18 WILMI:.TTE RESUMES PIANO CLASSES I t.IFE September 28, 1928 Jacob J. Brumbaugh Ia Gertrude Lees Roberts has resumed her plano classes . with a large enrollWilmette lovers of fiction have been Jacob ]. Brumbaugh, 74 years old, ment of pupils. This is Mrs. ·Roberts' advised to look over the following list died suddenly last Thursday at the sixteenth year of teaching in Wil- of seventeen new fiction books rehome of his son, John Brumbaugh mette. ceived at the Wilmette Public library 1612 Lake avenue, with whom he had this week: Brown's "Meadow Grass," lived for the last eleven years. BeMiss Ruth Calahan of J erscy City, Buchan's "Thre~ Hostages," Ca~field's sides the son, two daughters, Mrs. N. ]. will be the guest of Mrs. Harry "Hillsboro People," Feuillet's "RoGeorge Doke and Mrs. Clarence A. Richter of 622 Gregory avenue on t'nance of a Poor Young Man," FieldRohrer, both of Oak Park, and nine her return from a trip to California. ing's "Footsteps That Stopped," Gagrandchildren survive him. Funeral horiau's "File No. 113," Garett's "Friservices were held Saturday afternoon home, where a Masonic service was day to Monday," Jacob's "Salthaven," at 2 o'clock at the residence in Wilheld Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. 1 Lincoln's "Partners of the Tide," mette. The remains were taken to Burial was at Elkhart. ~f ilne's "Red House Mystery," NaElkhart, Ind., Mr. Brumbaugh's former than's "Puppet Master," Neihardt's ··Indian Tales," Parker's "Tarboe," Pryc's "Romance and Jane Weston." Rutzeheck's "My Alaskan Idyl," Well's "Marriage," and \Veil's "War of the \\'orlds." Taken by Death Sept. 20 Brilliant W o.m an Suggesta ..Latest Fiction Pianist on Staff : Books to Wibnette Public of Mu$iC School The teaching staff of the Winnetka branch of the Columbia School of Music has been augmented by the addition of Helen B. Lawrence, one of Chicago's prominent and successful pianists, and Miss Dorothy Tatman, violinist. Miss Tatman is an artist pupil of Ruth Ray, the well known violinist. Miss Lawrence is well and favorably · · known in Chic.ago not ' on 1y as a teacher . but : as a soloist i of excellent i attain/ ments. She recer.tly apPeared 111 Or-:hesHelen B. Lawrence tra Hall as soloi:.;t with he Columbia School Symphony Orchestra, directed by Ludwig Becker. Ma1_1y of the younger pia11ists of the city are mem~rs of her class and only last sea~on her pupil, Corinne Byington, ·appeared as soloist with the orchestra in the Chicago auditorium. 11iss Lawrence is a past president of 11 u Iota Chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon. a national honorary musical sorority and a former vice-president of the Socittv of American Musicians. She will in th e \:Vinnetka studio \Vednesdav of each week. KatJ,lccn :\tr. principal of the \Vinnetka Branch 1or many y(' ars, will remain, as ...., ill all of the former teachers includi11g, Valona Rrcwcr, violinist. and the following pianists: Laura Coupland. KatlH:rine Hedglin, Pll\·lli <.:. Kellogg \\'hit. ~I arv Esther \Vin~low. \\'altt' r :-:,pry; the distinguish ed pianist and pl'dagoguc. will continue his \\ ·innt't ka lt ·actJing \\' cdncsda v and ~atur<lav of each " ·cck and · Grace Parmele, a young soprano recently acldl'd to the tacultv. will abo teach in the \Vinn<.' tka branch. · ... ·· I Miss Emilie Durham. daug-htt>r of Mrs. Howard Durham of 431 Ahbottsford road, left Kenib;orth la3t wt<'k to .attend the University of Wi :: consin. She is commencing her jun:or year. -0- Mrs. Henry C. Gates of Evanston will entertain her Reading circlr at th e ~orth Shore hotel Monday after1Joon. We rent chairs for Autumn weddings and social events. Folding tables for bridge parties and luncheons. MOVING - PACKING - SHIPPING LONG DISTANCE HAULING PAUL A. RENSCH, .President ... be Above - a smart snap fastened pump in Seal Brown or Black Suede at RENSCH I FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE ] STORAGE 521 MAIN STREET WILMETTE, ILL . . Wilmette 12' University 7 317 ~ ~~ljC) Below-a front strap model in the new colored Suedes and Kidskins-also in Black Calf and Patent \Vc slcy Tarnow ha-; gone to Mercer. \Vis ., ior 3 fishing trip and is expected to return to his home at 126 Fourth I street, St...!JHlay. I David and Ta\'lor. sons of ~Irs. D. L. Taylor of 849 . Michigan a n'JHte, left last week to attend Worce.-trr academy at Worcester, Mass. Gcra~d ... 'l~liC) Why Delay Your Selections? Fall Is Here! This Season the mode in Shoes is ihe Spirit of Youth expressed in STYLE -··.·· a new vogue of sma~tness ······ smartness in design ..... smartness in color . smartness in materials. Hosiery and Buckles too also show the influence of ""The Mode Moderns" Last minute modes, distinctively new styling-in all the newest ideas. shades. ·fabrics y-:ashions. To rightly appreciate the splendid offerings in Fall Frocks, your inspection is needful. The full stock . always offers advantages in selecting. ...... I Autumn Hats for srreet. dress or any C.11l1ng. you will find among o ur Lug~ asson mrnl (including !Jr!'l' h~ad sizes) a suitable hat. as though m .1dc special- and priced reasonably. too. \\' ht·l ha 'I'"'"" '18. 7oster fr? Company 115 North Wabash Avenue IN EVANSTON ORRINGTON AVE NUB COBNEB ·OF CHUBCB 8T. W4t inull inx ALMAS. COEL 2004 CENTRAL ST. UNIV. 2058