Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jan 1924, p. 19

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ilmette Man Uses Radio ~'Better Homes" Campaign for Every Family Pushed on Centenary Famoua Song ber and in effect than haw tabn pl.ce in any other equal period of time Iince the bqinnina of recorded history. · This quarter century baa teen the automobile 'increase from a few banclred until one in eicht of our people pouess -:;::one, it has seen the telephone spread Tht~ New Triet ntah school aquatic its wires until the ears of.. a nation are sta~s OJ!ened the 1~ -suburban League connected with the instrument at oar sw&mmmg race wtth a bang, last Satelbow, it has seen the birth of the radio, urd~y. swamping ~ak Pa_rk . twice ia that big brother of the ttlephone, which tb~&r pool, the Semon w&nnmg br -a ~rmits the human voice to tach un- 38Ya-~Ya ~ore, and the ]wuors told millions, thousands of miles away, emergtng vtc:tors 34-16. the ftying machine c:r011 ing the contiOak Park ran neck and neck with nent from dawn to dawn, the dirisible New Tri~r for the first three events. of calmly wending .its way across the ocean, the Semor meet,. each team bavan.g electric energy transported on slender garnered 13}!i pomts. But after thw wires great distances to move the wheels our well balanced team pull d steadily of industry, the silver screen with its ahead and w~re never again in danger. portrayal of distant scmes within the In the Juntor meet Oak Park held a reach of all, but greater than these, in 13-5 advantage a"fter the first · two its effect cin the people of the world, it events had been r~n off, but successive has witnessed that great struggle be- first by Moeller m the breast-stroke, tween forces of autocracy and democ:- H. Lange in the back-stroke, and racy-the World War. Schwartz in the diving put the meet All of these things have made the on the ice. Senior summaries: world smaller, by bringing its people Plunge-Won by Christman (O.P.); closer in touch with the affairs out- Starrett (N. T.) second; Heinshiemer side their homes and they have created (N. T.) and Lunde (0. P.) tied for a feeling of unrest and a desire to tra- third. Distance, 60 feet. Time, :41. vel to see those things that are daily 40 yard swim-Won by Robertson if you do not join our Christmas · brought before their eyes and ears. (N. T.); Blackman (0. P.) second; There has also been created a desire Taylor (N. ',I'.) third. Time, :20 4-5. ·Club. It is not too late. Memfor speed in all things and this has 100 yard breast stroke-Won by caused millions to congrqate in our Lennox (0. P.); Wray (N. T.) second; bership is increasing daily. Hungreat cities, so that the full advantatres Thompson (N. T.) third. Time, dreds have already joined. They of these new wonders may be enjoyed 1 :15 2-5. with the greatest speed and without loss 6G yard back stroke-Won by Shatwill have a Happy Christmas next of time. tude: (N. T.); Fix (N. T.) second; Muat Retain tlae H Scantlin (0. ~.) third. Time. :44. year and they will be able to make 100 yard sw1m-Won by Blackman These tendencies in our people have (0. P.); Robertson (N. T.) second; others happy, because they will brought about a lessening, not of the Hudson (N. T.) third. Time, 1 :n.l 4-5. have money in the First National desire perhaps, but of the will to found Fancy diving-Won by Stixrad a home for each family, so that the tn.- (N. T.) ; Jones (N. T.) second; Hales Christmas Club. Our plans are ditions of our great,.coWltry might be (0. P.) third. Points, 82:5-10. maintained and that we should go on, 160 yard relay-Won by New Trier popular. You may save a few generation after generation, living an (Massey, Taylor, Hudaon, and Fix). orderly, peaceful life, bound together Time, 1 :30 2-5. cents a week or a dollar a week, by a common love for "home" and ready -------...,. to stand ahoulder to shoulder, fighting just as you like, at:td we pay interto the last man, against any destroying New Trier est on your money. Bill with o.k Puk 8o78 forces, either from within or from without. Last Saturday night the New Trier It is only natural that this lessening varsity basketball sqaad traveled out Will you come in and join toof the will to foWld a home should first to Oak Park, there to fight the hard· be realized by those who make our est double-header yet played this day? Bring the children. homes worth while, our mothers, wives, season. The lights lived up to their sisters and daughters and it is fittin1 record by ducking the west siders, indeed that they. botmd to,ether in a 22-17; the heavies, in an overtime great national organization, the General affair, lost by only one point. Federation of Woman's Clubs, should From the beginning of the game conceive and carry through a campaign to the end of the third overtime period for "Better Homes." the heavyweight c~mtest was fast and close, neither team getting a safe Conatnac:t Model Home It is equally fitting that in 1923 they lead. The first half ended 9-6. Oak should choose to honor the centenary of Park's favor. Hard fighting continued that song of songs "Home, Sweet during the third quarter, which closed Home" by causing to be constructed a 14-11, Oak Park still ahead. In the reproduction of that childhood home of final quarter our fellows chalked up the author, a home, the memory of enough points to tie the home team, which was always fresh in the travel only to lose out in the overtime period. Til· I of tlt4 Cltmtma t;J.a6 weary IDU1 of. the man and which caused I I him to bri~ forth those immortal ·f I words:" A chorm frOM lht .rkies seems to hallow tu there Which, seck through the world, Mrs. Mark Cresap left Wednesday is nc'er rnet with for a brief yisit in New York Will elsewhere." Cresap who is a student at VaaAnd what better ahd more appropri- Helen sar will spend a few days with ~ ate setting for this re-creation could mother, between semesters. have been chosen than Washington the -()heart of the nation and the grounds of Miss Alice Wesser who has beea It that shrine within the heart, the White St. Francis hospital for the past fort~ House. It was here then, within a few nation of ours, a .nation whose very short weeks from the conception of the ni(l'ht suffering from a broken &Mill foundation is on the hearthstones of our idea, that this model house was dedi- and dislocated shoulder, is convalesc::~ homes, a nation whose life blood has cated by our departed president, War- ing at her home on Oxford road. -()been . freely sacrifil:ed on the fields of ren Gamaliel Harding, that man who Mrs. Ethel Coulson Brazelton's Curwar in the defense of our homes, a na- gave his life in our service, to the end tion whose men have lived and God that your home and my horne might be rent Events class met with Mrs. Rufus K. Porter, 428 Cumnor road, on Satur_ grant, always will live by the code. "~y made safe in these troublous times. day. Stephen McKenna's "Vindicatioa" ~.uw for Per1r1aa-e~ was reviewed. Idea Although the time was short, is was -o-possible to reproduce this home, not in Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Shattuck, of the materials of which it was originally 338 Kenilworth avenue, have their built, but, in line with the thought that cousin, Mrs. J. G. Holstein of Bura home should be imperishable, it was lington, Iowa, as a guest. built in such a manner as to defy the -()ravages of centuries. The North Shore Theatre Guild will On the twenty-third of April the present "The Red Robe," a tragedy ground was broken by Secretary of by Eugene Brieux, at the Kenilworth Commerce Herbert Hoover, on the Assembly halt this evening. twenty-eighth the corner stone was laid . -()by Mrs. Thomas G. Winter, President Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Young were of the General Federation and six days hosts to their Evening Bridge club on later the cement block walls had been Saturday at their home, 333 Cumnor laid ready for the roof. road. It was possible to do these things only -o-through the heartiast co-operation of Mr. Leon M. Allen, 258 Melrose aveall the organizations rnd officials who nue, left Tuesday for a three weeks' had been called upon to assist and be- business trip to California, accompanied cause of that family "get together" spir- by Mrs. Allen. it, inspired by the cause. -()Actuated by this spirit, the building Mrs. Irving Brown Babcock has is· was completed and furnished to the last sued invitations for a bridge-luncheoft detail, from the toys in the nursery and on Tuesday, January 29, at her home on ~he swines ·and sand box in that place Essex road. of memories, the backyard, to the stuc-oco on the walls, partly covered with Mrs. Mortimer B. Skinner of Wit. 1rowing vines, so rapidly, that it was mette was hostess at a reception at tbe dedicated on the fourth of June. Ouilmette Country club on Weclnesda1 This building stands today, dedicated, afternoon. not alone to the cause of "Better Homes -()-in America," but also to our mothers Mrs. I. C. Cope left Saturday fot wives, sisters and daughters, they wh~ Lake Wales, Pta., to be 10ne until the are our inspiration and our ,Wdes, for first of April whom we l1ve and work and, it the oeecl -orequires, die, and who join with "' all Dr. Louis Anspac:her, spoke to tbe in subscribing to those immortal words Neighbors on ThundaJ afternoon an of our beloved president "So far u this "The Modern Cultural Ideal." world knows or can vision, there is no -()-attainment more desirable than the hapThe Neighbors' Glee chtb will meet py and contented home." at the horne of Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp Cln Tuesday, at 12 o'clock. · PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Omittmg measles, there wete 10 000 fewer cases of communicable dise~ses reported in Illinois during 1923 than during the :rear before. This, says --o-the sta te d1rector of health, is 1 Dr. E. F. Snydac:k r ctf 1.Jel& : ~~6 splendid tribute .to else efficac7: of "u.t avenue. Jdt public h· alth service. America to be gone six week . p You Are Making A Mistake ea.-. Hfltn·

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