12 WILMETTE MOVING FROM KENILWORTH Mr. and · Mrs. Trumbull Backus of 425 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, are moving October 6, to Hamilton, Ohio. Miss Theresa Backus, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Hamilton Howe at Bremerton Wash. is expected to return to K'enilworth before her family leaves. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cornell and their two sons. who have purchased the Backus home, will move in early in October. LIFE September 28, 1928 Kenilworth Happenings · BARRETT SPACH HONORED · S h f Dr. and Mrs. Amuel .B. pac .o 228 Leicester · road, Kentlworth, have returned re<:ently from a summ~r abroad. :Whtle. there, they spent st x weeks. wtth thetr son, Barrett · Spac 11 ' trav.ehng through Germany and A!ls, tria. Barrett Spach has been studyu~g organ in Paris for two years and wtll remain another year. This summer he was asked to play two Sundays at the American Cathedral in Paris , taking the place of the regular organist those two days. Mrs. Stanley Knight of 51 Keni~ worth avenue has been elected prestdent of the guild of the Church of the Holy Comforter. She will entertain the guild . at luncheon next Monday afternoon in her home. I Miss Ethel Meyers, John Irving Ja.n ette. Wed at St. Francis Miss Ethel G. Meyt-rs, daughter of Mrs. E. G. Meyers of Davenport, Iowa. and John Irving Janette, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Janette of 315 Abbottsford · road. Kenilworth, were married at 9:30 o'clock last Saturday morning in St. Francis Xavier church. The Rev. Fr. Bernard Bradv r carl the service and James ·r. Carnev, soloist of the Chicago Symnhonv orchestra, sang the High Mass. ~ The bride's dress was .m ade of bridal satin trimmed in white Chantilly lace. Her long veil was caught in the back with gardenias. The bouquet was of ro.se s anrl valley lilies. · The maid of honor, Miss Gertrude Rucfer of Davenport, and the brid esmaid. Miss Marv Loretta Janette, sister of the brideg-room. were drc s s~rl in yellow and wore light green hats and. green slippers. The church wa : decorated ~n yellow chrysanthemum~ . Record S. Ferris · of Chicago w:1s he.'t man and W. Scott Twining- () i LaGrange was usher. A wedrlin C!· breakfast at the Orrington hotel fol lowed the services. After a hone,·- · moon in Canada Mr. and Mrs.Janettc wiU be at home in Rogers Park. LEAVES FOR EAST Mis s Bethany Cro\\'c, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burt A. Crov.·e of 234 Ralei.£"h road, Kenilw orth , left last Friday for Briar Cliff manor, N. Y. where she \\'ill enter Mrs. BO\\·'s school. She will stop .e nroutc at \Ve st Point aca demv where she \\'ill attend a house party and the West Point opening prom hefore going to school and will visit frienrl s in Ne\\' York for a fc\\' days. . GUILD PRESIDENT Barry Says"When buying Floorcovering do not let your judgment be obscured by c h e a p n e s s. Remember that that which is good is worth paying for. ".nsist on, QUALITY, no matter what you buy. Expect to pay a fair pri'ce. A cheap Rug, Carpet or Linoleum is not a bargain if the low price p e n a I i z e s the quality. "For econoauy's sake, pay enough for QUALITY and SERVICE. "We never sacrifice quality to meet a price." Compare' our merchandise with any reputable Carpet House here or in Chicago. You'll admit that we are lower than "loop" stores and with a quality GU AHANTEED! Oua FALL OPENING sale has given Evanston and North Shore people an opportunity to buy from .a large stock in our new D A Y L I G H T SALESROOM. They purchased and profited by the sale. CARPETS - RUGS LINOLEUM Complete Line of Floor Coverings The LARGEST exclusive CARPET, RL'G and LINOLEUM ·tote north of the "Loop" CIPanlng and Rl'palrlng Rugs and ('arpl'tS Mrs. r. B. Eckhart of 206 Cumberland aYenur. Kenilworth has gone on . F. E . M. Cole of 315 Essex road, a short visit to La~e Placid club, N. Kenihl\·orth, is in Detroit on a busi..: h as had Miss Y. \Vh ile in the Ea st she also will ness trip. Mrs. Cole _ vi sit her daughter, Mrs. Donald H. Mary McCracken of Chicago as her lwusegttest for a few days. McLaughlin, of Cambridge, Mass. Hooked RUGS! Glenview Borders New shipment just a_rrived. · All sizes-lovely colorings -splendid designs. Mos~ reasonably priced. A few good antiques . . . Some glass. A visit will interest you IN PATH OF .HURRICANE . Harrv Visserii1g; 257 Kenilworth avenue: Kenilworth, left for Florida Wednesday. His son lived in Florida in the path of the recent hurricane but Mr'. and Mrs. Vissering have re ceived word that he is alright and h e ha s started repairs on his home. James Burnham. 53() Roslyn mad. Kenilworth, left Tuesday, September 25, for New Yor~ awl expects t() sai l for England on Sat~rday. He is e n tering his second year at Oxford uni versity. Philip Burnham left last ~r ()11 -· dav for Princeton where he is 0nter ing his sophomore year. David Burn ham will leave for Princeton in al)()ut three \\-'Ceks. He plans to finish scho() l at Princeton this year. · MYRTLE WARREN GLENVIEW Tel. Glenview 203 ~: l ~2 ::= l {! -oMr. and 1\.frs. Grant Riclgway. 207 Cumberland a venue, Kenilworth. and ~fr. and Mrs. A. W. Hannah of Kcnil wnrth left by train Saturday for Denver. They will get their car at Denver and motor through th e Canyons of Utah. Mr. anci Mrs. Han nah wilt motor on to California and Mr. and ~{rs. Ridgway will return t n Kenilworth. FOQ. THE- ,i!· J ~ .l ras~~~da~Jel:~:1h; ~~~c:li~e~ ' ~j Ihere 1s no ~? ::.~ . ·? has e~ ~Schulz, been provrn~ consisfenfly fhal roeason G .~ -oRuth Johnston of 321 Melrose avenue. Kenilworth, is leaving within a weel( with Mr. and 'Mrs. Frederick Clerk and familv of Tnciian Hill. for a winter's studv abroad. They expect to go to Switzerland first and at Christmas time will spend two weeks in Paris. why Ihe woman c1 plump f~u~e should nof be jus\ as ~{ -oMrs. F. 1\.f. Cherrv. Mr s. A. B. Adair, and Mrs. J. -M. Roberts of Kenilworth are h()me fr()m a month's motor trip east. Mrs. Chern' visit in Ithaca, N. Y. ::~nrl Mrs. Adair took her daughter to Wellesley. Estimating Cutting Laying Sewing s·atr Pads and Linings J ·~ . ~! peMeci~~~=~-Coals..... ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~{ ~~. eo -oThe Mission Hilts r.olf club had the last dinner dance of the season ~atur rlav evenin'!'. ~f'ph·mher 15. Alfred McDou'l'<tll of Kenilworth wac; chairman of the dance committee this season. -oRclgar Stanton. ~0 Locust road, Tndian Hill. )Pft Snndav. September 23. for Vale university, where he enters his freshman year. DavldG.Baae·y New Location: --810 Grove Street Pbonee: Univ. 571Z Gr. ZlOO ()pea Saturilay Until I p. m. IVAKARON SCHUR HOfiH SHORE HOTEL · 1605 OowM am/ SporisTIIIMr EVANSTON CHICAGO AVE. -a-:- . Mrs. Tohn C. Carpenter. 239 Essex roarl. Ken;lworth. t-nterta;ned her luncheon cluh on Friday of last week I..