Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Sep 1928, p. 61

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. WILMB'TTB LIFB '81T. WTD--PEMALE ·· S7 I'OB BENT-APT&. CHILDREN CARED FOR BV THE HR. FOR RENT-.1 OR 2 NICE ROOMS, and evenings, · west · side pref. Also desirable Joe. Ph. Wilmette 1940. nicely fum. rm. for rent to bus. lady. 66LTN1-ltc Ph. Wilmette .2261. . 60Ll-ltp ....--. ~ARGE FURNISHED ROOM, PRIVATE EXP. LAUNDRESS WA_ N TS . WAS.H.I.Nu bath, gar. Ph. Winnetka 1643. · . and Ironing to take home; · wlll call for 66LTN1-ltc and deliver. Ph. · Wilmette 765-W. ~ .60LT'1-ltc ROOM FOR R,ENT, SUITABLE FOR 2, twin beds, near transp. Ph. ·wnmette CO~ GIRL EXP. GEN. HSWK. OR 2ND. 2212 after 5. 66L1-ltp work. Willing worker ; loves children. . Can give refs. Call mornings. Tel. Ken- FOR RENT-PLEASANT ROOM AND wood 4366. 60L1-ltp laundry. Ph. Wtlmette 3839. 66L1-ltp LAUNDRESs-FAMILY AND BUNDLE l.AARGE PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. washing, clothes dried outside. High Ph. Wilmette 3206. 66LT1-ltc grade work. 12 yrs. N. S. ref. Call 1 and del. Ph. Wilmette 2623. 60LT1-2tc COMF. ROOl\1; h BLK. TRANSP. 722 Elm St., 3rd fir. 66LTN1-ltp MiDDLE AGIW. ·.COL- :WOMAN, GOUV cook, cleaa.er-_~ailii-~ Ta11ndress, wants 57 FOR .RE.NT-APA.BTJIE.NT8 work by tne week. Wll. r~f. Ph. Vic- · tory 6351." · 60L1-ltc EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK TO take home ; wlU call for and deliver. Ph. Wilmette 3509. 60LTN1-ltp Evanston Apartments 914 1320 941 1311 520 2249 2116 2208 806 1315 902 2251 1319 2116 1621 830 2020 800 729 8ll 1014 1125 1305 1619 1116 1009 820 Sherman Ave., 1 rm. . ........ $ 62.50 Chicago Ave., 2 rms. . . . . . . . . 65.00 Chicago Ave., 3 rms. . . . . . . . . 66.00 Oak Ave., 3 rms. . . . . . . . . . . . . 67.60 Lee St., 3 rms. . ..... .. ... '. . . . . 70.00 Ridge Ave., 3 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 71.60 Sherman Ave., 3 rms. . . . . . . . . 76.0u Sherman Ave., 3 rms. . . . . . . . . 77.50 Sewai'd St., 4 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 76.00 Oak Ave., 4 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 80.00 Elmwood Ave., 4 rms. . ... : . . . 80.00 Ridge Ave., 4 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 82.50 Oak Ave., 4 rms. . . . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 Sherman Ave., 4 pns. . . . . . . . . 90.00 Ridge Ave., 4 rms. . . . .· . . . . . 90.00 Gameld Pl., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 75.00 Sherman Ave., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . 80.00 Seward St., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 Seward St., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 Simpson St., 5 rms. . . . ..... . . 100.00 Main St., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 Davis St., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . . . . . 110.00 Oak . Ave.,. 5 rms. . . . . . . . . . . . . 116.00 ·Bidge Ave., 5 rms . ....... . .. 120.00 Maple Ave., 5 rms. . ... . .... . 140.00 Grove St., 6 rms. . . . . . . . . . . . . 110.00 Hinman Ave., 6 rms. . . . . . . . . 120.00 845 Ridge Ave., 6 rms. . . . . . . . . . . . 130.00 1615 Ridge Ave .. 6 rms... ........ 165.00 EXCELLENT RESIDENTIAL SECtion : larce rooms : 2 baths ; heated sun porch ; sleeping porch ; larce, new. Gen· eral Electric refrigeration ; decorated to suit tenant. Rental $176. Heated carage available at $15. Seven Room Apartment l$aD.rcdl&W!\lflm<elf~ llJmCo 528 Davis St. Greenleaf 1866 67LTN1-ltc 2-3-4 ROOM APARTMENTS. able location. DESIR- !o1E:oS1ttulllfcl~e!\lltty<C(O)o 460. Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800 67LTN1-.ltc CllnGii~ A.Ip>aur1tmril<eimb EVANSTON TOWERS LADY TEACHER DESIRES POSITION 554-602 Sheridan Square ; 4-6 room as tutor, maid or housekeeper. Write apts. Elec. Retr. & motor coach service Wilmette Life A-162. 60LTN1-ltp to school & shopping center incl. in rental. A home overlooking lake. Moderate rentals. 4 rooms, $95 to $105 ; 1564 Sht:rman A venue WTD. WASHING ANI} IRONING. WILL 5 rooms, $125. call for and del. Wilmette. 3599. 60LT1-ltc {ffio~COXQ)m!il A)P)&rimme~mt A REAL HOME . Large rooms : 2 baths ; sun porch ; electric refrigeration ; decorated to suit tenant; In 3 apartment .building at 640 Sheridan Road, Evanston. Rental $170. Brick garage available at $15. §mm<a\Itt & CG©ll~<ep lliiil«:o University 285 67LTN1-ltc JUDSON .CASTLE ABBEY-GARTH WED., THUR., FRI. LAUNDRY WORK New bldg., 820 Judson Ave. 4· rms. Canor cleaning. Ph. Glencoe 1320. vas walls, elec. ref., tlle bath and show60LTN1-ltp er. Southern exposure. Rental $90. EXPERIENCED WHITE W 0 M A N will cook or serve dinners, luncheons, etc. Highland Park 1303. 60LTN1-ltp COMP. COLORED and general work. Kenwood ~259. MAID, COOKING Kenilworth ref. Ph. 60Ll-ltp lOO Lee St. & 940 Judson .A '"e. Luxurious and modern 5 rm. apts., 2 baths, woodburning fireplaces, elec. ref. and many other desirable features. 5 rms., $165-$175. 1rlffi<e ~~(())!).~~~~ A JPJ & lf tt mm <e ll1l tt ~ , IB3~ibrcdl&W &lfiiilelf PllimCo 528 Davis Street Greenleaf 185~ 67LTN1-ltc A DAY J4"'0R MONDAY AND THURSday. Ph. University 5569. 60LT1-ltp THE CHURCHVIEW N. W. Cor. Oak Ave. & Lake St. A distinctive bldg., with all modern conveniences and finest appointments. 4, 5 & 6 rm. apts. with rental from $100 to $190. r WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY. Cleaning ·woodwork or windows. Serving & waiting table. Landscape work a specfalty. Tel. Winn. 1657. 61LT52-2tc Church & Hinman. Beautiful 7 rm. apts., newly decorated, all outside rms., $190. 2 RM. APTS. NORTHWESTERN STUDENT WANTS position as chauffeur or houseman in 25U Prairie Ave. . .... .... ..... .. $ 55.00 3 RM. APTS. exchange for room and board. Write Wilmette Life A-161. 61LT1-ltp 2535 lUZ Prairie Ave. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60.00 Maple A venue ................ 72.50 4 RM. APTS. EXP. CHAUFFEUR DESIRES POSI- 2537-39% Prairie Ave., Inador $70 & $72.50 tion on N. S. Familiar with all cars. 724 Hinman Ave., Elec. Refr. . ..... 85.00 Refs. Tel. Winn.· 755. 61LTN1-ltp 1138 Maple Ave., Lge. Rms......... 90.00 Forest Ave., Roll-a-way, CHAUF. A1 WINN. & EVANS. REFS. 822% Elec. Refr. . . . . ... ... ........ $95-$105.00 R. C. Nichols, 1503 Sherman Ave., Ev- 616 Sheridan Rd., elec. ref., coach anston. 61LTN1-ltp service .... ...... . ...... .. ..... ...... $90 Oak Ave., wood burn. ftrepl., elec. SIT. WTD.-EXPERIENCED CHAUF- 1454 refrigeration ............. . ... .. .... $100 feur with ref. White. Ph. Wilmette 305. 61LTN1-ltp 696 Sheridan Square, furnished .... $150 820 Judson Ave.· (Judson Castle) new bldg. elec. refr., ln-a-dor ...... . . .. $90 EXP. COLORED MAN WISHES DAY 676 Sheridan Square ..... . . . .. $95-$105 work as cleaning and all-around man. \flchlgan-Lee Apts. . ..... . ......... . $140 .Ph. Wilmette 1058. 61Ll-ltp 1505 Oak Ave., elec. refrig. . ..... $95-$100 6 RM. APTS. II SIT. WTD.-MALE A FEMALE 586 Sheridan Sq., on the lake .... .. $125 604 Sheridan Rd., elec. refrlg. . ... $120.00 EXP. COLORED COUPJ.AE, WIFE GOOD 2537% Prairie Ave. . .... . ............ . $80 cook, man as chautteur and houseman. '119-21 Hinman Ave., Lge. Rms. . . $105.00 Ref. Ph. Wilmette 1058. 62L1-ltp t136 Maple Ave., lg. rms. ........ $115.00 534 Michigan Ave., elec. refrlg. . .. . $135 1454 Oak Ave., wood-bum. ftrepl., U BOARD AND ROOM elec. refrigeration .. . ... .. .. ... $140-$150 GFNTLEMAN DESIRES H 0 M E · 724 Hinman Ave., elec. refrig. . .. ... $126 720 A. Hinman Avenue .. :... ... $100.00 Write Wilmette Life A-156. 63LTN62-ttc 134 Main Street .. ... .' .. .. . ... .... $110.00 \llchigan-Lee, new bldg., elec. ref. 940-950 Michigan Ave. . ...... . $166-$170 FOR BENT-ROOMS ·\bbey-Garth Apts., refrig. Included. 940 Judson Ave. ............... $160-$175 ATTRACTIVE LARGE FHUNT itVU.M In exceptional home, near transp. Un- 1609 Oak Ave., wood-bumlng ftrepl., elec. refrlg. . .... ..... $12D-$130--$140 usual opportunity for person who appre6 RM. APTS. ciates congenial · surroundings. Use of plano optional. Gentleman preferred. 640 Sheridan Rd., lg. rms. garage available, elec. refrlg. . ... $170.00 Ref. Ph. Winnetka 3139. 66LTN52-tp 911 Sheridan Rd., Z baths In 3 apt. bldg., unobstructed view . . $225.00 2 UNUSUALLY WELL FURN. ATTRAt:. rms., sleeping porch; in private home: 726 Seward St. (Duplex), Inc. gar. $115 to people of refinement. Conv. Joe. 717 Hinman Avenue ...... . .. .... . $135.00 1144 Maple Avenue .. . ... ...... . .. $150.00 Breakfast optional. Call Wlnn. 2664. 66LTN1-1tc 1107 Lake Street .... .. ... . ... .. . 160-$170 Michigan-Lee Apts. . .... . . ......... ~25. 00 7 RM. APTS. FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 AVUL'l'~ employed ; light and pleasant ; hot and 1635 Hinman Ave., 2 baths . . .. .. $185.00 cold running water ; garage space if 916 Michigan Ave., slpg. pch. & sun parlor ...... , ....... .. . .... . . $175.00 desired. Phone Wil. 776-M. 66L~5-tf"" 927 Michigan Ave.~ large llv. rm. $225.00 LARGE BEDRM. FOR 1 OR 2 .BU~1- Michigan-Lee, new bldg. . . . . ... . .. $250.00 OFFICES ness women or school teachers. 1h blk. to H. w. station. Tel. Wlnn. 2574. t718 Sherman Ave.· Studio Bldg. $46 up STORES 66LTN53-ltc ~535-41% Prairie Ave. . . .......... $50.00 --------------------~ - --GARAGES 3 NEWLY-DECORATED ROOMS FOR light houSekeeping, partly furnished If t718 Sherman Ave. (heated) ...... $16.00 desired. Ph. Wilmette 968-M. 66LT1-1tC' ..... p FOR RENT-3 OR 4 UN !4'UR. .'I.l~rt.c. Grt>Pnlpqf 1855 llght housekeeping rms. Ph. Wilmettt )28 Davis Street 67LTN1-lt<' 969-W. 66LT52-tf'c ·· SITUATION WANTED-MALE CHOICEST LOCATION IN EVANSTON NEAR DAVIS STREET FOR RENT-WILL LEASE MY BEAUDignity and charm enhanced by large tiful Orrington .H9tel apartment at rooms, commodious closet space, excelgratifying reduction. Complete hotel lent room arrangement. Bright and service. Kitchenette with electric cheery kitchens with electrical refrigrange. Large rooms and closets. Fureration. Located at 1505-09 Oak Aw·. nished or unfurnished. West expos~re. in one of Evanston's most desirable Airy and llght. Garage In bulldl.n g. residential sections. Phone evenings Greenleaf 4660. Four-room apts.-$95.00 ; Five-room apts. 67LTN1-tfp -$120.00 and $140.00 including refrig~ ration. No concession after Oct. 1st. FOR R~NT-2 ROOM KITCHENETT.~ TQ) o Jl apartment, steam heat, janitor service, ill) ~lllf<lli ~ p near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 67LTN33-tfc AGENTS ..@_W · <a\lfllll®If Ilil<eo IT 528 Da \'is St. Greenleaf 1855 67LTN1-ltc CENTER-DE:\IPSTER "L" 4 RM. APT. ; ALSO FURN. RMS. WITH TERMINAL kitchen prlv. Ph. Wilmette 2564 or 1183. :~ rooms .............. . .... $50.00 67Ll-1tc 4 rooms .... . . . .. . .... . ..... $60.00 5 rooms ...... .. .·........ . .. $70.00 3 RMS. & BATH, OCT. 1; HEATED. 5 rooms & sun room ...... $75.00 1027 Spruce St. $55. Garage If de5 rooms . ............ . ...... $80.00 sired. Tel. Wlnn. 1560. 67LTN1-ltp 6 rooms ........... . ... .... . $75.00 Some of these apts. ecJuipped with elec. refrigeration, tile bath, enclosed porches 18 FOR RENT-FURN. APTS. _.all modern. ..r FOR RENT-APARTMENTS FURN. OR l\ .r 1. · unfurnished, by the week or month. Ph. DEMPSTER & BRONX AVES., Wilmette 2399 or 3345. 68LTN60-tfc NILES CENTER PHONE NILES CENTER 93 FOR RENT-NICELY FURN. KIT67LTN1-ltc chenette. Call Wilmette 4397 any time after Saturday. 68Ll-_!!f ~ILES THE BRONX FOR RENT-5 RM. FLAT, NEWLY decorated. H. W. heat or stove heat. Inquire at 1448 Wllmette Ave. 67Ll-ltp J FAHERTY 1----------------- Tllu(f) ~(Q)ttJhl~&f AJP)bo _··_ _ F_o_R_RE_N_T_ uo_u_sE_s _ __ ·· l$aiircdl& Wal.~Im<elf p llim<eo 1E:o1E:o§1ttiDllfcl~eallttyCCCIDo 528 Davis St. AGENTS Greenleaf 1855 460 .Winnetka Ave. ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS, BEAUtifully decorated, llght and airy rooms, of good size and arrangement. Quiet electrical refrigeration, convenient to A COMPLETE LISTING OF NORTH la)le, shopping, transportation and LinShore homes for rent ranging in price coin School. Five-room apts., $90.00from $100 to $400 per month. All at$95.00-$110.00. Six-room apts., $130.00tractive houses and desirably located. $135.00. No concession after Oct. 1st. Your Inspection Is invited. Wt~~L~t~L~ 67LTN1-ltc --------------~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOR RENT IN GLENCOE, 7 ROOM Lloyd Wright house. oil heat, J car gar. ; large . lot, trees and shrubbery, near the elec. express service and school. Furn. $150 per mo. unfurn. $125. Owner leaving city. Ph. Glen- . · coe 1318. 69LTN1-ltc ~~(b) 1LRlfilcdl(f)lfil A W<eo 2 BEDRMS., LIVING RM., DINING RM., LEAVING WIL. ON ACCOUNT OF business, wlll sublet newly painted and Jg. kitchen, Frigidaire : Roll-a-way bed. dec. hse., 7 rms.; extra lav., breakfast $100 per mo. Tel. Winn. 1472. and sip. pch., H. W. heat, gar. Now 67L1-ltp $125 ; will sacrifice $110 for 2 yr. lease~ Ph. Wilmette 2744. 69L1-ltc GLENCOE, 8 ,RM. STUCCO HSE.; 4 bedrms., 2 baths; H. W. heat with oll (Equivalent to seven rooms) . burner; 1 car gar. .: beaut. lot; conv. to A REAL HOME, RICHLYDECORATED. school & station. Poss. Nov. 1st. Tel. Large rooms, sun parlor and large Glencoe 561. 69LTN1-ltc heated sleeping porch, two baths with shower. General Electric refrigerator FOR RENT--6 . ROOM BUNGALOW, Unlimited storage space In basement. stove heat, furn. or unfurn., on County In a three-apartment building, unobLine Rd., Highland Park. Ph. Hi&h· structed on all sides affording light and land Pk. 3324. 69LTN1-ltp air. One block from Lake Mlchlga'l 911 Sheridan Road. Rental $225.00. 7 ROOM HOUSE, CONVENIENT LOCAA vallable now, Baird & Warner, Inc. tion nr. priv. & public schools, tranap. A .rents, 528 Davis Street, Greenleaf For Information call Wlnn.· 1930. · 1865. 67LTN1-ltc 69LTN1-ltc HUBBARD WOODS New 5 Room Apartments B3aD.rcdl&WairJm<eir lllm<Co

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