Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 May 1937, p. 72

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7 2 W I L M E T T E LIFE M a y 13, 1937 BRING BUSINESS PERSONAL R E S E R V A T I O N S NOW Sphin^ T O Y O U R H O U S E BUSINESS SERVICE LANDSCAPE SERVICE L A N D S C A P E DESIGNING CONSTRUCTION - R E M O D E L I N G Established 18 Years on North Shore PAINTING AND DECORATING Harp f@E j Mra© Headquarters AWNINGS, CANOPIES, VENETIAN Blinds and Window Shades--59c up. CEIL. CALC. $2 U P B A T H R O O M E N A M E L E D , $6 U P ; kitchen enameled, $7 up; 5 floors washed and varnished, $10; rooms papered, $6 up; outside painting reasonable. Well recommended. M U R P H Y & I. SKOLNIK, WIL. 4859 42LTNl-ltp Winnetka 1171 REASONABLE 16LTN51-4tp COMPLETE MAINTENANCE MAR Y A L A N H O K A N S O N TNI. 0159 WELDING, BOILER SERVICE 5LTNl-ltc E L E C T R I C welding, automobile machine shop and parts jobbers. MERRELL STRING TRIO. KATE LAWNS A SPECIALTY Alice Merrell, Doris Briggs, Helen Nursery Stock Stone Work Winstrom. Wedding music & incidental Fertilizers Sprinklers P H O N E K E N I L W O R T H 280-820 music for teas, etc Reas Call Uni. 2845. Black Dirt Tree Surgery 16LTN31-26tp 5LTNl-4tp Seed Driveways 2323 Lake Avenue, Phone: Wilmette 561 AWNINGS 33A-LTN50-ltc R E P A I R W O R K A N D CONTRACTING. F R E E ESTIMATES. L A W N WORK--RE-DESIGNING OLD E D W I N B. K 1 E F E R gardens and transplanting your shrubs, 453 J E F F E R S O N , G L E N C O E 117 AWNINGS -- V E N E T I A N BLINDS trees and evergreens; Flagstone walks, 16LTN52-26tp dry walls and terraces. Complete line of A Complete Service. 417 Green Bay Road nursery stock and garden supplies. Soli, OPTOMETRISTS W I L M E T T E 989 sod, manure, grass seed, fertilizers and 5A-LTN52-4tp baled Peat Moss. OPTOMETRIST 35 yrs. experience. Eyes fitted properly. TROPICAL AND GOLD FISH Broken lenses replaced, frames repaired. Landscape Designers--Contractors Evanston Winnetka 156 Center St. 804 Elm St. Winnetka 3671 627 Grove St. Winnetka 2450 NOW R E A D Y F O R OUTDOOR PONDS. 17A-LTN35-tfc Greenleaf 4040 33A-LTN45-10tc Hyacinths, Lilies, Scavengers. Macdonald s, 1504 Sherman Gre. 8832 CARPETS AND FURNITURE CLEANING SA-LTNl-ltp Y®OT Wsddnimg The Sun Shade Company 8-10 Carlton Court L. J. T H A L M A N N PAVLIK BROTHERS PLASTERING SAVE MONEY!!! BY USING GOOD M A T E R I A L . I S P E cialize in home decorating and outside painting, with good material and neat workmanship at very reasonable prices. Phone Niles Center 199-W. H . Mockus. 42LTN52-3tp Paul H . Gathercoal Co. F R E D I. B R O B E R G C O M P L E T E PAINTINGDECORATING SERVICE Old floor made like new with electrical dustless machine. 1429 Lunt--Briargate 1061. 42LTN45-tfo O. D U R K O O P & SONS W I L L I A M W E E R S & CO. GOLD FISH--5c EA. J O S E P H F. K U S S Painting and Decorating G L E N C O E 1512 42LTN52-4tp BICYCLES WILMETTE & WINNETKA B I C Y C L E & SPORT SHOPS BICYCLES-- ·For rent ·Repaired ·New & Rebuilt SPORTING GOODS-- ·Tennis Rackets Restrung ·Fishing Supplies Lawn mowers sharpened F R E E PICK U P & D E L I V E R Y 607 Green Bay Rd. Wilmette 1404 564 Center St. Winnetka 1404 14B-LTNl-ltp SPECIAL NOW 25% D%(g ®Minii!; PAINTING A N D INTERIOR DECORComplete Service ating. 1224 Washington Ave.--WilT R E E SURGERY SPRAYING mette 2751. 42LTNl-4tp We also have trained men for LANDSCAPING W. E . E R I C K S E N Oriental and Domestic Rugs Cleaning and Repairing MAINTENANCE We design and construct all types of E. N E L S O N Painting & Interior Decorating W I L M E T T E 1891 42LTNl-4tp EVANSTON CARPET C L E A N I N G Co. L. H . K O S H G A R I A N , Mgr. 33 Years on the North Shore 1913 Church St. Est. 1906 Uni. 0277 19A-LTNl-ltp STONE W O R K Nels Anderson U08 A S H ST. CLOCK REPAIRING GIRLS' A N D BOYS' CLOCKS E X P E R T , CHIME, H A L L , Tree Feeding--Black Soil--Fertilizer USED BICYCLES--$10 & U P PAINTING A N D D E C O R A T I N G . 20 antique clock repairing. Learned trade A L L WORK GUARANTEED G L E N C O E B I C Y C L E SHOP years on the North Shore. Winnetka in Europe. (Formerly with Tiffany and 799 Foxdale Winnetka 3690 708 Vernon Ave., Glencoe 57 3328 or Greenleaf 2094. 42LTNl-ltp 33A-LTN52-2tp 14B-LTN52-4tc Field's.) Will call. Free estimate. David Johansson, phone Graceland 3846. PIANO TUNING 20LTN42-12tp LANDSCAPE MATERIALS BUILDING AND CONTRACTING B L A C K DIRT, 4 YD. LOAD, $1.50 Y D . FARM PRODUCE Straw, fertiizer, peat moss, lime, etc. E X P E R T PIANO TUNING, $3. R E pair work guaranteed. 22 years' facW E B U I L D B E T T E R D R I V E W A Y S tory experience. H . C. Thomas, 206 Columbia Ave. Park Ridge 1477. FOR INFANTS A N D S P E C I A L DIETS 45LTN50-4tp Winnetka 201 P H O N E G L E N V I E W 316 G U Y VITI, HIGHWOOD 3933. 215 24LTN52-2tp 33A-DTNl-ltp PIANO TUNING A N D R EPAIRING Everts place. Call evenings 6 to 7. All work guaranteed LAUNDRY 15LTN52-4tp Thomas Lockerbie Wilmette 822 GARDENING T U N E R , W I L M E T T E P U B . SCHOOLS BUILDING AND REPAIR 45LTN50-4tp Will call and deliver. VIGORO Wilmette 3479. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS P E A T MOSS 34LTNl-ltp MILORGANITE TYPING DONE A T HOME LAWN SEED W E DO W E T W A S H : R O U G H DRY. STENOGRAPHY. REAS. RATES G A R D E N TOOLS A special price on family wash. BRICK A N D C E M E N T W O R K CALL AND DELIVER We call for and deliver. T U C K POINTING MISS K A N E W I N N E T K A 3185 Phone Wilmette 3687 H. H A R T W E L L W I N N E T K A 286 4 47LTN52-4tp W I N N E T K A 843 34LTN51-4tp 15A-LTN49-tfc 735 E L M ST. 27LTN51-3tp RADIO SERVICE PAINTING AND DECORATING A L F R E D LINNIG Landscape Service Expert W I N N E T K A 456 PAINTING A N D D E C O R A T I N G . 1ST class work. Reasonable prices. Free 33A-LTN47-9W estimates. Write B-158, Box 60, Wilmette, 111., or call Austin 0461. 42LTN52-4tp G. O. F R O B E R G S E W E R , W A T E R PIPES, DOWNSPOUTS, DRAINS GOAT M I L K BLOW & KLOEPFER GARDEN SUPPLIES Laundry to Take Home M A S O N CONTRACTOR Flagstone Boulders ECKART'S HARDWARE B L A C K DIRT JOSEPH KNEIP C E M E N T A N D MASON C O N T R A C T O R F E R T I L I Z E R SEED P E A T MOSS Specializing -- Waterproofing Basements Everything for the garden. 1714 Washington Ave. Wilmette 2618 15A-LTNl-4tp L A N D S C A P I N G -- W I N N E T K A 456. W I L L I A M R. WILSON 27LTN47-9tp Carpenter and repairs. Additions, A l C O M P L E T E G A R D E N S E R V I C E BY terations. Porches, screens, garages, overhead doors, brick, stone, and cement D A Y OR C O N T R A C T . B E S T R E F work. Ph. Wil. 4944. 15A-LTN51-4tD E R E N C E S . REASONABLE PRICES. F R E E ESTIMATES. EVERGREENS, SHRUBS, A N D F E R T I L I Z E R . WINBUSINESS SERVICE N E T K A 3858. 27LTN47-tfc GUTTERS SPOUTS ROOFING W E C A R R Y A L A R G E STOCK O F water lilies, aquatic plants and gold fish for your pool at reasonable prices. HEATING VENTILATING A. Jelinek, 2840 N. Kedzie, Chicago. INSTALLATION, REPAIRS Bel. 7137. 27LTNl-2tp NELS ANDERSON CEILING C A L C , $2.50 U P months on June 1. This is your last Sanitas and canvasimj work. Rm. wall chance to get R E A L radio service. Will paper cleaned, $1.50; bathroom en- resume work in August. ameled, $6 up; kitchen painted, $7 up. Service calls $1. 5 rms. firs, wshd., varnished, $10. Out- Lee S. Fetcher Winnetka 2454 side pntg., pches., $15. Windows, 75c. 50LTN52-4tc Stucco finish done reas. Refs. Free est. Mat'l turn. REPAIRING AND REFINISHING . YOUR LAST CHANCE to get E X P E R T radio service. Paint, Paper, 5 Rms., $40 Up Doctor's orders, I must go away for 2 Melvin Skolnik WH. 3413 42LTNl-ltp SHEET METAL WORK C. J. B O R R E CEIL. C A L C , $2 U P ROOM P A P E R E D , $5 ; R M . W A L L paper cleaned, $1; we do any kind of decorating, very reasonably. Kitchen painted, $7 up ; bathroom enameled, $6 up. Also, outside painting, very reasonable. Well recommended. LOUIS WINN. 258 W I L . 3503 42LTNl-ltp C FOR B E A U T I F U L FLOORS Table top Finish A. LINDSTROM--WIL. 1723 Resurfacing and Reflnishing 51LTNl-ltc TREE SURGERY Phone 3 C U . YDS., $5 ; 5 C U . YDS , $8. G. Anderson, 435 Ridge Rd., Wil. 452 27LTN52-4tp WICKER F U R N I T U R E A N D REFRIG- E X P E R T T R E E SERVICE BY P R E M Thornhill. See ad under 'Tree Surerators our specialty. We use lacquer 27Ll-ltp that dries in 30 minutes. Can be done gery. in your home. Winnetka 3185. SHRUBBERY AND PLANTS 16LTNl-3tp REDUCING S U R P L U S STOCK O F GUARANTEED SERVICE gladioli bulbs at less than wholesale Sewing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners and prices while stock lasts, 75c per hd. ; $5 ' Radios. A l l makes. Free E s t per M. Iris for landscaping, $5 per hd. BLISS E L E C T R I C S E R V I C E NORTHBROOK GARDENS 604 Dempster St. Unl. 6680, Gre. 7177 Phone Northbrook 160 16LTN48-UC 28LTN51-4tn Wil. 4059 16LTN47-8tD B L A C K SOIL PAINT S P R A Y I N G T R E E SERVICE PRUNING, S P R A Y I N G , F E E D I N G , bracing, surgery. Dead or hazardous trees removed. 20 years' experience. PREM-THORNHILL WIL. 1351 55A-Ll-ltp UPHOLSTERY AND REPAIRS INTERIOR A N D E X T E R I O R Reasonably priced. Work guaranteed. No job is too small or too large. Est. given free of charge. Best materials Opp. Wilmette Postoffice Wilmette 3484 used. We mention no prices in our ad Custom-built furniture. Expert but we give you actual low price. furniture repairing and reflnishing. M. Lazar Wilmette 2317 Antiques a specialty. Caning, rushing. 42LTN50-4tp | 58LTN52-4tp Painting and Decorating The Village Wood Shop

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