Northbrook Resident Begins *-^ 2 From Shore Will Speak Robert F Smith to Aid Firm Robert has Rnhorl F. F Smith "Smith of n( Wilmette WilmpHp has been named assistant to the corporation president of Victor Comptometer Corp. and will handle special assignments out of the Chicago firm's Elyria, 0., office. Before becoming assistant to the president, Mr. Smith was president of the Golf Equipment Group, the firm's Morton Grove branch. He requested the reassignment so he - 26th Year With Harris Trust Gregg A. Hunter of Northbrook recently completed 25 years' service with the Harris Trust and Savings Bank of Chicago. He joined the bank Sept. 15, 1941, after graduation from Lawrence College in Appleton, Wis. At that time, one of his interviewers commented, "He looks like a steady, plodding type who will do a satisfactory job." Now Vice President The "steady plodder" is now vice president of division "D" of the banking department's metropolitan group. Mr. Hunter was called into the Army shortly after joining the firm, but returned to his job in March, 1946. He also enrolled in night classes at the Chicago-Kent College of Law and received his law degree in 1951. He joined the commercial banking department in 1954 and was elected assistant cashier in 1953, assistant vice president in 1956, and vice president in 1961. Member of Bar A member of the Illinois and Chicago bar associations, he also has taught business finance in Northwestern University's night school. Mr. Hunter and his wife, Betty, have four children, Susan, 16; Barbara, 13; Robert, 11; and David, 9. Gas Trade Unit Elects Brandt Two North Shore educators of handicapped children will speak at the convention of the Illinois Council for Exceptional Children this weekend in Peoria. They are James Mooney, chief psychologist for the Northern Suburban Special Education District, and Mrs. Barbara Glicken, who teaches a class of perceptually handicapped children for the district at Avoca East School. "Countdown Minus Three" is the theme of the convention, which will focus on a new law requiring all Illinois School districts to have programs for their handicapped children by 1969. To provide programs for handicapped children on the North Shore, 23 North Shore school districts have co-operated to form the special Bert A. Getz of Winnetka has education district, headquartered in been elected a director of Upper Glenview. Avenue National Bank of Chicago. Mr. Getz, 17 L o n g m e a d - Area Woman Finishes ow Rd., is vice president and di- Army Basic Training Pvt. Patricia A. Buckler, daughrector of The ter of the Edward F. Bucklers, 2413 Globe Corp. in Leslie A. Brandt of Glenview has Chicago and a di- Meadow Dr., completed eight been elected second vice president rector of the weeks of basic training Sept. 30 at of the American Gas Association. First National the Women's Army Corps Center M M ^ M r . Brandt, ]§Mk Bank and Trust at Ft. McClellan, Ala. ' 1240 Westview ?i ^Tm I Co. of Belvidere, Rd., is president ' I Water Treatment MOVE TO WINNETKA £ of the Peoples TM Corp. of Rockford Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Buesch , Gas Light and and Modern Wa- and their daughter, Catherine, 4 Mr. Getz Coke Co. of Chimonths old, have moved to 896-A ter Equipment Co. of Freeport. cago. He joined The University of Michigan grad- Linden Av., Winnetka, from Spring. the firm as an a c countant in uate is a member of the Glen View field, 111. Mr. Buesch is studying for 1934 and was ap- Club in Golf, Chicago Yacht Club, his master's degree at Northwestpointed assistant and the Chicago Executives and ern University, and is also teaching a sophomore German course there. I to the vice presi- Chicago Farmers clubs. Mr. Brandt dent in 1945, director of employee relations in 1946, vice president in 1952, comptroller in 1957, and president in 1961. The University of Michigan graduate also is a director and vice president of the Chicago Illinois Western Rd., board chairman of North Shore Gas Co., president of Peoples Development Inc., a director of Peoples Gas, Natural Gas Pipeline Co., and a trustee of the Illinois Institute of Technology. could make his r-nnlr) malrp his home hnmp in in Ohio, Ohio where he lived before joining the Victor Comptometer Corp. Mr. Smith, 1616 Sheridan Rd., became president of Victor's Golf Equipment Group in 1962 when the firm acquired the Worthington Ball Co. in Elyria. He became Worthington's president as part of a merger of Comptometer Corp. into the Victor Adding Machine Co. in 1961. President Winnetkan Elected Director of Bank r This month, Borg-Warner will get you off to a good start with Free Anti-Freeze with every Winter weather Tune-Up. W e don't have to tell you how much a fresh tune-up and proper anti-freeze will help get your car going on crackling cold mornings. With each tune-up, we'll install a famous brand permanent anti-freeze . . . enough to protect your car's engine and cooling system down to 2 0 ° below . . . absolutely FREE! C a l l your convenient B o r g - W a r n e r S e r v i c e C e n t e r t o d a y . Y ou can rely on B o r g - W a r n e r . . .the Transmission Specialists with a r e p u t a t i o n f o r honest, e f f i c i e n t automotive service. Short of cash? W e honor American Express or Diners C lub credit cards . . . or ask about our on-the-spot budget plan. Winnetkan Named Division Director By Medical Group Charles S. Lauer of Winnetka has been appointed director of industry relations for the management services division of the American Medical Association. A graduate of * Middlebury (Vt.) College, he was Eastern advertis·^Pv ing manager for ^ ¾ ¾ ^ W all the associaH ^ t t i o n 's publicaM fli tions before beMr. Lauer coming advertising director in 1964. Mr. Lauer, 1092 Oak St., will continue as director of advertising with the additional duties of raising funds for the American Medical Association Education and Research Foundation. ATTENDS SEMINAR E. Keith Skalla of Winnetka, general agent for the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. in Chicago, recently attended a seminar in Hartford, Conn. Mr. Skalla lives at 261 Linden St. 78 If Thomas Jefferson moved to Chicago, he'd buy a homesite in Inverness Thomas Jefferson would feel right at home here. He'd be irresistibly drawn to the rolling Inverness countryside so reminiscent of his own Virginia estate. He'd be pleased with the superb architectural details of gracious Inverness homes that faithfully reflect the classic traditional design he created for his own Monticello. And as a gentleman who knew how to enjoy his leisure, he'd delight in the private stables and miles of tree-shaded bridle paths, the private 18-hole golf course and swimming pool, and the community house with a 5-acre playfield. If you'd like to get away from "postage stamp" lots, uninspired, mass-produced homes and jammed recreational facilities, drive out to magnificent Inverness. All homesites are an acre or more and start at $10,000. Our historic 4-Silo Office is open daily on Baldwin Road just west of Northwest Highway (Rte. 14) between Palatine and Barrington. Convenient to Northwest Tollway (north from Rte. 53 exit). A few prestige homes are available due to transfers FREE ANTI-FREEZE WITH WINTER WEATHER TUNE-UP Offer expires October 31, 1966. H $ 1 0 . 9 5 plus parts (6 cyl. engines) H * 1 4 . 9 5 plus parts (8 cyl. engines) All right, Borg-Warner, where is that LEvanston Service^ B-W I nverncss M A G N I F I C E N T H O M E S I T E S Center? 1801 C E N T R A L S T R E E T , E V A N S T O N P H O N E : 328-8889 Arthur T. M c i n t o s h & C o m p a n y 105 W. Madison St. · Chicago, Illinois 60602 · FR 2-2040 Inverness Office Phones: FL 9-1776 or 9-1851 Area Code 312 automotive service centers BQRGlrWARNER October 20, 1966