WILME.TTE LIFE September 28. 1928 Season Active for North Shore Club and Social Life Mary-Louise Fenton Announces Affairs Given in Her Honor Miss Mary-Louise Fenton, daughter of Howard W. Fenton of Winnetka, who wiiJ become the bride of Gerald B. Horton, son of Mrs. E. B. Horton of Wilmette, on October 17, has announced the schedule of parties which will be given for her in the next three weeks before the wedding. Miss Helen Hardenbergh, who has been added to the list of bridesmaids, will give a tea and shower next Tuesday afternoon at the Saddle and Cycle club. Miss Hardcnhergh is visiting her grandmother, ~Irs. Lore11zo "!\f. · Johnson of 710 Sheridan road. Miss Emily Smith and Miss Florence Boyd of Highland Park will gi\·e a tea and shower on Friday, September 28, probably in Miss Smith's home. On Tuesday, October 2, Miss Martha Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: S. B. Thomas, will give a bridge and shower at her home, 312 South avenue, Glencoe. Thursday, October 4, is the date of a tea and shower which will be given by ~1 iss Pauline Wolff of Chicago. Mrs. Warren Lamson and Miss Elizabeth Lamson will give a bridge and shower on October 8, in their home at 840 Sheridan road. Mrs. John A. Thompson. a cousin of the bridegroom, will give a small shower - at which the bridal party only will be the guests, at her home in Wilmette. .l\1 rs. Stanley Morrill, the matron of honor and sister "Of the bride, will entertain at a tea and shower in her home at Lake Forest. The out-of-town guests will arrive on Saturday, October 13, and Mrs. \\'illiam T. Fc:nton, the grandmother of the bride, will give a clinnrr at the Moraine hotel that night for the bridal party. Mrs. J. Frank Octigan and ~~ rs. L. Octigan \Vhite will give an evening- tea and shower on Sunday, October 14, at Mrs. Octigan's home, 767 Mt. Pleasant road, at which the mcmJ,crs of th<.: hridal party will be entertained. ?\lr. Horton will give his bachelor dinner on Monday night, October 15. On the ~a me evening Miss Louise Sherman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sherman of 213 Linden avenue, will give a spinster dinner in her home, after which Miss Vesper Getman of Evanston will eutcrtain the party at the theatre. Mr. Fenton will give the bridal dinner in the Fenton home on Tuesday, October 16, the night before the wedding. According to Miss Fenton's plans no cards will he issued for the reception after the wedding as a few of tl1e most intimate friends and the two families will he the only guests at the reception which will be held in the Fenton home. Mr. Horton and his bride plan to leave soon after the wedding for Kansas City, where they will live for two years. Btide I Married .~ Surprise Awaits Winnetka Woman,s Club on October 2 (Contributed) Yes, we k~ow that fairies have betn at work in our gardens for several weeks past, but just where were they erstwhile? The answer is whispered, ~~o,·er in the \Vinnetka Women's cluh !" \Ye want to rush there at once and discover what further miracks have been wrol;Jght but we are met with a stern r~fusal, "for," we are told, "it mu : t be a surprise and the. bandages m~y not be lifted from your eyes before October 2." Verv well, we rush to the neighbors - haYe they seen, have they heard? "\\'ell. beautiful flashes of color weirdly have hovered about the doorwav now and then after mysterious packages have been given entrance and-yes-there has been heard the faint, distant sound of a hammer-but that is all." Can we wait! October 2, however, will hold more than that one delight for it inaugurates the ·club's winter program with customary autumn luncheon and yet another rare treat. Folto,..·ing the luncheon with its happy atmosphere of reunion and the exercise of that first requisite of true femininity, the art : and literature department of which ~Irs. E. V. L. Brown is chairman, will pre'cnt Miss Jessie Harding who will entertain the memhers with a group of sketches. Of the artist, it is said: "Miss Harding is recognized as one of the best teachers of the human voice in the country. Previous to the opening two years ago of her studio in the Fine Arts building, Miss Harding was associated with the Anna ~forgan School of Expression. One of her programs, "The Man \Vithout a Country," has had more than three hundred presentations. The dav will indeecl he full of rare treats. Can we wait! Photo IJy l.(; wi:;-Hmith !\lrs. Charles Edv~·ard Nail, heforc her wedding on September 5, was Miss Margaret Barry MacLtan, daughter of the John Albert ~·1acLcans. of \Vil~ mette. Mr. Nail ancl his hride han: been on a wedding trip in the East, and upon their return will make their home in Mansfield. Ohio. The marri:lge of ~[r. and :Mrs. Adrian Julian Brower was announced last week. The bride was Miss Frances Eleanor Gardiner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gardiner of Evanston, and the bridegroom is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Danid R. Brower of 720 Fifth street. Tina Mae Haines .to GitJe Lecture at Woman,s Club National Col,lege Alumnae to Hold Luncheon Meeting :\n attractive gathering at the Cluh \ ista del Lago Saturday· of this week wilt he . the luncheon of the North Shore alumnae association of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college at 1 o'clock. Alumnae and faculty members will gather to · greet Miss Edna Dean Raker, guest of honor, who will telt of her recent trip to Europe. Miss Pcnka Kassohova, who received her degree frQm National college in J unc, and soon will return to her home in Sophia, Bulgaria. will also he a guest. Mrs. Fred S. Kingore, president of the north shore alumnae. will he hostess, assisted hy the hoard of eli rectors of the association. To Hold Dinner Meeting The Young Mother's club will hold its annual meeting and dinner next ~fondav evening at the Evanston hotel at 6:30 o'clock.' Annual reports of the hoard members will be read and the new officers for the year installed. Mrs. Elmer A. Claar, is the retiring president and Mrs. H. E. Ringholm the newlv elected one. The program will includ e six: grouns of dancing under the direction of Miss Tessie L. Pocock. and violin nttmhl·rs -gin·n hv 'Mrs. Clubs End Dance Season Charles Lerch. · Skokie Country club is having its Miss Pocock is in charge .o f tht· Harvest Home dinner and dance this \Vilmettc Parent-Tea{ htr association Saturday evening at ~he clubhouse at dances . 7 o'clock. This is an annual affair given every year at the end of the Announce Marriage season and anticipated hy the memMr. and Mrs. \Viltiam A. Bird of bers. Sunset Ridge Country club also has 1120 Michigan avenue, \Vilmette, anannounced for Saturday evening, Sep- nounce the marriage of their daughter, tember 29, a buffet supper from 7:30 Eleanor, to Donald Yous, son of M'r . o'clock on. with dancing to begin at 9. and Mrs. Charles A. Y ous of Chicago. There will be a four ball mixed four- The marriage took place September 1. some event on Sunday, September 30, at 2 o'clock. October 6 wilt be the Arden Shore Board Resuming occasion of the Harvest Home dinner The Wilmette Arden Shore hoard is dance. opening its season's work next ThursIndian Hill Country club is also hav- dav when it meets at the home of Mrs. ing its final dinner dance of the sum- Fr-ederick Tilt, 342 Gregory avenue, afmer season Saturday, September 29. ter a summer of rest. Another musical and literary treat is in store for members of the \V .:>(nan's club of Wilmette when Tina Mac Haines comes to give her four lectures on "Opera" Monday, October 15 and 29; and Monday, November 12 and 26, at 2 o'clock. The course will consist of lectures on Italian, French, German, and modern art, and will cover some of the operas that will be given during the current season of the Chicago Civic opera. This course is in charge of the Large Luncheon Opens music department of the club whose Skokie D. A. year chairman is Mrs. David Hall. TickThe Skokie Valley chaptt>r of the ets may be procured from her and Daughters of the American Revolumembers of her committee. tion opened the current season on Monday of this week vvith a large and Entertain Mrs. Murdoch enthusiastic luncheon at the Indian A number of parties haYe been giv- Hill Golf club. Mrs. Fannie Gopc, ret:n for Mrs. George Murdoch, a gent o.f chapter, headed the receiving former resident of Wilmette who is line which greeted the members and now living in Davenport, Iowa, and the guest regents of chapters from was a recent visitor here until last Chicago and neighboring vicinities. Friday. Mrs. Kerry C. ~Ieagher of The Skokie Valley chapter will men 716 Central avenue ent ::: rtaincd with a regularly each month on the fourth dinner party Friday, September 14. Monqay at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. George Richards of Deerfield gave a party Tuesday, September 18, in her home at Deerfield. Appointed Tic~et Chairman Mrs. H. J. Richter of 707 Green1\.frs. John Wheeler of 535 Briar wood aYcntte \\'as hostess at the North place, Kenilworth, has been appointed Shore Countrv club for luncheon and chairman of ticket sales in Wilmette bridge on \Vcdncsday, Scptelnbcr 19. and Kenilworth for the American Opera company. The operas will be Sew for Orphans Today . given from October 1 to 27, at the Children at Dorcas Home, the coun- Erlanger theatre. This company is try-side orphan home just west of sponsoring operas in English to enHighland Park, will be beneficiarie·s courage young American composers of .the sewing done at the Wilmette and artists. \Voman's cluh today under the auspices of the philanthropy department Circle Meeting of the club. Work will commence at The Crescent circle of the CongreH) this morning and luncheon will be gational church will hold its first allseryed at noon. The sewing is open clay meeting, October 2, in the home to all women of the village who are of Mrs. Henry E. Cutler, 407 Central i nt crested. ' avenue. The hostesses will be Mrs. C. L. Mohr, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Royal A. Buckman of 1025 Mrs. J. S. Doig, Mrs. F. E. Allworth, Greenwood avenue and Mrs. Fred D. and Mrs. J. R. Wallace. Buckman of 925 Elmwood avenue gave a large luncheon and bridge party last Mrs. B. F. Blymyer, 626 Lake avFriday afternoon at the Georgian enue, is expected home Monday from hotel. Evanston. a visit with her sister in Moline, 111. . R. ... -