Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Sep 1928, p. 22

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the Pupils Publiahtd wuklfl bfl thr ~ehool chrldren of W ilmett1 undrr aupervision of W ilmtttt PlauiJround and Recreation Board. VOL. 1. NO. 34 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, SEPTEM;BER, 2S, 192S · Told by I · !===;. The schedule of football games in the Intra-mural league this fall has been announced as follows by Director Datiiel ~f. Davis of the Recreation board: Seventh-Eighth Grades Monday, September 24-Stolp-SA vs. Stolr)-8C, \Vashington park; St. Francis-7 ,.s. Stolp-7 A, Washington park; St. Joseph-S vs. Howard-8B, Village Green; Howard-7 A vs. Howard-7B, Villa~e Green. \Vednesday, September 26 St. Francis-8 ,-s. Howard-SA, \Vashington park; Stolp-7A vs. Stolp-7C, Washington park: Stolp-70 vs. Howard-7B, Village Green ; St. Francis-7 vs. Howard-7 A, Village Green. Friday, September 28-Stolp-SB vs. Howard-SB, \\'ashington park; St. Joseph-7 vs. Stolp-70, \Vashington . ·~ark; Howard-SA vs. Stolp-SC, Village 'G reen; Howard-7 A vs. St9lp-7C, VillaJre Green. Monday, Octo her 1-St. Joseph-S vs. St. Francis-8, \Vashington park; St. Joseph-7 vs. Stolp-7 A, · Washington park; Howard-SA vs. Stolp-SA. Village Green: Howard-7B vs. Stolp-7B, Vi1lagc Green . Wednesday, October 3-St. Francis8 \ 'S. Stolp-8B, \Vashington park; St. Francis-7 vs. Stolp-7B, Washington park; St. Jost:ph-7 vs . Howard-7B, ViJlage Green; Howard-7 A vs. Stolp7A, Village Green. Fridav, October S-St. Joseph-S vs. Stolp-SC, \\rashington park; St. Francis-7 vs. Stolp-70, \Vashington park; St. Francis-S vs. Howard-SB, Village Green; St. Joseph-7 vs. HO\~ ard-7 A, Village Green . . Monday, October 8-St. Joseph-S vs. Stolp-8A, \Vashington park; Stolp7-C vs. Stc~-70, \Vashington park; Howard-8B vs. Stolp-SC, Village Green; St. Francis-7 vs. Howard-7B, Village Green. Wednesday, October 10 - Stolp-8C YS. Stolp-8B, ' \Vash ington park; Stolp7A vs. Stolp-7D, \Vashington park: St. Joseph-S vs. Howard-SA, Village Green ; Howard-7B vs. Stolp-7C, Vilbge Gre,en. Friday, October 12-Stolp-SA vs. Stolp-8B, Washington park; Stolp-7B YS. Stolp-7C, Washington park; St. }oseph-7 vs. St. Francis-7, Village ~reen; Howard-7 A vs. Stolp-7D, Villilge Green. Monday, October lS-Stolp-7 A vs. Stolp-7B, \\'ashington park. Look Ot.tt, Esther, Hope for Success of Helen Tells of Trip A nn.ounce Schedule · "True Citizens' Club" You May Yet Have Through Battle Fields of Football Games Miss McPartlin's fifth grade have As we left the outskirts of Paris, we Hard Work to Dol a club which is called, "The in Grammar League saw many holes which bombs had organized True Citizen's Club." · Eighth grade is just like a kindermade. We also saw many bomb proof shelters and barbed wire fences. We rode on and on. In the forenoon we saw a tank in the middle of a field. Later we approached a fort which was in fair condition so that foreigners were allowed to enter. The car stopped and we got out to observe the surroundings. , We walked up a path to a large tunnel and walked through it and an . adjoining tunnel also. We walked to a large cannon. There we could see stumps of trees and holes also we saw tangled barb wire fences. \Ve walked to the car, got in and rode on until we saw a large tank we observed it .and rode on.-Helen Peterson, Central school, fifth grade Our first club meeting was on Wednesday, Seph:mber 19. qur pre~ident is Robert Strube; vt~restdent, Gervase Barnhill; secretary, Helen Condit; and the treasurer, Billy Hart. We have not decided on our dues yet but they are not going to be more than ten cents a week. We hope our club is a success.-Janice Guthridge, c~ntral Select . New Officers · . for Citizens' League We haw organized our Civics' club for this year. The name of it is Good Citizen's league. The officers are ?the f?tlowin~: President, Helen Peterson ; vtce-prestdent, Roger \Villiams; secretary, Hall Clark; treasurer, Betty Jackson; executive chairman. Mary Oglesbee . We enjoy our club very much and hope it will be a success.-Mary Oglesbee, Central school, Fifth Grade Bill Sees Many Towns in Tour of Mi&..aigan Saturday, August 2S, we started away from Battle Creek, Mich. The first town from there we went to Grand Rapids. The first night \\·c stayed at Whitehall, Mich., at a hotel on White Lake. In the morning we left for Mackinaw City, Mich. We ate lunch in Traverse City. We got to Mackinaw City about dusk. We went to a state ferry and went to the Ignace and then came over to Mackinaw Island. The next day we left for Saint Marie. \Ve saw the locks and the big freighters over 600 ft. long that go through the locks.-Bill Hart, Central "True Civic Citizens" Hold Initial Meeting We have a club in Miss McPartlin's room. The name of it is "True Civic Citizens." Our president is Robert Strube and our vice -president is Gervase Barnhill and I am on the social committee. Our motto is "Self Control." Our: slogan, "Re3pect our Fiag." We had our first me~ting \Vednesday. September 19.-Mary Lou Peterson, Central School. garten now compared with last year. We have not gotten far enough into Mathematics to think that it is hard. Miss Wyman has been very nice not to give us very much home work. None of the teachers give us more than an hour and a half together. In Social Science we are studying about the early explorers. Anything about Indians, early explorers and the starting of the new world ought to be interesting to anybody. Sir Humphrey Gilbert was the first Englishman to come to the New World to plant a colony. His colonv did not survive and then his brother Sir Walter Raleigh started a colony on Roanoke Island. His people suffered . of starvation. Sir Raleigh said he had to go back to England. H e told his colony to put some word on a tree if there was any trouble. When Sir Raleigh ca~ack his colony was gone. He found the word on the tree. Nothing has been hea.rd of his companions, but a few white women were with an Indian tribe and the others were probably kitted.-Esther McKeighan, SR Stolp ... j · Janet Reports Collision of Cars on Lake Avenue WITNESS ACCIDENT Wednesday, September 18, as Jimmie Chambers was coming home from school, as he crossed Oakwooq avenue, a car tipped over. Lucki!).r,_ t~e lady driving was not hurt. J imm1e and his friend were asked to report all they saw to the police.-N ell Chambers, Fifth Grade, Central 6B, Village Green; Howard-S vs. Centrai-SC, Village Green. Tuesday, October 2-Central-6A vs .. Howard-6A, \Vashington park; Central-SB vs. Central-SC, Washington ,park; St. Joseph-S vs. Logan-5, Village Green; St. Francis-6 vs. St. Francis-6, Village Green. Thursday, October 4 - , Logan-S vs. Central-5B, Washington park; St. Joseph-S vs. St. Francis-S, Washington park; Howard-S vs. Central-SA, Village Green; St. J oseph-6 vs. Howard-oA, Village Green .. . Tuesday, October 9-Central-6A vs. Ccntral-6B, \Vashington park: St. Francis-S vs. Central-SB, Washington park; St. J oseph-5 vs. Central-SC, Village Green: Howard-6B vs. St. Francis-6, Village Green. Thursday, October 11-St. Francis-S vs. Logan-S, \Vashington park; Central-SA vs. Central-SC, Washington park; St. Joseph-S vs. Howard-S, Village Green; Howard-6B vs. Central6A, Vittage Green. Tuesday, October 16-St. Francis-6 vs. Central-6B, Washington park; Central-SB vs. Central-SA, \Vashington park; Central-SC vs. Logan-5, Village Green; Howard-6A vs. Howard-6B, Village Green. Fifth· SiKth Grades Tuesday, September 18-St. Joseph' vs. Central-oR, \Vashington park; Central-SC vs. St. Francis-S, Washington park; Howard-S vs. Logan-S, Village Green ; St. Joseph-S vs. Central-SA, Village Green. Thursday, September 20-Centralvs. St. Francis-o, \Vashington park: C~ntral -SB vs. Howard-S, \Vashington 'ark; Central-SA vs. Logan-S, Village Creen; St. }oseph-o vs. Howard-6B, ·illagc Green. Tuesday, September 2S-Centra1-6B n. Howard-6B. Washington park: St. Joseph-S vs. Central-SB, Washington park ; St. Francis-() vs. Howard-6A ·mage Green; St. Francis-5 vs. How~ ·d-5, Village Green. Thursday, Septemher 27-St. Joseph1 vs. Central-6A. \Vashington oark; All games are called at 3 :30 o'clock. t!~ntra1-SA vs. St. · Francis-5, Wash- The first two teams ready to play ill«ton park ; Howard-6A vs. Central- . witt play first. ·A There was an accident on Lake avenue Friday, Septemb~r 21) a ·car ran into another car. One of the cars went up ':>n the sidewalk. It had a fiat tire and the fender wa5 ' ·;reeked. The' other car had the wheel off and the roof was roming off. The man wh·:> was driving was tossed cut the winGRID SEASON OPENS Football season is about to start in dow and he landed in a Jot of glass ar!d the grammar school now a'i Mr. Stone rut his head.-Janet !\olin or, Fifth says, an·a I believe that att the boys Grade, Central. are interested. The schedule is about ready so we will get started soon. CAN'T SCORE-GOOD GAME This . year our class has as good a September 18, 6C played St. Joseph. chance for the pennant or shield as The teams were both good. The any room, for we have twenty boys to score was nothing to nothing. As I pick from, all of whom . are good judge, I thought it was a very good players except a few.-Philip H. Os- game. Our team had ten fellows at born, SA .. the beginning but one more came and so that made eleven. We started and LAUNCH NEW CLUB played to the finish.-David Cressy, Miss McPartlin's fifth grade room 6C, Central has a club. The name of it is "True Civic Citizens." We had our first FURNISH NEW ROOM meeting Wednesday, September 19. The pupils of our room are planning We have voted for · president, vicepresident,.-3ecretary, and treasurer. The on furnishing the smatt room just off president is Robert Strube; vice-presi- our room. We already have a rug, dent, Gervase Barnhitt; secretary, which Charlotte Anderson gave to us. Helen Condit, and treasurer, Billy We need several more things. We plan to use the room for reading. speHart.-Jean Shephard, Central cial help and for projects.-} ane, Innes, Central School LIKES BOAT TRIP I went on a trip to Wisconsin on DON'T THROW STONES! the boat August 11. My mother, my Wednesday, September 19, we were two sisters and a friend went with me. When we arrived it was about 11 notified about some boys who were o'clock in the morning. We were guilty of throwing stones on the Centhere for two weeks. My father· came tral and Stolp school grounds. One ho,· up a week later. We had a very nice had his eye hurt with a ·stone, so it time. We motored back.-.,atty Wiley, would be nice to telt the chiM .. ·n n· to throw stones.-Marvin Nauman, fifth grade, Central , Central School. --------- ... . SEE DEER AT CAMP This summer I went to Wiscon3in with my father, sister and a girl friend. On the way we stopped for the night. And when we got there we saw two deer. I was in swmiming most of the time. We went to town which is fourteen miles from Kamp Kakei where we camped. - Marliss Smith, Central School. START FIFTH GRADE WORK When we started school this September we had fourth grade work for a week, but we ~re starting fifth grade work n_ ow. The girls are · ttking sewing and the boys manual traiing. In the middl~ of the "ear the Rirls are going to take cooking. too.-Margaret Speer, Fifth Grade, Central.

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