WILMETTE 1924 mber Music C;mcer-t at enilworth Club on · nday ADAME ELLA SPRAVKA, the pianist who plays with the trio whose program will be given on a f ternoon,. J anuary .27· at t he Club, ts an artist of rare She has had successf11t appear~ ;v~ ~.!1'=-' who were most enthusiastic in M r. t~nd t.lrs. 1£aroldl Et· SSpt indney enter.tained at nner as a ur ay evenmg at th~lr home, 91:1 Ash&nd avenue, honoring their sister, Mrs. 'Freet Spinney, ho left Sunday for an extended sojourn in California. --oA large . number of north shore alumnae and friends attended the dance given by the D'eJta Delta Delta .sorority alumnae at the Evanston Woman's club on Wednesday evening: The Kenilworth Club has issued inThe Depar..- of Art and l.ita~ vitations . to the parents a:nd children hare ·of the Nciglabo ·a mcc ill to see "The Great Laurant" (one of home oi Mrs. A. R Spach, 228 Leic:esthe world's greatest's magicians) and ter road, Thursday, February 14. Kn. company in a varied and elaborate Spach will apeak on "The Rdatioo of program combining magic, music and Modem MU!Iic to the Plastic Art." -o-fun, on Monday, January 28, at 7:30 --oMr. Henry Taylor, Jr., returned p.m. Mr. Jam(s Cherry, Abbottsford from Green Cove ~rings Florida -oroad, left Wednesday for Panama, early this week with a new ~nA large; . The Brotherhood of St. Andrews, where he wiU enter business. hat .. Mr. Taylor has been deep sea Church of the Holy Comforter, met --ofishmg and he brought home with him with Mr. William Terry OaskeJl of 224 The Bridge club met with Mrs. Rufus the honor of having caught the larg- Sheridan roaq on Monday of this week. B. Stolp on Tuesday of this week. est deep sea fish of the year a seventy-five pound sail fish. He ~!so bears the title of President of Deep Fishing in Miami. Of course he had ' to have a new hat. J We specialize in fpraise. ~rs. James Keith in introducing the arhs~, gave a very interesting resume of tile work do.n e at Park Ridge. m HIGH GRADE HOMES LOTS, ACRES and ESTATES From EVANSTON to LAKE FOREST List your property ~ith us and receive the benefit of our 40 years of North Shore Real Estate experience. A letter or telephone call will bring our represent.ative for a confidential discussion of your problem. 'edict Quinlan & Tyson FOUNTAIN SQUARE, EVANSTON Telephone Evanston 26(X) . Telephone Winnet~a 2199 Junior Girls' Wool Dresses and Coats Sizes$12-14-16 years To.be sold before inventory 1h OFF --o-Mr. Robert B. M. Wilson, who has been in Mexico for several months, has returned to .his home. 839 Park M iss Elise Warner, 1115 Ashlancl avenue, arrives home tomorrow from Champaign to spend the semester vacation period with her parents. --oMrs. T. M. Knox now of the Orrington hotel, formerly of 519 Forest avenue, left Sunday for a two month's trip through Panama and the West Indies. ' --o-' Mr. P. M. Binghant, 208 Wood court, at the advice of his physician, is taking a three weeks' rest at the Evaaston hospital. --o-Mrs. Herman Katz, 515 Central avenue, entertained at luncheon and mah jongg on Wednesday of last week. --o-Mrs. I. K. Stover, 1044 Ashland avenue. left last week for Troy, Ohio, to attend the wedding of her brother. -oMrs. George L. Martin, 1046 Elmwood avenue, spent last week-end with friends in Watseka·. Ill. --o-Mrs. Henry B. Gates of Evanston, is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Moulton in Fort Smith, Ark. --oMrs. R. H . Palenske, 226 Tenth street, has been ill with influenza. --o-- This price applies to all our regular line of girls' coats and wool dresses in the Junior range. The Coats, many of which are fur trimmed, come in a variety of weighty materials and attractive colorings, while the qresses are made for the most part of serges, wool crepes and twills in tan, brown or blue. · Shoes .· and: Oxfords Hats $1.95 Now for Junior .Girls To $6.00 for To $12.00 -Kenilworth Happeaiags The concert given at the home of Mrs. Mark Cresap Monday evening, by Marie Morrisey (Mrs. Roy Keith) prima donna contralto, was a pronounced success both artistically and financially. The proce~ds are to go ~o the Park Ridge School for Girls, :md the Neighbors feel most grateful to Mme. Morrisey in that she so kindly gave her services for this benefit. Mme. Morrisey who is a well known Edison record artist, samf a number of groups most artistically. She has a most attractive and magnetic presence and ca1:turcd her aud:- 20% Discount ·Junior Girls CARROLL RIDGWAY