WILIIETTE LIFE September 28. 1928 Silent Automatic J in Sileaee,...E eoaomy DepeadabiHt You cannot keep a good product from assert· ing its leadership. The Silent Automatic Oil Burner is n xample of the demand for nothing but the best in heating systems. The strongest proof of "Silent's" efficiency, dependability, economy and comfort is found in "Silent's" phenomenal s a I e s -- everywhere! ~.-.Sale· ,. It is not difficult to state the reasons for "Silent's" popularity- for "Silent's" amazing Build Bleachers atrecord of success. Read and consider the ' New Trier; Season superior advantages this excellent oil burner. Opens on Saturday offers. Realize that "Silent" has introduced into the modern home a radically new concep- "Duke" Childs, director of athletics at New Trier High school, announced thi :-; tion of comfort, cleanliness and satisfaction. week that the new bleachers to he con - Three sales during the past week i~t Indian Hjll Estates are reported by Bills · Realty Inc., as follow!: : An acre and a half of wooded property has heen purchased by Mr. and ··Mn. William C. Black of 2300 Lincolnwood drive, Evanston. M. L.. Olson was the broker. Plans for an English -home are being prepared and Bills Bros. Inc., are to build. Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. Be's t of 1121 Lake avenue, Wilmette, have purchased a three-quarter acr~ estate on Romona road. Plans are being completed for a nine-room Colonial. a feature of which ·will be a large 5tudio room. Mr. Best is a well known commercial artist. Jirah Cole was the broker. Construction already has been begun by Bills Bros. Inc. A large lawn (100x210 feet) on Seneca road has heen acquired by Mr. and Mrs. Rnbert vV. Dierker of 1178 Cherry street, Winnetka. George Fred Keck oi Chicago has designed an unusual eightroom house of ·· farm-house" motif, oi skintled brick construction with full range of color in the thatched slate roof. R. R. Rippberger was the broker. Bills Bros. Inc., are to begin construction with in the next thirty days. Bills Realty Inc. A nnountes Sales In Estates Area I - The following August and to September 20th purchases represent inf small degree the enormou$ sales of SILENT AUTO.MATI . DeCamp, D. R., 115 Abhottsford Bd., Kenilworth Browne, w. A ·.- 1000 Ridge Al'c., Evanston Fisher, Wm. 1., 1631 Spencer Ave., Wilmette GJttes, N. w., 414 Willow Rd., Winnetka Ol~weln, C. E., 1443 Edgewood Ave., Winnetka Henderson. R. H., 11iD Wilmette Ave., Wilmette Ly11n, ,arry, 418 Richmond Rd., Kenilworth Knapp, E. J., !SID Harrison St., Evanston Alloarllyce, A. A., !!t Gre.-nleaf Ave., Wilmette Ahel, U. c., 716 Elm St., Winnetka Pl~ree, Ralph, lUi Wesley Al'e., Evanston Hn,.d, N. L ·· iJS Sanst't Rd., Winnetka Galloway, w. M., 810 Inglt>slde Pl., ETanston N mu, E. E., !10! Livingston, Evanston Pearl, Ward C., H8 Elder Lane, Winnetka Henderson, R. F., 1318 Seward St., Evanston Hollington, R. D., tali Lincoln St., Evanston Sellery, R. A., 908 Ashland Ave., Wilmette Gallagher, T. F., nil Linden Ave., Whant·tka Kaehler, Edw., !tt8 Asbnry Ave., El·anston Huhnu, D. H., 307 Woodstock Ave., Kenilworth Maselter, J. A., !148 Leland Ave., Chicago Ffke, F. E., 1!41 Forest Ave., Wilmette Smith, E. F., 1818 Ch«>stnut St., Wllm.-tte Gre~ory, J. C., !D4i Grant St., E1·anston Ort·hard, John, 2M08 Lincoln St·· Evanston Kelly, Myles, 810 Forf'st Ave., Evanston .Jnhmmn, T. M., t:l!! Grt>enwood Blvd., Evanston Winters, E. J., 131M Gr4'enwood Bl ·d., Evnnston Fnll. Geo. D., i!9 Hawthorne Lane, Winnetka 1'1 ~rrlll, F. E., 1106 Green wood Ave., W llmette Copelan(l, F. L ·· !910 Grant ~t.,. Evanston Whittemore, A. E .. t!S Milburn St., Evanston Grdl, W. H., 1818 Wesley Ave., Evanston Prortor, T. R., !':01 Ashury Ave., Jo:vn nston Rawley, J. L., R!l Elmwood A ,.e" Wllml'tte Duarhey, Geo. V., 139 Bflrtlfng Lane, Winnetka Pautdotll, G. A., 7!4 Clinton Pl., Evanston Rugen, B., Highland Pl. & Logan Tr., Golf Lotter, A. C., Lake Ave., Glenview Lutter, A. w., 13.29 Ashland Ave., Wllm.-tte Goldstein, Harry, 301 Fairview A Vt>., Winnetka Pribble, R. S., !-1!8 Ewing Av~., Evanston Walton, L. B., 848 Ash St., Winnetka St'hroeder, R., 1734 Sehool St., Evanston Whitcomb, F. L., HB! Forest Ave., Evanston Len'ls, A. A., Model Home, Niles Centt>r Starr, J. R., 3!0 Raleigh Rd., Kenilworth Broddle, J. B., 1:tal Gre.-nwootl Av.-., Wilmette Sanders, A . D., 1811 Asbnry Ave., Evanston Cadmus, Dr. J., 1163 TO\H'r Rtf., Winnetka. Mason, F. H., 1834 Chicago Ave., Evanston Sehmelsser, C., !!Ui Lawndale Ave., Evanston Hall, Wendell, !li Woodeourt, Wilmette Metzger, VIctor. 419 Mapl~ Ave., Wilmette Pugh, Belle, !i!9 Marcy Ave., Evanston Da vldson, ,\. A., !718 Ashury Ave ·· Evanston Peterson, Edw., 101 Linden Ave., Wllmette Thompson, J. v .· 1903 Orrlnffton Ave., Evanston Crowell, L. A.·, 1310 Gret·nwood Blvtl., Evanston Itoblnson, S. v., !lli Payne St., E1·nnston Woodcot.k, A. J ·· ljO!J Ct>ntral Ave ·· Wilmette A ustln, M. B., 350 Elder Lane, Wlnnt>tka GNver, M·· lllUi Wesley Ave., Evun8ton Waldnt>r, T. A ·· 1048 Lnke Ave., Wilmette Fink. Ne-wton w .· 11 H Hrnnt St ·· E'·anston Fisher, C. G., ~38 Judson AYe., Evanston KartJJck, J. L., t~u; Llrult'n A l'e., Witmt·tka SlnJCf'r, RaiJ·h ... Ril Wright Tr., Niles Cenwr Davis, Courtenay. !43 Lele!ester Rd., Kenilworth Strube, F. W., 218 Golf Tr·· Wllmt>tte Nelson, J. Walter, Stu Elmwood Ave., Wilmette Hasse, Edw·· 11!0 Doh!Oon St ·· Evanston Shellman, W. H ·· ?!7 Elmwood Ave., Wllmf'tte Chestnutt, Robt ·· !904 Hartzell St., Evunston 'l'hompson, W. H ·· 12& Lnurt·l An .. Wllmt·tte 'rhroc~kmortou, J. M., l!C21 Elmwood AYc>., Wilmette Hasterllk, Snm. HUtS Stumct>r A vc-·· 'VIImette Da ,·ts, D. J., 721 Elmwooct A H., Wllmf'tte Pease, C. H., 1028 Brommt'l St., Evanston structed on the athletic · field back of the main budding will he adequate to handle the large crowds which are expected to to attend the New Trier games this year. Fi £teen hundred additional seats will he available. Mr. Childs stated. ~ ew Trier opens its football season next Saturday, Octoher 6. on the home field against Lakeview. T\vo hundreci boys are out for football regularly. and 125 more are clam·)ring for suits, according to the coaches. Arrangements have been made to purcha~e some additional suits. The chief problem at present, J.ccording to Coach Ashenbach, is the develop ing of new material, since the h'lrd sched 'llc is expected to cause numerous iniuries to the re!!ular squad. Paul Y oung-herg. guard, pulled his shoulder out 0f socket in a recent practice. George · Dewar, fullback, is also on the injured 1i st. Two second string halfback s. "Bibby" Connor and "Bnd" Clahaugh, an.· rroing good, Coach Ashenbach stated 'his week. Hold Memorial Service for F rede1'ick Rummier· A memorial service in memorv of Frederick Rummier, son of Mr.- and ~1rs. Eugene A. Rummier. of Winnetka, who was drowned in Lake :Vfichig-an a month ago, will be held Sunday afternoon. September 30, at 5 o'clock in the Winnetka Congrega tional church, Lincoln and Pine stred s. . vVinnetka. A similat :;ervice, con. ' h th SILENT AUTOMATIC "11 d th ' y . "d d" . ducted Dr. J. w~. Davies. mini sA£ ter all-Its w at e · WI o at counts. ou avm tsappotntment by 1 ter of by ~rlucation of the church. will proving your way step by step, by investigating what the SILENT AUTOMATIC is doing for your he held hy the Sundav school. of which .neighbors. Fred~rick ~as a member, this Sunday rnornmg. 1 he youth was drowned on the morning of Tuesday, Aul!ust 28. aftet clbrging desperateiy during the night to an overturned catboat m which he and three companions had sailed out of Wilmette harbor the night before. He was a graduate of New Trier High sehool and had many friends on the north shore. Harry Davies.. 624 Elmwood avenut>. ittst has returned from a two months' tour of Europe which combint>d both business and pleasure. Evanston Showroom, 1620 Sherman Ave., Greenleaf 700