September 28, 1928 WILME"TTE LIFE ·Let Borden~ s Cream bring greater happiness to your breakfast CERE_ AL with plenty of cream, helps make a balanced and nour, ishing breakfast. Authorities agree that a good breakfast is necessary to fit oneself for the day. A substantial breakfast les, sens mid,morning fatigue and nerve tension. Nothing can add more to breakfast happiness than good cream. Puffed Wheat, sliced peaches and Borden's Cream . - delicious f ~ What's so delicious for dessert as Fruit Shortcake? Borden'J~Cream has ·ma11y delightful uses This is scientifically ripened and prepared Soured Cream with a wonderful piquant flavor. Its delicate aroma is an invitation to the appetite. Sene it with vege· table salad, mix it with cottage cheese, blend it with may, onnaise, use in any recipe calling for soured cream. ~l""""l Peaches are the abundant fresh fruit right now. And how luscious the ones fresh from Miclligan are served with shortcake topped with a mountain of Borden,s Whipped Cream. Borden's Heavy Cream whips in a min11te · ·' 'j BORDEN'S FARM PRODUCTS CO. of I L" LINOIS Phone Wilmette 1545