GENERAL INFORMATION =AND= INSTRUCTIONS TO TELEPHONE USERS TELEPHONE NUMBERS.-Each subscriber's telephone is designated by a numberplaced at the left of his name. It is imperative that subscribers call by number (not name) to avoid error and delay. Always use the current telephone directory to obtain the correct numbers. THE INFORMATION OPERATOR WILL FURNISH on request NUMBERS of new subscribers NOT LISTED and who have had service installed after this directory was printed; or of numbers which have been changed. HOW TO USE THE TELEPHONE.-A local message is a communication not exceeding five minutes' duration between subscribers' stations within the same exchange area. To call the Exchange Office, take the hand telephone from the hook and place at the ear. (If the telephone has a crank attachment for signaling Central, give two quick turns of the crank before removing the hand telephone from the hook.) The Operator will say "Number, please?" Give the exchange name and number of the. subscriber wanted, and the operator will repeat them to avoid mistakes. Remain with the telephone at the ear until an answer is received. If the desired line is busy the busy signal (an interrupted buzzing noise) or the operator 'will notify you of that fact. This means that the line called for is in use. Always hang up the hand telephone when through talking and if the telephone has a crank attachment, give two quick turns of the crank to notify the operator to disconnect. HOW TO ANSWER A TELEPHONE CALL.-Remove the hand telephone from the hook and give your own humber, as f'or example "This is Main 294" (or whatever the number may be.) This will immediately Inform the person ca.Iling l"~ ·.·· c desired connection has been established. REPORT TROUBLE.---;When the line or instrument is out of order, notify the Manager or Chief Operator of your Exchange. If the trouble is not remedied within twenty-four hours, kindly send notice in writing to A. S. Hibbard, General Manager, 203 Washington St., Chicago, Illinois. A TOLL MESSAGE.-Is a communication to a telephone beyond the limits of your local exchange system, but within the area in which the Company operates. A Long Distance Message is a communication to a telephone outside of the area in which the Company operates. The Company's employees must not undertake to transmit or deliver verbal or written messages for patrons. Toll or Long Distance rates are for messages of three minutes or less. A charge is' made for each additional minute or fraction thereof. TO MAKE A TOLL OR LONG DISTANCE CALL.-Call for "Long Distance" and when the Long Distance Operator answers, give the name of the town, and exchange name and number, when known, and the name and address, or the necessary information to identify the party desired. ,The operator will make the connection and will call you to the telephone. TO MAKE COLLECT CALLS.-Toll or Long Distance messages can be sent collect, provided the person receiving a' collect message agrees to allow the same to be charged to him. Request to have the charges made against the party called for, should be made at the time the call is given to the 'I'oll or Long Distance Operator. COLLECTIONS.-Settlements for service' are due upon receipt of bills rendered about the first of each month. Payment should always be made before the 15th of each month at the Local Exchange Office. Checks should be made payable to the Chicago Telephone ComJpany. Subscribers are urged to settle their accounts before they become delinquent to avoid suspension of service and inconvenience to other patrons._ ORDER TO MOVE TELEPHONE.-If you wish to have telephone moved, please FILL OUT the order below and mail to MANAGER of your Exchange, or No. 203 Washington Street, Chicago, at least ten days before date removal is desired. NOTE.-Thirty days' notice is necessary for removal between April 15th and May 15th. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY: Please move telephone (prefix) (No.): ..................· from ; day of to . /' on the ·........................... , 190.. , or as near that date as possible under the regulations printed on opposite page. The subscriber promises to make payment as follows: For each line and telephone change of address $5.00; change of location in same premises, $2.50. Private exchauge switchboard on esttmate. Accepted: CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY . . . . . , ......·........·....... Subscrlber, By ...............·.·......................... Contract Agent 3 Date