WILME"TTE · LIFE September 28, 1928 News . of Interest to ·the Church-Goers of Our Village St. Augustine's Church Sunday, September 30, will be the seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. There will be Holy Communion at 8 A. M., Church schools and Bible classes at 9:45 and morning pra;rer with address at 11 o'clock. saturday, Septembe 1· 29, is the day set apart by the Historic Church in memory of St Michael and All Angels. · There wlll be Holy Communion in St. Augustine's at 8 A.M. The regular members of the Girls' vested choir will meet in the Parish house this Friday afternoon at 4 :15. The Boys' Tuesday and for one hour to enter the selves before evenings. vested choir meets every Friday evening at 7 o'clock practice. New boys wishing choir should present them7 o'clock on E.'ither of these There will be a meeting of the Acolyte guild In the rector's office Monday evening, October 1, fmm 7 :30 to 8 :30. The young men of the parish who wish to take part In this work are invited to attend. Th e Octo be r mee tl ng o f th e ves t a·y w ill be held in the church offices next Wednesday evening, October 3, at 8 P. M. The Church schooll:l had a large attendance last Sunday and art! now in full running order. All children who are to be entered tor the present year should enter quickly, preferably next Sunday mornin.s at 9:45. All services next Sunday, September 30, will be held on Central Standard Time, as Daylight Saving ends Saturday night. Be sure to set your clocks back before the Sunday services. Congregational Church . Meetlaga Next Week . Mrs. The Fourth division wlll serve as 1tostMonday at f: Children's classes. . esses. Monday at 'l :30 : Choir rehearsal. at 7 :45 : Church council. Sea Scout Ship No. 7 will meet at the The following Church school oftlcers Tuesday church at 7 :30. Mr. Robert Casterline were Installed last Sunday ll)ornlng : Gen- Wednesday at ·7 :30 : Boy Scouts, Troop 6. is skipper and Mr. Charles Crocker is eral superintendent-Thomas H. West ; Thursday afternoon at 2 : Ladles' Aid and Missionary society. mate. first assistant superintendent-M. H. Bick- Thursday at 'l :45: Senior Walther league. ham : second assistant superintendentFriday at 'l :45: Junior Walther league. Roosevelt Troop No. 2, Boy Scouts, A. F. Hooper; financial secretary-J. W. will meet at the church at 7:30 under the Humphries ; general secretary-W. W. Friday at 4.: Chlldren·s classes. leadership of W. Ewart Cook, Scout- Rogers ; assistant financial secretaryParentS-Do not forget that the classes master. Leonard Osborne ; assistant general secre- for the Christian education of children tary-Willard Osburn. Departmental will begin on Monday afternoon at 4 The board of deacons will hold its reguCradle Roll-Mrs. Hazel o'clock. Any child six years of age ot· lar monthly meeting at the home of Mr. superintendents: Wldney ; Beginners' department....:.Mrs. L. above may enter these classes which are Ray Warren, 932 Forest avenue. Osborne ; Primary department-Mrs. A. given freely to all who come. The course On Thursday the Cozy Corner Circle, L. Fuller: Junior department-Miss Laura is carefully graded. Miss Mueller wlll ; High School department-H. C. again have charge of the second departMrs. G. B. Knepper, chairman, will hold Fisher Pifer; Young People·s department-H. C. ment for boys and girls from six to an all day meeting at the church. Mrl:l. Kinne ; Adult department-E. M. Stafford. eleven years of age. The pastor will Frank Huffman Is chairman of .the lunchteach the advanced class, and also those eon committee. Luncheon will be ser·ved The Woman's ~change Is open daily who are preparing for their confirmation. at 12:30. from ten to five. Visit the Exchange and The course consists of Bible Study, The Boys' Club will m eet at the church give it your patronag~. Telep.h one, 2891. memorization of the chief parts of the Lutheran Catechism, study of prayers at 4 o'clock under the direction of M1·. McCormack. The choir, which appeared in t)le sea·v- and hymns. Our church has always enice tor the first time la~t Sunday, will couraged having the . children attend The Junior choir for girls will meet continue its ministry of music. A large classes of this nature for as long as for rehearsal at 4 o'clock. Amy Leslie number of new recruits have joined the possible so that this study would not Toskey is director. choir, and others are expected. The choir have to be crammed into the short is looking forward to the best year of its space of two years. It is agreed among those who are experts in the teaching The Senior choir will meet for re- history. profession that facts carefully taught an hearsal at 7 :30 under tht> direction of gradually absorbed and repeatedly reAmy Leslie Toskey. The Scout troops are well started on viewed are the facts that stick in our their work for the new year. The meetmemories. We ought to apply this not The Central Avenue Circle, Mrs. J. are held as follows: only to secular but also to religious trainM. T. Boyd, chairman, will meet at the ings Monday at 7 :15 P. M.-High School ing. Here is the opportunity. Let us home of Mrs. Dwight Chapman, 900 Elmhave your children in our classes NOW. wood avenue. The assisting hostesses are Girl Scout Troop. Tuesday at 4 :00 P. M.- Girl Scout Mrs. C. W. Culbertson and Mis:,; Jt'anne Troop 4. Taggert. Luncheon at 12 :30. '\Vednesda~· at · 4 P. :i\1.--Girl Scout Troop 2. The Rally Day exercises of the WilTuesday at 7 :30 P. M.- Boy Scout mette Baptist Sunday school will be held Troop 6. 521 Seventh street Thursday at '1 :00 P . M.- Junior Boys Sunday at 9 :30 with Superintendent Earl C. Carlson presiding. A committee headed The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity Troop. Sunday, Septenlbf'r 30 These meetin~s are not limited to Me!h- by Mrs. Milton E. Reid has prepared an odist boys and girls. The three Garl interesting progra01 entitled .. Rally Round 9:45 a. m. Sunday school; Joseph John- Scout troops, however, have almost the Flag." Set your clock back one hour Saturday night and then get up early. reached tht>ir full quota. son, superintendent. Fire Girls wlll meet at the church. W. E. Cook Is guardian. ... Wilme· t le Baptist English Lutheran Vere V. Loper, Minister Sunday is the last day of om· attendWilliam E. McCormack, minister of ,. ante contest. Nearly the entire enrolleducation ment was present last Sunday and it was a sight good to see. . Next Sunday we Next Sunday is Rally day in the Church hope to see the few who have thus far school. 'T'he memberl:l of the Church been absent and all who were present school wiJl be re-regb;tered in their vari- last Sunday as well. And then the great ous departm~nts so that records will be Rally Day Program on October 7 will demand our attention. ' completely correct. The Primary department, under the 11 a. m. Morning wor::;hip with Holy direction of Miss Bertha Wheelock, meets Communion. Sermon : "Plain Facts at 9 :30 and continues its program until About the Holy Communion." 12 o'clock. The children between the ages Every communing member of the ot six and nine are invited to participate church who wishes to remain in good in this interesting program. standing should be present to partake of The Junior and Intermediate depart- the communion next Sunday. Any who ments meet under the direction of Mr. are ill may have the communion in their and Mrs. E. M. Simonds 'and Miss Louise homes by calling the pastor. Phone 4279. Goodhue respectively, at 9:30. The mem- We are always glad to be of service to bers of these two departments are ex- our people. When ill or in trouble call pected to attend the morning worship your pastor. service at 10:45 with their parents. The men of the church will meet for . The Cradle Roll department and the Beginners department for children five organization Wednel:lday evening, October years of ag.- and under meet at 10 :45 10. This brotherhood will not be limited under the direction of Miss Ruth King to those men who are members of the chm·ch, but their friends are ellgible to and Mrs. L. V. Pierson. The Senior department will meet at associate membership. A buffet lunch 12 o'clock. Mr. Albert B. Tuclcer· is Super- and smol<er wiU be a part of the eveintendent. Miss Faith Burge, president, ning's entertainment. We invite the men of our community to come in and get will conduct the meeting. acquainted that evening. Members are At 10 :46 on Sunday morning the morn- urged to bring all of their friends. ing worship service of the church will Our church believel:l the Bible to be the be held. Mr. Loper will preach on "God's Word of God and our preachers preach Quest tor Men." Christ as the Son of God. If you have no This church co-operates with the Wil- church home in Wilmette we will be ~lad mette Sunday Evening club which meets to talk over your uniting with this (·onIn Its auditorium at 7 :30 Sunday evening. gregation. Call 4279 and aslt for the The opening meeting of the year will pastor. have six of the contestants in the International Oratorical contest which is to be held in Washington, D. C. next month. The pastor and people of this church These contestants are the finalists from their respective contests and will deliver extend greetings to Dr. Allison, the new pastor of the Baptist church, who will short ex~erpts from their orations. be welcomed in a public service Sunday On Monday the North End Circle, Mrs. afternoon. H. B. Mulford, chairman, will hold it:J The Sunday Evening club will hold first fall meeting at the home of Mrs. L. C. Pelott, 1103 Ashland avenue. The its first session Sunday night in the Assisting hostesses wlll be Mrs. R. E. Congregational church at 7:30. This Pattison Kline, Mrs. E. B. Knudtson and church, along with other Protestant J4lss Ida Nourse. Luncheon will be served churches, co-oper·ates in the promotion of this service. at 12:30. Methodist C burch Next Sunday is to be observed as Rally The Wllmette and Winnetka W. C. T. U. wlll meet at the home of Mrs. C. W. Day In the Church school and Loyalty Bickell, 202 Golf Terrace, at 2 o'clock. Day ln the church service. It is one of the big days of the church year, and all The board of trustees wtll meet in the members and friends of the church and church parlor at 1 :30 on Monday evening. school are invited to attend. On Tuesday the Crescent Circle, Mrs. J. A. Borncamp, chairman, will hold an all day meeting at the home of Mrs. Henry Cutler, 407 Central avenue. The hostesses wlll be Mrs. C. L. Mohr, chairman, Mrs. l. S. Dolg, Mrs. F. E. Allworth, and Mrs. J. R. Wallace. At f o·clock The Wekeacaftla Camp The autumn Communion service 'Will A Recognition service in honor of our. be held Sunday morning, October 7. At new minister, the Rev. George D. Allison, that time new members will be received will be held Sunday afternoon at 4 Into the church. o'clock. The chief address will be given by Rev. Perry J. Stackhouse of First church, Chicago. Community greetings will be brought by Dr. Horace G. Smith Wilmette and Park avenues, Wihndte of the Wilmette Parish M. E. church, and Denominational greeting by the Rev. Herman W. Meyer, 1\l. A., pastor 406 Prairie avenue Telephon~ 1396 Benjamin Otto, superintendent of the Ba!ltist Executive council. A reception Church telephont~ :;111 will be held immediately after the service in Children's hall. Servlees 17th Sunday after 'l'rinity On Wedne.s day next at 6 :30 o'clock a MISSION SUNDAY 9:30A.M. Sunday school and Bible dinner will be tendered to Dr and Mrs. Allison in the Church hall. Mrs. Frank classes. France is In charge. An informal recep9:45A.M. First service and sermon. 11 :00 A.M. Second service and sermon. tion will follow the dinner. Tickets are Sermon by Rev. E. F. Schueler, D. D. on sale by link leaders and at the church office. Get you1· tickets early as all reservations must be made by Monday night. Enning Senlce 7:45 P. M. Sermon by Rev. A. Werfelmann, D. D. Our Baptist Young People's union Our church will celebrate its annual elected new officers last Sunday as folMission Sunday with three services next lows: President, Elizabeth Burns ; viceSunday. These services are devoted ex- president, Paul Redhead : secretaryclusively to missions. The speakt-r for treasurer, Dolly Bellamy. The topic Sunthe morning services is Pastor E. F. day at 5 :30 will be : "Should religion Schueler of Milwaukee, Secretary of the make any difference in our friendships?" Board of Home Missions in North America. Pastor Schueler is intimately acParents are reminded that we have a quainted with this branch of mission church time kindergartener, Miss Mary work in our church in which at present !\fina Hemb, to whom the little children over one thousand men are actively enat 11 :30. Thus fathers and mothers gaged as missionarieR. Everyone should go rna~ enjoy the pastor'::~ messages. The hear Pastor Schueler, who will speak at sermon topic Sunday will be "'When you 9:45 and at 11. Feel Like Quitting," Jeremiah 9:2. In the evening service at 7:45 o'clock ~he Children's sermon is a permanent Pastor Arthur Werfelmann of Immanuel Lutheran church of Glen View will de- feature with our congregation. Dr. Allison·s talk Sunday will be "The HY SHY liver the missionary address. We hopP. that all of our members and many of NY CLUB." our friends will attend the st>rvice and The Woman's society wlll hold their hear him. monthly meeting at 2 P. M. Thursday, The choir will sing in both the fore- October 4. The program will be ln noon and the eveniqg service. The of- charge of Link R. The speaker wUl be ferings of the day are to be devoted to Mrs . R. B. Favoright, president of the missions. Inasmuch as our church has Woman's State Board of Baptist Work still about n.ooo to raise before attain- in Illinois. ing its missionary quota for the current year we hope that all of our members F. A. S. will hold their first meeting of will bear this In mind and contribut~ the year Sunday, October 7. ·accordingly. St. John's has never yet tailed to reach Its apportionment for miEiThe BQY Scouts meet In the church slons, and Its members will not fall now. Thursday evening at 7 :30. St. John's Lutheran ·- .... I I On Thursday and Friday evening!i of this week, September 27 and 28, the Senior and Junior Young People are giving a joint entertainment in which each society will ·present a play. The tickets are 50 cents the person. This will be The High School league, which began- given at the Sunday school rooms. Its fall !,)rogram last Sunday night, will meet tonight at 5:30 ln the Young And here's October at the door, with People's House. Its many meetings at the beginning of the month. The church council will meet The annual reception for all ladles of on Tuesday evening, October 2, at 7 :45 the church will be held at the home of at the pastor's study. Every member Mrs. S. T. Lewis, 89 Robsart road, Kenll- 3hould be present. It will · be the last worth, Thursday, October 4, at 2 :30 P. M. :meeting prior to the anniversary services. The choir, under the leadership of Mme. Gilderoy Scott, rehearses Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. · The church office is open dally from 9 to 12 and from 1 to 5. Saturdays from 9 to 12. A special Invitation is extended to the public for all services on the coming Sunday. The Wilmette Baptist church is the church of the lighted cross at the corner of Wilmette and Forest avenues.