Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Sep 1928, p. 46

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WILME"TTE LIFE "Hup" Century .Wins - Honors in Big Test in Alpine Countr:v 'i NARROW mGHWAYS NOW BIG MENACE TO HEALTH . September . ~. 1928 You Carry A Spare Tire Butyou cannot carry a spare battery. Bring in your old battery and let us examine and test it: if we find that y~ur battery will. not stand the strain of winter driving we wall make you a hberal allowance on a new Willard Battery. . --v When you need help call Wilmette 50 Flat Ratea qn All Work Day and Night Service Authorized Willard Battery SttcJice Station MILLER & MILLER 732 Twelfth St. ·Georre Miller 1111 - Phone Wil.-50 Leo Miller -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CUilgesllOll. -=--c:=-=.:o---=-=--=-=--==-==--===-=-·=-=--~1· ~' aclucvl·:-. its · 1 American built cars are holding a Air Polluted by Monoxide, Which Causes Big Increase in Heart high position in Europe, according to Disease, Says Dr. Bundesen Gould C. Davis of Winnetka, Hupm::lbile dealer, who has received detailed 1'11e narrow 20 f oot 1 . h . . ug ways m accounts of a vtctory . scored late 1 a~t our congested areas are a distinct month by a Hupnwbtle Century_ Stx health menace according to Herm.m stoc.k car in the five day Internatwn<.ll N. Bundesen, Director of Health, SaniAlpme Test _over the st~epest grade tarv District of Chkago, 111 a letter of th~ Alps 111 Italy, Swttzerland ancl to - Charles M. Hayes of Winnetk::1, Austrta. . . pre ident of the Chicago Motor club. The Inte·rnational Alpme T_est ts con - 1 "More than two million people in sidered in Europe the most dtfficult au - I this country," says Dr. Bunde scn, "are tomobile du~ability contest o~ the pres - ! hampered in their efforts to earn a ent day. It ts a post-war revtv.al of the livelihood by heart disease. Poisonold international Alpine drive start~d ing from carbon monoxide gas is one in 1898 as .a bicycle an.d .automobdc oi the reasons for the alarming inrace and for years, unttl mtcrrupted crease in this disease. Many persons hy the \Vorld War, was the outstand - uctieve that carbon monoxide is harm ing event of Southern Europe's mo.tor - iul only indoors; as a matter of fact, ing world. Th~ course, f.rom. Mtlan. however, as early as 1923 Henderson Tt~ly, to Mumch, Bava.na, ts llSO and Haggard of Yale University desigm~les and ~raverses the htghest mom.l- 1 nated city streets amot~g the l?calitics . tam tract tn Europe. .It crosse~ sttt h where the deadly potson nught he amous passes as the Stmplon, wtth an j ioum.l not indeed in C(Uantitics t o altitude of 6,560 feet, the Furka, 7,701 cause' death, but in sufficient <}Uantifeet, t~e St. Gothard. 7,216 feet, and I ties to impair health, and in some inth~ Stttfser, 8,053 feet. . , stances to be the proximate cause of Heinz Hinterleitner, who drove the death. winning Hupp, received the lnterna Highway Air Polluted tional Alpine Gold Cup as a trophy "The poHution oi city stn:ets has for his feat. sprt::ad to the country highways, and "The special advantages of the Hu;->- 011 ~aturdays and Sundays \Yhen our mohile are its very deep center of j radial highways are crowded to the gravity, which makes it possible to y.o pomt of ~uHocati?n, it is certaiu that " into curves at hi~h speed without skHl- I the air wtll contam a greater percent ding, its new style of spring suspen -1 age of carbon monoxide than will be sion anrl frame reinforcement, whi ch 1 iound on most city st~cets. The. dannre,·cnt v. .-ohhling of the front wh eel -. . . gcr ZOJlC has moved trom the ctty to the new steeldraulic brake s with sixfol d the country. hrakine: power- making it p::>ssihle ·o ""\Vc used to place our congested stop the car even while at tQp spre(h-:.:-- area wnhm t11c confines 01 Co~k ano it" cxrcptionatlv Arxihlr steerin1.r I county uut year ycar that line has ~ h i l~t \·." S:lY" Mr. Davis. Th e r omh i_n :1· I been JHbllell 1arti1cr uut._ '1 he ma111 tion o f su r h feature s made pos s1h!,· rl1ads wr une hundred miles and lar this Eur::>pean triumph. I ther from Chicago arc sutlcring trom 1 1 i J ... uy 1 Announcement During the PAVING of Main Street cus~ tomers may ENTER our building via the fine concrete alley IN THE ·' REAR. The alley opens at Krauss' Cleaning Plant and Lloyd Hollister's. r \ l l intolerable ll 0 U g 11 C~llgC~tlUll lllu::>t cmHllttoll : on :-)atur<lays and ;:,undays, nnerliJ :.:!\ i le ss .\\ eck day s Jill\\' arc not free trom 1 I trallll: tangles . . II \Vith ~his condition existing today , 1: what \\'ill 1t be five or ten year s ' ! ltl'llCC : .Ylotorists who usc the lllgh !; I \\a\·s oi lllinois say that throughout tll~ touring season highways that ior li nH.: rly \\·ere deserted in mid - week now i carry an endless procession of cars, and ;: that this condition exists one.: hundred 1and one hundred and fi ity miles irom 1 Chicago. A ·motorist told me recently 1 that he struck congesllou t>llC hundred , and twenty miles from Chicago on the , Lincoln highway and that th1s conge'ition did 110t decrease until he dr_uvc into Cook county. Here the fort~ - toot ' pan:111cnt on H.oosevclt road tlunth d ! the traffic to a point where travel w.ts .t I comfortable. "From these facts it is easy to for ·i Jlllulate a theory concerning the he~lth haz~trds cn«;Lmntcrcd hy the m~onsts who take their families out on Saturdays and Sunday s. The narrow twentyioot highways in our congested areas arc a di stinct health menace. The plan of the Chicc>go Motor club for wide1iing seven radial highways to forty feet from the outer tine of Cook county into the state for a minimum disance of one hundred miles should meet the approval of public-spirited citizens everywhere. 1 : ·' 1 ... 1 1 CHRYSLER TO BUILD FARGO CAR Chrysler is to build and market the new line of Fargo commercial cars and trucks, according to announcement, and will soon announce two lines of vehicles bearing that' name. They are of half ton and three quarter ton capacity. MOTORS SERVICE 721 Main Street Phone Wilmette 2600-2601 AUTO MECHANIC TO PRESIDENT C. W. Burst, sixteen years ago a mechanic in the Moon automobile plant, has been made presidel1t of th:lt company.

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