10 WILMETTE LIFE September 28. 1928 ·Why Prohibition! Timely Discussion of A Timely Question Read the Facts About Personal Liberty Nullification State Rights WHAT LIQUOR HAS COST THE COUNTRY ECONOMIC VALUE OF PROHIBITION EIGHTEEN ARTICLES OCTOBER 11-31 in Eastem Star to Give Chi Omegas Plan Bazaar, Dance Oct. 26. Party for.Hostess; Chi Omega sorority has announced the pledging of sixteen women at Nol'thwestern university as a result of the rushing season. Anna Larner of Wilmette was among the pledges. · Vera Thaleg of Wilmette was pledged to Chi Omega at Purdue university. · The north shore alumnae of Chi Omega, the actives and pledges witt entertain at a tea from 3 to 6 "o'clock, October · 5, at the Chi Omega · chapter r··~······················.i house in Evanston in honor of their . 1 · LEARN to PLAY and SING. new hostess, Mrs. Emily H. Craven of I . A right start will save money. James town, N. Y., and in honor of the : MARGARET STAFFORD new elf· an of women, Mrs . Florence : . Piano and Vocal Teacher h Robnett. I B~ginncrs or adv·Jnced pupils. At your omc Mrs. William Dalrvmple of 624 Isa1 or mine . 9} Sheridan Ro.1d Wilmette 700M bella !;treet, Wilmette, will entertain 6 1 !.························· the north shore alumnae of Chi Ome ga, actives, .and pledges at the annual fraternity supper in celebration of the .Fall Festival at 7 o'clock, next Tues-: ERNAU AKELY day. Accompani~t Teach el-' Pianist Miss Iris Bolton, instructor in phy.s '-TRIO . ical education at New Trier High available school, has been elected corresponding \Veddings Clubs Receptions secretary of the board of directors of PHONE WILMETTE I 648 the North Shore Chi Omega association to succeed Miss Florence Nebon of Wilmette who has recently been . married. Miss Hazel Russt>ll of 731 Reba place, Evanston, will entertain the north shore alumnae of Chi Omega at · luncheon thi s afternoon. The Eastern Star will give a bazaar and dance October 26, at the Wilmette Masonic te~ple. A style sho~ wilJ start at 8:30 o'clock in the evenmg. A fur coat will be given away as a door prize and there will be various booths where fancy work, house dresses, aprons, lingerie, children's clothes, candy, and home made bakery ~oods will be on sale. A lunchegn wtll be served from 12 to 2 o'clock and dancing wilt be held during the evening. ·Announce Pledges The Christian Science Monitor On Sale in Wilmette CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM 1 163 Wilmette Ave. One Year Six Months Subacription Pricea .. .. $9.00 Three Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50 One Month . . . . Single Copy . . . . . .. ........ 5 Cents . $2.25 .75 - ... ·· - -- - - - - - New Triet" Mus;c C.lnh to Hold Trvouts Wedne~day A ~~a~!'!~,~!~~ on all 331 Linden Ave. Ph. Wit. 3064 makes. Motor overhauling, carbon removed, valves reground, electrical checking. IGN:~~~~on system on a L & R AUTO SERVICE BATu!~!i~E~r Radio . . . re-charged. .. or used car is as important as the heart in the human body. Let us take care of an y defects along this line. R ~;~~~!~rGa jack-of-alltrades affair. Therefore you'll find defi nite inviduals or firms engaged in definite lines of repairing. Those listed herewith are dependabl~ . and welcome your patronage. WD.MEM BATIERY and ELECTRIC SERVICE 740 11th St. Ph. Wil. 69 I repaired or Also new batteries ones at a saving. PA~~i!!~Y compl~tecl 1030 SH?~~uild and re-sole shoes Phone Wit. 4 3 54 I 1 58 Wilmette Avt. planned and to give them that newlooking appearance. A good way to Economy. Get my prices. The Tunior Music club of New Trier Hiah s-chool wilt hold tryouts- \Vednesda~ of next week for those who· wish to· become members of the club. T,he cluh is desirous of enlarging its ·membership, as several students · \vcrc lost hy graduation or by transfer to ~~c S<'nior Mu sic cluh. Officers ·of the · Jumor Music club for this year are: Eloise Kremer, presiqent; Ruth Brower. vice president: Katherine Ellis, secretary; Paul nilhert, trea surer; and MarfKoretz, social chairman. Miss Adelaide Jones · is fac:ttltv sponsor of the organization, which held a brief business meeting last week. · ~ WILMETI'E BATI'ERY and ELECTRIC SERVICE 740 nth St. Ph. Wit. 691 work. Superior materials that assure you of complete satisfaction. MI§_Sn SHOE REPAIR Mrs. Charles A. Liddle Hurt in Auto Accident Mrs. Charles A. Liddle. 235 Linden avenue, \iVinnetka, suffered painful injuries Sunday afternoon abou~ 2:30 o'clock, when her automobile. overhuned as a result of a collision with another car driven by Benjamin Bills, of 700 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette. The accident happened at the intersection of Twelfth street and Lake avenue in Wilmette. Mrs. Liddle ·was going north on Twelfth street and Mr. Bills west on Lake avenue. Mrs. Liddle was taken to the Evanston hospital. where her injuries were treated. Bills escaped with minor injuries. The cars were badly damaged . . ---------------- PORTENHAUSER Greenleaf Wit. 2 c~~~~~ 764 work repaired. New sidewalks laid, driveways, etc. PIC~~;~hat old picture T~!;~!hes yn~~~rt made to order : re- cleaning, pressing and pairing. JOSEPH KNEIP Phone Wil. 16 1 8 1 7 I 4 Washington Ave. frame. Cracked and broken picture frames perfectly repaired. PAPAGEORGE BROS. 521 4th St. Phone Wit. 1907 SUTPHEN & SUTPHEN 1183 ing or re-wiring homes. Repairs on vacuum cleaners, irons, toasters and other appliances. EL~~:.!!S~:n for wirWM. G. BEYRER 1 Ph. Wit. 844 Wilmttte An. workmanship will R~~~!vicc all brands of sets. Will check over your connections, aerial, tubes, etc. Accessories at standard prices. add many miles to the life of your old tire. Our fine equipment atlows us to do the best possible job. Portrait Studio Opens at Fourth and Linden A new portrait studio, known as the Mathew Francis studio, announces its readiness to serve the public of the north shore. A. A. Kritchever, its owner and manager, comes here after having been manager of a prominent Chic.a~o studio for the past seven years. The new portrait studio is located at 41<1 Fourth street opoosite the L Terminal station. - 129 Central Avr. Ph. Wil. 8 1 t I WM. G. BEYRER 3 1 Central Ave. WD.METI'E BATIERY and ELECTRIC ·SERVICE 740 1 :uh fD~::~~E~n d Ph. Wit. 8 I Sr. Ph. Wil. 691 repairing. Old ones made to work as they should; new ones installed. Metal return air ducts, smoke pipes, pipe covering, new moist air humidifiers. RO~~~~o those leaks now. Up!?.~~!E!~:aning Shingles or compositiOn roofs . . . or will lay new protection right over the old covering'. of chairs. Complete repair work on all furniture. Forty years' experi~nce assures you of a good job. DRAMA CLUB PLANS PLAYS The dramatic club of New Trier High School is planning a series of plays to be given throughout this year, the first of which is scheduled for November. The name of the first play has not been announced. WOIIF-GRIFFIS, Inc. 1 1 19 . AJAX ROOFING CO. 6o7 M~in St. Ph. Wil. 1248 · ART FURNIITURE CO. Phont Wit. 4458 Lindtn Avt. 8 Fourth St. Ctntral A vt. Pb. Wil. 183