Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Sep 1928, p. 49

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September 28, 1928 WILMHT.TB LIFE GIVES LECI'IJRE ON Editor's note: Appended Is an extract . But ~hen at last I read the Chrisfrom a lecture on "Christian Science: han Scte.nce textbook, "Science and The Liberator of Mankind," given Satur- Health With Key to the Scriptures" by day evening, September 22, In The First · Mary Baker Eddy, and when I had Church of Christ, Scientist, In Wilmette, atte. nded a. few services, I found that by John Randall Dunn of Boston, 1\lass. h h Mr. Dunn Is a . member of the Board of w . tc no IP:lpartial investigator could Lectureship of The Mother Church, The fat~ to discover: that Christian First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Bos- Sctent'ists worship the supreme and ton, Mass. only God and ~ntert~in for the revered The widespread interest in the sub- Leader of thet~ movement only senti· ject of C)lristian Science, in this and ments of ~ffectlon and deep gratitude. other lands, is traceable directly to I ~ound,. mstead of a system of rnathe fact that enslaved mortals are find- t~nal phtl?sophy, dealing with the acing in its spiritual teaching that Iibera- hon of wtllpo~er and suggestion, the Ch~a~ttan based tor g raphically pictured by lsat"ah as purest upon t 1 metaphysics, f h s · sent "to preach good tidings unto the a sptrt ua sense o t e crtpmeek; . . . to bind up the broken- tures. Well may we rejoice that Mrs hearted, to proclaim liberty to the cap- Eddy,, duri~g her search after Truth: tives, and the opening of the prison had mveshgated so-called magnetic to them that are bound." The at- healing, and mind-cure based upon tempts of some misinformed critics to hypnotic control, and found such sysprove that Christian Science is not terns not qnly devoid of spirituality this liberator, that the sick are not hut positively iniquitous; and even ~ healed, the sinning reformed, nor the casual glance through the pages of sorrowing comforted through its th.e textbook should convince an~r fairministrations, are of course of little mmded person that Christian Science moment in the presence of an ever- is as far from hypnotism and suggestion as is Christ from Belial. increasing host of witnesses testifying to the fact that whereas they were hound physically, mentally, or morally, Staff Is Chosen for New now they are experiencing through the Trt·er Student Newspaper teachings of Christian Science a greater measure of health, freedom, Selection of a staff for the New and happiness than they have ever Trier NPws, student publication of known. New Trier High school. has been comIn the past few years it has been pleted, and several issues of the paper my gn~at privilege to attend Christian have been printed. Dorland J. Davi.; Science services, and talk with stu- and Robert Marcus are the editors-indents of Chnstian. Science in many chief. Homer Hilton is business manlands-in Great Britain, Continental ager, Bob Simmons ~!dvertising manEurope, South Africa, Australia, New ager, and Frank Roth circulation manZealand, the Philippines, the Orient, ager. The following departmental the West Indies, Alaska, and in hun- editors have been announced: boys' dreds of places in the United States athletics, Duncan Jennings; girls' and Canada; and if a stenographic re- athletics, Martha Tencl1er; dramatic5, port could have been taken of all the Janet Marshall; literary, Morton Mertestimonies of healing and regenera- gentheim; editorials, Ruth Drayer; tion I have heard, it would make a music, Bob Brown; soc1al: Ruth record filling volumes. Drayer; and humor, Bud Magtlt. I regret to confess the fact that beThe New Trier News is published fore I knew anything about Christian twice each . week this year, on TuesScience, before I had read a line of ~ay and Fnday. ~obert H. Carpenter its authorized literature, or attempted Its the faculty advtsor. to prove by demonstration its truth or MOVE LANDSCAPE OFFICE its error, I was one of that now rapidly) decreasing number of persons who Gage and Jordan, landscape connseem to take special delight in making selors and contractors, with offices at flippant and unchristian remarks about 2016 Central street, announce the movMrs. Eddy, the Discoverer and ing of their contract-taking departFounder of Christian Science, and in ment to their nursery located on Wanlaughing at the movement in general. kegan road, just south of Deerfield. I was quite sure that Christian Press of north shore work is the reaScientists worshipped Mrs. Eddy and son for the change. The general ofthat her system of healing was only fice of the concern will remain in Evwillpowcr or the human mind over anston, however. The contract-taking matter. In fact, my fund of informa- department specializes in planting of tion as to what Christian Science does new trees and shrubs, lawn and garnot teach, reminds me of the im- den work, transplanting, trimming and migrant applying for admission to this 1installing of pergolas, stepping stones country, who was asked if he was and sunken gardens. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE am. I learned to sing it when I was ~ a boy!" . ~ fa~J!iliar with the Constitution of the ·t:»ggnuUUUUVUUUUUU*·UUUUUVUVUUUUUUnOt Un1ted States. He replied: "Indeed ~ v: 'V w 1 · · j = ~ = N9w l.s the Tt.me to !: PIant E ergreens ~ ~ V ~ and Bulbs = = ~ ~ C 0 0 0 C · ._ C C ~ ~ · .. C O C C · =. ~ ~ ~ IliFf' ~ ~ In all the vast store of plants for ornamental planting · f ytng · nc · hness of Evergreens. They none can equ . aI t he satts are the aristocrats of the plant world. ._ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ravinia Nurseries offer only those varieties of Evergreens that have withstood the rigorous tests imposed by climatic variations in the Great Lakes District. Nowhere else can be found more perfect specimens. Our shipments of Holland Bulbs have just arrived. HY ACJNTHS TULIPS NARCISSI ~ C C· C 0 C C C C C C """ "'* ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F D CLAYEY RAVINIA NURSERIES In =:: ~ ~ ~ C C · """ C · · C C C· 9 Ce C 1 C The Lake ShoreS Largest Nurseries · 1 C · } Deerfield 36 C DEERFIELD, ILL. Telephone~ t or C C Highland Park 36 C S2o to $2.5 per 100 S3 to $15 per 1oo S8 to S1o per roo ~ C· '!lftftft68006886608866666666ft06ftftft88S. ~ Nurserr.es and offr.ce one mtle west of Waukegan Road · · . ...., · 25 SHRUBS FREE With every purchase of 100 shrubs during the month of September we will give 25 shrubs free. This ofer ex· pires October 1st. Now is the time to have us do your planting. We have a complete assortment of fine evergreens, f ·uit and shade trees and perennials, all carefully grown in our own nur· sery located on Route 22, one and one-half miles west · of Milwaukee Avenue. OUR CATALOG GLADLY SENT ON REQUEST TtltpboM Higbfllml P·l '2J Moistair Radiatl'r Cabinets Low in Price First in Quality First in Efficiency of Heating Telephone 8975 Wentworth and learn how little it costs to equip your home. We' guarantee to match any colot · rchemt derittd IN Moistair Cabinet Company 6036 Wentworth Avenue Chicago Ljndscape Gardenin& 49 PRAIRIE AVENUE HIGHWOOD. ILL

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