHLAND AVE. Built by Wllllam Boll-bullder of many 746 Elm Street . WINNETKA Wlnn. 1617 of Wilmette's most substantial laomes. 78LTN1-ltc FOR ·SALE-DORY TYPE OUTBOARD New English hollse of red brick construc- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ motor boat, complete with Elto motor, used 1 season. A-1 c.o nd. Sacrifice tion-lined throughout with balsam wool. Spanish Interior. Gar. attached .· -""-----R_E_A_L_E_s_T_A_T_E_ ·_ _ _ __ $135 less than cost of motor alone. Ph. Wilmette 760-M. 102I..TN1-1tc Six large rooms, sun parlor, 2 colored tile ·· ~.,OR SALE OR FOR RENT baths, 2 fireplaces, California mantels, UNFURN. 1000 CHESTNUT CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA lounging room in basement, H. W. heat, FURN. ORAVE., WILMETTE ticket for alternate Friday afternoons Incinerator. Large attic. Price $24,000. Wooded lot. 100x290. 12 rm. modern througout season, beginning Oct. 12th. Open foi: Inspection Sunday from %:00 Spanish home. Stucco, tile and conP. M. to 6 :00 P. M. Ph. WUmette 1222. Ph. Wllmette 1619. 102L1-1tc crete construction. 5 bedrooms, en'17L52-ltc closed heated sleeping porch. 3 baths, FALL COAT, FUR COLLAR; BLACK 2 extra lavatories. Ballroom on mezchiffon eve. dress : black satin coat, size zanine. 2 car fireproof garage. Will 36. Reas. 337 Sheridan Road. Winn. trade. For further Information tele102LTN1-1tc phone owner, Wabash 8333 or your own NEAR SHERIDAN ROAD AND THE broker. 84L1-ltp lake. 8 roo,n Colonial, 2 baths, maid's FOR SALE-MAN'S GRAY TOP COAT, suite and bath ; sleeping porches, oll med. size, $8. Ph. Winnetka 508-W. burner, 2-car g~rage: on % acre lot 11M WTD. TO BUY-USED CARS 102LTN1-ltp beautifully landscaped and wooded. 4 - - - - - - - - - - - blocks to transportation and schools. A USED ROADSTER OF SIX CYLIN- OAK WOOD FOR SALE BY THE Less than $35,000. A rare bargain. der Type. Cash. Write A-165 Winn. cord. Phone Wlnn. 1294. 102LTN1-ltp 98LTNt-ttp OLIVER TYPEWRITER, $6.00. Tel. 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 II ANTIQUES Wt,n. 39:\. 102LTN53-ltc '17LTN1-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WANTED TO BUY-MISC. NEVER BEFORE HAVE I HAD SUCH 103 a large collection of colorecl glass, fur- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - nlture, rugs, pewter, etc. All choice WTD. ORIENTAL RUG SUITABLE pieces. 808 Washington St., Evanston. for room size 13x23. In reply, send Rll Pho'le University 9890. 99LTN1-ltc full information with best cash price. Write Wilmette Life A-164. $13,500 103LTN1-ltc FOR SALE-HSEHLD GDS. IOU SIX ROOM STUCCO AND SHINGLE, Highland A venue, Wilmette : prompt LARGE KELVINATOR; SIMPLEX WA' ,TED- CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, 10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave. Wllpossession. Cash payment of about ironing machine ; mahogany bed and $3,000 will buy equity and permit takm,.ttf>. 10:n~TN48-ttp dresser ; mahog. dining rm. set : beauing over contract $100 monthly Includtiful antique dresser ; also gold leaf Ing Interest. Address P. E. Siggers, 918 EXCHANGE pier mirror with marble base: rugs; 101 F St. N. W., Washington, D. C. garden tools, etc. Tel. Wlnn. 1027. 77LTN1-ltp . lOOLTNl-ltc Lake Frontage · Riparian Rights PINE CREST HOME Glencoe's Best Buy Crosby & McKendry Iffi &If~ &ll & ren:·lfcdlMr&. Mwartln!),. lfllll®lfp llllll.<eo Greenleaf 1855 77LTN1-ltc 628 Davis Street A ~<e!\.ll Iffi&Ir~&nml Name Your Own Price and Terms WELL ARRANGED LARGE 8 ROOM English brick Colonial ; 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, sun parlor, breakfast room and hot water heat oll burner. Lot having 75 foot frontage with 2 car garage. This property has been taken in In trade and present owner will sacrifice for a quick sale. Must be Inspected to 340 Linden Ave. be appreciated. For further details call CARVED BLACK FLEMISH OAK DINIng room set, fine walnut liv. room 0 \UJ\U)\U) set, mab. dresser, bookcase, gray tim- EXCELLENT 6 ROOM WILMETTE <lll'~, house. Sun room ; 3 bedrooms, bath, ber wolf robe, rare Irish frieze ulster, extra lav., breakfast nook, other feamisc. al'tlcles. Ph. Highland Park 1130. 6 room Balance per month tures. Newly painted and decorated. bouse $60 completely decorated. lOOLTNl-ltp Landscaped lot, 2-car garage. 3 blocks Wooded corner 50x187. 2-car garage. from R. R. and Electric. Price $18,500. 4 blocks to main stations and school. CHARLES 2ND. DIN. RM. SET, DARK Mortga:ge, $9,500. Owner will trade Immediate possession. waxed oak, buffet, table & six chairs ; equity for North Shore vacant. cane Inserts ; perf. cond. ; very reas. 1108 Elm St. Tel. Wlnn. 983. Winnetka 142 73& Elm St. 100LTN1-ltc 77LTN1-ltc FOR SALE-FULL LENGTH BLACK 11 77 Persian Lamb coat with skunk collar, Wilmette Wilmette 27:f size 36-38. Worn 6 Urnes, $400. Seen 104L1-ltc at Okean Fur Shop, 567 Lincoln Ave., Wlnn. 109LTN1-ltp ATTRACTIVE 6 ROOM, HOT WATER heated bungalow, excellent condition. LARGE IVORY CRIB, BEST COND., $'1; 2-car garage, lot 50x200. For sale at ladies' fur trimmed suit, never worn, $15,600 or wlll rent at $115 per mo. size 38 ; paid $65 : sell $15. Dresses Eighteen or 20 years ago a brick size 36. Wilmette 2948. 100LTN1-ltc ~ CJ'j) tn\/Thtn (C ~Jill ~ ~ TL Smith & Brown, Inc. MI@lill&tt & IFll&lln<errtty Old Brick Test Track Stlll Used by Peerless FOR SALE-PORCELAIN LINED REfrigerator. Splendid condition. 100 P.h. Wilmette 68 pounds Ice capacity. Bargain, $15.00. 77Ll-ltc Phone , Wilmette 2297. lOOLl-ltc FINE LARGE MEDICINE CABINET with mirror; $3. Box spring, cot and mattress, $1.50. 1023 Main St. 100L1-1tc 9x12 WILTON RUG, $6.00 ; 54 IN. DARK oak din. rm. table, $5.00 : leather uph. chair, $5.00. Call Winn. 472. 100LTN1-1tc KIT. CAB.; TRIPLE MIRROR MAHOG. dressing table ; porch rug 6x12. 346 Elder lane. Tel. Wlnn. · 1133. 100LTN1-1tc Iron, with springs. 910 Lake Ave., Wllmette. 100L1-ltc Unlv. 8080 '17L1-1tc ----------------- 1108 Da\'is St. Evanston Best Buy on East Side LIST OF VACANT AND IMPROVED property along the North Shore, get in touch wttb BRICK COLONIAL WELL SET ON 100 foot wooded lot, complete In every detall. 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, lavatory on lat ftoor. Living and sleeping porches, 2 car cara&e, oil burner ; Ideal location for transportation. Must sell this month. Cub ta.lkJI. 1564 Sherman Ave. University 285 77LTN1-ltc Crosby & McKendry &M Center St. Winnetka 2032 77LTN1-ltc IN NORTHBROOK, 6 R!rl. AND BATH, water heat, lot 50xl80. Take lot as part paym~nt. 1937 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wllmette 4424. 77LTN1-ltp 1--------------FOR SALF--2 BEDS, 1 WOOD AND 1 test track, built at the big, new Peerless factory, was a 7-day wonder in Cleveland. The cars chugged merrily around the oval, which was out in the open where all could see. The ..Green Devil" was tried out there, the Peerless racer with which Barney Oldfield swept all before him on the tracks of America. Todav, the Peerless track is still in use. Bricks are worn. Here and there are bumpy spots. Buildings of the great factory have grown up around it, shutting it off entirely from the public gaze. But still each Peerless car gets a thorough testing on this selfsame track before it is sent to the shipping platform.

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