Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Sep 1928, p. 11

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September. 28, 1928. WILMETTE LIFE .11 . Pre$b:vterian Church 0 Corner Nipth and Greenleaf av~nue 0' '0 0' 1 0 0' '0 O~J:':1'0 We cordially · i11vite strangers and all who have not a church home elsewhere · to attend the services at this church. Regular morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 9 :30 A. M. ·The Re·v .M urdoch McLeod, D." D., ·secretary foi· Pacific Coast District Board of Christian Education, will preach. Topic: "The· Toilers." We are looking forward to · a great day Sun~. September 30, when the Sunday school will observe their combined . Rally and Promotion day program, in the · Sunday school auditorium beginning promptly at 9 :30. There will be an interest~ng program. All parents and friends are invited. · The goal for the Sunday school is "~very teacher and every member of every cla~s pre!sent and on tirne." In the church it is "Every member of every family in the congregation prel':ent at the service~ of the day." The following musical program will be given at the church service. Organ Prelude, "Iratermezzo" (sui.te for organ), . Rogers; Anthem, "Fear Not, 0 lsrael," Spieker; Anthem, "Consider and Hear Me," Pflueger; Organ Offe rtory, "Largo" (Op 28 No. 20), Chopin; Solo, "By the Waters of Babylon," Howell, Mr. Otis; Postlude, "Po::;tlude in B Flat," W est. Quartett e : Catherine Bushouse, Soprano; Rose Lutiger Gannon, contralto; .John B. Mille1 ·, tenor; · Edward Otis, bass. Erma E. nounds, organist and director. The Girl Scouts will have their regular meeting at the church nt 3:45 Tue~day :1fternoon Boy Scouts will meet at 7:30 P. M. Monday. Frank B. Reynolds, Scoutmaster, !'ends greetings from Lond1 England, . :tnd. exw~ets to sa il Septem·Jer 26, S.S. Ma)estic, .which is the Iargf'Ht and fastest ~hi!] on the ocean today. J-le will be back in \Vilmelt' nbout O<:tober 5. ' A Japanese 1'ilv ' r tea will be given by II·At MORGAN'S 0 .0 C. 0. D. and Telephone Orders Accepted JUST /IS AEOULAALV A~ THE STARS APPEAR IN THE WEAVEN9 NEW FRlENDS ARE FtNDtNu OUR STORES TO 6E. THEIRSTAR FOOD PURVE.'v'ORS STORES RAOIANTWITH FAESWNESS AND GLEANING WITH ~E 8RIGHTNEC3S AND NEWNESS OF ALL ARTICLES ON THE SHELV£S D 0 ... Free Delivery D 0 0 0 · 0 · POTATOE5-Wbite Cobblers, Pick of the Season, Bushel...... $1.15 Vanilla Extract, Monarch, Reg. 45c, bottle 29c Jello, 3 pkgs., 2Sc Cocoanut, Baker's, can 19c D PILLSBURY I'LOUR 24 ~2 $1.09 lb. sack Olive Oil, Antonini's, qt. can $1.49 Sardines, Skinless and boneless, lg. can 39c Caviar, Romanoff, red tin, 31c Mushrooms, Hotel, 3 cans, $1 ·· 0 0 Orange~-Valencia, Cali~ornia. Sweet and Juicy, Reg. $1.00 doz., Doz. 19c · O l ' · 'fPn, Thursday, October 4, from :.! :30 tu · j o'c lock at the home of l\l1 rs. James F. Howley, 112S Greenwood avenue. Mrs. F. R. Qu.a yle will have some i)1tert:sting things to t ell of her sojourn in .I ~pan for· the la·st eight or nine months . ~poke ... 0 . · Uneeda B1scu1ts, 3 pkgs., 16c Graham Crackers, 2 pkgs., 2Sc Premium Soda Crackers, 2 pkga., 2Sc BUTTER Meadow Gold Chow Chow, Cross and Blackwell's, 49c · Marmalade, Tea Garden, orange, jar, 39c C"d 1 gSc 1 er, ga ., 'O The · monthly meeting of th e Chicago Pre!;byterial :-;ociety will h e held in the J!i\"1' Forest Presbyterian church, Octohe r 5 :l.t .10 :~\0 A. M. Frederick H. Hope, of Elat, Africa, will be the speaker of lhe ctay. .:\tl·~. · A. H. Turk will present ,he lps for the Foreign Missions s tudy b.ook, "New .Afrka." Mr::;. H. J. Snell will review "What Next in Home Missions." In the absence of Mrs. Knowlton make resel'\·ations with l\Irl'. Earl G . Low, Wil- . mette. 607. · H.eiJecca Spoke will have their usual meeting at th 1· church Tuesday, October 2. Dinner at G:30 P. M Business meeting will follow t~ e program. The church office i~;; open daily, except from 9:30 .to 11 :30 A. M. Call:: for service of any ldnd, including pastoral 1'en·ice, can ,be furnishf'd at all times by communicating with the Church Secretary, phone Wil. 1575 or 'Vii. 688. .A:ll services next Sunday will begin on Cen. tral -Standard Time. Be sure to · change ,vo ur clocks the night before. ~aturday, D 0 0 B·iek 5'2. e ;II · GRAPES....;.....Michigan Concord-Large and Sweet.. Large Basket ..... .... 29e Party Cook~s, can, 59c : Colden Bear Cooki~s, lb. can, 6Sc Pop Corn, Monarch, pail, 2Sc Saratoga Flakes, pkg., 19c - SUGAR Pure Cane granulated, 10 lb. Cloth Bag Baking Powder, Price's, can, Z2c Swansdown Cake Flour pkg., 32c -0 69e· Cocoa, Monarch, pound can, 39c Swedish Wafers, pkg., 3Sc .o · n 0 SWEET- .POTATOES-New Jersey-3 Ibs...................2Se D 0 Grape Jelly,. glass, 19c Lea & Perrins· Sauce, bottle, 3Sc Shelled Walnuts, lb., 69c Shelled Pecans, lb., 89c Monueb SuawbeRJ' or Baspb'ry Preserves doz. $4.50 lb. jar 39e Crape Juice, Welch's, qt. bottle SSe Toilet Paper; 4 rolls, Z9c 1000 Sheet Roll Monarch Chili Sauce, bottle, 2tc Ketchup, Monarch, bottle, 21c ·wilm~tte an. Installs Motion Picture Houses ·· Hammond 0. Me:1de. of 1507 Central avenue, has just returned home from installing several new ' motion picture theaters. At Louisville, Ky., he installed the L.oew State theater ; at Marion, Ohio, the Palace theater, in Chicago, the Balaban and Katz Paradise theater. All . of the theaters were designed by ] ohn Eberson of Chicago who was the originator of atmospheric theaters. Mr. Mende is especially interested in creating the flowers, foliage, birds and other decorations creating an illusion of the out-of -doors. i 0 COPPEE-Monar~None better at $1.00 apound. 3lbs.......... $1.49 Quaker Oats, 3 pkgs., 29c 'Post's 'Bran, pkg., 12c Farina Quaker, 2 pkgs., 2Sc Cream of Wheat, pkg., 24c D 0 0 Canada D·7 GINGER ALE Starch, Kingford's Silver Gloss, · 6 lb. box, 8Sc Ammonia, Parson's, bottle, 2tc: doz. $1.98 S 0 S The Magic Cleaner, Pkg., 21c 10 ba.s....................... 59~ 0 D 0 LUNCHEON CHAIRMAN The Foundation for St. Francis hospital will have its anniversaty bridge luncheon Thursday, October 4, at 12:30 o'clock at the Evanston hotel. Members of the Foundation or others interested are asked to call University 5000 for reservations on or before October 1. Mrs. Napoleon Picard, chairman of ways and means of the society, is arranging the luncheon. D 0 Soap, White Naptha P. G. 10 bars 49c Soap Flakes, American Family 3 lb. pka., 41c Shredded Wheat, pk1., Jlc AjJolliilaris "The Queea of Table Watera" Famous the world -over, carbonated only with ita own aaa Pinta, per doz., $2.75, Bottle 25c Quarb, per doz., $4.15, Bottle 4Sc: Raisins, Seeded or Seedless, 2 pkaa., 25c Prunes, Monarch, 2 lb. box, 5c Kitche~ Cleaaser, Hurts Only Dirt, 6 cans, 3Sc TOKAY GRAPE8-:Luge ~d Sweet. &'n.Ib. Buket.........ste OE':I'OI:::::~OE · ':I'O,z:::::~OE':I'OI:::::~OE':I'OI:::~~ II

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