Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Feb 1924, p. 22

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22 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 22, 1924 OVER 5000 PEOPLE READ THIS- PAGE HELP WANTED-:tiALE \\'A~TED--HOUSEl\fAN; CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS charged only Evanston to Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are regular I!IUbscmbers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Classlfled advertisements wUl be · G enetal N 0 t ICeS-to residents ot the district from TO C ARE for furnace; lawn; 2 cars; ~ume chautfuerlng; no living quatt<'l's; steady position tor right party; ,:rood t'l'f. Tel. Wll. 1597. S. Goodman, 347 Washington AvE>., \VII. LTN:!J -ltc SITUATION WANTED-~IALJ,; America's Foundation Rates--10 cents per line In one paper. 20 cents per line In all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE ~roe. AvPrage of flve words to the line. No black !ace type used. Rates tor J>lsplay type on application. allvcrtisemP.nts will be accepted up to Wednesflay 12 o 'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three pape r s; Thursdav 12 o'clock tor the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 1Z o'clock Cor thP GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. Deadline for Insertions-Classlfled INTEND TO GIVE UP l\fY GARDEN this YE-ar and wish to Immediately tlnd a position for my English gard e n t>r. Can r ecommend him as an e xceptional man , desirable In ~c>very way ; exJl ·rt in both vegetables and flowt>rtl ; will also help In thE> house ; must have own living quarters for him _ lll'lf and wife. Tel. Winn . 1184. LTN21-ltc NORTH SHORE HOl!SE CLEANING SERVICE WE CfJEAN WALL PAPER, CALCImlnP, gr·ass c loth ; we wash painted woodwork, and windows as well a!< polish furnltur·c and wax floors. First class rl'f. Edward T. Handy . Office Tl'l. Wll. 1647 after 6 P. M. Res. Tel. Wll. 6S5. LT21-ltp_tfc I FOR SALF--REAL ESTATE W ,\NTED 1'0 BUY-HOUSES §JP)~~ll@TI.ll~p ~lllllli>~it~Imttn~n BRAND ~~·~ \\' BRICK, 4 MASTER B. R. and ~ haths. 2 maid's rms. and bath, all 2n d fir., h . w. ht., <lbl. car htd. gar. a ttachtod ; immense living and dlnln~ rooms; other rooms large, light and airy; 2 fir places; large lot, near Ind. Hill c lub ; $42,000, remarkable value. JHI(fJlliTil~<eim&Cll ~JfJkplliTil~o fi66 Center t formE>rly \'11'. H. R. Ave.) Winnetka 254 LTN21-ltc $2,000 to $2,300 for 50 ft. lots ONLY A FEW LEJ.,T NOW IN OUR BUbdlvlslon ; and they will be sold out this winter. Ar·e you going to be one of th e lucky ones to Ket In before the prices ad vance. Buy now. We hav e an exceptional bargain Slip Covers In an !!-room Colonial house with 2 baths; water h eat; 2 car garage; 3 blocks . from Lake. Price $22,000.00. Open for reasonable otrer. Also beautiful !!-room home on Washington Ave. Owner moving WANTED - KENILWORTH HOME · Formerly with Mandel Bros. East, must sell at once. Price $22,must hav E> 3 haths ; attached h ~o:a ted 000.00. garagto; not less than 100 ft. frontA . R. EDDINGTON age; price not to exceE>d $40,000. Ad417 Fourth Street, Wilmette WUmette 640 1157 Wilmette Ave. clrpss Wilml'tlt' Life. A.75. L21-ltc L21-ltc Phone Wilmette 2228 LTN4-ttc I<'OR RENT-HO S~S THE PROPOSI!:D ANNEXATION BY Wilmette of that territory west of FOR RE~!-HO SE, 91 g OAKWOOD Ridge Ave .. will no doubt Increase AVl'., \\ alrnette, 6 rooms furnace values th e r elrt considerable. h ea t, 2 ln-a.door beds. ApJJI\' on We have listed, choice lots and EXP. MAN, HO SE AND WINDOW )lrt>rnlst·s or tt>l. Lakt> View 1531. acre tracts a t ver·y reasonable pri ces, cltoaning, floor waxing, furniture LT~21·tfc that will nt't a very fine profit to polishing and basement kalsomlnthe Investor In tht> near future, or, POR RENT-7-RM:. HOUSE; 1 BATH: lng. Also odd painting jobs; first it looking tor an t· l p~·ant hom e site, da!<s r efE> r·e nc es. "Valsh. Tel. Winn . 3 pt·hs. ; h . w . ht. ; 3 yr. lease; April now Is the tim<· to buy, as this Is 816. LT7-tfc or !\lay ; can partly furnish if deth e best opportunity otrPrl'd to the sired . T e l. WlllJl. 2193. LTN21-1tc conservative inves tor and hom e seekSAVE MONEY-RICHTER, THE er tor soml' time. handy mn.n can do anything about WAN'I'ED '1'0 RENT-HOUSES SCHAEFER & GOLBACH you r hom e. Cleaning, painting, car909 Ridge Ave. penter wor·k, repairing and general Wilmette, Illinois work of any kind. 1638 Walnut Phon 364 LTN2Lltc Av e. Tel. Wll. 824-R. LTN21-ltp WANTED-POSITION AS or general houseman. kinds o! ~·-·-1hli"Shlng-. Blrt""!'t:J!k-: Wlnn. 864. l want a modest 6 or 7 room home. strictly modern, convenient to Chicago, Northwestern Ry. sta tion. pos ession before May 1st. price not to exceed $15,000. I prefer to deal "·ith owner direct. Please do not phone or call. but write me promptly, descri bing in full and stating y.o ur price. Carl Schweizer Care: \Vest Woodworking Co., 310 North Ada St., Chicago, Illinois. L21-ltp MASSAGE TREATMENTS SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE A GOOD tonic. Treatments at vour hom e B. W. Angle. T e l. Evanston 2684. · L19-4tp DO!\"T WAIT TO HAVE YOUR PAINTIng and decorating done. The spring wages will advance. Let us do it toda~-- Carl Salo Northbrook FOil SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Ill. Box 40. Phone Highland Park 896- Y 4. LTN18-~tc t'NUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. OWNER leaving city. Will sell handsome un- FOR SALE-WES:r'INGHOUSE RADIO set; 3 tube outflt; loud speaker; marred Clrcasslan Walnut A B storage battery and "B" battery· set Chase upright plano. Special, $850.00; comlllete $75; almost new; o~n e r model; t>xcellent condition; beautiful l eaving city, Tel. Wll. 776-M; alter tone ; will tak e $375 cash on quick Upholstering, Draperies, 6 P. M. LTN21-ltc Rale. Inquire C. L. Graham, 524 Mapl f' Ave., Wilm e tte. L21-ltc FOR SALE-ENAMELED WOODEN l>edstl'ad , springs; man's dt>sk; open bookcase ; bird bath; lawn swing; porch chairs, e tc. Detroit Elec tric rar cheap. 801 Central AVE>. Tel. Wll. 487. L21-ltc Are You a Tailor? I have for sale a tailor tablE>, tailor accessories, office clock and desk . T e l. Wilmette 2596 L-21~1 tp FOR SALE-FUMED OAK, BROWN Spanish leather davenport In good condition; when oven It Is a full sized bed. Reasonable. T I. Wlnn. FOR SALE - EXCELLENT HALF 168 1. LTN21-ltc slzt> cello; suitable tor child 10 to 14 years old; also full sized cello. J.'OR SALE-ANTIQUE SOLID BLACK Tel e phone W l l. 663. LTN21-1tc walnut. 4 poster snlndiE> rloubl e bed · box springs; hair mattress; also FOR SALE - ONE 46 "SIMPLEX" chest of Clrawet·s to match. WI!. Jroning Machin e; never been used· 492. 1042 Grtoenwood. LTN21 - ltc a bargain at $90. Lake Shore El ec~ tric Co. Tel. 2494. LTN21-ltc N. FELL-DEALER IN !\'EW AND used house hold goods. 1644 Mapl e Ave., Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. FOR SALE - ELECTRIC LIGHT LTN 1 shower flxtur·e tot· dining room· ':"'"":--------------...:..:.:_-t.:.:f:.:c silvered; n tliTany globes; very rea~ FOR SALE- OVERSTUFl<'ED VELOUR sonable. Tel. Wll. 612. LTN21-ltc davtonport ano c hair In good condition. Call Winnetka 259. FOR SALE-AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC -------====-----· -:r.._T,.N-21 ..--1-tc ~~~~~~~· fa'ru cally new. l-i~f~-~~; FOR SALE- ONLY $21,000, STUCCO FOR RENT-AI·ART~IENTS home, good eas t location, 5 chambers, 2 baths, bllllar·d room, sleeping WANTJo-;D--WHITE GIRL FOR GENTO SUil LEASE-WATER HEATED ern l housework on first floor ; to porch, garage, large woodt>d lot. f?ur· rooms and bath . Apartment WILMETTE REALTY 0. start first Wl't>k In March; good $90 per mo. to 3 adults or small A. J. Wootl l'ock, Prop. wagps ; no washing ; references refamily; conct>>Jsion to Mar 1st Tel 613 4th Street T t>l. Wilm e tte 1304 qulrNl . Telt>phone 239 Winnetka. WI!. 205. . LTN21-lt~ L21-ltc LTN21-ltc FOR SALE-RUG SUITABLE FOR couch cover, $6; 2 mahogany rockers, $8. Tel. Wlnn. 855. LTN21-ltc DO YOU KNOW? Every car on the street Is a us ed car? Tell us the mak<' and type of used car· you want and w e will demonstrate when WP have one. No obligation to buy. W e rsted Motor Co. T e l. Winn. 165. LTN21-ltc 1921 Overland Touring, in good running order. $125; L (C ..,..!""""'____________ _ _ BUILDER WJLL BUY FOt R OR FIVE FOU IU.:N1'-ROOMS WANTED- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. FO~ S. \LE-One very fine lots In good neighborhood . Will hswk .; plain t'OOklng; llE>tween 20consider frontag p of uO to 100 feet FOR RE~T-IN BEAU. EAST SIDE WILLYS KNIGHT and 35 yrs. old; good home; own room walnut bedroom suite. One for each lot. Give size, location and neighborhood. a large attractive and bath; $15 to $20 p<or week. Tel. OVERLAND DEALERS doul~le bed, one chest of be·t cash price. Address Wilmette bedroom, 2 good windows · running Glencoe 957. LTN21-1tc 724 Elm St. Tel. Wlnn. 1128 Llte, A-66. L20-tfc watpr·, larg(> clost>t; excelit'nt twin drawers with mirror. Old FOR SALE-HOUSES beds. Tel. Wil. 990-M. L21-ltp WANTED- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. .t.TN-21-ltc hswk .; no laundry; l 'h blocks from English Oak dining room FOR RENT- ROOM ; 2 WINDOWS electr·lc and railroad tJtatlon. Tel. table, 6 chairs and linen r<>R SALE-WINNETKA SPECIAL. nl'wly d ecorated; ht. ltnd cold r·un: Wlnn. 15X7. LT21-ltc LOST AND FOUND Choice Eaet side ; rare opportunity nlng water ; nice ly furnished; b st chest or sideboard. to acqulr lnexpf'nelve home In beet Ct>ntral lof'atlon . Tel. Wll. 328. WANTED-GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. ; aectlon. 9 sunny rooms Including 5 LT~21-ltc 4 In family ; ref. 292 l:;herldan road. DOG LOST OR STOLEN ; POMERANbedrooms, library with fireplace." Davenport table, mahogany Tel. W -lnn . ~21L LTN21-ltc Ian; black with white on chest· refront, 64 tt. wooded- unobstructed FOH RENT- WARM. BRIGHT. CLEAN ward for r e turn. Tel. Wll. 1759. secretary with Windsor view all directions, overlooking eurw e ll -~urn . ft·ont r·ooms ; east side W ANTED-EX PERIEN ED MAID; 3 L21-ltc rounding land·caped properties and hom~c>. conv. location; garag(> also. In family; highest wages; no laun<;h_eney Phonograp~, lamps, village green. 3 blks. to C. N.W. and TE>I. \VII. 1940. LTN21-ltc dry ; Wlnn . 1838. LT21-ltc Mil. Elec. Sta., 3 bike. to lake, stores, LOST - PATENT L.h:ATHER COIN ltvm~ room chairs, porch purse containing about $7; on Cenpub. and prlv. schools, convenient to FOR RENT- NJ 'E J~A RGE ROOM· SITUATION WAN1'ED-FEMALE furmture, kitchen cabinet churchea, high school and golf. Pos3 Windows ; suitable for 2 .Kentlemen: tral between 11th and 9th · 9th to aeulon any time. Prlce right. Terms : n ea r transp, Tl'l. \\'il. ~83. ' etc. ' Green lea!; Greenleaf to 8th· last Owner occupies, 611 Oak St., Wlnn. LTN21-ltc Friday arternoor . Reward. ' Will61i0. LT20-tfc mette 2576. L21-ltc High grade furniture in first FOH HJ.~NTLARGE. FRONT ROOl\1: · AFTERNOON GOWNS AND DRESSES POR SALE-WILMETTE. $12,000 FOUND--SMALL CHANGE PURSE~ sultabl~c> tor 1 or 2 Kt'ntlemen, 0 ~ a specialty. RE>asonabl e prices. class condition and reasonlor a 7 room Btucco house on beauGreenwood near 7th St. Call at 713 couplf'. Tt>l. Wlnn . o33- R. Make early appointments. 1534 tiful lot 50x175 ft. In excell<'nt neighably priced. Greenwood. L21-ltc Highland Avf'., Wllmt>tte. Tl'l. Wll. LTN21-ltc borhood . This houst' Is 4 blocks 966-J . L15-ttc from Ry. depot, 3 blocks to school CENTRAL HOTEL-ROOMS; LIGHT LOST WRIST WATCH ON FEB 13th Call Wilmette 710-M. only II years old; good condition: somewhere between the VillaKe outside rooms ; Rtf'am; hot and cold EXP. GERMAN TRAINED !\'URSE Haa llv. room with fireplace, din . theatre and 1030 Ridge Ave . reward running watt'r. 629 Main Ht Tel wishes position, will care tor inroom, kitchen and prlv. pch. on 1st Tel. Wll. 3065. ., L2l-ltc WI I. I oso. LT1-tf~ valid. Speaks brokt>n English. will ftoor; 4 bedrooms, enclosed sip. pch. assist with hswk . Willing to go and bath on 2nd; good attic; all FOR HEN'l'- LARGE HOl'THEAST out of city. Best or ref. Tel. Wil. PIANO TUNING oak tloore, hardwood trim, good hot r·oom, sultablf' for one or two adults 1426. L2Lltc water and hot air heating plant, LTN-21-ltc 731 lOth St. Tel. Wll. 992-J. . EXPERT PTANO TUNING; REPAIRnow vacant . T er ms fair. Tel. Wll. TO TAKE LT20-2tp WANTED-WASHINGS Ing. W. Foster. plano maker; call %18 tor key. LTN21-ltc home, finisher! work and rough dry. your home tuner. Tel. Wlnn. 509 -J. FOR RI~NT-VERY PLEASANT RM Will can and deliver. 418 Prairie li'OR SALE-EAST SIDE WINNETKA LTN7-tfc FOR. SALE-MHJCELLANE01 ' S wi.~h adjoining bath, In private !am~ Ave., Wil. Tel. Wll. 1351. LT184tp t aunny rooms lnclucllng 6 bedrooms lh, lady Jlref. meals It desired Tel and library with ftr·el>lace, south exWlnn . 78 . LTN.21-ltp WANTED- WASHING AND IRONING BABY CHICKS; IN 100 LOTS; AS· po·ure U teet, beautiful view or atto take home, will call tor and desorted, $11; leghorns, $12; Barred tractive landscaped propertlea and RENT- F RNISHED RMS ALSO liver. Tel. Wll. 834-R. LT21-ltc Rocks, S. C. Reds, Anconas $14· ·lllage green. Convenient to private FOR housektoeplng apt. Tl'l WIJ. .,93fi-M· \'1/'yandott<'s, BuiT Orplngtons,' Min: a.nd public schools, churches stu rea 1 near· all transportation. LT6-tfc SITUATION WANTED-RY COLORED orcas, $17; postpaid. Catalog free. and only 6 minutes to North~elltern Logan Grammar school boys girl; 2nd work. Tel. Dougllts 3694. D . T . Fanow chlckerles, Peoria, Ill. and electrlr station . !Jos~eiUIIon February 16th-May 1st. price $1~ 6GO. FOR "RENT- NEWLY FURN. ROOM; LTN21-ltc LTNl -22tc wdl be the hosts of two teams of light; main floor ; nr. lake ; station. Terms. 811 Oak ·treet. Tel Wlnn . Tel. Wlnn . 1543. LTN21-ltc FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS basket ball players from the Harvev 1160. LT19-tf<' FOR SALE-PEDIGRE;ED AIREDALE · 16 months old ; good watch do : Ill., school Friday, February 29, wh~~ WINNETKA F RNITURE STORE JI'OR SAIJE- BY OW'IJER; ATTRA{'HELP WANTED-'tiALE kind to chlldrE>n; $30. 2H Falrvie~ bu)·s and SE>lls rug>J, stovPs, autos. tlve 7-room bungalow. 11unnarlor two good .games are in prospect. The Rd . Tf'l. GlencoE> J91. pianos, anything useful. ~llR O'll< heater! 81)1 porch; tile bath; 2: <'HlC'AGO RF:AL ESTATE FIRM car garage; lot 60 by lliO ; 2 l..llork"' long utabllshed on the North Shore: t. LTNJ-tfc LTN21-ttc games .will be playc<.l at the Stolp gymnasmm at 7:30 o'clock, and DifbraormgaiNn .· · '!·ho·ntaetiWnnl;nn .all1tZ2o4f. track·; wants actlvl', expE>rlt>nced local rtoJJ,, re!IE>ntatlvo to sell North Shore rector of Athletics, Dodd of the Logan LTN21-Itc m:opert~·Permant>nt connection .. s~hool, states that they will be the w 1th xcell l'nt futurE> for right man Mo\'ing thi \Veek li'OR SALF..-11-ROflM OPT 'H -COT~-= Acldr4>ss Wllml'tte Lito. A-n6. ' b1g games of the season for the local nlal brick ven r houR~< ; ht·att>cl LTN19-3tc · school. .fu'lt SE>ll a , J my hou~e tur11un porch : tllert bnth ; hot " "'Ht>r ht . nl~hlngs lncludlnK rug!l, c urtains, · The Ha·rvey boys have played here I c:ar prA~te; b !'It bu y in Wllmrttt,' WA~T~;D- HF.AL ESTATE SALES1111 n. Addreaa Wllm tte L i ft>, A-74 . · A man who must rnakp at living room. bedroom , nurst>ry, for the last several vears and always _,_...__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LT~Zl-3te I~Hst $5,000 ll Y~ar. Previous Real kitchen and laundry furnishings. have good teams. They are not ex. bstatl' ex per tenc e unn('cessary Also somE> clothing. ' pected t? he exceptions in that re JI'OR &ALE JJY OW!'JEH- Jo;J,Ef ; \='JT 0 · Jpect Fnday nig~t. nln -room h .. I) E'f)lng J>orch IIUII I'ZI::Ifl!?;\~fl:ll!?;) Hood harga:ns :n pr·tc tlcall v Nt·lor, eor-n r lot, b t location' T l'l 1&0 iU14111&0iU.l~ ~lfL~g Il'il<t: ~ ll<'W 75 lb. porcelain lined lc.e "I'Tte.. first game will be hetween the Wll. t7. 901 l..ak Av ., WIJm ettto ., "6 c 1 1 h('IJ~ ~' n(l whitt· uor<'··lain · .g t ~eams, composed of hoys who LTN!!O - at<' ·>v Pnt r (formerly W. R. R. Ave.) \Vinnetka :!li4 LTN21-ltc tr·irnm .. d stove . 11 wetght about 100 pounds while OWNER. 6 ROOM SALES EVEHYTHING ~t'fTJ·; ~R\V and t e second affair will be played beolr!, ·un and · ~ MAN WANTED-TO SOLICIT REASONABLE . tween the "heavy" teams. Members woodt>d lot ~r~era lubricating oil·, l're·aes 111 Fourth Stre t of these tea~s . wi_ll weigh over 110 d pot.' A~dr p·a nt;HERai~'IR or co,.,,.,l·slon. FOJt SALE NZ1-1tc Cleveland Ohl VEY OIL CO., LTN-21-ltc rounds, and tt JS m this game that dyed squlrrE>' , o. L21-ltp ·prlng sui· the Harvey boys are expected to have Slocum Motor Sales :::;:-::--::-::-:-:::::--------=..:..:.:.:.::.:.:: THE FASHION SHOP th em to ar·e a., ot· install ed open th e shall b area of soma op In every such en inches hi dows an J> Orc h . clos ure are of such por per cent RUCh por the floor side ot j por·ch on Sun paJ be added ment hou space on the req !ut·tber the sun the glass dows op Locran School Boys Will Play Harvey Team Friday !he Away IHI JQ>-ccn n_ ll '"b' {or is not 1 combined or enclo! room or the sun Every side porcl enclosed built of q_ulred !c building. No cou after ere roof or be at evt the sky of the m required with the nlces In of tenem· stores or In which the top The co otr. Provl of the w corner d< 'The he number rooms wt Sedlo· the Wilrr to read 4UG. l l "Inner c< deHned It have are: parts no m(>asurell fn"io [~~~ the ~-reatest advantage, due to their relatively greater weight.

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