W e Reproduce O u r Series O n Suburban Problems 16 Articles That Examined Your Community §W§ M 3%. %f I Km I M I %m IVI M% WW S T A R T I N G November 7, 1963, and ending A p r i l 2, 1964, the Hollister Newspapers presented a 16-article series on the major problems facing North Shore communities. The series, which opened and closed with editorials, is reprinted here. The problems range from the growing difficulty of getting to work in the city to the increasing lack of space for disposing of garbage; from the need of a bigger tax base to help support open, residential nature of our villages. A major cause of these problems is a surge in suburban population, due to birth and migration. Experts predict that by 1980 the North Shore's population will have more than doubled the I960 figure. Northfield Township, with vacant and unincorporated land still left, is expected to see its population triple. New Trier Township, more densely settled, will nonetheless see a 25-percent population increase, the experts forecast. Jerilyn Ellis and Martha Cleveland, whose talents are familiar to regular readers of our papers, did the bulk of the research for the series. It was the most exhaustive undertaken by these newspapers. They spent more than 1,000 hours interviewing government officials and private experts and studying piles of pamphlets, books, and charts. Supporting them were the staffs of the five H o l ballooning school enrollments to the strong challenge to the lister Newspapers. Our reporters supplied an areawide background for problems which do not recognize village boundaries. A t the same time, their daily contact with local officials and residents helped us focus on the local nature and importance of the problems. The series already has won a $500 national award for the best weekly newspaper coverage of metropolitan transportation problems in 1964. The prize was presented by the American Trucking Association Foundation and Trailmobile, Inc., which conduct an annual contest on transportation coverage by the various media. The cover of this reprint issue was used on the November 7, 1963, issues of all Hollister Newspapers. As a service to our readers, we present the articles in a durable booklet that may be filed easily for reference. The booklet is worth saving, for the problems discussed in it will be the key issues facing the North Shore in the next decade.