Regulations To' establish credit an applicant who is unknown to the Company 1:S required to make an advance payment for not to exceed three months' service. Where the cost of installation is out of proportion to the exchange revenue it produces, the subscriber will be required to pay a reasonable proportion of such cost, Following the acceptance of the Company of an application for service, the Company assigns a telephone number, but this number is not a part of the contract and may be changed at any time at the discretion of the Company. Under average conditions the Company requires ten days to arrange for and complete an order to install or move a telephone. To guard against interference with the service unauthorized attachments with the telephone lines or ihstruments are prohibited. For any complete failureof service, of which notice in writing has been sent to the Company's Business Office, and which has continued for more than twenty-four hours thereafter, an abatement of the contract charge shall be made for the period of such interruption. Thecontinuous useof a party line is limited to five minutes. Party line subscribers are necessarily associated on the line with others located nearest to them and using the same class of service. Mutual accommodations usual in public service of any kind, 'where two or more persons are jointly concerned, should be extended between party line users. Where the service of a subscriber is temporarily discontinued and the telephone number is retained during absence on vacation, one-half the regular rental shall be charged, during such period, provided written notice of the temporary discontinuance of service is given to the Company in advance. Bills are rendered once a month, to cover (a) one month's charges for local exchange service in advance, and (b) toll and other charges in arrears. Bills are payable at the office of the Company. If not paid on or before the fifteenth day after issuance of the bill, written notice calling attention to that fact will be sent to the subscriber; after which action the service may be discontinued, without further notice, if a settlement of the account is not made by the seventh day. When settlement of the bill is made before telephone instruments have been removed from the premises, service will be restored upon payment of the following restoral of service charge: a. If service has been suspended one way only $0.50 h. If service has been suspended both ways .........................· 1.00 Measured Service, where furnished, is billed on a monthly period guarantee basis, the bill for each period to cover (a) the guaranteed charges for one month in advance, and (b) additional messages and toll in arrears. Failure to use the minimum guaranteed number of messages in any monthly period, or the use of messages in excess of such number, does not entitle the subscriber to any allowance in any other monthly period. One incoming line (one-way service) furnished only for each individual two-way fiat rate line or two-way trunk line. Not more than two joint users will be allowed on P. B. X. or individual line service; and not more than one joint user in connection with a partyline subscriber. Four Party. Service is furnished only where at least two subscribers within the limits of a single block apply for such service, or there is a vacancy on an existing circuit. Two-party service beyond the established exchange area will be furnished only where two parties outside said area, but within one-quarter mile of each other, apply for service at the twoparty rate. Four-party service beyond the-established exchange area will be furnishedonlywhenatIeast three parties outside said area, who ar-e within a radius of one-quarter mile of each other, apply for the service at the four-party rate. Rural Service is furnished only where at least two subscribers are secured for each one mile of line built. OwnersHip of F"acilities All facilities provided by the Telephone Company, including directories, remain the property of the Company and are subject to the following regulations: Foreign Equipment.-No apparatus or appliance not furnished by the Telephone Company shall be attached to or used in connection with the facilities furnished by the Company. Oirectories.- Telephone directories containing the listings of subscribers, issued from time to time by the Telephone Company free of cost, are and remain the property of the Telephone Company. They shall not be mutilated and shall be surrendered tothe carrier who delivers thesubsequent issue. No binder, holder or auxiliary cover except such as may be furnished by or with the consent of the Telephone Company, ~hall be used in connection with any telephone directory furuished by the Telephone Company, ~-......;.------------,-;,----------